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pose to enforce the revenue laws under titude they were largely held by the inthe embargo act, and to be in readiness fluence of Samuel Kirkland, a Protestant to defend American property afloat on Lake Ontario in case of war with Great Britain. Her first duty in that line was performed in 1812, when she was commanded by Lieut. Melancthon T. Woolsey. The schooner Lord Nelson, laden with flour and merchandise, and owned by British subjects at Niagara, was found in American waters in May, 1812, on her way to Kingston, and was captured by the Oneida and condemned as lawful prize. About a month later (June 14) another British schooner, the Ontario, was captured at St. Vincent, but was soon discharged. At about the same time still another offending schooner, the Niagara, was seized and sold as a violator of the revenue laws. These events soon led to retaliation.

missionary, and Gen. Philip Schuyler. Because of this attitude they were subjected to great losses by the ravages of Tories and their neighbors, for which the United States compensated them by a treaty in 1794. They had previously ceded their lands to the State of New York, reserving a tract, now in Oneida county, where some of them still remain. They had been joined by the Stockbridge and Brotherton Indians. Some of them emigrated to Canada, and settled on the Thames; and in 1821 a large band purchased a tract on Green Bay, Wis. They have all advanced in civilization and the mechanic arts, as well as in agriculture, and have schools and churches. In 1899 there were 270 Oneidas at the New York agency, and 1,945 at the Green Bay

Oneida Community. See NOYES, JOHN agency. HUMPHREYS.


Oneida Indians, the second of the five nations that composed the original IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY (q. v.). Their domain extended from a point east of Utica to Deep Spring, near Manlius, south of Syracuse, in Onondaga county, N. Y. Divided into three clans-the Wolf, Bear, and Turtle-their tribal totem was a stone in a forked stick, and their name meant "tribe of the granite rock." Tradition says that when the great confederacy was formed, Hiawatha said to them: You, Oneidas, a people who recline your bodies against the Everlasting Stone,' that cannot be moved, shall be the second nation, because you give wise counsel." Very soon after the settlement of Canada they became involved in wars with the French and their Huron and Montagnais allies. In 1653 they joined their neighbors, the Onondagas, in a treaty of peace with the French, and received missionaries from the latter. At that time they had been so reduced by war with southern tribes that they had only 150 warriors. In the general peace with the French, in 1700, they joined their sister nations; and when the Revolutionary War was kindling they alone, of the then Six Nations in the great council, opposed an alliance with the English.

They remained faithful to the EnglishAmerican colonists to the end. In this at

O'Neill, JOHN, military officer; born in Ireland in 1834; served in the National army during the Civil War; commanded a force of 1,200 Fenians who invaded Canada in 1866, most of whom were arrested by the United States authorities. He again invaded Canada in 1870, was captured and imprisoned. He died in Omaha, Neb., Jan. 7, 1878.

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Onondaga Indians, the third nation of the Iroquois Confederacy; their name means men of the great mountain." Tradition says that at the formation of the confederacy Hiawatha said to them: "You, Onondagas, who have your habitation at the Great Mountain,' and are overshadowed by its crags, shall be the third nation, because you are greatly gifted with speech, and are mighty in war." Their seat of government, or "castle," was in the hill country southward from Syracuse, where was the great councilfire of the confederacy, or meeting - place of their congress. The Atatarho, or great sachem of the tribe, was chosen to be the first president of the confederacy. They were divided into fourteen clans, with a sachem for each clan, and their domain extended from Deep Spring, near Manlius, Onondaga co., west to a line between Cross and Otter lakes. This nation carried on war with the Indians in Canada, and also with the French, after their advent on the St. Lawrence;

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and they were prominent in the destruction of the Hurons. In 1653 they made peace with the French, and received Jesuit missionaries among them. The peace was not lasting, and in 1662 a large force of Onondagas ravaged Montreal Island. They again made peace, and in 1668 the French mission was re-established.

