Abbildungen der Seite

7. The philosopher a must digb after excellent © thoughts, alike as the minerf after the noblests metals.h

8. The most solida gold lies deepest b; who, however, would penetrate so fard, if he were to disdain the—at first small h-yieldings of the undertaken working of the minek?



9. The lion, in the divinations of the prophets, was the symbol of the highest strength and generosity. 10. In agriculture we recognise the foundation of all civild order, and the safest and richest sources of prosperity.h


11. Nature has granted to the tiniest German bird, the wren, a very cleard set of sounds, which it recites f during rain and wind, yea1 in the severest frost and snow-storm1, all the timem merrilyn turning around on the highest points of houses and trees.

7. a Denker. b graben, forschen. evorzüglich, say, the most excellent. Gedanke, m. (which, like Name, Friede, Glaube, originally had an n in Nom. sing.). ewie. f Bergmann. & edel. h Metall, n. 8. agediegen. bam tiefsten (an dem tiefst-en; this is the way of forming the superlative of the Adverb, and an dem are contracted in am). gelangen. d bis dahin. e to be to, express by wollen. fverschmåhen. & zuerst or anfänglich. Ausbeute, f., only used in the singular. Junternehmen.





9. a Weissagung. b b Prophet (which like most foreign words of the masculine gender with the accent on the ultimate has en in the cases). Bild, n. d Stärke, f. e Großmuth, f. (against the rule, since Muth is masculine; thus also, Demuth, f., humility, Wehmuth, f., melancholy).

10. a Landbau, m.

с berkennen. Grundlage, f. e Ordnung. f sicher. & Quelle, f. h Wohlstand, m.

a bürgerlich.

11. a verleihen. bklein. Zaunkönig or Winterkönig. dhell,

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» Lustig.

k Frost, m. Schneegestöber, n. m whilst, etc., wobei.

e set of sounds Gesang, m.

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Since the beginning of the religious warb in Germany up to the peaced of Munster, hardly any things grand and remarkable has occurred in the political world of Europe, in which the reformation had not had the most eminent1 share.m




Clement the twelfth died in the eighty-eighth d year of his age, and the tenth of his pontificate, on the sixth of February1 seventeen hundred and forty.

2. The cardinals being uncertain whom to choose, Prosper Lambertini, the learnedd and tolerante archbishop of Ancona, said with his accustomed good-humourh:

3. "If you wanta a saintb, choose Gotti; if a politician, Aldrosandi; but if a good man, take me."


4. His advice was followed, and he ascended the papald throne asf Benedict the fourteenth.

bis zu.


d Friede, m.

12. a Unfang, m. b Religionskrieg, m. e Münstersch. fkaum. Etwas. hgeschehen. iworan. Religions= verbesserung. take the subjunctive. vorzüglid). n Antheil, m. 1. a Clemens. b the ordinal numbers are to nineteen formed by adding t to the cardinal ones, as der Zwölfte, and from twenty by adding st, as der zwanzigste. sterben (a in imperf. o in past.). a The units stand always before the tens, therefore eighty-eight is acht und achtzig, consequently the ordinal must be acht und achtzigst. e Alter, n. f the must refer to in. 8 Priesterthum, n. h The names


of the months stand without termination after ordinal numbers, as der erste August the first of August.


2. a Cardinal (pl. —åle). b say, when the Cardinals were. wählen, and say, whom they were to (sollen) choose. a gelehrt. eduldsam. fErzbischof. gewöhnlich. Scherzhaftigkeit.


3. abrauchen. ↳ Heilig. ©Staatsmann. 4. a Rath, m. b befolgen.


besteigen. a påpstlich. e Thron, m.



5. Napoleon's chief army of about three hundred and fifty thousand mend was, in the autumn of 1813, concentrated in the neighbourhoods of Dresden.

6. He divided it in a three parts. With the strongest b he advanced himself into Silesiae; the second Oudinot led towards Berlin, and the third remained in Dresden, in order to guard the Austrian boundary.k

7. It has been calculated", that the entire forced of the allied princes amounted tof about half a million of warriors.h


8. Napoleon had halfa less, but his force was more concentrated, and his superior military talent seemed to counterbalance the superior power of his numerous, but less accomplished adversaries.i

9. In the month of August the tempest of war a broke forth on all points, and the two halvesd of Europe once more measured themselves in a fearfulf decisive struggle.


