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At the Kings Colledge of Aberdeine, the auchteint day of August,
M vic and fourtie yeiris.

The quhilk day, doctor William Guild rector of the universitie of the said colledge, and minister of the brughe of Aberdeine, Mr. James Sandilandis civilist, Mr. Robert Ogilvie subprincipall, Mr. Johne Lundy humanist, Mr. Alexander Gardyne and Mr. Alexander Midiltoune regentis of the said colledge, and memberis thairoff, being convenit for electing of ane principall of the said universitie, now wakand be the deprivatioune of doctor William Leslie, last principall therof, in regaird of the absence of Mr. Alexander Reid, ordinar clerk of the said universitie, did choos Patrick Rankin, notar publict, to be clerk to this particular electioune; quha being personallie present, acceptit the said office in and wpone him, and gave his aithe de fideli administratione; and in takin heiroff the fornameit persones have subscrivit thir presentis with ther handis, and have ordained the same to be insert and registrat in the register, with the recordis of the said universitie, day yeir and place forsaid.

At the kingis colledge of Old Aberdein, the auchteint day of August, 1640 yeeris. The quhilk day doctor William Guild rector of the wniversitie of the said colledge, and minister of the brughe of Abirdein, Mr. James Sandilandis civilist, Mr. Robert Ogilvie subprincipall, Mr. Johne Lundy humanist, Mr. Alexander Middiltoune and Mr. Alexander Gardyne, now regentis of the said colledge and memberis theroff, being all personallie present conveined within the said colledge, and considdering that the principall of the said universitie hes waiked the space of auchteine monethis last bygaine, be the deprivatioune of doctor William Leslie, last principall, and no man presentit therto, and that it is now only incumbent to them to prowyd ane sufficient learned and qualified man for exerceising of that place; therfoir, conforme to the fundatioune of the said universitie publictlie red, lawis and practique of this realme, and to ane edict laufullie published warneing all pairties and persones havand entres to compeir this day and place to give thair woices and consentis, and also to heir and sie the foirsaid place sufficientlie prowydit, and ane sufficient learned qualified man chosin electit and installit principall of the said universitie, the fornameit rector and memberis, for the moir formall procedour in the said electioune

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(eftir incalling wpone the name of God to bliss ther meitting and bussines in hand, and to direct aright), did nominat elect and choos for procuratouris for the natiounes eftir specifeit, to wit, Mr. James Sandilandis, commissar of Aberdeine, procuratour for the natioune of Louthian, Mr. William Dauidsone of Carny procuratour for the natioune of Angus, Mr. James Baird, advocat befoir the lordis of sessioune, for the natioune of Mar, and Mr. Patrick Chalmer, shireff-clerk of Abirdein, for the natioune of Murray, for woiceing and consenting to the said electioune ; quha being all personallie present acceptit the said office in and wpone them, and gave thair aithes de fideli administratione; and thairwpone the said rector and memberis askit instrumentis. Thaireftir the fornameit memberis of the said wniversitie, and four procuratouris for the natiounes abone specifeit, all in ane woice, did elect nominat and choos doctor William Guild to be principall of the said universitie and colledge of Abirdein during all the dayis of his lyftyme, as the most sufficient learned and qualified man for exerceising of that place, with full powar to him to injoy and possess the said place, with all liberties priviledgis rentis casualities and wtheris quhatsumewer belonging therto, during the space forsaid, als frilie in all respectis as any principall of the said wniversitie ewer enjoyed at any tyme heirtofoir or can by richt enjoy. Lykas the said memberis of the said universitie, and procuratouris for the nationes abone mentionat, ordained thir presentis to be insert and registrat in the register with the recordis of the said universitie, therin to remain ad futuram rei memoriam; and in takin therof, they haue subscriuit the same with ther handis day yeir and place foirsaid.

Wpon Tuesday the 8th day of October 1640, Mr. Patrik Gordoun being nominat by the greatest pairt of the masteris, and after tryallis being found qualiefied, was presented and admitted to be regent in the said colledge.