was weakened, and finally, in 1777, the council-fire at Onondaga (as the confederate government was familiarly called) was formally extinguished. The Onondagas joined the English, and the war left them helpless, and in 1778 they ceded all their lands to the State of New York, except a reservation set apart for their As the English extended their influence remnant, which they continue to hold. among the Five Nations, the Iroquois were In 1899 they numbered 549. There are won to their interest, and the Onondagas about 400 Onondagas in Canada, making permitted them to erect a fort in their the total number of the once powerful domain; but when, in 1696, Frontenac nation less than 1,000. It is said that invaded their territory, the Onondagas the Onondaga dialect is the purest one destroyed the fort and their village, and of the Iroquois. returned to the forests. The French sent Ontario, LAKE, OPERATIONS ON. Comdeputies to the Onondaga sachems, and modore Isaac Chauncey was in command then, in 1700, signed the general treaty of a little squadron of armed schooners, of peace at Montreal. This was broken hastily prepared, on Lake Ontario late in 1709, when the Onondagas again made in 1812. The vessels were the Oneida (his war on the French, and were alternately flag-ship), Conquest, Growler, Pert, hostile and neutral towards them until Scourge, Governor Tompkins, and Hamilthe overthrow of the French power, in ton. He sailed from Sackett's Harbor 1763. When the war for independence (Nov. 8) to intercept the British squadwas kindling, a general council of the ron, under Commodore Earl, returning to confederacy was held at Onondaga Castle. Kingston from Fort George, on the NiagThe Oneidas and Tuscaroras opposed an ara River, whither they had conveyed alliance with the English, and each na- troops and prisoners. Chauncey took tion was left to act as it pleased in the bis station near the False Ducks, a group matter. By this decision the confederacy of islands nearly due west from Sackett's

cannon. He would not leave the


Harbor. On the afternoon of Nov. 9 he of a fell in with Earl's flag-ship, the Royal deck, and was knocked overboard and George. He chased her into the Bay of Quinté, where he lost sight of her in After the capture of Fort George Chaunthe darkness of night. On the following cey crossed the lake, looked into York, morning (Nov. 10) he captured and burn- and then ran for Kingston without meeted a small armed schooner, and soon after- ing a foe. He retired to Sackett's Harbor, wards espied the Royal George making where he urged forward the completion her way towards Kingston. Chauncey of a new corvette, the General Pike, 26 gave chase with most of his squadron guns. She was launched June 12, 1813, (which had been joined by the Julia), and placed in command of Capt. Arthur and followed her into Kingston Harbor, Sinclair. It was late in the summer bewhere he fought her and five land-batter- fore she was ready for a cruise. Meanies for almost an hour. These batteries while, the keel of a fast-sailing schooner were more formidable than he supposed. was laid by Eckford at Sackett's Harbor, A brisk breeze having arisen, and the and named the Sylph, and a small vessel night coming on, Chauncey withdrew and was kept constantly cruising, as a scout, anchored. The next morning the breeze off Kingston, to observe the movements had become almost a gale, and Chauncey of the British squadron there. This little weighed anchor and stood out lakeward. vessel (Lady of the Lake) captured the The Tompkins (Lieutenant Brown), the British schooner Lady Murray (June 16), Hamilton (Lieutenant McPherson), and laden with provisions, shot, and fixed Julia (Sailing-master Trant) chased the ammunition, and took her into the harSimcoe over a reef of rocks (Nov. 11), bor. Sir James L. Yeo was in command and riddled her so that she sank before of the British squadron on the lake. He she reached Kingston. Soon afterwards made a cruise westward, and on July 7 the Hamilton captured a large schooner appeared with his squadron off Niagara. from Niagara. This prize was sent past Chauncey and Scott had just returned Kingston with the Growler (Sailing-mas- from the expedition to York. Chauncey ter Mix), with a hope of drawing out immediately went out and tried to get the Royal George; but Chauncey had so the weather-gage of Sir James. He had bruised her that she was compelled to thirteen vessels, but only three of them haul on shore to keep from sinking. A had been originally built for war purnumber of her crew had been killed. poses. His squadron consisted of the The wind had increased to a gale on the Pike, Madison, Oneida, Hamilton, Scourge, nights of the 11th and 12th, and during Ontario, Fair American, Governor Tompthe night of the 12th there was a snow- kins, Conquest, Growler, Julia, Asp, and storm. Undismayed by the fury of the l'ert. The British squadron now consistelements, Chauncey continued his cruise, ed of two ships, two brigs, and two large for his heart was set on gaining the su- schooners. These had all been constructed premacy of the Lakes. Learning that for war, and were very efficient in armathe Earl of Moira was off the Real Ducks ment and shields. The belligerents maIslands, he attempted to capture her. She rœuvred all day, and when at sunset a was on the alert and escaped, but a dead calm fell they took to sweeps. When schooner that she was convoying was darkness came, the American squadron made captive. On the same day Chauncey was collected by signal. The wind finally saw the Royal George and two other armed freshened, and at midnight was blowing vessels, but they kept out of his way. a fitful gale. Suddenly a rushing sound In this short cruise he captured three was heard astern of most of the fleet, and merchant vessels, destroyed one armed it was soon ascertained that the Hamilschooner, disabled the British flag-ship, ton and Scourge had disappeared. They and took several prisoners, with a loss, had been capsized by a terrible squall, on his part, of one man killed and four and all of the officers and men, excepting wounded. Among the latter was Sailing sixteen of the latter, had perished. These master Arundel, commander of the Pert, two vessels carried nineteen guns between who was badly injured by the bursting them. All the next day the squadrons

