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Captain Thomas Burgh faid, that it was for want of providing for grants that the great national debt was incurred.

Mr. Longfield faid, that this was a great and heavy tax on the trade of the kingdom, and could not be confidered in any other light than a new duty. He faid the ftriking off the allowance was a heavy tax on the merchant, and therefore ought not to be agreed to.

Mr. Pelham faid, it did not affect fugars, fpirits or wines, these allowances being already ftruck off thofe articles.

Mr. Longfield faid, this duty was entirely a furprize on the Houfe, and that it would have been candid in administration to have given a day or two notice of it.

The queftion being put, the motion paffed without a divifion. The Attorney General then moved, that an additional duty of 21. 10s. per hundred weight be laid on all steel, iron and steel wire, imported into this kingdom.

Mr. Hartley declared, that this being a duty for the protection of our manufactures, it should have his hearty concurrence.Paffed nem. con.-Adjourned.


Sir Hercules Langrishe prefented a petition from the committee appointed to enquire into the petition of the brewers and distillers, fetting forth the high price of malt, and praying for an addrefs to his Majefty, to lay on an embargo to prevent the exportation of malt for a limited time.

Mr. Hartley prefented a petition of the woollen and worsted manufacturers of the city and liberties of Dublin, fetting forth their diftreffes, occafioned by foreign nations being permitted to pour into this country their manufactures, and to draw from us our raw materials, effentially neceffary for the fupport of our own, and praying that the House will grant fuch duties as will effectually protect our manufactures, and prevent the exportation of our raw material.

Sir Edward Newenham prefented a petition of the journeymen hatters of the county and city of Dublin, and their diftreffed brethren throughout Ireland, fetting forth their grievances, arifing from the exportation of our raw materials of rabbits fur and rabbits fkins furred, carried on to Britain duty free, and from thence to France, whereby France can fupply the American markets, while the poorer fort of people here are precluded from purchafing the manufacture of their country, owing to the exorbitant price raw materials bear, and which at this time has fo drained this country,

that there is not stuff enough to employ the artificers, and that English hats imported run on an average of 50l. per cent. against the exportation of our wrought manufacture into Britain, and that they conceive that a duty, not more than three nor lefs than two fhillings in the pound on the exportation of rabbits fur, and not lefs than two nor more than five fhillings per dozen on rabbits fkins furred, and an equalizing duty on all hats, would effectually relieve petitioners, and praying relief by fuch protecting duties as aforefaid.

Referred to a committee of ways and means.

A bill, entitled an act for the relief of his Majesty's subjects in cafes of frivolous or illegal arrefts, was prefented to the Houfe and read the first time, and ordered to be read the fecond time on this day fe'nnight.

Counsellor James Fitzgerald moved for leave to bring in a bill for fetting afide erroneous judgments. He faid that this was a bill which would materially fucure the property of the subject; that it would caufe an intermediate ftate between the judgments of the court and the appeal to the House of Lords. That in England the opinions of the twelve judges were taken before the final appeal. In Ireland the decifions of the court of exchequer were brought into the exchequer chamber before the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Juftice of the court of common pleas, and the Lord Chief Juftice of the king's bench, where cafes are argued at great expence to the parties. He did not mean to interfere with the jurifdiction of any of the courts; his idea was to have the opinion of twelve judges in cafes of difficulty.

Sir Samuel Bradstreet faid, the fubject deferved confideration; and he therefore feconded the motion. Leave granted.

Mr. Molyneux obferved, that there was an Hon. Gentleman who promised to bring on an enquiry into the fund for the maintenance of the provincial regiments. This brought up the Hon. Mr. Brown, who faid, if agreeable, he would have it on Monday.

The Right Hon. the Provost prefented a petition from the failcloth manufactory at Cork. He faid, fail-cloth made there was of a fuperior quality to any other, and deferved encouragement; more efpecially as that manufacture was of great fervice to the navy of Great Britain, and the trade of the two kingdoms fhould be kept on a balance. That he should urge this point while there was a fingle man in the Houfe; and now that our trade was free, every thing which tended to increase the navy of Ireland ought to receive encouragement. He alfo prefented a petition from the woollen manufacturers of the city of Cork. The petition

fet forth, that the manufacturers and their families were in very diftreffed circumftances.

Received, and referred to the committee of trade, appointed to take into confideration the state of the manufacturers.

The Right Honourable John Fofter, according to order, reported from the committee of the whole Houfe, to whom it was referred to confider of ways and means for raifing the fupply granted to his Majesty, the refolutions which the committee had directed him to report to the House, which he read in his place, and after delivered in at the table, where the fame were read.

