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THE greatest pleasure I know, is to do a good action by stealth - and to have it found out by accident.

Charles Lamb.

COLLEGE Settlements, if they are to be the expression of a permanent life, must help in bringing in the new order, that order where the labor of the world being more equally distributed, may be changed for every man into healthful work. Helena S. Dudley.

March 16.

THOSE who are very difficult in choosing wives seem as if they would take none of Nature's ready-made works, but want a woman manufactured particularly to their order. . .

Women are not angels. If they were, they would go to heaven for husbands; or, at least, be more difficult in their choice on earth.

THE bravest are the tenderest,
The loving are the daring.


Bayard Taylor.


C'EST la femme qui fait les mœurs.

Bishop of Manchester.

ALL she said and did and wore, appeared to be a part of herself; there was a sweet directness, a placid oneness about her, which inspired belief and caused contentment. Jean Ingelow.

March 18.


THERE is no true friendship but that which God


St. Augustine.

ONLY a good man can be a teacher; only a benevolent man; only a man willing to teach. All of knowl

edge we can communicate is finite; a few pages, a few chapters, a few volumes, will embrace it; but such an influence is of incalculable power. It is the breath of a new life; it is another soul.

Charles Sumner.

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