(Sir James's flag-ship) was too much injured to continue the conflict any longer. She pushed away dead before the wind, gallantly protected by the Royal George. A general chase towards Burlington Bay immediately ensued. Chauncey could doubtless have captured the whole British fleet, but a gale was threatening, and there being no good harbors on the coast, if he should be driven ashore certain capture by land troops would be the consequence. So he called off his ships and returned to the Niagara, where he lay two days while a gale was skurrying over the lake. The weather remaining thick after the gales, Sir James left Burlington Bay for Kingston. Chauncey was returning to Sackett's Harbor, whither all his transports bearing troops had gone, and at sunset, Oct. 5, when near the Ducks, the Pike captured three British transports-the Confiance, Hamilton (the Growler and Julia with new names), and Mary. The Sylph captured the cutter Drummond and the armed transport Lady Gore. The number of prisoners captured on these five vessels was 264. Among the prisoners were ten army officers. Sir James remained inactive in Kingston Harbor

manœuvred for advantage, and towards floated away it was found that the Wolfe evening Chauncey ran into the Niagara River. All that night the lake was swept by squalls. On the morning of the 9th Chauncey went out to attack Sir James, and the day was spent in fruitless mancuvres. At six o'clock on the 10th, having the weather-gage, Chauncey formed his fleet in battle order, and a conflict seemed imminent; but his antagonist being unwilling to fight, the day was spent as others had been. Towards midnight there was a contest, when the Growler and Julia, separating from the rest of the fleet, were captured. Returning to Sackett's Harbor, Chauncey prepared for another cruise with eight vessels. Making but a short cruise, on account of sickness prevailing in the fleet, he remained in the harbor until Aug. 28, when he went out in search of his antagonist. He first saw him on Sept. 7, and for a week tried to get him into action, but Sir James strictly obeyed his instructions to "risk nothing." On the 11th Chauncey bore down upon Sir James off the mouth of the Genesee River, and they had a running fight for three hours. The Pike was somewhat injured, but the British vessels suffered most. The latter fled to Kingston, and Chauncey went into Sackett's Harbor. On the 18th he sailed for the Niagara for troops, and was chased by Yeo. After a few days Chauncey crossed over to York with the Pike, Madison, and Sylph, where the British fleet lay, when the latter fled, followed by the American vessels in battle order. The baronet was now compelled to fight or stop boasting of unsatisfied desires to measure strength with the Americans. An action commenced at а little past noon, and the Pike sustained the desperate assaults of the heavi



est British vessels for twenty min- during the remainder of the season, and utes, at the same time delivering destruc- Chauncey was busied in watching his tive broadsides upon her foes. She was movements and assisting the army in its assisted by the Tompkins, Lieutenant descent of the St. Lawrence. He did not, Finch; and when the smoke of battle however, sufficiently blockade Kingston

Harbor to prevent marine scouts from slip- returned to Sackett's Harbor. The St. Lawping out and hovering near Wilkinson's rence sailed in October with more than flotilla on the St. Lawrence.

