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mysterious pervert, according to a 1967 survey conducted in New York City by the American Humane Association, only one-quarter of all sexual molestations are committed by strangers.

So, I think that would suggest to this committee, and certainly hopefully to the Congress, that when we tread in this field, we had better tread very lightly.

Because we are talking about family structure, we are talking about our peers, we are talking people who know their assailants in this case, and the burdens and the problems of coming forward and seeking help are very-as I understand the literature-very difficult, and, in themselves, are a trauma, to make that first step forward to ask for help because one has sexually abused a member of their own family, or somebody they know, a close friend, or one has battered his or her child, or what have you. That step forward is a rather dramatic one, and in terms of total numbers, in the United States, of the problem, that is certainly what is under the tip of this iceberg that we dealt with all morning in terms of pornography; I think I am correct.

Dr. PAULSON. And that is why we need specialist teams, Mr. Miller. We have the experience down in the Neuropsychiatric Institute where we have had abusing mothers and fathers come in, and many of the workers there will say: You know, Paulson, I just can't work with that family; I just can't tolerate the fact that that mother did that to that child. I just can't work with her.

What we need to do is to have training programs and educational programs for the professionals. We have to have the specialist teams that can work in sexual abuse, and you have to recognize the fact that there is burnout, and I think that maybe that concept has been brought up here. If it hasn't, people burn out when they work with this kind of a heavy, heavy emotional relationship with families, and you can't go along for years without this having impact on professionals.

So, I say that your money and your efforts, I hope, will recognize, Ι we need specialists in the area of sexual and physical abuse. Mr. MILLER. Thank you very much for your testimony.

The committee will stand in recess until we will try to come back at 2 o'clock.

[Whereupon at 1:18 p.m., the subcommittee was in recess, to reconvene the same day at 2 p.m.]


Mr. MILLER. We will come to order.

Our next witness this afternoon will be Mr. Robin Lloyd, who is the author of a book dealing with the subject matter of concern to this subcommittee.

Welcome to the committee, Mr. Lloyd. I see that you have a prepared statement. Without objection, it will be entered in the record in its entirety, and you may summarize it, as you see fit, and at the close of the statement, we will have questions.

[The prepared statement of Mr. Lloyd follows:]


"For Money or Love: Boy Prostitution in America", published by Vanguard Press, March 1976.

Information regarding the use of American children in commercial pornography, to determine whether new legislation is needed to protect children from sexual exploitation.

The answer to the question on whether such protective legislation is needed is a resounding YES.

Over the past month, the press has reported numerous cases of children being sexually exploited and the public-The public quite understandably-- has become angered and aroused. has been shocked by the sheer numbers of children involved. The truth is, however, nobody really knows for sure exactly what these figures are. But everyone who has worked in this field agrees that the figures are hig --much too hig-- and certainly big enough to warrant prompt federal and state action to diminish them.

Certainly, there is a need for an immediate study to determine and document the extent of child-pornography, but there is no need to wait for such a study to be completed before taking protective action.

We know that one million American children run away This has been docfrom home searching for a better way of life. umented by Senator Birch Bayh's Juvenile Delinquency Subcommittee, and confirmed by numerous other studies. It is from this vast army of dispossessed and disenchanted children that many are selected by the porno merchants for exploitation.

We know that shortly after the Fouston murders of 27 young boys in 1973, John Paul Norman was arrested in Dallas for running a call-hoy service by mail. Norman's files taken in the police raid included a master list of some 50,000 prospects for the services of literally hundreds of boys.

We know that in 1075, ouston rolice arrested Roy Ames after finding a warehouse full of pornography including 15 thousand color slides of hovs in homosexual acts, over one thousand magazines and paperback books, plus a thousand reels of film.


We know that in Santa Clara, California, arrested a local high school teacher and a photographer who had been running a porno ring in that town for over ten years. 250 different boys were involved and over 10 thousand pictures were taken in the raid. The photographer also told the police he had destroyed at least four time that amount.

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More recently, we have read about seven adults being arrested in New Orleans for using members of Roy Scout Troop 137 for the production of pornographic materials that were distributed nationwide. A similar case in Tennessee still to be tried involves an Episcopal priest who used the boys in his Boys Home for similar purposes. Also in Tennessee, another Scout leader was just sentenced recently to 30 to 45 years for sexual activities with members of his troop. There was a similar case in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

I could continue to present case after case; a veritable litany of woes to support what has been claimed: that large numbers of American children are being coerced into performing sexual acts for pornographers. We had thought that childpornography was mostly produced in Europe, but investigators have revealed that now much of it is produced in the United States. One producer advertises on his promotional material that the films he offers are already here in this country. Working with the Los Angeles Police Department, I ordered a reel of child-pornography film from an address in Denmark. When the film arrived, courtesy of the U.S. Postal Service, the package had a Los Angeles postmark.

This information, coupled with other information, finally led to the location of the distributor. It was a little unnerving to find that when his operation was raided, it was housed in the apartment building next to mine.

The child-pornography business has become a multimillion dollar industry. By my own count, I found 264 different magazines being sold in adult book stores across the country dealing with sexual acts between children, or between children and adults. These well-produced magazines sell for up to $7 each; one is so exclusive it deals with homosexual acts between identical twin brothers.