10. The first glorious fight Wallmoden encountered b on the twenty-first of August against Davoust near Vellahn.



5. Hauptmacht, f. von. ungefähr. Mann, and remark, when the Substantive expresses the mere form of number, and, at the same time, the things numbered, it stands after numeral words in the singular. of is either omitted or expressed by of the year. 'zusammenziehen. Umgegend, f.

6. a in with Acc. stark. cvordringen. fgegen. der dritte, contracted from dreite. wachen. östreichisch. Grenze, f.

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a felbst.
e Schlesien.
zurückbleiben. ibe-

banrechnen. gesammt. d Macht, f. everhalb, and mark, the Article always stands in


German before the word halb. 1 Krieger.

[blocks in formation]

9. a Kriegesungewitter, n.

b überlegen.

Uebermacht, f.




the two, when both

parties are known, is die beiden. Hälfte, f. emessen. ffurchtbar.

[blocks in formation]

11. The emperora Conrad the second of Germany was solemnly received, on the twenty-second of March, one thousand and twenty-seven, byd pope Johann the nineteenth, and helde a victoriousf entrances in Rome.


12. When during three consecutive years, from one thousand and twenty eight to one thousand and thirty, all the harvests in Italy, Germany and France were destroyed through the powerful strugglef of the elements, through immense rains and fearful inundations, there arose the most terriblem famine", of which history knows to such an extent.p

13. But three centuries after the loss of the Holy Land arose the poet, who worthily celebrated the heroics renownh of Godfrey1 de Bouillon, and longer perhaps were Achilles and Hector fallen, before Homer made them immortal.k


14. Points, where the Ecliptica crosses the Aequatore, are called aequinoctial points. One is called the spring point.f


15. This position the sun occupies between the twentieth and twenty-second of March, and this is for us the commencementd of spring.

11. Kaiser. bfeierlich. cempfangen. d fsiegreich. Einzug, m.


12. say, three years through hindurch.


say, by the.
b bis. c Ernte, f.

e halten.

d verderben, v. n. egewaltig. Kampf, m. & Element, n. (pl. —e). hungcheuer. Regen, m. (take singular). jübergroß. kUeberschwem= mung. a entstehen. "gräßlich. "Hungersnoth, f. say, which instead of of which Ausdehnung.






13. erst. Jahrhundert, n. Verlust, m. auftreten. würdig. ffeiern. & Heldenruhm, m. Gottfried. Jals. der Unsterblichkeit übergeben.


14. a Ekliptik, f. durchschneiden. Aequator, m. d Aequinoctialpunkt, m. ein, which is declined as numeral, like an Adjective, when no Substantive follows. Frühlingspunkt, m.

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Stellung. haben. März. Unfang, m.

e say, of the.


16. The earth accomplishes a its orbit around the sun, a journey of a hundred and thirty one millions of German miles, in three hundred and sixty-five days, five hours, forty-eight minutes and forty-five seconds, which we call a solar year.




17. The surface a of the earth consists of land and water. The sea, which occupies the greatest part of itd, surrounds the land, the extent of whichs amounts toh somewhat beyond one-fourth part of the whole earth, whilst three-fourths are covered1 by the sea.

18. The circumference of the circle, be it large or small, is divided into three hundred and sixty equal parts, which are called degrees.b

19. A quadranta is the fourth part of the circumference of the circle, therefore it contains 360=90°.d

20. Every right angle has the size of a quadranta, namely 90o. Halff a right angle, therefore, has 90=45°.% 21, The sun rosea on the first of December at a quarterd to eight, and set at a quarter to four.




16. a vollenden. Bahn, f. Million, f. a Meile, f. e Minute,f. fSecunde, f. 8 Sonnenjahr, n.



17. Oberfläche, f. b bestehen (aus).

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say, of the

same. eumgeben. Ausdehnung. say, whose (dessen). 4 betragen. i etwas. j fractional numbers are formed from the ordinals by the addition of Theil, n., shortened into tel, thus Drittel, n., Viertel, n., etc. kwåhrend. 1bedecken.

18. a Umfang, m. b Grad, m.

19. a Quadrant, m. b Kreisumfang, m. cdaher. a write this in words: three hundred and sixty fourth-parts, equal (to) ninety degrees; and mark, Grad, which is a measure, and, at the same time, the thing measured, has after numerals no plural.



20. a recht. Winkel, m. Größe, f. dmark, foreign Substantives in ant have en in the cases. e nåmlid). f say, a half. g write this in words.


21. aufgehen. ban, Dat.

cum. dmark, quarter-past eight is ein Viertel auf (i. e. towards) neun; half-past eight is halb (understand towards) neun, and quarter to nine is drei Viertel auf neun.

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