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upon the top, but upon our approach had made a hasty retreat.

When we arrived upon the summit we could see the enemy in hasty retreat on the east side of Bull Pasture Mountain, about five miles in advance. It being late in the day, our command thought it prudent to halt and go into camp for the night.

At sunrise the next morning we were again on the line of march in pursuit of the enemy. When we arrived at Bull Pasture Mountain we ascended to its summit, when Ashby's scouts reported that the Yankees had placed four pieces of artillery on the road leading into McDowell, on the west side of the mountain, where the road passes through a narrow gorge. The heights commanding Monterey were also in possession of the enemy, with artillery planted.



FORTRESS MONROE, May 12, 1862. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: ON the ninth of May (Friday afternoon) I organized a force to march against Norfolk. On Saturday morning, the tenth of May, the troops were landed under the direction of Capt. Cram at Ocean View, and commenced the march toward Norfolk, with Generals Mansfield and Weber, who proceeded on the direct route by way of Tanner's Creek bridge, but finding it on fire, they returned to the cross-roads, where I formed them and took the direction of the column. I arrived by the old road, and captured the intrenchments in front of After the generals had reconnoitred for several the city at twenty minutes before five P.M. I hours, it becoming late, they concluded to post-immediately proceeded toward Norfolk, accompapone an attack until the following morning; but nied by the Hon. Secretary Chase, and was met the enemy, receiving reenforcements, made an by the Mayor and a select committee of the Comattack upon us about five o'clock. After a des- mon Council of Norfolk at the limits of the city, perate fight, which lasted five hours, we drove when they surrendered the city, agreeably to the the enemy from the field. terms set forth in the resolutions of the Common Council presented by the Mayor, Wm. W. Lamb, which were accepted by me so far as related to the civil rights of its citizens. A copy of the resolutions has been already furnished you. I imme diately took possession of the city, and appointed Brig.-Gen. Egbert L. Viele Military Governor of Norfolk, with directions to see that the citizens were protected in all their civil rights. Soon after I took possession of Gosport and Portsmouth. The taking of Norfolk caused the destruction of the iron-clad steamer Merrimac, which was blown up by the rebels about five o'clock on the morning of the eleventh of May, which was soon after communicated to you and the President of the United States. On the eleventh I visited the navy-yard, and found all the work. shops, storehouses, and other buildings in ruins, having been set on fire by the rebels, who, at the same time, partially blew up the dry-dock. I also visited Craney Island, where I found thirty-nine guns of large calibre, most of which were spiked; also a large number of shot and shell, with about five thousand pounds of powder, all of which, with the buildings, were in good order. As far as I have been able to ascertain, we have taken about two hundred cannon, including those at Sewell's Point batteries, together with a large number of shot and shell, as well as many other articles of value stationed at the Navy-Yard, Craney Island, Sewell's Point, and other places.

During the engagement Gen. Johnson came near being captured. Gen. Jackson, not knowing his position, gave orders for the Forty-fourth Virginia regiment to fall back, but the Richmond Zouaves, Capt. Alfriend, seeing the perilous position of their brave commander, Gen. J., disobeyed orders and charged upon the enemy, thereby saving him from the Yankees' clutches. Our loss is estimated at about 300 killed, wounded and missing. About one hundred of the number were killed and mortally wounded. During the battle Gen. Johnson's horse was killed under him, and the General received a wound in the ankle from a shell passing through the small bone of the leg.

The Twelfth Georgia regiment did most of the fighting, and suffered very severely. They lost 132 killed, wounded and missing; among them were many brave and gallant officers. One company of the Twelfth Georgia lost all of its officers save the fourth corporal.

There were only two brigades of three regiments each, both of Johnson's army, engaged in the fight. The first was commanded by Col. Z. T. Connor, of Georgia, and the second by Col. Wm. C. Scott, of Virginia, of both of whom Gen. Johnson speaks in the highest terms for their gallantry and bravery on this occasion.

