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anchor in the roadstead. When the state of the weather prevents the use of all ordinary means of communication, a few hardy boatmen may be seen launching forth their simple float, and braving wind and waves to keep up a communication between ship and shore. Such was the object upon which our eyes rested on the evening of that memora ble day. Onward it advanced, now quite sunk beneath the waves, and presenting the strange appearance of men treading the water and performing singular evolutions in the unstable element, anon rising high upon the surface, now rolling far upon the side, so as to unseat all but the most skilful and experienced, then speedily righting to its former position, despite our apprehensions for its safety. Our fears were awakened lest the unhappy boatmen should become a prey to the sharks that infest those waters. These cannot molest them while on their floats, but the danger is imminent if they be separated from this feeble yet sure defence. Yet even then the cause is not quite hopeless, since the shark from the position of its mouth, can only attack them from below; and a rapid dive, if not in very deep water, will sometimes save them. All dangers escaped, the ship was reached, and then nimbly sprang up the sides three of these swarthy sons of the east, emphatically called "children of nature," for they were encumbered with no article of dress beyond the smallest cotton cloth, compatible with the most lax ideas of propriety or decorum. These are the Hindoos-these the people among whom we have come to dwell!" passed from the lips of one and another of our company, as they retired to the cabin to think and weep. Immediately upon reaching the deck, one of the native comers took from within a conical-shaped cap, made of palmyra leaves and worn close upon the head, a printed document, which he gave to the captain, and which was found to contain directions as to the place of anchorage, and rules to be observed while remaining in the roads. These were sent by the "Master Attendant," the head officer of the Marine department in that portion of the company's dominions. After disposing of their fish, and begging a few pice (or small coin), they clambered over the bulwarks, dropped upon their restless raft, loosed them

selves from the ship, and made for the shore. Thus we had gained our first sight of India-of the natives-and of that original and national craft, the catamaran. At the setting of the sun we dropped anchor; after a brief twilight the darkness of night closed around us, and we retired to rest, that we might be prepared for the excitement and fatigue of the coming day.

The last night of a four months' voyage at sea is of short duration. It was so with our company, all of whom were out of their berths ere the sun cast its first rays on the beautiful city of Madras. Leaving the cabins, we found upon our vessel's deck a multitude of natives with various articles to sell and barter, among which, most delightful to behold, were fresh bread, butter, and eggs, with plantains and other fruits quite new to our American eyes. The places of the "catamaran jacks" were filled with another and more dignified class of native seamen called mussula boatmen, so named from the craft they manned, of which three or more were lashed to our vessel's side. These may need a brief description. The waves which come rushing up the Bay of Bengal, finding their current impeded by the straitening shore, fret themselves against the Coromandel coast, especially in the region of Madras, thus causing a surf which in the flow of the sea and in boisterous weather is of a height and power entirely irresistible by any boat of European build. Hence this craft, which though inelegant and unwieldy in appearance, is the only kind of vessel that can pass with safety this dangerous barrier. They are usually from twenty to twenty-five feet long, six feet wide, and six deep, stern and prow pointed, planks an inch thick with cross bars upon which the rowers sit, having for oars long poles with heart-shaped paddles, an extra one in the hand of the strong and athletic helmsman, and supplying the place of a rudder. Upon minute examination not a nail will be discovered, the several planks being lashed or sewed together with a cordage indigenous to the country, produced from the filaments composing the husk which covers the cocoanut, and called coir (kire). A few are fitted up with a board seat in the stern, above which is suspended a canvas awning, with

brushwood below, and dignified with the name of accommodation boats or packets-being devoted exclusively to the conveyance of passengers and their light baggage.—The twelve boatmen make themselves more comely by wearing a loose jacket and turban of native cotton. Several of us having joined in providing ourselves with one of the latter craft, we quitted the faithful "S." and launched forth to buffet the rolling surges of the Bengal coast. For a short distance we moved quietly and pleasantly along, the boatmen keeping time to a wild and dismal chant, which to our ears though strange was not unpleasant.

New York Evangelist.


