Abbildungen der Seite

Meanwhile, President Thomson visited Europe, and purchased a valuable library of about three thousand volumes with the money $6,600-paid by Mr. Sturges. But this foundation by Mr. Sturges, valuable as it was at that early date, now constitutes but a small part of the present library of the University. A large per cent. of the books in the present library are the contributions respectively of Dr. Joseph M. Trimble and Wm. A. Ingham, members of the Board of Trustees. After Dr. Ingham's death, his widow placed in the library about five hundred of his private books. The widow of the late Rev. Dr. Charles Elliott gave the bulk of his private library, rich in patristic and controversial literature; the widow of Dr. James F. Chalfant, of the Cincinnati Conference, gave his select library, consisting largely of philo




sophical books; the late Benjamin St. James Fry, editor of the Central Christian Advocate, St. Louis, Mo., left his unique library of Methodist Church history to the University. The late Bishop Iasac W. Wiley bequeathed to the University his valuable library, in memory of his son, who died in September, 1883, while a member of the senior class. The friends of the late Rev. John N. Irwin, B. D., an honored and scholarly alumnus of the class of 1870, purchased his valuable library for our use. The late John O. McDowell, M. D., an alumnus and trustee of the University, bequeathed his select library of over three hundred volumes as a foundation for a medical library. This has been supplemented by a donation from Mrs. Philip Roettinger, of Cincinnati, of about two hundred volumes, from the library of her father, the late A. C. McChesney, M. D., of Cincinnati. These bequests of professional, theological and medical literature are especially notable as gifts which point to the coming post-graduate departments of the University.

John W. King, Esq., an alumnus and long a valuable trustee, has undertaken to secure for his Alma Mater complete sets of all the great

quarterly reviews and monthly 'magazines of the English field of letters; and has already placed about four hundred volumes of this choice literature upon our shelves. The Rev. David H. Moore, now bishop, has furnished for the University Library a complete set in nine large volumes of Hubert Bancroft's History of the Pacific States and Mexico.

Several of the University clubs, especially the Delaware Association of Alumnae, have contributed liberally to the riches of our stacks; and other individuals have made special additions of books in English literature, historical research, criticism, and art, for seminar work in the several departments. Being a depository, the library has received for many years copies of all the publications of the United States and of the State of Ohio. Thus a continual growth has marked the history of the library from the beginning. If we have not been richly dowered with this world's treasures, we have been blessed with generous friends. The interest and generosity of our alumni and friends generally have been all the more necessary in that we are compelled to plan without an endowment. From a small bequest and varying amounts arising from post-graduate and special examination fees,-possibly $400 a year,— the library has made its yearly purchase of books. Until within the last three years, the amount was much smaller.

To glean the best, and only the very best, from each field of thought, is not an easy task. It is far easier to buy in the lump than in the single vein. The greatest special need of the University now is of a liberal endowment, with a good, annual income, for the regular enlargement of the library, as the current wants of the various departments suggest. It is hoped that the efforts now being made to this end may result in speedy success. About $300 a year is appropriated by the Board for the purchase of magazines and periodicals, and our reading room is well supplied with the best publications of the time. Up to three years ago we had a small, inadequate reading room, poorly heated in winter and poorly lighted all the time, and so inseparably associated with the memory of college courtships of the past forty years, that serious, high-grade work was well-nigh impossible under the conditions afforded. Then, too, the books were classified and shelved according to the name of the donor. And the books themselves were painfully inadequate. In 1898, Slocum Library, a beautiful stone building, was dedicated, and to-day we have a library building adequate in every appointment, and planned in view of the growth and enlargement of the University for years to come. Heat, light and ventilation are perfect; the rooms are large and accessible, and well adapted to the rather complicated work of an up-to-date library. The reading room presents each day a busy scene. The books have been classified and shelved according to the Dewey system, and a new card-catalogue is under way.

Since entering our new home the accessions to the library have been constant and valuable. The late Dr. M. J. Cramer, ex-consul to

Germany, has bequeathed his really valuable library of five thousand volumes. John Wms. White, Ph. D., Professor of Greek in Harvard, of the class of 1868, purchased abroad a library of two thousand volumes, which constitutes a working library for the Greek Seminar. The Latin Seminar has also a fine beginning. When our Seminar rooms, of which there are II, are supplied with a working library, we shall have facilities for special work second to no college library in the middle west. When we moved into the new building two years ago, there were 19,300 volumes on our shelves in the general library, and 5,570 volumes in the several department libraries, making a total of 24,870 volumes. While the library was being built, and largely because of the interest this fact stimulated, books numbering nearly 7,000 volumes were received. Among these additions were many of the most valuable books now on our shelves. During the first year in the new building, 1898-99, there were 811 accessions, and during the college year 1899-00, 3,427 volumes were added, making the total number in the library 35,108. In the last three years, therefore, 11,000 volumes have been added to our library, and they constitute in important respects our real wealth of books.

Statistics of the use of the library give some hint of the great service the library is rendering in the work of the college. During the first year in the new building, the increase in the number of books. issued was astonishing the circulation during the third term being just three times as large as that of the first term. Last year 2,900 more books were issued than the year before a gain of forty per cent. Now that our new card-catalogue is far enough along to be of service, we expect a larger increase in circulation during the present year.

