Abbildungen der Seite

sixty-nine, not drawn or made use of by the college, be and is CHAP. 180. hereby reappropriated, and that chapter eighty-nine of the resolves of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, be and is hereby repealed; provided, that before either of said sums is paid out of the treasury, there shall be vested in the state, a perfect title to the premises heretofore conveyed by the town of Orono, for the purposes of said college, the only condition of said conveyance being that if, at any time, the said land shall cease to be used for the purposes of said college, then the state shall pay to said town of Orono the sum of money heretofore expended by that town in the purchase of said premises, viz., eleven thousand dollars.

Approved March 19, 1870.

Chapter 180.

Resolves in favor of the Maine General Hospital.

Resolved, That all the right, title and interest of this state in and to the lot of land, not including the buildings thereon, situated on Bramhall's hill, in the city of Portland and county of Cumberland, being the present site of the state arsenal, is hereby granted to the Maine General Hospital, a corporation established by act of the legislature, passed February twenty-four, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, to have and to hold to said corporation for the purpose of erecting and maintaining thereon its hospital buildings; and when such land ceases to be so used, it shall revert to the state. But this grant shall not take effect until it is shown to the satisfaction of the governor that said corporation has raised by responsible private subscriptions or donations the sum of twenty thousand dollars; nor until the governor has certified on a copy of this resolve, certified by the secretary of state, that the above named condition precedent has been complied with; but when that is done, the grant shall take effect; and the recording of such certified copy, with the governor's certificate thereon, in the registry of deeds in the county of Cumberland, shall be sufficient record evidence thereof.

Resolved, That when said corporation has raised, received into its treasury, and actually expended towards the construction of its hospital buildings on said lot, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and this fact is shown to the satisfaction of the governor, he may draw his warrant on the treasurer of state for the sum of ten thousand dollars, in favor of said corporation, and payable to its treasurer; and when said corporation has so raised, received into its treasury and expended in the construction of its hospital build

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CHAP. 181. ings, the sum of ten thousand dollars more, or fifty thousand dollars in all, including the ten thousand from the state, and this fact is shown to the satisfaction of the governor, he shall draw his warrant on the treasurer of state for the sum of ten thousand dollars more in favor of said corporation and payable to its treasurer; and the sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated to carry into effect the purposes of this resolve, to be paid from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Approved March 19, 1870.

George Johnson, in favor of.

Chapter 181.

Resolve in favor of George Johnson.

Resolved, That there be paid from the treasury of the state, to George Johnson of Winterport, the sum of fifty dollars, semiannually, during the pleasure of the legislature, commencing January first, eighteen hundred and seventy.

Approved March 21, 1870.

Commission of three suitable persons authorized.

Jail system. Report to legislature.

Chapter 182.

Resolve providing a commission to inquire into the jail system of this state.

Resolved, That the governor, with the advice and consent of the council, is hereby authorized to appoint a commission of three suitable persons, whose duty shall be to examine into and investigate the present jail system of this state, and report to the next legislature what reform in the same, if any, may seem to them judicious and wise. The said examination and investigation shall be pursued in accordance with instructions to be given by the Compensation of governor and council, who shall also fix the compensation of the commissioners, and the governor shall draw his warrant for the payment of the same.



Approved March 21, 1870.

Appropriation in

favor of school in

Long Island plantation.

Chapter 183.

Resolves in favor of a common school in Long Island plantation. Resolved, That there is hereby appropriated out of the state treasury, annually, a sum of money not exceeding fifty dollars, in aid of a common school in Long Island plantation, south of Mount

Desert; provided, that said plantation shall raise by taxation or CHAP. 184. otherwise a like sum for the same purpose.

Supervision of

school and expen

diture of money.

Resolved, That the superintending school committee of the town of Tremont, shall have the supervision of said school, and shall superintend the expenditure of all money raised by said plantation for school purposes, together with the amount hereby appropriated, which amount they may draw from the state treasury by the warrant of the governor. They shall also make proper returns of all Returns of money money expended in the support of said school, with a statement of facts regarding the condition thereof to the state superintendent, on or before the first day of June annually.