We expected to renew the fight the next morning; but the bird had flown, leaving behind, at McDowell, where three thousand encamped, all his camp equipage, a large quantity of ammunition, a number of cases of Enfield rifles, together with about one hundred head of cattle, which they had stolen, being mostly milch cows.

At McDowell, Milroy's headquarters, great destruction was done to private property.

North-western Virginia is now nearly free from the scoundrels. I do not know our destination, as Gen. Jackson never tells any one his plans, not even his brigadiers.

Major-General Commanding.


Saturday evening, 8 o'clock.

Norfolk and Gosport Navy-Yard again belong to the United States. Our troops, under General Wool, entered and took possession of the town at five o'clock in the afternoon, receiving its surrender at the hands of the Mayor and Common Coun

cil All the troops who had been holding it under from a pilot familiar with the coast, that there Gen. Huger were withdrawn yesterday-the pub- was a place where a landing could be effected a lic buildings and public property in the Navy-mile or so beyond Willoughby Point, and that a Yard were all destroyed. The people remained very good road led directly from that shore to in the city, and our forces entered into peaceable Norfolk. In company with Gen. Wool and Col. possession of it, being encamped two miles out of T. J. Cram, of the Topographical Engineers, Sectown, in what is called the intrenched camp, retary Chase on Friday crossed over in the steam which was very strongly fortified, and in which revenue cutter Miami, and sent a boat to sound thirty pieces of cannon fell into our possession. the depth of the water and examine the shore, For some time past Gen. Wool has been of the with a view to a landing for troops. While doing opinion that Norfolk might be taken with but lit- so, they perceived signs of a mounted pickettle cost; but nothing definite has been done in guard on the shore above, and not deeming it safe regard to it, partly because the cooperation of the to venture too far, they pulled back for the Miami. Navy Department could not be secured, and partly On their way, however, a woman was seen in a because such a movement was not consistent with house on shore waving a white flag. The boat's the general plan of the campaign which had been crew at once returned, and were told by the wodecided upon. After the fall of Yorktown and the man that her husband had fled to the woods, to withdrawal of the great body of the rebel army, avoid being forced into the rebel service by the it was believed that the abandonment of Norfolk mounted scouts who came every day to find him, would speedily foliow as a necessary consequence. and that on his last departure he had instructed When Gen. McClellan, therefore, on Monday after her to wave a white flag on the approach of any the fall of Yorktown, telegraphed to Gen. Wool boats from the Union side. She gave the party a asking for more troops, in order to make an good deal of valuable information concerning the effective pursuit of the rebels up York River, Gen. roads and the condition of the country between Wool declined to send any, on the ground that it there and Norfolk. Secretary Chase and Col. might become necessary for him to take and hold Cram went ashore and satisfied themselves that Norfolk. a landing was perfectly feasible. On returning to Fortress Monroe, they found that President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton, on examining the maps, had been led to make a similar exploration and had come to a similar conclusion, though the points at which the parties had struck the shore proved to have been a mile or two apart.

On Thursday the little steam-tug J. B. White came in from Norfolk, having deserted from the rebel service. She had been sent to bring in a couple of rebel schooners from the mouth of Tanner's Creek; the officers in charge of her being Northern men, and having been long desirous of escaping from the rebel regime, considered this a favorable opportunity for effecting their object. They slipped past Craney Island without attracting any hostile observation, and then steered directly for Newport News. On arriving they reported that the rebel troops were evacuating Norfolk-that very many had already gone, and that not over two or three thousand remained, and even these, it was confidently believed, would very speedily be withdrawn. They were men of intelligence and of evident sincerity, and their statements commanded full confidence.

Under these circumstances Gen. Wool decided to make a military demonstration there. A large body of troops was embarked upon the transports lying in the Roads, and all preparations were made with a view to a landing on Sewell's Point during Thursday night. Several of our vessels were sent to shell the Point during the preceding day, and as you have already heard, they did it with a good deal of effect. But they received very vigorous replies from the batteries there, and were finally put to flight by the appearance of the Merrimac, which came to take part in the contest. This vigorous demonstration on the part of the rebels satisfied the military authorities that the attack could not safely be made at that time or at that point. The troops were accordingly disembarked on Friday morning, and the expedition was for the time abandoned.

