Abbildungen der Seite

for that was drossd; he resolved they should have learnings; for learning, he used to observe, was better than silver or gold.



4. The same ambitiona that actuatesb a monarch atd the head of his army, influenced my father at the head h of his table.



5. For this purposea he undertook to instruct us himself, and took as much caref to form our moralsh asi to improve our understanding.


6. We were perfectly a instructed in the art of giving away thousands befored we were taught the necessary qualification of getting a farthing.i

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7. It was the pride and boast of Elizabeth Delap, when nearly ninety years of age, that she was the first that had put a book into Goldsmith's hands.


8. Ata the return of peace he resumed the ferulee and gave up the sword.g

d Schlacke, f. e beschließen. fsollen. & Kenntniß, f., and take the plural -e. hpflegen, and observe, in small inserted sentences the Verb precedes the Nom. bemerken.

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4. Ehrgeiz, m. bantreiben. König. dan with Dat, eSpike, f. f Heer, n. (Gen. -es). gleiten. Ehrenplak, m. (Gen.—es).


5. a deßhalb. bunternehmen, and mark to insert it es after undertook. unterrichten. dsich geben. eeben so viel. f Mühe, f. ver


ials. i bilden.
Kunst, f. fortgeben.

k Verstand, m.


bessern. h Sitte, f. 6. a vollkommen. before is either a Preposition, and then it is in German vor, or an Adverb, and then it is vorher, or, as here, a Conjunction, the French avant que, and then it is ehe daß. This daß after ehe, however, is generally omitted; but he, implying still a relative Conjunction, requires the Verb to stand at the end of the sentence. say, we learned lernen. nöthig. s Tüd)= tigkeit. herwerben. Heller, m.



7. a Stolz, m. b Ruhm, m. cals, and say, when she was. d fast. say, old alt. fgeben.

8. a bei with Dat. b Rückkehr, f.

Friede, m. (G. —ns), and mark, when an adverbial expression begins, the Verb precedes the Nominative. wiederergreifen. e Ruthe, f. aufgeben. & Schwert, n.



9. Whilst Scipio destroyed Carthage, Mummius conqueredd Corinth.



10. Although the Carthaginians were practised sailors, they were conquered by the Romans at sea.

11. If we come into a more contracted assembly of c mend and women, the talk generally runs upon the weather, the fashions, news, and the like' public topics."



12. Hea only knows how to conquerd, said Lorenzo de Medici, who knows how to forgive.

13. Croesus said toa Solon: I have a great desire b of asking thee, whom thou of all men that thou knowest f thinkest to be the happiest.h

14. Though the faculties of the human race mayd

9. während, and mark, here are two sentences: the first beginning with whilst is relative, and requires the Verb to stand last; in reference to the second which begins with Mummius, it is an adverbial expression, and therefore the Verb in the second must precede the Nominative. Or in other words, when the subordinate sentence precedes, the chief sentence is headed by the Verb. bzerstören. Carthago. derobern.


10. obgleich, in Latin quamquam, in French quoique, therefore a relative conjunction. Karthager. geübt. Matrose, m. (pl.—n). e besiegen, and mark, when the subordinate sentence, introduced by obgleid, precedes, the chief sentence must contain the adverb doch still. fzu with Dat. See, f., and add the Defin. Article.


11. a a abgeschlossen. Gesellschaft. cpon with Dat., and observe, the English Genitive is expressed by von generally in Substantives of the plural number, when used without Adjective or Article. d Mann (pl. Månner). e Gespräch, n. f gewöhnlich. & sich verbreiten. hüber with Acc. i Wetter, n. i Mode, f. Neuigkeit. the like dergleichen. m allgemein. " Ding, n. (pl.—e). 12. a derjenige. b verstehen. chow is not translated. e vergeben.



13. zu. Wunsch, m. fragen. think to be halten für. hglücklich.

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d siegen.

d wer. e von. f kennen. g to

menschlich. Geschlecht, n. (G. —es). dmögen.

remain torpid for generations, when" once roused into action, they cannot speedily be lulled1 again into inactivity and repose."



15. When the great horda of Kalmucs thought themselves oppressed by the Russian sways, they broke up, and removed to Chinesej Tartaryk in 1771, where they still now are roaming about.m

16. All the men of the revolution a Napoleon at lastb pressed into the back-ground.d


17. If it were possible that our hearts possessed all good qualities exceptede humility, they would, without this virtue, have no reali merit j.