THE attainment of knowledge is not only desirable but commendable in a high degree. Our knowledge is to be applied to useful purposes. When properly used, like money lent out to interest, it increases the sum total. "The pleasures of knowledge" is a true and expressive phrase. Who would exchange the pleasure of reading good books, and conversing with intelligent company, for the sensualist's mirth.

Get a taste for learning. This will make the acquisition of knowledge pleasant. Get into company with those who are thirsting for knowledge. It is hard to toil alone. If possible get connected with some Mutual Improvement Society properly conducted. When we look only at ourselves we are in danger of becoming vain; but when we compare ourselves with those who know more than we know, we sink in our own estimation. This will stimulate to exertion. Lay the foundation of knowledge deep. Take care that you clearly understand things. You may then go on. The superstructure may then rise as quickly as possible, ornamented and beautified, to the utmost extent.

You are in youth-study the words of the celebrated Samuel Drew, who says that, "He who brings to the age of twenty-five a mind unfurnished with the great principles of knowledge, bids fair to pass the remainder of his life

undistinguished by any mental acquisition and greatness." Read the best authors. You have not time to throw away; hence the importance of reading only the best works. Having began in the career of mental improvement, go on. You will be amply repaid for your labour and toil. Without decision of character nothing great will be accomplished. With it, who shall say what will be accomplished. Who shall say what you shall accomplish?

Aim at excelling in those stations in which Providence may place you. Be not satisfied with mediocrity. Learn to respect yourselves, and others will respect you. Be communicative. This will fix more firmly in your mind the knowledge you have attained. Youth is the time when the mind should be most diligently improved. It is dragging work in middle age, when cares oppress, and all things are unfavourable. You may labour under disadvantages, but be not discouraged. Labour and perseverance overcome all obstacles. Knowledge may be considered as attempting to elude your grasp; seize it, and make it your own. The wide ocean of knowledge is before you. Newton spoke of himself as on the sea shore, picking up a beautiful shell or pebble, while the unexplored ocean was before him. Learning all we can here, let us be consoled with that vision of eternity we have in the Divine revelation, from which we learn that the soul with all its powers, and a glorified body, will live for ever. Consoling thought, we shall live, learn, and know for ever.






An old man called to him his son and pupil one morning, and said to him, Theodore, have you prepared your mind for the three things?"

"What three things, father?"

"The three claims of the day, my son, concerning which I instructed you. We should enter on no day of life with

out carefully enquiring what is before us, and what is expected of us."

"Now I remember," said Theodore, "they are the three rules which you desired me to say once to myself every morning on rising."

"What are these rules, my son ?"

"They are these,” replied Theodore: "First, Do the duty of the day; Second, Bear the burden of the day; Third, Learn the lesson of the day."

“Yes, my son, and there is no day to which these do not apply. Each has its duty, its burden, and its lesson. Something has to be done, something to be borne, and something to be learned. And he who neglects no one of these three things, spends his days aright. Endeavour, Theodore, to apply these rules to some one day which is fresh in your remembrance, as for example, yesterday."

"I will do so," said Theodore; "the duty of yesterday was that of making a catalogue of your books, and engrossing it in a volume. This, I mean, was my grand business. There were many lesser duties, arising from my circumstances. The burden of the day was a heavy one, but I am afraid to name it, lest you laugh at me."

"Out with it."

"It was a mortification of my vanity at the rejection of my verses sent to the newspaper."

"Ah! I can believe it.

Mortification of pride and vanity

are among our heaviest burdens."

"The lesson of the day," continued Theodore, "was taught me by a lamb in the meadow, which suffered itself to be rudely pushed about by my dog, without the least sign of resentment, and thereby soon forgot the injury, and healed the wound."

"I perceive," said the old man, "that you have observed my precept, in recalling to your memory these three things, on closing your eyes for sleep. But suppose you go farther, and endeavour to apply them to the future. We have just begun a new day; how do these rules apply to what it is likely to bring you?"

Theodore paused a little, and then replied:

"The duty of the day is to go on in my studies, especially

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