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The Cunning of the Crow.

In the inn garden I saw a dog eating a piece of meat in the presence of several covetous crows, says a contributor to Our Animal Friends. They evidently said a great Ideal to each other on the subject, and now and then one or two of them tried to pull the meat away from him, which he resented. At last a big, strong crow succeeded in tearing off a piece, with which he returned to the pine, where the others were congregated, and after much earnest speech they all surrounded the dog, and the leading bird dexterously dropped the small piece of meat within reach of his mouth, when he immediately snapped at it, letting go of the big piece unwisely for a second, on which two of the crows flew away with it to the pine, and with much fluttering and hilarity they all ate or rather gorged it, the deceived dog looking vacant and bewildered for a moment, after which he sat under the tree and barked at them inanely.

It has been said that

one-fourth of a man's

life is spent in dining

HOW IMPORTANT, then, that our surroundings and food should be such as to induce appetite, and produce that delightful feeling that a satisfactory meal gives.

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Heard and Told.

A reporter for the New York Tribune chronicles what he calls a "one-sided conversation" which he overheard recently in a railway car. The moral of the tale lies so much on the surface that it would be an impertinence to enlarge upon it. A mother and her little girl occupied one of the seats, and the mother was absorbed in a book.

"Mamma," the child began, "you didn't speak to Mrs. Brown when we got on." Her mother did not hear her.

"She's sitting in front of us"-this in a loud whisper.

"Aren't you ever going to speak to her again?"


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"No, dear," said the mother, not lifting her eyes.

"Not if she takes back what she said

about the choir?"

"No, dear."

Some of the neighbors began to smile, and general conversation was all at once suspended.

"And I can't go to her house again?" "No, dear."

"Has she got it on?"

There is no answer to this question, which is followed by a louder whisper:

"Mamma, is that the bonnet you told Papa about?"

"Yes, darling."

"And those the feathers?"

"Yes, dear."

"What made you say she looked like a

fright in it?

No answer.

"You told Papa so."

"Yes, dear."

"Mamma, she's looking at you"-in a loud

whisper. Some one titters.

"Yes, dear.

"She looks angry."

The brakeman slams the door and the

mother looks up just in time to hear the

child go on:

"I guess she heard what you said about the bonnet."

"What bonnet, dear?"

"Mrs. Brown's, you said-"

"Stop your chattering," said the mother, sternly, while a blush steals up from her throat to her forehead. "Don't open your mouth again."

Then she returns to her book, but somehow she forgets to turn the leaves, and the blush lingers on her cheek till the train draws into the station and the passengers push their way out of the car.

* * *

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on July 20th for a visit to the Yellowstone National Park.

Among the late improvements about the Hall and grounds, is the cnlarging of the room assigned to the intermediate department. As it now is, this spacious room, coupled with its new equipments for instruction in that department, is unsurpassed anywhere.

A few of the young lady boarders still remain but they will soon leave for their respective homes.

A Young Preacher's Triumph.

An interesting incident occurred at the time of the ordination of Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis in his first pastorate. Mr. Hillis had already been examined in theology and licensed to preach by the Chicago Presbytery. But the Presbytery of Peoria insisted on a second examination. During the week following his first sermon the leading clergymen of that district gathered in his church and were about to begin the quizzing process. Hebrew was the first subject for examination. At the last moment it was discovered that the Hebrew committee had forgotten to bring a Hebrew Bible. While the dismay thus occasioned was at its height the young candidate who occupied an embarrassing seat on the platform before the divines and many of his parishioners-came to the rescue by offering to repeat in the original the first chapter of Genesis, the committee meanwhile to follow him closely and correct any mistakes. He then began, and recited verse after verse from beginning to end of the chapter. Meanwhile the faces of the committee presented a curious study. As the young minister modestly concluded and resumed his seat one of the committee was on his feet instantly, moving that the Hebrew examination be ended. The "aye" that followed was hear a block away. So the examination went on, to the continued surprise of the examiners.-George T. B. Davis in the July Woman's Home Companion.

How Congress Spring Was Named.

When John Taylor Gilman, a member of Congress, visited the log houses which chiefly constituted Saratoga in its early history, he was accompanied one day on a hunting ramble by the young son of the woodsman with whom he boarded. When they returned to the cabin the boy enthusiastically shouted, "Oh, ma, we've found a new spring!" Who found it?" he was asked. Turning to the distinguished lawmaker the little fellow admiringly exclaimed: "Why, the Congress!" And to this day the name has clung to one of the most celebrated of the springs which made the place a sanitary resort long before it became the seat of summer fashion.-July Ladies' Home Journal.

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