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6. He shall permitt no scholler to goe forth at the yeat at tymes apointed for scoolis or studies, without the masteris licience, of quhom he sall first inquyre.

7. He shall suffer no children to enter within the yeat, or play within the closs at any tyme, or any to stand neir the yeat to mack urine.

8. That within his ludge no conventicle of schollaris be.

9. He shall build on the fyr in the common hall in vinter, and mak the badis in the severall chamberis, and shall lay no ashes under the stair nor in any part of the closs in any caice quhatsomevir.

10. He shall serve the bursseris at table, and be redie at all occasions, as on to help, quhen any thing is doing in or about the colledge.

11. Last, he shall be obedient to the principall and maisters, and show himselff respective to evrie on of them in all kynd of dew reverence; quherin if he faill, or in any of the preceiding pointis, for the first fault he shall pay halff ane dollour, for the nixt he shall pay ane dollour, and for the thrid ether a dolour or els deprivatioun, as the principall and maisters shall think expedient.

In the visitatioun of the Kingis Colledge of Aberdein, holdin the twantie-third of November M vic fourtie-thrie yeires, conveinit the reuerendis following, viz., D. William Guild principall, and Mr. James Sandilandis civilist, Mr. Alexander Middiltoun supprincipall, Mr. Johne Lundie grammarian, Mr. Alexander Gardyne Mr. Patrik Gordoun and Mr. George Middiltoun regentis, and Mr. William Robertsoun minister, ane of the assessouris.

This day being appoyntit for the rectorall visitatioun, and the said Mr. James Sandelandis haveing gottin ordour to give adverteisment of the said dyat to D. Patrik Dun principall of colledge Marishall, and rest of the memberis thairof, to be present thairat, the said Mr. James Sandelandis maid his report, that D. Dunn declairit for himself, and in name of the rest, that they war not as yitt resoluit with thair patronis concerning the unioun of the colledgis, and of certain uther doubtis; in respect quhairof, the memberis forsaidis proceidit to the said visitatioun.

The said day, Mr. James Sandelandis civilist, Mr. Alexander Middiltoun supprincipall, Mr. Johne Lundie grammarian, Messrs Alexander Gardin

Patrik Gordoun and George Middiltoun regentis, being removit and censurit in thair lyifis and conversatioun doctrin and disciplin, war approvin be universall consent in thair severall functions according to thair stationes.

The said day, the said D. William Guild principall and rector, being removit and censurit, with uniforme consent was approvin in the haill poyntis of his charge and calling.

The said D. Williame Guild rector and principall of the said colledge dimittit his place of rectorshippe; in regard quhairof, the memberis and assessour forsaid proceidit to the electioun of ane rector; and be pluralitie of voices electit nominat and chuisit the said D. Williame Guild principall of the kingis colledge rector of king Charlis universitie of Aberdein, comprehending the said kingis colledge and Marshaill colledge, from the first of November 1643 last bypast to the first of November 1644, with the haill solemnities and dew obediences belonging therto; and delyuerit to him the keyis of the liberarie and charter kist, the coppies of the fundatiounes, the inventar of the writtis, the inventaris of the buikes and colledge plenishing and colledge rentall; quha acceptit the said place in and upone him, and gave his aith de fideli administratione.

The said day, the rector forsaid, with consent of the memberis forsaidis, electit and chusit Mr. William Strauchin Mr. William Robertsone ministeris, Mr. Thomas Sandelandis commissar, and Mr. William Raitt in Old Aberdein, assessouris to the rector for the said yeir.

The rector memberis assessouris, and everie facultie be itself, have choosine thair deanes as followes, viz., Mr. Dauid Lindsay persone of Balhalvies deane of the facultie of divinitie, Mr. James Sandelandis younger commissar for the lawes, D. Patrik Dun deane of the facultie of phisick, and Mr. Patrik Gordoun deane of the facultie of airtis.

At the Kingis Colledge of Old Aberdein, the seventh of October 1644, the whole in the fornamed act being present.

The said day, the principall produced the ordours and overtouris of the late generall assemblie in Maye last, ordained to be observed in all schoollis and colledges within this kingdome, subscrived be the clerk, whiche war read and intimated, and wer ordained to be registrat as followes:—

Ordours and overtures for advancement of learneing and good order in grammer schoollis and colledges.

1. That ane Latin grammar and rudimentis thairof be taught in all schoollis, and that be a directorie agried wpone, quhich, so farr as may be, all schoolmasteris sall follow; and that the parliament be supplicat to grant a commissione for that effect.

2. That for the remeid of the great decay of poesie, and of abilitie to mak verse, and in respect of the commone ignorance of prosodie, no schoolmaister be admitted to teach a grammer schoole in burghes or other considerable paroches but such as, after examinatione, sall be fund skillfull in the Latine tongue, not onlie for prose bot also for verse, and that after other tryallis to be maid by the ministeris and otheris deput by the sessione towne and paroche for this effect, that he be also approven by the presbyterie.

