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A. Arbuthnot was sentenced to be hanged, and Armbrister to be shot.

Q. What took place on the 8th of July, 1818?

A. The bones of General Montgomery, having been brought from Canada, in accordance with a resolution of the Legislature of New-York, were interred with funeral honors, under a monument erected to his memory in front of St. Paul's church, in the city of New-York.

Q. Since 1812, how many states have been admitted into the Union?

A. Six, viz. Indiana, in 1816; Mississippi, in 1817; Illinois, in 1818; Alabama, in 1819; Maine, in 1820; and Missouri, in 1821.

Q. When, and by whom, was Decatur killed in a duel? A. In 1820, by Commodore Barron, near Washington. Q. How much was the regular army reduced in 1821? A. It was reduced to six thousand.

Q. What was the strength of the navy at this time? A. Eight vessels of the line, seven frigates, seven sloops, and ten brigs and schooners.

Q. Can slavery exist in Indiana and Illinois ?

A. No: it is prohibited by a law of Congress.

Q. When and by what nation was Florida ceded to the United States?

A. In the year 1820, by Spain.

Q. What was the nominal price of the Floridas?
A. Five millions of dollars.

Q. Was this sum paid to Spain?

A. No: it was apportioned among American citizens, as an indemnity for illegal seizures of their property in Spanish ports, when under the dominion of France.

Q. When was a territorial government established for Florida?

A. In the year 1822.

Q. Can you tell the difference between states and territories?

A. States choose their own governors, and send members to Congress; but territories do not.

Q. At what ratio was fixed, the representation in Congress, in the year 1822?

A. At the rate of one representative for every forty thousand inhabitants.

Q. What did President Monroe recommend, at the opening of Congress in December, 1822?

A. He recommended the immediate organization of an efficient force, to suppress the pirates in the West Indies, and Gulf of Mexico.

Q. Who was sent in search of the pirates?

A. Commodore Porter.

Q. What success had Commodore Porter?

A. He made no captures; yet he protected our commerce, by frightening away the pirates.

Q. What was the population of the United States, at the recording of the fourth census in 1820?

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A. Nine millions six hundred and thirty-eight thousand. Q. Of these, how many were slaves?

A. One million five hundred and thirty thousand.

Q. When, and by which state, was made the first law, for the gradual abolition of slavery?

A. In the year 1780, by the state of Pennsylvania.

Q. Have similar laws since been made in any of the other states?

A. Yes: in all the states north and east of Maryland. Q. Can you name these states?

Q. How long since the importation of slaves into the United States has been prohibited by Congress?

A. Since the year 1807.

Q. When was the English settlement at Sierra Leone commenced, for colonizing free people of color?

A. In the year 1787.

Q. In what country is Sierra Leone?

Q. In what part? Is it north or south of the equator?

Q. When was the American settlement commenced at Liberia?

A. In the year 1820.

Q. What is the object of this settlement?

A. To furnish a place for the colonization of the free Africans and emancipated slaves of the United States. Q. Which way from Sierra Leone is Liberia?

Q. What remarkable personage visited the United States in the year 1824?

A. The Marquis de La Fayette.

Q. How was he received by the American people?

A. He was received in the most enthusiastic manner: passing from one end of our happy country to the other, he was cheered by millions of freeborn grateful citizens, and illuminated cities and triumphal arches were presented to his view in every section through which he passed.

Q. What was voted him by Congress, as a testimony of the United States' gratitude?

A. Two hundred thousand dollars, and a township of 25,000 acres of land.

Q. Who succeeded Mr. Monroe, as President of the United States?

A. John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts.

Q. In what year did he succeed him?

A. In the year 1825.

Q. How long had Mr. Monroe been President?

A. Eight years.

Q. For what was the 4th of July, 1826, memorable?

A. For the death of the two venerable Ex-Presidents, Adams and Jefferson.

Q. What were their respective ages?

A. John Adams was 91, and Thomas Jefferson 83, years

of age.

Q. Who succeeded John Q. Adams, as President of the United States?

A. General Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee.

Q. In what year did he succeed him?

A. In the year 1829.

Q. What acts distinguished the commencement of Jackson's administration?

A. An attempt to suppress duelling, by striking from the navy-roll four officers who had been engaged in a duel; and an act for the removal of the Indians, residing in any of the states or territories to the west of the Mississippi. Q. When was recorded the fifth census of the United States?

A. In the year 1830.

Q. What was then the number of inhabitants?

A. Twelve millions nine hundred and seventy-six thousand.

Q. At what ratio was fixed the representatives in Congress, in the year 1832-3?


A. One representative for every 47,700 persons in each


Q. According to this ratio, what will be the number of representatives in Congress?

A. Two hundred and forty; being twenty-seven more than under the former ratio.

Q. Who now holds the office of President of the United States? Q. When will his second term expire?



Q. How long have the United States been inhabited by white people?

A. For more than two centuries.

Q. What powerful establishments existed in Europe at the time of the first settlement of America?

A. In every nation of Europe, ecclesiastical establishments existed, the officers of which were numerous, and their privileges extensive.

Q. What was appropriated for their support, in early times?

A. A tenth part of the income of the laity.

Q. What is the meaning of laity?

Q. Were any of these establishments transferred to America?

A. No part of these establishments have been transferred to America?

Q. In what is the contrast greatest between European and American systems of government?

A. In the demands which they make of the people for their support and defence.

Q. What is the annual cost of the military peace establishment of Great Britain?

A. Thirty-four millions of dollars.

Q. What that of the United States?
A. A little more than five millions.

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Q. What the expense of the respective naval establishments?

A. The naval establishment of Great Britain costs twenty-two millions; that of the United States, less than two and a half millions, annually.

Q. What do British subjects pay annually in taxes, exclusively for national purposes?

A. At the rate of fifteen dollars for each individual.

Q. What do the people of the United States pay, in national and state taxes?

A. At the rate of two dollars for each individual.

Q. In what are the greater proportion of the inhabitants of the United States engaged?

A. In agriculture.

Q. What number of citizens was engaged in agriculture in 1820?

A. Above two millions.

Q. What was the amount of agricultural products exported in the year 1823?

A. Thirty-seven millions six hundred and forty-six thousand dollars.

Q. What was the amount of agricultural exports in the years 1830 and '31?

A. In the year 1830, 46,977,332 dollars; and in 1831, 47,261,433 dollars.

Q. What was the total amount of exports in 1831?
A. Above eighty-one millions of dollars.

Q. What was the amount of imports for the same year?
A. Above one hundred and three millions.

Q. What was the amount of the public debt in 1832?
A. A little rising of twenty-four millions of dollars.
Q. From what is the revenue principally derived?
A. From duties on imported goods, and the sale of public

Q. What was the total amount of revenue in 1830?
A. About twenty-five millions of dollars.

Q. What was the amount of expenditure in 1830?

A. Twenty-four millions five hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars, leaving a balance in the treasury of six millions of dollars.

Q. What has been the course pursued in Europe, in regard to education?

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