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throw a graceful luftre upon the whole : but nothing appears gaudy or trifling; nor is it loaded with a fuperfluity: an error often fallen into, which gives more dif guft than a total fuppreffion of them.

A park gives great latitude to a man of taste; beautiful objects are abfolutely neceffary, and should be carelessly thrown about, where proper places demand them, with a liberal hand. The Witchbersy hills in their natural ftate were delightful; that, and their proximity to the park, caught the eye of the defigner; they called for embellishment, and when the plantations, the Grecian temple, and the obelifk rofe upon their brows, who can dif pute their being rendered infinitely more fo? They formerly were overlooked, but now claim the deepest attention, and are vifited with pleasure by every one who rambles through these charming recesses.


Were I to presume to think any thing exceptionable in this enchanting park, it would be the cropping of fome of the laurels in the grotto, and the confined extent of lawn on the north fide of the house but when these trifles come to be confidered, we find a strong neceffity for both.-Were the laurels fuffered to take the freedom of their growth and luxuriance, the beautiful vista from the alcove would be obftructed, and the house lose great conveniencies, by being fituated at a farther distance from the offices. Upon the whole, it is but impertinence to point out a blemish; every part has so much merit; every scene fo connected, and engagingly blended together, that it may justly vie (if not claim a pre-eminence) with the most celebrated places in this kingdom for tafte, elegance and beauty.

A man never wants for amusement, whichever way he turns in this rich and pleasant country; every mile affords va


riety, and his eye is conftantly filled with a fucceffion of interefting objects.

The town of Stourbridge, fo eminent for its glass manufactory, which gives employment to thousands, lies in the way of this agreeable tour, and affords a pleafing hour to a franger, who never faw the curious art of forming that delicate ware into its various ufes. This branch of trade extends itself to other towns in the neighbourhood, and even the country for feveral miles, particularly on the Dudley road, is a continued ftreet, filled with inhabitants and industry.

From this town we turn to the left, and ride over an extenfive chearful common, which falls into a rich valley at Stupony, where the navigable cut from the Trent, lately executed, runs through and falls into the Severn at the mouth of the river Stour: the country about here is delicious; but foon after a gloomy dark defart fpreads itself, even to the foot of the ranging hills of EN


Whofe ample lawns are not asham'd to feed
The milky heifer and deferving steed.



HE entrance into thefe extensive and delightful grounds, immediately prepoffeffes the mind in their favour, and leads the fpectator to imagine he shall meet with numberlefs charms in the ramble through those hanging woods, which appear fo rich and inviting.

An eafy winding path, from a gate near the offices, ftrikes through a level and extenfive lawn, decorated with lofty trees, promifcuously scattered on either fide, to a neat lively building, called


[blocks in formation]

*The feat of the Earl of Stamford, in Staffordshire.

Here is a striking proof of the ne ceffity of every defigner, carrying in his eye thofe improvements which the minuteft places require a more important effect never rofe from a trifle than appears from this place, and that only by erecting this building on a gentle elevation. The ftranger without fufpicion or expectation of the leaft change, from the rural fimplicity that furrounds him, pleafing himfelf with the view of thofe lofty crowned hills, thofe rich lawns, and other objects, in a moment, when he mounts the quick fwell, ftands amazed at the luxuriance of the opening scene. To furprize, as I obferved before, is the foul of taste; and here is a noble example of that obfervation.

A large circuitous fheet of water extends itself over an ample body of ground in the midst of a thousand natural beau

ties which beggar description. At the farthermoft extent of the water, fweeping


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