And the queftion being thereupon feverally put, they were agreed to by the House, and are as follow:

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that towards raifing the fupply granted to his Majefty, the feveral additional and other rates, duties and impofitions herein after mentioned, shall be raised, levied, collected and paid to his Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, from the 25th day of December, 1783, to the 25th day of March, 1785, inclufive,

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 25. the barrel for and upon every thirty-two gallons of beer or ale, above the price of 6s. the barrel, and of 4. the barrel for and upon every thirty-two gallons of beer or ale of the price of 6s. the barrel, or under, brewed within this kingdom between the 25th day of December, 1783, and the 25th day of March, 1785, by any common brewer, or in his veffels by any other perfon or perfons who doth, or do, or shall fell or tap out beer or ale publicly or privately, fuch gallon to contain, two hundred and feventy-two cubical inches, and one-fourth part of a cubical inch, be paid by the common brewer, or by fuch other perfon or perfons refpectively who fhall brew, fell or tap out the fame, and so proportionably for a greater or less quantity.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a duty be laid on all beer, ale and porter which fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, after the rate of 4. 1d. for every thirty-two gallons, and fo in proportion for any greater or lefs quantity, to be paid down in ready money net, without discount or allowance, and to be in lieu and full fatisfaction of all duties, cufioms and excife payable thereon by any act or acts of parliament heretofore made in this kingdom.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 10d. per gallon for and upon every gallon of aqua vitæ, firong waters or fpirits made or diftilled within the kingdom for fale, be paid by the firft maker or diftiller thereof during the time aforefaid,

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 8. per gallon be laid upon every gallon of brandy, ftrong waters and fpirits perfectly made, and of fpirits made and diftilled of wine not above proof, that shall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, and fo proportionably for a greater or lefs quantity; and for every gallon of foreign fpirits, above the quantity of fingle fpirits, that fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, an additional duty fhall be paid for fuch fpirits, and fhall be charged thereon in proportion to the duties payable for fingle fpirits of the fame denomination, according to the comparative degree of ftrength which fuch fpirits fo to be imported fhall bear to fingle fpirits of the fame denomination.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a further additional duty of 10d. per gallon be laid on all rum or other fpirits of the growth and produce of his Majefty's fugar colonies in America, which shall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a further additional duty of 15. 8d. per gallon be laid on all brandy, geneva and all other fpirits that fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, except fpirits of the growth and produce of his Majefty's fugar colonies in America, over and above all other duties now payable for the fame.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a duty of 6. be laid on every pound of green tea, and of 4. on every pound of black bohea tea and other teas which fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, in lieu and full fatiffaction of all custom, excife or other duties payable for the fame by any act or acts of parliament.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a further additional duty be laid on all teas imported into this kingdom which fhall have been purchased at the India Company's fales in London for an higher price than 4s. British, per pound, at the rate of id. per pound for every 6d, that thall be paid for the fame over and above the fum of 4s. British, at the fales above-mentioned, during the time aforefaid, the price of the teas to be inferted in the cockets, and to be further afcertained by a reference to the fale-books of the Eaft India Company, which the commiflioners of the revenue are required to procure from time to time for the purpose above-mentioned.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 6d. per yard be laid on all chintzes, callicoes and muflins, of the manufacture of China, Perfia and the EaftIndies, imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a further additional duty of 6d. be laid on every yard of callico and

muslin that shall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 1s. 64. per yard, be laid on all forts of filks and ftuffs made or manufactured in Perfia, China or the Eaft Indies, that fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 4. Sterling, per pound weight, be laid on all velvets and manufactures made of or mixed with filk, except thofe of Great Britain, China, Perfia and the Eaft-Indies, that shall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 3d. per pound weight, be laid on all coffee, chocolate and cocoa nuts that shall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that a further additional duty of 24. per pound, be laid on all coffee that fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 20s. Sterling, be laid on every hundred weight of molaffes; an additional duty of 20s. Sterling, on every hundred weight of treacle; an additional duty of 6d. per yard, on all foreign fluffs called romals, and all manufactures made of cotton, or of cotton and linen mixed, whether plain, painted or ftained, which fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, except the manufacture of Great Britain.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that the following additional duties be laid on all damask towelling, napkins or cloths made of flax or hemp imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid, not being of the manufacture of Great Britain; that is to fay, a duty of 6d. per yard on all fuch goods at or under yard wide, and of is. per yard on all fuch goods from one yard to eight quarters wide, and of 25. per yard on all fuch goods above eight quarters wide.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 1a. per pound weight, be laid upon all hops that fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid from Great Britain.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 15. per hundred weight be laid on all flour, meal, bread and bifcuit, except of the produce and manufacture of Great Britain, which fhall be imported into this kingdom during the time aforefaid.

Refolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, that an additional duty of 51. 6s. per tun be laid upon all forts of vine

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