There are many bright prospects before us in our future as a college, but none are more immediate or more sure than the prospect of a wellstocked library, keeping pace with our growing needs.

LINDA M. DUVAL, Asst. Librarian.



In 1899 G. Y, Travis, Esq., one of East Liverpool's attorneys, agitated the question of asking Mr. Carnegie to donate a library for our home city. Knowing that Mr. Carnegie had spent a short period of his earlier days in this city and also that he had relatives living here, Mr. Travis quietly wrote Mr. Carnegie making the above request, and a short time after was really surprised by receiving a reply stating that "if the city would furnish a site on which to erect a building and would guarantee $3,000 per year to maintain a library, he would furnish $50,000 for

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a building." The matter was immediately brought to the attention of the citizens and city council and the need of such an institution in our growing city of almost 20,000 population. As a test of the desire of the citizens as to whether the city should accept Mr. Carnegie's proposition the council advised an election which resulted in the city authorizing the purchase of a $20,000 site, the property of the Bradshaw heirs, at the corner of Broadway and Fourth streets (centrally located) and $3,000 a year to maintain the institution. The city council then appointed a Library Commission, which consists of George Peach, President; J. H. Brooks, Esq., Secretary, and Hon. Dr. G. P. Ikirt, G. Y. Travis, Esq., Prof. W. L. Thompson and W. L. Smith. Plans were asked for and those of architect A. W. Scott of this city were selected. The contract for building was let and work started in October, 1900. The selection of the plans was made with accommodation and utility as well as monumental ornamentation the principal motives, and the building is practically two and one-half stories in height. The basement, which is subdivided into toilet rooms, heater and fuel rooms, electric dynamo rooms, waiting and cataloguing rooms, is constructed of Berea cut stone of Roman architecture. The stories of the exterior are constructed of a beautiful speckled pink Roman brick, laid in white mortar, while all openings are cased with vitreous white terra cotta architraves. The main cornice and ornamentations are of the same material, while the roof coverings are of vitreous red tile and copper, and the domes covered with golden glazed vitreous tile, surmounted with copper pedestal and statue of Mercury in copper. The main or first floor of the building is designed entirely on the principal of utility and economy; while it is one of the largest of the $50,000 libraries of Mr. Carnegie's gifts, it is equally as commodious. In the main building on the first floor are two large reading rooms 31 x 45 feet, with a spacious lobby between, or in the center, 26 x 31 feet, and immediately in the rear is a large circular one story book stack room 36 x 72 feet, with sufficient capacity for 35,000 volumes. The Librarian's desk is located immediately at the rear end of the lobby with registering turnstiles on either side through which patrons will pass to enter reading rooms. From the librarian's desk can be observed every point in the building, the entrance and exit of every person entering the building, or their going to or from the basement or second floor, each of which is provided with two ornamental black polished iron stairways; and through the open court to second floor the librarian can be seen or communicated with from above, and plate glass partitions will permit the librarian to have full view of all parts of the building.

The second floor is divided much the same as the first floor, with a large open court in the hall floor, surrounded with an ornamental white enameled iron and polished oak railing with opening surmounted with plastic finish in Italian. On this floor will be a room for special scien tific studies, directors' room, art and practical science.

The main building covers an area of 45 x 91 feet, with 36 x 72 feet circular annex. It has four entrances, one in rear of stack room, one at either end of basement and the main front entrance which is constructed of best quality Cleveland stone, having broad platforms and easy approach 32 feet wide, of stone, while the other entrances are of stone, and of similar design.

The interior finish will be of the best material and workmanship. Vestibule, lobby and second floor hall will have vitreous white tile and Italian marble wainscoting, while all other rooms including basement. will have vitreous tile floors; other rooms will have cement plaster in sand finish and marblethic wainscoting. All interior wood work exposed will be of hand polished quarter sawed white oak.

The floors of entire building are strictly fire-proof, constructed entirely of iron, cement and tile. The stack room will be provided with the latest design and patent copper bronze finish book stacks for present use of about 17,000 volumes.

This room will also be provided with cloak rooms and lavatories. Reading rooms will each contain quaint old fire places, constructed of arch Roman brick with architraves and stone mantel; these rooms will also contain niches here and there in the walls, properly arranged and finished to contain statuary and busts of noted authors, and it is the wish to have the statue of the donor of the building in the most honored position above the fireplace.

The ceilings of the building throughout will be finished in plastic designs and together with the walls frescoed in the most delicate and tastefully arranged tints.

The building will be heated with two hot water boilers and provided with automatic hot water heaters for supplying lavatories. It will also be provided with electric and natural gas light with the best quality antique brass finish fixtures.

It will be supplied with polished oak reading tables, chairs and settees upholstered with tufted leather.

The entire lot on which building stands, will be surrounded with low, heavy cut stone coping. Around the building will be concrete walks properly arranged, while the lawn will contain a large electric fountain and shade trees, tastefully arranged.

The entire building and its approaches occupy a square of more than 110 feet and is considered by contractors from many of the large cities who figured and bid on the building, to be the largest and best building for the money they have ever seen put up. The total cost of all complete as described above will not exceed the $50,000, as graciously donated by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, and the city is highly pleased with the entire conditions.

Note. The foregoing sketch was furnished by the trustees.

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