Abbildungen der Seite

Sir Humphrey Gilbert's voyage to Newfoundland.

Raleigh's expedition to Roanoke Island.

Spanish Armada destroyed..

Gosnold's visit to Cape Cod

Champlain's visit to Montreal

De Monts planted a colony in Acadie.

Founding of Jamestown...

Emigration of Separatists to Holland.







May 13, 1607

.1607, 1608

Quebec founded by Champlain....


Champlain discovered Lake Champlain..


Independence of the Netherlands conceded by Spain
Henry Hudson ascended Hudson River..



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Virginia deprived of her charter and made a royal province


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Connecticut settled at Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield...1633-1636

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Philadelphia founded ......

The Massachusetts charter revoked

La Salle's expedition to the mouth of the Mississippi.

The Iroquois attack on La Chine..







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1. The Settlements on the Atlantic Coast. When the French lost control of that portion of North America which they had explored and had begun to colonize, there were thirteen separate English colonies which lay along the Atlantic coast. The strip of the continent which they occupied, except in southern Georgia, was separated from the interior by a mountain barrier. This barrier was not far from three hundred miles in width and covered with a dense forest in which the Indian might at any time be met. Here and there were trails through gaps in the ridge, but to follow these trails was a matter of great difficulty and peril. Only one really broad valley, that of the Mohawk, opened a way, but the river was not navigable for large craft, and the region through which it passed was held by the Mohawk tribe of the Iroquois, the most powerful body of Indians east of the Mississippi.

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