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and get to hear and to know of the hundred and one kindnesses which these clubs and communities are always doing to promote good fellowship and to be material assistance to their less fortunate neighbors, you would agree fully with Edgar Guest when he said:

"When you get to know a fellow, know his every mood and whim,

You begin to find the tissue of the splendid side of him;

You begin to understand him and to cease to scoff and sneer, For with understanding always prejudices disappear.

You begin to tell his virtues and his faults you cease to tell, For you seldom hate a fellow when you know him very well."

This is only a brief sketch of some of our rural activities, but perhaps it will be sufficient to help "blaze the trail" for other rural communities.




First Meeting

Discussion and selection of Programs
Second Meeting

Voting Methods and Procedure of Elections
Address by outside speaker

Open Meeting (In evening if preferred)

[blocks in formation]

First Meeting

Prominent American Artists of Today
Second Meeting

Patriotic Program-Washington's Birthday








First Meeting

The Woman's Club and the Community
(Planning community program for summer)
Second Meeting

Motion Pictures-Their Use and Abuse

First Meeting

Spring Election

Second Meeting

Community Interests

Outside speaker from Madison
First Meeting

Health Talk-by County Nurse
Second Meeting

Sanitation in the Home


Visit to the School by the Club
First Meeting

Discussion of Programs for the coming year
Second Meeting

Annual Club Party for Club Members

Rural Field Days

Much interesting material is reaching the Playground and Recreation Association regarding field days and other recreational events which are being held in connection with rural schools. Brief descriptions of some of these special days may prove suggestive to principals and teachers in rural schools.

School Field Day at East Aurora, New York

For seven years the Third Supervisory District of Erie County, New York, in charge of Mr. W. E. Pierce, has held school field days. The program of the 1920 field day held at East Aurora in May follows:


10:00 A. M. Spelling contest (pupils will please provide themselves with pencils)

Ball game-two inning game for each group of boys attending rural schools. Players selected so that

boys from the school of one town will play against boys of another town, the order of play being determined by drawings. Winners will continue playing until defeated or until series of games has been played.

11:15 A. M. Schools form for grand parade starting at 11:30 A. M., parade being headed by band, physical directors, visiting superintendents, principals, boards of education and trustees of rural schools, teachers to accompany pupils. It is suggested that each school carry a banner and have some insignia on the sleeve which will facilitate recognition. At the park and at the close of the parade flag salute will be given and one verse of the Star Spangled Banner sung.

At this time awards for the spelling contest will be made from the grand stand. Immediately following, successful contestants in spelling contest, also pupils who have been neither absent nor tardy, as certified by the teachers, will be photographed.

1:30 P. M. Free play by groups under direction of regular teachers

Pageant, America, Yesterday and Today

Dashes for Pupils below High School Grade
Fifty Yard Dash-Boys four feet and under

Fifty Yard Dash-Girls four feet and under

Fifty Yard Dash-Boys four feet four inches and under

Fifty Yard Dash-Girls four feet four inches and


Sixty Yard Dash-Boys four feet eight inches and


Sixty Yard Dash-Girls four feet eight inches and under

Seventy-five Yard Dash-Boys five feet eight inches and under

Seventy-five Yard Dash-Girls five feet eight inches and under

Dashes for Pupils of High School Grade
Seventy-five Yard Dash-Girls-E. A. H. S. vs.
O. P. H. S.

(Three from each school)

Seventy-five Yard Dash-Boys-E. A. H. S. vs.
O. P. H. S.

(Three from each school)

Boy Scout Demonstration.

Three Hundred Yard Sprinters' Race-Male members of faculty-three in team. E. A. H. S. vs. O. P. H. S.

Thirty Yard Dumb Bell Relay Race-Fifth Grade

pupils. E. A. vs. O. P.

Girls' Relay Race-E. A. H. S. vs. O. P. H. S.
Boys' Relay Race-E. A. H. S. vs. O. P. H. S.


The awards offered include money prizes offered by Erie County Trust Company to winners in spelling contest. Awards for dashes and other events consist of middy blouses, pearl handled knives, tennis shoes, caps and similar articles contributed by local merchants and a cup given by the Bank of East Aurora to the high school winning the most points during the day.

Educational Day

Mr. Walter Elwood, District Superintendent of Schools, Second Supervisory District,

County, New York, writes of the Second Annual Township Educational Day held for the schools of the town of Amsterdam in May, 1920.

The activities of the day were divided into three periods: (1) Contest in reading, spelling and arithmetic

(2) Exhibit of work in drawing, writing, handwork,

nature study

(3) Field Day and exhibition of work in physical education-setting up exercises, folk dances, games,


A nature study playlet, health playlet, singing, home project demonstrations, a pícnic lunch, an exhibit of pupils' work, folk dancing, games, and races, filled the day with interest both. for children and their parents.

F. B. Bomberger, Assistant Director and Specialist, Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of Maryland

The tournament is a form of contest which for many years has been very popular in Southern Maryland. It probably had its origin in the fondness of landholding gentry for fine horse flesh and the general inclination to formal gallantry so common in this and other Southern sections of the country.

The contest is a pale imitation of the jousts of the armed knights which played such a large part in the chivalric exercises and combats of the Feudal Days. Each Knight is mounted upon a charger (not, however, the heavy war horse of medieval days, but a smaller, swifter beast) and armed with a wooden lance bearing on its end a long slender point.

Usually each Knight wears a sash of his favorite color or colors. Usually, too, the Knight assumes some fictitious name based upon the old, Colonial name of his homestead or upon some point of local historical interest, such as the Knight of Birmingham Manor, Knight of Rosedale.

The contest takes place in the "lists" which are usually three arches, placed at suitable distances apart, from which are suspended small metallic rings, one ring to each arch.

The Knight rides his charger from a starting point, perhaps a hundred paces from the first arch, under the arches at a pace which will enable him to complete the course in a prescribed minimum of time, at the same time endeavoring to pick off with the point of his lance the rings suspended from the arches. As the rings are never over an inch or inch and one-half in diameter it will be evident that, with the horse moving at a gallop, a certain amount of skill in horsemanship is required to "take the rings."

If all of the Knights are successful in taking all of the rings in the first contest, smaller rings are substituted and the contest goes over. If any of the Knights fail in the first contest they are eliminated from future trials.

As the rings become smaller and smaller, the test of horsemanship, keenness of vision and steadiness of hand becomes keener and keener until finally one Knight emerges victorious from the tournament.

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