On Friday Secretary Chase, who had been spending two or three days here, as had also President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton, learned

The result of all this was that Gen. Wool decided upon an immediate march upon Norfolk from that point, and orders were at once issued to carry it into effect. The steamer Adelaide, which was filled with freight and passengers for Baltimore, was stopped half an hour before her time of sailing, and with half a dozen others, was at once occupied by the infantry and artillery destined for the expedition. They began to embark at about four o'clock, on Friday afternoon, and by midnight several of them had started for the opposite shore. A vigorous bombardment was opened from the Rip Raps upon Sewell's Point, and kept up for two hours, to induce the belief that this was the intended point of debarkation. The steamers crossed over, and at daylight preparations were made for landing. The infantry regiments were landed first, and started at once upon their march. The negroes, who alone remained behind, said that a mounted picket had left, saying that the Union men were coming over in a day or two.

One leading object of pushing forward the infantry rapidly, was to secure, if possible, the bridge across Tanner's Creek, by which the route to Norfolk would be shortened several miles. The route lay through pine woods and over roads in only tolerable condition. At about one o'clock the leading regiment, under Max Weber, came to the bridge and found it burning, having just been set on fire by a body of men who had planted a couple of small guns on the opposite bank, which they opened upon our advance. Gen. Mansfield,

who had come over from Newport News, at Gen. The party then broke up to go to the City Hall Wool's request, to join the expedition, thought for the formal inauguration of the new military this indicated an intention to resist the further authorities. The Mayor invited Gen. Wool and progress of our troops, and that nothing could be Secretary Chase to ride with him in his carriage, done without artillery and a larger force. He and they proceeded together, followed by the accordingly started back to hurry up the batte- General's body-guard and the troops. After enries and to provide for bringing over a portion of tering the City Hall the Commanding General his command as a reenforcement. Gen. Wool, issued the following: however, meantime decided to push forward. The column marched back about two miles and a half to a point where a diverging road led around the head of Tanner's Creek, and took that route to Norfolk. Nothing further was heard from the party that had fired upon our column, and it was evident that the demonstration was merely intended to protect them in the destruction of the bridge. They fired about a dozen shots, none of which took effect.

Our troops pushed rapidly forward in spite of the heat of the day, and at five o'clock reached the entrenched camp, some two miles this side of Norfolk, which had been very strongly fortified with earthworks on which were mounted twentynine pieces of artillery. No troops were in the place, and our forces passed through it on their way to the town. Just before reaching it they were met by a flag of truce, to which an officer was at once sent forward to enquire its object. Receiving the information that it was to treat for the surrender of the city, the officer returned, and Gen. Wool and staff, with Secretary Chase, advanced to meet the Mayor of the city, who had come out under the flag. Both parties dismounted and entered a cottage by the roadside, when the Mayor informed the General of the evacuation of the city and of the object of his visit.

HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF VIRGINIA, NORFOLK, May 10, 1862. The city of Norfolk having been surrendered to the United States Government, military possession of the same is taken in behalf of the National Government by Major-Gen. John E. Wool. Brig.-Gen. Viele is appointed Military Governor for the time being. He will see that all citizens are carefully protected in all their rights and civil privileges, taking the utmost care to preserve order and to see that no soldiers be permitted to enter the city except by his order, or by the written permission of the commanding officer of his brigade or regiment, and he will punish any American soldier who shall trespass upon the rights of any of the inhabitants. JOHN E. WOOL,


Immediately after issuing this order Gen. Wool with his staff and Secretary Chase withdrew, and rode back in the carriage used only this morning by Gen. Huger, across the country to Ocean View, the place of debarkation, which they reached at a little after eight o'clock.

