Abbildungen der Seite

23. I was happy at findinga a place b where I could lose my fears in desperation.d

24. After a few questions he found I was fitd for every thing in the world.f

25. It is remarkable that natureb has given to those c insects, which produce wax and honeys out of flowers and live in a wonderful confederacyi, several particular sounds that intimate the special" occurrences of their



26. It is known that bees, when they are about b swarming, or when a ward commences, announce this by peculiar f sounds.g


1. Helvetius is right in saying, that the hand has been to man a great assistance for his understanding.f


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tauglich, Welt, f. Insect, n. h wundersam. m. (pl. —e).

24. a einige. Frage, f. take Subjunctive Present. which, as the predicate, must stand at the end. zu allem. 25. a merkwürdig. b die Natur. cder, die, das. (pl. —en). e bilden. f Wachs, n. & Honig, m. i Staatenverein, m. j mehrere. besondere. 1 Laut, m andeuten. (G.—es).

26. a


besonder. 0

·Ereigniß, n. (pl. —e). P Staat, m.

Biene, f. wollen. cschwärmen. d Krieg, m. e ankün= digen. feigenthümlich. « Ton, m. (pl. Tône). 1. asay, has right. b say, when he says. referring to the whole species of mankind, the definite article, because all substantives cies are preceded by such an article. f Verstand, m.


cman is Mensch, when and requires in German implying the whole speHülfsmittel, n. e say, of

2. Avarice is the root of many evils; lavishness is a tree full of bitter fruit.e


3. Arnold's original a sketches on history and theology were at first remarkablef rather as proofs of industry than of power.k

4. He was admitted upon the footing of half friend, half underling.


5. Luthera, by his translation of the Bible, has given the sacred scripturesd into the hands of the people for f investigation and examination.h


6. The swiftness of the windb which has even become a proverb, is fare smaller than people generally h imagine.i

7. Man is mortal.a


8. Dogs are faithful animals.c

9, Virtue rewardsb itself.

10. other.c

Innocence and virtue are always related to each

2. a Geiz, m., and observe, that the definite article stands before names of abstract things, if their whole essence is expressed. Wurzel, f. c Uebel, n. d Verschwendung. e say, fruits Frucht, f. (pl.



3. ursprünglich. Aufsaß, m. (pl. —såße). c über with Acc. d (Geschichte, f., and mark, the definite article stands before the names of sciences. Theologie, f. merkwürdig. & vielmehr. Beweis, m. (pl. —e). iFleiß, m. Kraft, f.




4. a to admit zulassen. bauf with Acc. Fuß, m. say, half a. e Untergebener.

5. a Put in the translation the verb has immediately after Luther. b Uebersehung. ©Bibel, f. Schrift, ƒ. (pl.—en). © Volk, n. fzu Forschen, n., to be preceded by the definite article so as to make it coalesce with zu into one word. Prüfen, n.

with Dat.

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werden. weit. geringer. & man.


· Hund, m. (pl. —e). btreu. Thier, n. (pl.—e).

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c mit einander.

Tugend, f. bbelohnen.

11. Hope does not allow us to be confounded.c 12. The lion3, tiger, lynx, and wolf are ravenous beasts.f


Riches and honour alone do not make happy. 14. I have bought the house, garden and meadows of my neighbour.d

15. He was dazzled by the glitter of gold.

16. He spoke to her words of consolationd and faith.


17. He did not succeed from want of earnestness d and application.

18. A feeling of angerb seized me at this moment. 19. The Greeks represented Death almost like Sleep.f

20. The best merchant is warb; it makes gold out ofc iron.d



11. Hoffnung. blassen. ©zu Schanden werden.

12. a Lówe; mark, when the subject or object of a sentence contains more than one Substantive of the same gender and number, the article need only stand before the first; if they have different genders and numbers, then the article must be repeated before each separately. Tiger. Luchs. a Wolf. reißend.



13. a Reichthum, m. (pl. —thûmer).

15. a blenden.

a Haus, n.



