Abbildungen der Seite
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The Nation, speaking of General Harrison's address at the Ecumenical Missionary Council last month, says: "Such plain speech is possible only in the case of a man who has won his liberty at the great price of having been President, and having ceased to be a candidate for re-election." Among other things the ex-President made some statesmanlike suggestions regarding an international agreement restricting the liquor traffic, which the Nation declares no man would dare to utter were he President, or a candidate for the Presidency.

"The report of the Committee on Privileges and Elections in the case of Senator Clark, of Montana," says the Nation, "is an overwhelming indictment of the methods by which he obtained his election. No charges of direct bribery

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for his discovery of the X-rays. This medal is given only once in every five years, and always to him who has made "the most important contribution to physical science during that period."

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Dr. Agassiz offers to give five thousand dollars to the National Academy of Sciences as the "beginning of a building fund" to be used in erecting a home for the society in Washington.

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It is a scientifically demonstrated fact that butter, packed in glass boxes, hermetically sealed and placed in a thin layer of plaster of paris, is not effected by heat, atmospheric changes, or the lapse of time. The cost of packing for shipment. in this fashion is not more than two cents per pound.

in Literature

Theodore Thomas has announced his decision to will to the Newberry Library in Chicago his collection of music. He has made provision that the library shall have the scores now in his home and the complete musical programmes which mark the milestones in the history of music in the United States for the last forty-five years.

Count Leo Tolstoi's new book, the title of which is, "What Is Art?", is attracting much attention. It is to be expected that a man like the great Russian would take a serious view of the subject, and he does. Art to him represents intellectual power and emotion, the highest and truest ideals of the race revealed in form or voiced in music song and story, and must touch the heart and stir the soul to sympathy. He is unsparing in his denunciation of "socalled artists and art patrons." Art must be real and earnest or it is, he contends, a dead and useless thing.


In Shakespearian Literature, Mr. Samuel Butler has just given to the world a new "exegesis" of the Sonnets. Mr. Butler thinks the Sonnets, most of them, were written in the year 1585. At that time William Shakespeare was but twenty-one years of age. The rest of these fascinating, and ever perplexing poems, he believes, were produced in

the three years following, though there are a few to which he seems unable to assign any definite date. The "Temple" edition of Shakespeare has been recently issued in twelve volumes instead of forty, as originally. The second series of W. H. Fleming's "How to Study Shakespeare" is just out, and includes "As You Like It," "King Lear," "Henry V," and "Romeo and Juliet." The twelfth volume of the "New Variorum" edition of Shakespeare is now ready for the public.

Alice Morse Earle, in her "Child Life in Colonial Days" draws pictures that the children of today have only to look upon to be thankful that they were not born a hundred years and more ago. In those days it was considered a sin on the part of the parents to spare the rod. Children were severely punished for the slightest fault.

"Among the Syringas," is the title of a new book by Mary E. Man, which is to appear in the autumn. It is a tale of English country life, and the heroine is the daughter of a poor clergyman.

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Booth Tarkington's novel, "The Gentleman from Indiana," is being well received in London, where it and stories of its kind are much preferred to the American historical novel.

In Art

The first of what is to be annual exhibitions of paintings at the Corcoran Art Gallary was held in April. Only the pictures of Washington artists were admitted.

The critics pronounce the pictures hung this year in the Paris Salon "nothing very extraordinary," and Arsene Alexandre says of them: "Where is a single one that shows that its creator either loves or understands his art?" And yet Constant's work is there, and Jean Paul Lauren's and others of the better known in the world of art.


American artists are winning honor in London this spring, at the New Gallery and the Royal Academy. Sargent's portraits are attracting attention, and

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The ecumenical council meeting in Carnegie Hall, New York, was the most important religious conference ever held by the Protestant Church. Delegates to the number of two thousand, and representing every denomination, coming from every quarter of the globe, conferred together concerning the work of missions and the progress of that work during the past century. It afforded an opportunity for summing up the achievements of the missionary fields everywhere for a whole hundred years. The council was neither legislative nor excutive in character. Nevertheless, it was not without practical results. From India, from South Africa, Madagascar, and China and Japan, from the frozen regions of the North, and from the burning tropics, they gathered, those men and women who have given their lives to the fulfilling of the command, to report, to confer, to listen and to learn. Many of the names that appeared upon the programmes are famous the world over. It proved, as was anticipated, to be the greatest and most important event the religious world has known.