Gen. Viele at once entered upon the discharge of his duties. His first act was to issue the fol lowing, which was freely posted and circulated throughout the town:

NORFOLK, May 11, 1862.

It seems that a meeting was held at Norfolk some days since-not long, probably, after the The occupancy of the cities of Norfolk and evacuation of Yorktown was resolved upon-by Portsmouth is for the protection of the public the rebel Secretary of War, Gen. Huger, Gen. laws and the maintenance of the public laws of Longstreet, and some others of the leading mili- the United States. Private associations and dotary authorities, at which it was determined not mestic quiet will not be disturbed, but violations to attempt to hold the city against any demon- of order and disrespect to the Government will stration of the National forces to effect its cap-be followed by the immediate arrest of the offendture. This decision was followed by the withers. Those who have left their homes under andrawal of the main body of the troops.

The Mayor said he had come to surrender the city into the hands of the United States, and to ask protection for the persons and property of the citizens.

ticipation of acts of vandalism may be assured that the Government allows no man the honor of serving in its armies, who forgets the duties of a citizen in discharging those of a soldier, and that no individual rights will be interfered with. The sale of liquor is prohibited.

Gen. Wool replied that his request was granted in advance that the Government of the United EGBERT L. VIELE, States had not the slightest wish or thought of Military Governor. interfering with the rights of any peaceable citi- Immediately after Gen. Wool left the City Hall, zen, and that all should have full protection a large concourse of citizens assembled around against violence of every kind. The first thing the City Hall and called loudly for a speech from he had done on setting out in the morning had the Mayor. been to issue an order, prohibiting under the Mayor Lamb came forward and addressed them severest penalties any interference whatever with briefly, confining himself mainly to a recital of the private property or rights of any citizen, and the incidents of the day. He said he had noththis prohibition should be enforced with the uting to do with deciding the result; that had been most rigor. He begged the Mayor to rest assured done by the superior authorities. The citizens that everything he had asked should be granted. of Norfolk had been deserted by their friends, A general conversation then took place between and all the city authorities could do was to obthe officials on each side, in which their senti- tain the best terms possible for themselves and ments and opinions were freely interchanged. their property. He was happy to assure them

that in this he had been successful. The Com-ports are loading with troops. They will land manding General of the United States troops had on the shore opposite the Rip Raps, and march conceded everything they had asked, and had direct on Norfolk. guaranteed the preservation of order. He enjoined upon the citizens the maintenance of peace and quiet, and exhorted them to abstain from all acts of violence and disorder. If the decision had rested with him, he would have defended the city to the last man'; but their government had decided differently, and they must yield to its authority. The Mayor's remarks were cheered by the crowd, who also gave three cheers for President Davis with a great deal of enthusiasm, and also responded with less heartiness to a demand for three groans for Lincoln.

At the time I commence writing-nine o'clock P.M.-the moon shines so brightly that I am sitting in the open air, in an elevated position, and writing by moonlight. The transports are gath ering in the stream, and have on board artillery, cavalry, and infantry, and will soon be prepared to start. The Rip Raps are pouring shot and shell into Sewell's Point, and a bright light in the direction of Norfolk indicates that the work of destruction has commenced.

President Lincoln, as Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy, is superintending the expeThus ends this day's work. It has been vigor-dition himself. About six o'clock he went across ous and effectual. The embarkation of the expedition begun last night at four o'clock. It was landed upon a slightly known shore, without a wharf, early next day. Gen. Wool slept in Fortress Monroe last night-marched with his troops some twenty miles, captured Norfolk, and was in bed again in his own quarters before midnight.