A British squadron on the lake hovered along its southern shores in the summer of 1813 and seriously interfered with supplies on their way to the American camp on the Niagara. They captured (June 12, 1813) two vessels laden with hospital stores at Eighteen-mile Creek, eastward of the Niagara River. They made a descent upon the village of Charlotte, situated at the mouth of the Genesee River, on the 15th, and carried off a large quantity of stores. On the 18th they appeared off Sodus Bay, and the next evening an armed party, 100 strong, landed at Sodus Foint for the purpose of destroying American stores known to have been deposited there. These had been removed to a place of concealment a little back of the village. The invaders threatened to destroy the village if the hiding-place of the stores was not revealed. The women and children fled from their homes in alarm. A negro, compelled by threats, gave the desired information; and they were marching in the direction of the stores when they were confronted at a bridge over a ravine by forty men under Captain Turner. A sharp skirmish ensued. The British were foiled, and as they returned to their vessels they burned the public storehouses, five dwellings, and a hotel. The property destroyed at Sodus was valued at $25,000. The marauders then sailed eastward, and looked into Oswego Harbor, but Sir James Yeo, their cautious commander, did not venture to go in.

Chauncey was unable to accomplish much with his squadron during 1814. Early in the season he was taken sick, and in July his squadron was blockaded at Sackett's Harbor, and it was the last of that month before it was ready for sea. On the 31st Chauncey was carried, in a convalescent state, on board the Superior (his flag-ship), and the squadron sailed on a cruise. It blockaded the harbor of Kingston, and Chauncey vainly tried to draw out Sir James Yeo for combat. At the close of September Chauncey was in formed that the St. Lawrence, pierced for 112 guns, which had been built at Kingston, was ready for sea, when the commodore prudently raised the blockade and

1,000 men, accompanied by other vessels of war; and with this big ship Sir James was really lord of the lake. The Americans determined to match the St. Lawrence, and at Sackett's Harbor the keels of two first-class frigates were laid. One of them was partly finished when peace was proclaimed, early in 1815. Chauncey expected that Yeo would attack his squadron in the harbor, but he did not; and when the lake was closed by ice the war had ended on the northern frontier.

Opechancanough, brother of Powhatan, was King of Pamunkey" when the English first landed in Virginia. He was born about 1552, and died in 1644. He first became known to the English as the captor of John Smith in the forest. Opechancanough would have killed him immediately, but for Smith's presence of mind. He drew from his pocket a compass, and explained to the savage as well as he could its wonderful nature; told him of the form of the earth and the stars-how the sun chased the night around the earth continually. Opechancanough regarded him as a superior being, and women and children stared at him as he passed from village to village to the Indian's capital, until he was placed in the custody of Powhatan. Opechancanough attended the marriage of his niece, Pocahontas, at Jamestown. After the death of his brother (1619) he was lord of the empire, and immediately formed plans for driving the English out of his country.

Gov. Sir Francis Wyatt brought the constitution with him, and there was evidence of great prosperity and peace everywhere. But just at that time a fearful cloud of trouble was brooding. Opechancanough could command about 1,500 warriors. He hated the English bitterly, and inspired his people with the same feeling, yet he feigned friendship for them until a plot for their destruction was perfected.

Believing the English intended to seize his domains, his patriotism impelled him to strike a blow. In an affray with a settler, an Indian leader was shot, and the wily emperor made it the occasion for inflaming the resentment of his people

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