Approved March 21, 1870.


Chapter 184.

Resolves relating to national military asylums.

WHEREAS, Large sums of money have been appropriated for the establishment and support of the national military asylums, and as apprehensions exist in the minds of many that such appropriations have not been judiciously expended, therefore

Resolved, That our senators and representatives in congress be requested to exert their influence in causing such examination and report to be made as will lead to a correct understanding as to the manner of expending such appropriations and conducting said asylums.

Approved March 21, 1870. .

Military asylums, to.

national, relating

Chapter 185.

Resolve to reimburse the town of Surry.

favor of.

Resolved, That there be paid out of the moneys of the treasury, Surry, town of, in not otherwise appropriated, the sum of seventy-five dollars, to the town of Surry, for money exepended by that town in behalf of the


Approved March 21, 1870.

Chapter 186.

Resolves in relation to the publication of the revised statutes.

Resolved, That as soon as may be after the close of the present session of the legislature, the governor and council are hereby

Revised statutes,

publication of.

CHAP. 187. authorized and directed to contract with the responsible person or persons, making the lowest bid, for the publication of the revised statutes of this state, together with the constitution thereof, the constitution of the United States, the repealing act, and such other additions as are necessary, in a style not inferior in printing, paper and binding, to that of the last edition of the revised statutes; and the person or persons with whom such contract is made, shall be required to supply the state with two thousand copies. The governor and council are hereby authorized to make said contract, upon such terms and conditions as they deem necessary for the interests of the state.

Contract, terms and conditions.

Copyright, secretary to secure.

Fifteen hundred

copies to be de

secretary of state.

Resolved, That the secretary of state is hereby directed to secure the copyright of said revised statutes for the use of the state, and that no edition of the same shall be published by any other person than the party or parties with whom the said contract is made, until after the expiration of five years from the first day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one.

Resolved, That the said fifteen hundred copies of the revised posited in office of statutes belonging to the state, shall, when printed, be deposited by the person or persons publishing the same in the office of the secretary of state, and the secretary is hereby directed to distribute the same in the same manner as provided by resolve approved March thirty-first, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and as now provided by law.

Approved March 21, 1870.

Office of judge of probate of Han

favor of.

Chapter 187.

Resolve to replace certain books destroyed by fire in the office of the judge of probate of

Hancock county.

Resolved, That the secretary of state be directed to furnish the cock county, in judge of probate for the county of Hancock, for the use of said office, the Maine reports from volume twenty to volume fifty-four inclusive, and Eastman's and Virgin's digests, to replace those destroyed by fire; or so many of said books as can be spared without injustice to other parties.

Approved March 21, 1870.

Eastern Argus, in favor of.

Chapter 188.

Resolve in favor of the proprietors of the Eastern Argus.

Resolved, That there be paid out of the state treasury, to the proprietors of the Eastern Argus, for two hundred three copies of

the Daily Eastern Argus, furnished to the members of the legisla- CHAP. 189. ture and heads of departments, the sum of one hundred fifty-two dollars and twenty-five cents.

Approved March 21, 1870.

Chapter 189.

Resolve in favor of Sprague, Owen and Nash.

Resolved, That there be paid out of the treasury to Sprague, Sprague, Owen & Owen and Nash, for furnishing two hundred and seventy copies of Nash, in favor of the Daily Kennebec Journal, each day, on order of the legislature, and for advertising in the same thirty-five notices of the legislature and of its committees during the session, seven hundred and twenty dollars.

Approved March 21, 1870.

Chapter 190.

Resolve granting a pension to widow Betsey Reynolds, of Burnham.

in favor of.

Resolved, That there be paid out of moneys of the treasury, not Betsey Reynolds, otherwise appropriated, during her lifetime, to Betsey Reynolds,

such sum as the governor and council think just, not exceeding

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