One of the neatest little exploits of the campaign was performed by Capt. Drake De Kay, of Gen. Mansfield's staff, while awaiting the General's arrival at a house called Moore's Ranche, a kind of summer hotel, kept by a man named Moore, at Ocean View, the place of debarkation. All the white men and most of the women of this vicinity had fled-it was said by those they had left behind, to the woods, to prevent being forced into the rebel service. Capt. De Kay, while supper was being prepared, mounted his horse and determined to explore the country, followed only by his negro servant. As he was passing a swamp toward evening, he came suddenly upon seven of the secession troops, who were lurking by the roadside, and were armed with double-barrelled guns. The Captain turned and shouted to his (imaginary) company to prepare to charge, and then riding forward rapidly, revolver in hand, told the men they were his prisoners, as his cavalry would soon be upon them, ordered them to discharge their pieces and deliver them to him, which they did without delay. He then informed them that his only company" was his negro servant, and directed them to follow him into camp. An hour later, just after Gen. Wool had returned from Norfolk, the Captain rode to the beach and informed Col. Cram, as Chief of the General's staff, that the seven prisoners, whom he had marched to the beach, were at his disposal. Their arms were taken away, and on promising to take the oath of allegiance the men were at once dismissed. One of them proved to be Moore himself, who came over to his house, where he found half a dozen of us in full possession, and just preparing to discuss a very comfortable supper which his colored cook had got ready for us.



FORTRESS MONROE, May 9, 1862. Old Point this evening presents a very stirring spectacle. About a dozen steamers and trans

to the place selected for landing, which is a mile below the Rip Raps. It is said he was the first man to step on shore, and after examining for himself the facilities for landing returned to the Point, where he was received with enthusiastic cheering by the troops who were embarking.

The Merrimac still lies off Craney Island, and the Monitor has resumed her usual position. The fleet are floating quietly at their anchorage, ready at any moment for activity. It is evident that the finale of the rebellion, so far as Norfolk is concerned, is rapidly approaching. The general expectation is, that the troops now embarking will have possession of that city before to-morrow night.

Ten o'clock P.M.-The expedition has not yet started, the delay being caused by the time required for storing the horses and cannon on the Adelaide. The batteries at the Rip Raps have stopped throwing shells, and all is quiet. The scene in the Roads of the transports steaming about is most beautiful, presenting a panoramic view that is seldom witnessed.


Saturday Morning, May 10.
The troops left during the night, and at day-
light could be seen from the wharf landing at
Willoughby Point, a short distance from the Rip

Through the influence of Secretary Stanton, I obtained this morning a permit to accompany Gen. Wool and Gen. Mansfield and their staffs to Willoughby's Point, on the steamer Kansas, and here I am on the sacred soil, within eight miles of Norfolk. The point at which we have landed is known as Point Pleasant, one of the favorite drives from Norfolk.

The first regiment landed was the Twentieth New-York, known as Max Weber's regiment, who pushed on immediately, under command of Gen. Weber, and were at eight o'clock in the morning picketed within five miles of Norfolk.

The First Delaware, Colonel Andrews, pushed forward at nine o'clock, accompanied by Gen. Mansfield and Gen. Viele and staff. They were soon followed by the Sixteenth Massachusetts, Col. Wyman.

The remainder of the expedition consists of the Tenth New-York, Col. Bendix; the Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania, Colonel Bailey; the Ninety-ninth

New-York, Coast Guards; Major Dodge's battalion of mounted rifles; and Capt. Follett's company (D) of the Fourth regular artillery.

Gen. Wool and staff remained to superintend the landing of the remainder of the force, all of whom were landed and off before noon. The President, accompanied by Secretary Stanton, accompanied Gen. Wool and staff to the wharf, and then took a tug and proceeded to the Minnesota, where the President was received by a national salute. It is generally admitted that the President and Secretary have infused new vigor into both naval and military operations here. The President has declared that Norfolk must fall, the Merrimac must succumb to the naval power of the Union, and that the Government property at Norfolk must be repossessed, at whatever cost it may require.

what will be the course of the Monitor and our fleet? Will they not follow the Merrimac and give her a fire in the rear?