18. In order to see the worldb, Solon travelled in foreign countries, and he came tof Egypts to Amasis, and then to Sardes to Croesus.

e bleiben. ferstarrt. 8 Zeitalter hindurch. h sobald, and mark, the sentence beginning with when is an adverbial expression like the first which begins with though; now, two adverbs cannot head a sentence, therefore the second, beginning with when, must stand after the Nominative of the chief sentence, which is introduced by they cannot. i erwecken. I say, to the acting zum Handeln. schnell. 1einschlåfern. munthätigkeit, f. Ruhe, f.








15. Horde, f. b Kalmuck (G.-en). chalten für. unterdrücken. e burd) with Acc. Herrschaft. h aufbrechen. ziehen. Ichinesisch. Tartarei, f., and observe, the Def. Art. generally stands before names of countries of feminine gender. say, in the year. m umherziehen.

16. a Revolution, f., and mark, the expression all the men of the revolution is the object of the sentence, and when the object begins, the Verb must precede the Nominative. endlich. c drången.

d Hintergrund, m.





17. möglich. b Herz, n. (G. —ens, pl. —en). © besthen. d Eigen= schaft. eausnehmen. Demuth, f. 8 ohne with Acc.

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Tugend, f.


18 a um, and mark, the sentence beginning with in order, is an adverbial expression implying intention. Welt, f. creisen. außer Landes. e The inversion does not take place in a sentence joined by and und to a preceding inverted sentence. fnach Egypten. zum.


19. When Jouvenet was maimed by a paralytic strokeb, he successfully commencedd painting with his left hand; and there is known a copper-plate1 of one of his histo rical pictures with the signaturem: P. Jouvenet, dextrâ paralyticus, sinistrâ pinxit. P. Jouvenet, paralyzed on" his " right, painted with his left.


20. On a these occasions a man gives loosed to every e passion, and every thoughts that is uppermost", discovers i his most retired opinionsk of persons m and things", and exposes • his P whole soul to the examinations of his friends.

21. He was the first a man' b who, for a month, had talked to me with smiles.f

22. In this office a Mr. Crispe kindly majesty's subjects a generous promises of



offers all his

thirty pounds


a year, for which all they give in return' is their liberty for life and permission to let him transport them to America as slaves."




mit glücklichem Erfolge. dang say, the. Jeiner, eine, eines.

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say, one knows.

say, the.


19. alåhmen. Schlagfluß, m. fangen. e say, to paint zu malen. 1 Kupferstich, m. inach with Dat. 1 Gemälde, n. m Unterschrift, f. "an with Dat. 20. a Bei with Dat. Gelegenheit. man. d to give loose freien Lauf lassen. ejeder, jede, jedes. f Leidenschaft. 8 Gedanke, m. say, of which his heart is full. i enthüllen.



(G. —ng).
*Ansicht, f. über with Acc.



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legen. P say, the. a ganz. Seele, f.

21. aerst. b Mensch. cseit with Dat.

with Acc. f say, smilingly lächelnd.

à Monat, m. • anreden



22. a Geschäfts-zimmer, n. bfreundlich. canbieten. a Majeståt. e Unterthan, m. (G.—en); mark, this must follow after all. großmüthig. Versprechen, n. h von. i say, the year. i wofür. * understand that das, which cannot be omitted in German. als Bergeltung. Freiheit. auf Lebenszeit. Erlaubniß, f. P gestatten with Dat. a hinüberschaffen. Sclave, m. (pl. —n).

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

23. I was happy at finding a place where I could lose my fears in desperation.4

H. After a few questions he found I was fit for every thing in the world!

25. It is remarkable* that nature has given to those © insects*, which produce" wax and honey out of flowers and live in a wonderful confederacy, several particulark sounds that intimate the special occurrences of their

state P

26. It is known that bees, when they are about b swarming, or when a ward commences, announce this by peculiar * sounds, $


1. Helvetius is right in saying, that the hand has been to man a great assistance for his understanding.f

23. asay, to find. b Ort, m.


say, fear Furcht, f. Ber

24. * einige. Frage, f. b

← take Subjunctive Present.


which, as the predicate, must stand at the end. zu allem.

25. * merkwürdig.

b die Natur. <der, die, das

(pl. —en). e bilden.

f Wachs, n.


Welt, f. Insect, n.

• Honig, m. Awundersam.

1 Staatenverein, m. 3 mehrere. * besondere. Laut, m. (pl.—e).

(G. —es). 26. a


n besonder. • Ereigniß, n. (pl. —e).

say, when he says.

P Staat, m.

e ankün=

Biene, f. b wollen. eschwärmen. d Krieg, m. digen. feigenthümlich. & Ton, m. (pl. Tône). 1. a say, has right. b referring to the whole species of mankind, and requires in German man is Mensch, when the definite article, because all substantives implying the whole species are preceded by such an article.

a Hülfsmittel, n.

e say, of

Werftand, m.

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