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The medal from M. de Fleury is done, and delivered to his order, he being absent. I shall get the others prepared as soon as possible by the same hand, if I cannot find a cheaper equally good, which I am now enquiring after, two thousand livres appearing to me a great sum for the work.

With my last I sent a copy of my memorial to the court

of Denmark, I have since received an answer from the min ister of that court for foreign affairs, a copy of which I enclose; it referred me to the Danish minister here, with whom I have had a conference on the subject. He was full of professions of the good will of his court to the United States, and would excuse the delivery of our prizes to the English, as done in conformity to treaties, which it was necessary to observe.

He had not the treaty to shew me, and I have not been able to find such a treaty on enquiry. After my memorial, our people left at Bergen were treated with the greatest kindness, by an order from court, their expenses during the winter that they had been detained there, all paid; necessaries furnished to them for their voyage to Dunkirk, and a passage thither found for them, all at the king's expense. I have not dropt the application for a restitution, but shall continue to push it, not without some hopes of success. wish however to receive instructions relating to it; and I think a letter from congress to that court might forward the business; for I believe they are sensible they have done wrong, and are apprehensive of the inconveniences that may follow.


With this I send the protests a taken at Bergen against the proceeding.

The Alliance in her last cruize met with, and sent to America, a Dutch ship, supposed to have on board an English cargo. The owners have made application to me. I have assured them, that they might depend on the justice of the courts; and that if they could prove their property there, it would be restored. Mr. Dumas has written to me about it. I enclose his letter and wish dispatch may

no These papers do not appear,

be given to the business, as well as to prevent the inconveniences of a misunderstanding with Holland, as for the sake of justice. A ship of that nation has been brought in here by the Black Prince, having an English cargo. I consulted with Messrs. Adams and Dana, who informed me that it was an established rule with us in such cases, to confiscate the cargo, but to release the ship, paying her freight, &c. This I have accordingly ordered in the case of this ship, and hope it may be satisfactory. But it is a critical time. with respect to such cases. For whatever may formerly have been the law of nations, all the neutral powers at the instance of Russia, seem at present disposed to change it, and to enforce the rule, that free ships shall make free goods, except in the case of contraband. Denmark, Sweden, and Holland, have already acceded to the proposition, and Portugal is expected to follow. France and Spain in their answers, have also expressed their approbation of it. I have therefore instructed our privateers to bring in no more neutral ships, as such prizes occasion much litigation and create ill blood. The Alliance, captain Landais, took two Swedes in coming hither, who demand of us for damages, one upwards of sixty thousand livres, and the other near five hundred pounds sterling: and I cannot well see how the demand is to be settled. In the newspapers that I send, the congress will see authentic pieces expressing the sense of the European powers on the subject of neutral navigation. I hope to receive the sense of congress for my future government, and for the satisfaction of the neutral nations now entering into the confederacy, which is considered here as a great stroke against England. In truth that country seems to have no friends on this side the water, no other nation wishes it success in its present war, but rather desires to see it effectually humbled. No ore not even their old friends the Dutch, will afford them any assistance; such is the mischievous effect of pride, insolence, and injustice on the affairs of nations, as well as on those of private perThe English party in Holland is daily diminishing, and the states are arming vigorously to maintain the free


dom of their navigation. The consequences may possibly be a war with England, or a serious disposition in that mad pation to save what they can by a timely peace.

Our cartel for the exchange of American prisoners has been some time at a stand. When our little squadron brought near five hundred into Holland, England would not at first exchange Americans for them there, expecting to take them in their passage to France. But at length an agreement was made between the English and French embassadors, and I was persuaded to give them up, on a promise of having an equal number of English delivered to my order at Morlaix. So those were exchanged for Frenchmen. But the English now refuse to take any English in exchange for Americans, that have not been taken up by American cruisers. They also refuse to send me any Americans in exchange for their prisoners released and sent home by the two flags of truce from Boston. Thus they give up all pretensions to equity and honor, and govern themselves by caprice, passion, and transient views of sent interest.


Be pleased to present my duty to congress, and believe me to be with great respect, &c.



From the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, to Benjamin Franklin, Esq.


WERE you a person less known and respected, I should have been quite at a loss on the subject of the letter which I have had the honor of receiving from you, which did not come to hand 'till the 31st January. I should have considered it as a measure calculated to place us under a new embarrassment as painful as the first; but there is no risk with such a sage as you are, sir, generally respected by that universe which you have enlighted, and known for that prevailing love for truth which characterizes the well informed man and true philosopher. These are the titles which

will transmit your name to the remotest posterity; and in which I am particularly interested, at the time when the situation of affairs imposes on me the necessity of divesting myself in writing to you of every public character, and only to aspire at appearing to you what I truly am, the passionate friend of peace, truth, and merit. This mode of thinking not only decides my personal sentiments with respect to you, but also those I have respecting the unfortunate affair which you have thought fit to mention to me, and which, from its commencement, has given me the utmost pain. You will readily agree with me, sir, in granting that there are perplexing situations, in which it is impossible to avoid displeasing one party. You are too equitable not to enter into ours. There would be no consolation in such cases, nor would the persons who have led them into them ever be forgiven, were it not that opportu nities sometimes presented themselves of being heard, and preventing in future such essential embarrassments.

The baron de Blome will speak to you in confidence, and with the utmost freedom on this subject; and if my wishes can be accomplished, I shall be recompensed for all my pains, and there will only remain, the agreeable recollec tion of having had the satisfaction of assuring you from under my hand, of that superior and perfect esteem with which I have the honor of being, sir, &c.

Copenhagen, March 8, 1780.


To Samuel Huntigton, Esq. President of Congress.

Passy, June 1, 1780.

SIR, Commodore Jones who by his bravery and conduct, has done great honor to the American flag, desires to have that also, of presenting a line to the hands of your excellency. I cheerfully comply with his request in recommending him to the notice of congress, and to your excellency's protection, though his actions are a more effectual recommenda

tion, and render any from me unnecessary. It gives me however, an opportunity of showing my readiness to do justice to merit, and of professing the esteem and respect with which I am, &c.


To the same.

Passy, August 9, 1780.


WITH this your excellency will receive a copy of my last, dated May 31st, the original of which with copies of preceding letters went by the Alliance, captain Landais, who sailed the beginning of last month, and who I wish may arrive safe in America: being apprehensive that by her long delay in port, from the mutiny of the people, who after she was ready to sail, refused to weigh anchor 'till paid wages, &c. she may fall in the way of the English fleet now out, or that her crew who have ever been infected with disorder and mutiny, may carry her into England. She had on her first coming out a conspiracy for that purpose, besides which, her officers and captain quarrelled with each other; the captain with commodore Jones; and there have been so many broils among them, that it was impossible to get the business forward while she staid; and she is at length gone without taking the quantity of stores which she was capable of taking, and was ordered to take. I suppose the conduct of that captain will be inquired into by a court martial. Captain Jones goes home in the Ariel, a ship we have borrowed of government here, and carries one hundred and forty-six chests of arms, and four hundred barrels of powder. To take the rest of the stores and cloathing, I have been obliged to freight a ship, which being well armed and well manned, will I hope get safe. The clothes for ten thousand men, are I think all made up; there are also arms for fifteen thousand, new and good, with two thousand barrels of powder, besides this, there is a great quantity of cloth I have bought, of which you will have the invoices sent by Mr. Williams; and ano

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