Agile Software DevelopmentAddison-Wesley, 2002 - 278 páginas Written for developers and project managers, this book compares software development to a game. Team members play the game knowing that the ultimate goal is to win - always remembering what they have learned along the way, and always keeping in mind that they will never play the same way twice. Players must keep an open mind to different methodologies, and focus on the goal of developing quality software in a short cycle time. Based on a decade's work and research, and interviews with software project teams, this book presents sound advice for bringing difficult projects to successful conclusion with a minimum of stress. |
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Termos e frases comuns
Adaptive Software Development Addison-Wesley agile methodology Agile Software Development apply artifacts behavior Cockburn cooperative game cost create Crystal Clear Crystal Orange culture deliver described diagrams discussion documentation effective example experience Extreme Programming feedback Figure game of invention goal grammers gramming Highsmith ideas increment information radiators interview iteration Jim Highsmith Kent Beck language-games look meeting ment meth method methodol methodology design Object-Oriented odology pair programming person Personal Software Process practice principle problem project manager project team question reflection workshop regression tests requirements role situation skills Smalltalk Smalltalk programmers software development someone sponsors story strategy structure successful sweet spot tacit knowledge team lead team members techniques testers tests Theory Building View things Thoughtworks tion understanding unit tests user interface user stories whiteboard write