There are seven great missionary societies, four in America and three in Great Britain. There are three hundred and forty-three smaller organizations operating in foreign mission fields. The Church Missionary Society of London is the largest single organization of this kind in the world. The next largest is the American Methodist. The other five are the American Presbyterian Board, the London Missionary Society, the British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, the American Board, Bos

Sooner or Later

You must read what we have to say here, and sooner or later you must think about it, but

What is the sense

of putting it off, and tramping around in agony with a corn that makes life miserable?

If you have a corn

and nearly everybody has-you know what it means to suffer. We simply want to tell you how to secure relief. You can take advantage of it or not, but if you do what we recommend, we guarantee you will get relief-that the corn will be entirely removed, and a clean white skin left in its place.

We have experimented

a great many years to achieve this result. One thing will do it. We don't know of anything else that will. You are interested in know. ing what will. It is

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March 24.-The new Carnegie company is incorporated at Trenton with a capital of $160,000,000.

March 25.-English losses to date are 16,418 killed, wounded, and missing.-Coal famine in Germany.

March 26. Strength of Boer army is esti mated from 15,000 to 30,000 men.-Court of Inquiry on wreck of Charleston exonerates the officers.

March 27.-New Philippine commission holds it first meeting in Washington.-General Joubert dies in Pretoria from peritonitis. -Boers take up aggressive warfare again.

March 28. Ex-Consul Macrum repeats his charges before house committee that his mail had been tampered with by British officials.

March 29.-Delagoa Bay tribunal announces its award condemning Portugal to pay 15.314,000 francs to British and American claimants. England dissatisfied with award.

March 30.-Botha succeeds Joubert as commander-in-chief of Boer forces.

March 31.-Kearsarge double turrets prove a success. Cambridge defeats Oxford in alnual boat race.

April 1.-Boers capture convoy and six guns.

April 2.-Wm. H. King is chosen Representative in Congress to the seat from which Roberts, of Utah, was excluded.-Signor Colombo is re-elected President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

April 3.-The Senate passes the Porto Rican tariff bill.-Premier Schreiner is attacked by a mob of English residents at Cape Town.

April 4.-Admiral Dewey announces his willingness to become a candidate for the Presidency.

April 5.-Delegates to the National Democratic convention from Pennsylvania are instructed to vote for Bryan.

April 6.-The Kentucky Court of Appeals sustains the action of the Legislature in the election of Gobel.

April 7.-General Otis is relieved of com mand in the Philippines. General MacArthur succeeds him.-The dam across the Colorado river near Austin, Texas, is carried away by flood with great loss of life and property.

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April 7.-President McKinley signs an or der ceding to the Navy Department Dry Tortugas Island, for a fortified naval base.

April 10.-General Buller's forces are attacked at Elands-Laagte, Natal.-The seat of Senator Clark, of Montana, is declared vacant by Senate Committee on Privileges and Elctions.

April 11.-President McKinley issues an order consolidating the departments of Havana and Pinar del Rio, Cuba, under command of General Fitzhugh Lee.

April 12.-The President signs the Porto Rican tariff bill, and appoints Charles H. Allen, civil governor of the island.

April 13.-A resolution favoring the constitutional amendment for the popular election of United States Senators is adopted by the house.

April 14.-General Cronje and other Boer prisoners arrive at St. Helena.-Paris Exposition is formally opened.

April 16. The appeal in the Kentucky governorship contest is filed in the United States Supreme Court.

April 17.-Governor Roosevelt is chosen a delegate to the National Convention by the Republicans of New York.-The British war office criticises General Warren.

April 18.-President McKinley names Frank W. Hackett as Assistant Secretary of the Navy in place of Chas. H. Allen.

April 19.-Cuban census figures are made public at Washington.-A crisis is reached in diplomatic relations between the United States and Turkey because of the latter's failure to pay indemnity for destruction of missionary property.

April 20. The situation in South Africa practicaly unchanged. The Boers are still holding their ground.

Apr. 21.-Boers and British are engaged near Elands-Laagte.-Ecumenical conference opens in New York.

April 22. The Porte replies to American demands, stating that Turkey will pay the indemnity.

April23-Boer peace commission not received at Vienna.

April 24.-The British suffered a repulse near Dhagm Kap.

April 25.-General French takes possession of DeWits Dorp.

April 26, British are beaten back from Bultfontein.

April 27.-General Roberts reports to war office. Treaty with Spain ratified by U. S. Senate.

April 28-Examination of General Merriam continued at the Couer d'Alene investigation.

April 29.-Members of the Boer peace com mission sail from Rotterdam for America.

April 30.-Lord Roberts fails in his efforts to capture Boer forces..

"May 1.-The Porte. at Constantinople issues a circular to the embassies for increasing customs duties.

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