Quite recently, a man with the unlikely name of Guy Strait was sentenced to a lengthy prison term in Rockford, Ill., for using children for pornography. Mr. Strait was considered to be a big producer. His partner, Bill1 Byars, is the heir to the Humble Oil fortune, and fled the country a few years ago to Italy. The partners produced vast amounts of pornographic films and magazines. But when Houston police arrested Roy Ames, Ames described them as small-time operators. Houston police officers tried to make a deal with Ames, offering him a light sentence in exchange for information about other producers. In spite of the fact that Ames faced a ten year sentence, he laughed at the police and told them his operation would run just as well while he was in jail as it would if he were out. Te now serves a lengthy term in federal prison.

The need for action to protect children is an immediate need. There are those who say that any legislation to control production of these films will do injury to the First Amendment. As a member of the working press, I am particularly sensitive to any encroachment on the Constitutional right to free speech. But I become angry if it is suggested that the First Amendment was intended to include the freedom to produce the abuse and exploitation discussed here. No one in his right mini could possibly consider that.

We shortchange our children in this country, and pay a high price for that indifference later on. We see it in the growing rate of juvenile crime, yet we refuse to invest in the healthy growth of our children.

If we equate the amount of money allocated by the federal government for the care of children with the amount of money spent on other projects...and if we take this as an indicator of our concerns for children...we will quickly see just where children in America stand in the order of priorities.

They are way down at the hottom of the list. And if we equate the amount of money soent on children by their parents with the amount spent on other things, the child's lowly status is confirmed.

We know we drink 600,000 gallons of liquor every

hour, 24 hours a day.

We know we spend 3 billion dollars a year on cosmetics to make ourselves sexually attractive, socially acceptable, and so we smell good. We also spend $685 million dollars a year on tropical fish, which means we spend more on fish food than on baby food.

And we know now that we are spending unknown millions of dollars for the purchase of films and magazines showing our children performing sex acts.

Children care very little about money. They careabout happiness, security and love...and money doesn't buy that. Thay care about love, and in this, they have a great advantage over adults, because if a child is loved, that child knows it is loved for itself, and not for its money.

They are too young to vote; too young to have consumer spending power; too young to have lobbyists speak for them. But they are old enough to understand when they are not wanted and in their little world, there is nothing so finally perceived and so finally felt as injustice.

I don't know whether we will ever recognize by

the logic of experience that we suffer these horrors and indignities visited upon our children only because we are reluctant to accept the necessity for change. And I don't know what will happen if we continue to fail to respond to the steady deterioration of human values.

if we dont...

But I have a pretty good idea what will happen

We are not going to produce mentally healthy and happy children by issuing an executive order that all children must be loved. But we can author legislation to protect them and give them a fighting chance in this world. To paraphrase Camus, who spoke for all of us

who in some way work with children:

Perhaps we cannot prevent this America from
being an America in which children are tortured...
but we can reduce the number of tortured children.
And if you don't help us in this...
Who else in this world can...


Mr. LLOYD. Well, seeing that the committee is pressed for time, I will just skip over a couple of the highlights, if I may, and that will probably save some time.

Much of what I had to say and what is offered in the prepared statement has either been said before in some other form or confirmed or bolstered by somebody else's testimony.

But I would like to say, as you said, Mr. Chairman, in 1976, I authored a book which dealt with the proliferation of young boys being used as prostitutes, and two chapters of that book dealt with the use of children in commercial pornography.

Since the book was released, the press has reported numerous cases of children being sexually exploited, and the public, quite understandably, has become angered and aroused. The truth is, however, that nobody really knows just for sure what these big numbers are, but everyone who has worked in the area agrees that the figures are, indeed, big, much too big, and certainly big enough to warrant prompt Federal and State action to diminish them, and certainly there is an immediate need for a study to document, I think, the extent of child pornography. We just don't know what the extent is, but I don't think there is any need to wait for such a study to be completed before taking protective action.

If you recollect, probably the first time that the public became aware of the extent of boy prostitution was in the unfortunate case in Houston in August of 1973, when it took the murder of 27 young boys to bring this matter to our attention.

I could go on and present case after case, a veritable litany of woes, which the committee has already heard, or will hear. I don't think, in view of the shortage of time, much would be gained by that.

But I would like to give two examples, one of my own, where a producer in Denmark was offering some so-called chicken films, and advertised in this promotional material that the films were already in this country. I was interested in that, and I ordered a film that purported to show a 12-year old girl in a variety of sex acts with her uncle.

My interest at that time was seeing where the film came from, how the canceled check would read, what the procedure was, how the film would be delivered. When the film finally arrived, it had a Los Angeles postmark, delivered courtesy, of course, of the U.S. Postal Service.

The Los Angeles police officers, including Officer Martin, whom you heard from this morning, were working on a different lead and were tracking down the same distributor, and when the operation was raided, it was a little unnerving to find that the distributor was in the apartment building next to me, which brought the matter very, very close to home.

Quite recently here in California, where a tremendous amount of this kiddy porno is being produced, a man with the unlikely name of Guy Strait was sentenced to a lengthy prison term in Rockford, Ill., for using children in pornography. Strait was considered to be a major producer here in California, in partnership with Bill Byars. Mr. Byars, apparently, is not in the business for the money; he is the heir to the Humble Oil fortune and works on a trust fund of about $12,000

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