3. That everie schoole be visited tuise in the yeir by the visitoris appointed by the magistrates ministeris and sessione of everie towne and paroche, and by the commissionaris of the universities quher universities are, and of the presbyterie, that both the fidelitie and diligence of the masteris and the profiteing of the scholleris may be tryed and censured; and that the said visitoris have a speciall caire that the said schoolemasteris be not distracted by no other imploymentis, quhich may divert them from their diligent attendance wpone their calling.

4. That neither the Greek language nor logick nor anie pairt of philosophie be taught in anie grammar schoole or privat place within this kingdome to young scholleris, quho thaireftir are to enter to the colledge, wnles it be for a preparatione to thair entrie thair; and notwithstanding of anie progresse that may pretend to have beine made privatlie in these studies, yit in the colledge they sall enter to the lowest classe, callit the bajane classe, and proceid orderlie through the rest of the classes so long as they remaine in the colledge.

5. That none be admitted to enter a student in anie colledge, wnles after tryall he be abill to mak a congruous theame in Latine, or at leist being admonisched of his error can reddilie schow how to correct the same.

6. That none be promoved from anie inferiour classe to ane superiour, wnles he be found worthie and to have sufficientlie profited, otherwayes that he be ordained not to ascend with his condisciples; and if he be a burser

that he losse his burse; and namelie it is to be required that these quho ar taught in Aristottle be found well informed in his text, and be abill to repeat in Greik and wndirstand his quhole definitiones divisiones and principall preceptis so farre as they have proceided.

7. Because it is a disgrace to learneing, a hindrance to trades and other callinges, and ane abuse hurtfull to the publike, that such as are ignorant and wnworthie be honoured with ane degrie or publik testimonie of learneing; that thairfoire such tryall be takin of studentis, speciallie of magistrandis, as these quho are fund wnworthie be not admitted to the degrie and honour of masteris.

8. That quhosoever enteris to anie colledge sall goe orderlie through the classes dureing his remaining in the colledge, and that none be suffered to overleape a classe, nor to receive the degrie of masteris before his ordinarie course be ended, wnlesse be publik and ordinar examinationes he be found equall in learneing to the best or most pairt of that classe to quhich he desyres to ascend or quho ar to be graduat, and also that thair be found other pregnant reasones to move the facultie of airtes to condiscend thairto.

9. That none quho have entred to anie colledge for tryall or studie be admitted to another colledge without the testimoniall of the masteris of that colledge quhairin he entered first, both concerneing his literature and duetifull behaviour so long as he remained thair, at leist wntill the masteris of that colledge from quhence he comes be tymlie advertised, that they may declaire gif they have anie thing laufull to be objected in the contrair; and speciallie that none be admitted promoved or receive degrie in anie colledge, first, quho was rejected in another colledge for his wnfitnes or wnworthines, or anie other cause repugnant to good order; 2. if he leive the colledge quher he was for eschewing of censure and chastising for anie fault committed by him; 3. if he leive the colledge because he was corrected or chastised, or for anie other wnjust quarrell or grudge against his masteris.

10. That none of these quho may be laufullie received in anie colledge eftir he was in another, be admitted to anie other classe bot to that quherin he was or suld have beine in the colledge from quhence he came.

11. That at the tyme of everie generall assemblie the commissionaris directed thairto from all the universities of this kingdome meit and consult togidder for the establishement and advancement of pietie in the schooles and universities thairin, and give ane accompt of thair diligence to the said assemblie, and be cairfull that a correspondence be keiped among the saids

universities, and so farr as is possibill ane wnformitie in good doctrine and good order.

Edinb. 11 Junii 1644.

The commissioners of the assembly recommends thes articles above written to be observed in universities colleges and schooles untill the nixt assemblie.

J. Ker.

At the Kings Colledge, the 13 of November 1646, in presence of Mr. David Lindsay rector, Mr. William Strachan Mr. William Douglas and Mr. William Robertson assessouris, as also of the principall civilist and remanent masteris and memberis of the said colledge.

The said [day], the rector and memberis fornamed, wpon a certain occasione, did ordain that in no tyme coming any of the studentis of the said colledge, wpon any pretence whatsomever, enter in band or combinatioune for supplicating or obtaining of any thing that way wpon whatsoever ground; with certificatioune iff any be found so doeing, the authors shall be punished with extermination out of the said colledge, and the associats. with publict correction in a sever manner.

It is lykwyse ordained that all the publict oratiounes, both weeklie of all the studentis, and of thes speciallie that ar to be laureated ther laureatioune oratiounes, be visited first by ther masteris respectiue, that the same be not vented in publict without approbatioune.

At the Kings Colledge, the last of Januari 1650, in presence of Mr.
David Lyndsay rector, the principallis of both colleges, Mr. William
Douglas professor of divinitie, and the remanent masteris of the uni-


The said day, it was ordained, according to ane former act of the wniversitie, that the rector shalbe chosen yeirlie the penult Twesday of Jun, for which end the former rector sall give advertisement to the memberis of the wniversitie, and formallie dimitt his office.

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