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Sept 14,1948


686 Ju

ANDREWS, EDWARD, becomes a minister, p. 21.
Atheists, awful examples, 39; ·
Advice to youth, 81;
Aldridge, Moses, 96;

Anecdote respecting N. England, 207; do. in re-
lation to appointing meetings, 209; do.
relative to a meeting at Brand, 210; do.
of a barber whose mind was awakened by
John Churchman's manner of calling the
days of the week, 227.

Advice and caution against stage plays, &c., 284.


Baptism, Water, remarks on, 171.
Browning, John, interesting account of, 193; anec-
dote of him, 194; his sickness and death;
his testimony against grave stones, ib.
Banishment of a number of Friends, in 1777, for
their testimony, 291.

Barclay, John, Selections from his letters and
papers, 380; testimony concerning him,
382; his "Accounts of time," 385; remarks
on pursuit of business, 387; death of his fa-
ther, 390; enters a Solicitor's office, 392;
dissatisfied with the business on religious
ground, 393; leaves it, 395; remarks on
levity, ib.; do. about changing his dress,
398, 401, 405, 415; on business, 402; Ad-
dress to young persons, 406; Letter to T.
Shillitoe, encouraging him in his testimo-
ny against fashionable and costly furniture,
&c., 409; on the leadings of the Holy
Spirit, 411; on prayer, 414, 417; danger
of relying on human attainments, 415;
Letter to a person under convincement,
427; marriage and removal to Cornwall,
436, death of his wife, 437, his appear-
ance as a minister, 437; on the superiori-
ty of divine illuminations, 441; acknowl-
edged as a minister, 445; visits meetings
in Devon, Dorset and Hants, 446; marries
again and settles at Alton in Hampshire,
448; visit to Friends in Scotland, 450;
visits Berks, Bedford, &c., 452; removal
to Croydon, 455; visits Dorset, Hants,
Surrey, Sussex, Kent, &c., 455; remarks
on the state of Society in England in 1831,
457; attacked with sickness, 463; goes
to Brighton 468; writes from there to his
monthly meeting, ib.; testimony to plain-
ness, &c., does not originate in notion,
470; letter to a zealous minister of another
society, 473; visits the families at Stoke
Newington, 474; letter to his monthly
meeting, ib.; last illness and death, 477.


pressed by a man-of-war-distinction be-
tween the voice of Christ and of Satan;
exhorts people to repentance, 5; travels
as a minister-embarks for America, 6;
effectual prayer, 7; refutes the charge of
disowning the bible, 9; returns to Eng-
land, 10; dream of the intemperate doc-
tor, 11; lays his concern to remove to
America before the monthly meeting-
great deliverance, 13; conversation with
the Governor of Bermuda, 14; visits
North Carolina, 15; New York and New
England, 16; dread of the Indians-re-
markable preservation from them, 17;
visits Maryland and Delaware, and has
a controversy with a priest, 18; visits
the Senecas and Shawanese Indians on
the Susquehanna, 20; visits the West
Indies, 21; chased by privateers, 22, 23;
arrives in Ireland-visits England and
Holland, 25; returns to America-death
of his wife, 27; second marriage, 30;
trades to Bermuda-great storms-re-
markable hurricane, 31; testifies against
drinking healths-relieved from starva-
tion by taking a dolphin, 32; sails to Bar-
badoes and England in 1717, 33; defends
the simplicity of Friends, 37; testifies
against dancing, 38; death of two athe-
ists he removes to Frankford, 39; un-
justly censured for his services, 41; epis-
tle to Friends in Barbadoes, 42; visits
Long Island, 43; replies to a letter on
water baptism, 44; advice to parents to
train their children in reading the Scrip-
tures great losses and trials, 46; letter
from his father-increased losses, 48;
letter to two women Friends, 49; do. to
a person in the ministry, 50; visits meet-
ings in New Jersey and Delaware, 53;
remarks on the separation of a minister
in Barbadoes, 54; letter to a young man
under conviction, 55; meets with a se-
rious accident, 57; visits meetings in
Maryland and Pennsylvania, 57; visit to
Long Island, 59; epistle to the quarterly
meeting at Flushing, 62; visits meetings
in New Jersey, 65; death of his father,
and account of his last illness, 66; voyage
to Barbadoes, 72; another voyage, 76;
another, 77; visits meetings in Pennsyl-
vania, 78; sails for Barbadoes, 79; sails
again, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92;
account of the death of his son, George
Chalkley, 94; sails to Dublin, 95; to
Barbadoes, 96; is shot at for exhorting
to kindness toward the negroes, 96; ar-
rives in London, 98; visits meetings in
















slaves, 248; concern to go to Barba-
does from which he is released, 250;
epistle to Friends of Uwchland, 251;
account of his illness in 1761 and ex-
pressions therein, 251; remarkable
views respecting the state of Society,
253; visits Salem Quarter and some
other meetings, 255; death of his wife
and testimony concerning her, 256;
visits to meetings in New Jersey, 259;
do. in Pennsylvania, 260; last journey
to the eastern shore of Maryland, 263;
illness, 264; death, 265.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

The Doe, Mary, her preservation from the Indians, 17.
er Dancing testified against, 38.

m- Dickinson, Jonathan, relates the death of two im-
pious persons, 39.


ap-Discipline, Origin and design of, 101; neglect of
it a cause of dull meetings, 228.





ed Election and Reprobation, 167.




its Epistle to Friends in Barbadoes, 42; Flushing
quarterly meeting, 62; of Opeckon, 108;
do. to Friends of Twisk by John Church-
man, 225; do. to Friends in Wiltshire,
230; do. to Friends in Pennsylvania &c.,
235; to Friends at Uwchland, 251; do. of
meeting for sufferings in Philadelphia 1776
to Friends, 288.







ia, Faith and works united in the true Christian, 40.
re, Free thoughts to free thinkers, 172.


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