Ehre, f.

b Garten, m. Wiese, f. a Nachbar (G. —n).
b Glanz, m.
eGold, n., and observe, the definite

article stands before names of materials, if the whole matter is implied. sprechen. b zu. c Wort, n. (pl. —e). a Trost, m.

16. a ben, m.

e Glau

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17. a say, it did not succeed to him; to succeed gelingen. Mangel, m. d Ernst, m. e Fleiß, m.

b aus.

cüberkommen. din with Dative.

18. a

Gefühl, n. b Zorn, m.

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Augenblick, m. (G. —es).


19. a Grieche, m. b darstellen. Tod, m., and mark, the definite article stands before the names of abstract things, if they are represented as personal beings. dfast. e åhnlich with the Dative, by which it is preceded. 'Schlaf, m. (G. —es).



20. Kaufmann. Krieg, m.

c aus. d Eisen, n.


21. Childhooda and old age appear to me equally d venerable; the first, because it seems just to come j from the hands of God; the latter', because it returns m thither."



1. Any a means are just to malice.d

2. Every day lasts a long to laziness.b 3. Patients a want b rest.c


4. Docile a dogs give pleasure to children.<

5. Glassa has been invented by the Phoenicians.


6. The dieta in Sweden consists ofd four classes, the nobility, the clergy, the citizens", and peasants.i

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bold age Alter, n. c vorkommen. a gleich.


e ehrwürdig. say, that one jener, jene, jenes. & weil. scheinen. i eben erft. J kommen. *oon. say, this one dieser, diese, dieses. zurückkehren. " dahin.


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1. alle. Mittel, n., and mark, Substantives masculine and neuter in el, en, er, have no termination in Nominative plural. recht. Bosheit.


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3. a Kranke, and observe, Substantives which originally are Adjectives, are declined like the definite article, if no article precedes. b bedürfen with Gen. Ruhe, f.


4. a gelebrige. Hund, m., and mark, all Substantives masculine of one syllable have in Plural Nominative an e, and the vowel generally is modified; but in Hund the vowel does not change. Kind, n., and observe, 1) Substantives neuter of one syllable have in Nominative Plural an er, and a modification of the vowel; and 2) the Dative Plural ALWAYS has an n added to the Nominative Plural. a Glas, n. b erfinden. Phönizier (cf. Note 1. b). Reichstag, m. b Schweden.





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f Adel, m. & Geistlichkeit.

7. The nobleness of the mind shows itself© in wordsd and deeds.

8. Admiral Horn died on the scaffold.c

9. The merchants in the city assemble ond the exchange.e

10. The height of the Brockenb in the Harz mountains amounts to 3,500 feet.




Also in the oceana are found" mountains and val


The nature of things is changeable.b

13. The laws of religion and of murals are the conditions of our spirituala existence.*

14. The desire of knowledge strivesh not so much

7. a Adel, m. b Seele, f. sich aussprechen. d Wort, n., and mark, it has two forms in Plural, Werte and Wörter; the first means words connected, the second signifies words detached. That, f.

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8. a sterben. b auf with Dat. Blutgerüst, n., and mark, Substantives masculine or neuter, not terminating in el, en, er, or e, have in Singular Genitive an es, and in the Dative an e.

9. a der Kaufmann (pl. Kaufleute); Substantives compounded with Mann, change this in plural in Leute. Stadt, f. csic) versam= meln. dauf with Dat. e Börse, ƒ.

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10. Höhe, f. b Brocken, m. c mountains as a coherent chain or mass of mountains is Gebirge, n. a to amount to betragen. eFuß, m., and mark, Substantives implying measure and at the same time the things measured, have no plural.

11. a d Thal, n.

Weltmeer, n. b to be found sich finden.

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12. a Ding, n., and mark, if Ding means thing, the Plural has e ; but if it implies small, indifferent or ridiculous things, it has er. b veränderlich.

13. a Geseß, n. b morals, when meaning those qualities of good habits which are innate in human beings, is Sitten, but when implying the science of ethics, is Sittenlehre, f. Bedingung. geistig. e Dasein, n.




a desire of knowledge Wißbegierde, f. streben.


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