NORFOLK, Sunday, May 11, 1862. Here I am in the city of Norfolk, over which floats the flag of the Union from the cupola of the Custom-House, which has been "repossessed and reoccupied" by the Government. From the masts of five noble vessels-of-war, ranged around the harbor, floats the same beautiful banner, whilst the flag of Com. Goldsborough floats from the Susquehanna, which lies directly in the centre of this line of marine architecture. The guns are protruding from the ports of their long line of wooden walls, which are flanked on the right by the Monitor and the Naugatuck, which are moored in front of old Fort Norfolk. But I must proceed to give you a narrative as to how all these events originated.

The point at which we are landing, with the aid of a half-dozen canal-boats, furnishes quite a In my last letter I stated that a force had been fine harbor, and the troops and horses are land-landed at Point Pleasant, eight miles in the rear ing with great facility. The beach is fine and sloping, and a woods of thick cedar lines the shores. A good road starts from here direct to Norfolk, which is distant only seven miles, and at noon our infantry advance had accomplished half the distance without obstruction of any kind, where they halted for the arrival of the artillery and cavalry. They will, of course, proceed more cautiously for the remainder of the route; but appearances would indicate that the evacuation of Norfolk is steadily progressing.

I just learn that Gen. Max Weber has advanced to within three miles of Norfolk without meeting with any serious opposition. At Tanner's Creek a small picket was stationed, with a howitzer, and a slight skirmish took place without any damage on either side. The rebels fled in great haste across the bridge, which they destroyed. Two prisoners were taken, who stated there would be no resistance at Norfolk, which was being evacuated, and that the determination was not to make the "last ditch" at Norfolk. Fires were burning all around the country, principally the destruction of barracks and camps.

FORTRESS MONROE, May 10, 1862.

of Norfolk, under command of Major-Gen. Wool, with Brig.-Generals Mansfield, Max Weber, and Viele. The first division of the troops landed at the Point, (the Twentieth New-York, under Max Weber,) immediately started forward, accompanied by the Independent Lowell artillery company of Capt. Davis, equipped and acting as infantry. They continued the advance for five miles without any obstructions. On approaching the bridge over Tanner's Creek, the rebels retreated across, set it on fire, and with three small howitzers opened a fire on our advance, which was returned with rifles, without "anybody being hurt" on either side. The bridge being nearly a quarter of a mile long, so soon as it was in flames, and pursuit foiled, the rebels fled toward Norfolk.

A halt was here ordered, and the men rested until Major-Gen. Wool and staff, with Gens. Viele and Mansfield, came up with Major Dodge's company of mounted rifles, acting as the commanding General's body-guard. A "native," who was found on the road, was questioned as to the roads to Norfolk, and it was ascertained that the city could be reached by the Princess Anne road, I have just returned from Point Pleasant. around the head of Tanner's Creek, by a march Large reënforcements of cavalry, infantry, and of eight miles. On obtaining this information, artillery are being sent over, and we will soon Gen. Wool ordered an advance, and, taking the have quite a respectable force in the rear of Nor-head of the column, the veteran soldier, with folk to repulse the enemy if he should dispute Secretary Chase riding by his side as a volunteer the possession of the city. aid, proceeded forward in line of march by the Whilst all these active movements are progress-new route, sending skirmishers in advance. ing toward Norfolk by the mainland, there is the utmost quiet observable on the sea side. The iron monster, the Merrimac, still remains moored under the shore of the Craney Island battery, and has not apparently budged a peg for the last twenty-four hours. The Monitor has also remained quietly all day at her usual anchorage, and our vessels of war. The quiet that now prevails must, however, be the prelude to a sudden storm. If Norfolk should be evacuated and possessed by our troops, what will become of the Merrimac? If the troops should reach the city and the Merrimac should go back to shell them,

Nothing of interest occurred on the line of march until the troops reached within three miles of the city, when all the approaches were observed to be extensively fortified by lines of earthworks full three miles in length, mounted with heavy guns. These works could have been defended by five thousand men against an army of forty thousand, but not a man was found within these ramparts, and all the guns were spiked. The ammunition from these works had mostly been removed, and probably taken to Norfolk. Gen. Viele was the first to enter, followed by the skirmishers and body-guard and staff of Gen. Wool.

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