At the Kingis Colledge of the wniversitie of Aberdein, the sexteint day of November M vic and fourtie yeiris, convenit doctor William Guild present rector and principall, doctor Patrik Dune and Mr. William Robertsone tua of the assessouris, Mr. James Sandilandis civilist, Mr. Robert Ogilvie subprincipall, and Mr. Johne Lundy grammarian.

The said (day), the rectoris assessouris and memberis foirsaidis electit

Mr. Alexander Midiltoune, Mr. Alexander Gardyne, Mr. Patrik Gordoune, and Mr. Robert Innes nationall procuratouris for choosing of ane rector this yeir; quha acceptit the said office, and gave thair aithis de fideli administratione.

The said day, Mr. William Guild doctor of divinitie, rector and principall of the said colledge, dimittit his place of rectorship. In regaird quheroff, the memberis assessouris and nationall procuratouris foirsaidis proceidit to the electioune of ane rector; and be pluralitie of woices electit nominat and choosit the said doctor William Guild rector of the said colledge and universitie, with the haill solemnities and dew obediences belonging therto, from Hallowmes 1640 till Hallowmes 1641 yeeris, and delyuerit to him the keyis of the librarie and chartour kist, the coppies of the fundatioune, of inventar of the writtis, of the inventar of the buikes, colledge plenessing, and colledge rentall; quha acceptit the said place in and wpone him, and gave his aith de fideli administratione.

The rector foirsaid, with consent of the memberis, electit and choosit doctor Dune, Mr. William Robertsone minister, Mr. Thomas Sandilandis commissar, and Mr. William Moir bailyie, assessouris for the said yeir.

The rector memberis and assessouris, and everie facultie be it self, have chossin ther deanes as followethe, viz.: Mr. William Robertsone deane of the facultie of divinitie, Mr. James Sandilandis for the lawis, doctor Dune for phisick, and Mr. Johne Lundy for philosophie; quha acceptit promittentes to be faithfull in thair chairge from Michaelmes 1640 till Michaelmes 1641 yeiris. Lykas the said doctor Patrik Dun, dean of the facultie of phisick forsaid, protestit that the medicineris place, now waccant throw the deceiss of wmquhill Mr. William Gordoune, last professor therof, suld be filled with ane professor with diligence; and for that effect desyrit the memberis to serue programes at all places neidfull and usuall, quhilk iff they refuiss to doe, he wald acquant hier powaris therwith; quherwpone he askit instrumentis.

In the visitatioun of the Kingis Colledge of Aberdein, haldin upoun the fourteint day of Junii, 1641 yeiris, be doctor William Guild rector and principall, with Mr. Thomas Sandelandis commissar, Mr. William Moir professor of mathematicks in Aberdeine, Mr. Williame Robertsone minister in Aberdeine, assessouris to him; doctor Dun being absent, an

uther of the assessouris. Thairto convenit Mr. James Sandelandis civilist, Mr. Alexander Middiltoun supprincipall, Mr. Jhone Lundie grammarian, Mr. Alexander Gardyne, Mr. Patrik Gordoun, and Mr. William Rait regentis.

The said day, Mr. James Sandelandis civilist, being removit to be censurit, was approvin be the rector, assessouris, and haill memberis in his lyff, conversatioun, and doctrine, conforme to the fundatioun, and wes desyrit to mack his actuall residence with thame with all dilligence.

The said Mr. Jhone Lundie grammarian, being removit to be censurit, wes approvine be all in his lyif and conversatioun and doctrine, conforme to the fundatioun.

The said day, Mr. Alexander Middiltoun supprincipall, Mr. Alexander Gardyne regent, Mr. Patrick Gordoun and Mr. William Rait lykwayis regentis, being severallie removit to be censurit, war approvin be all in ther lyffis, conversatiounes, and doctrine, according to ther severall charges and functiones, conforme to the fundatioun.

The said day, the principall being removit to be censurit be the memberis and assessouris, was approvin be all in his lyiff, conversatioun, doctrine, ouersicht of the fabrick, and all uther his chardge, conforme to the fundatioun, and wes desyrit to receid with tham with all possible dilligence.

At the Kingis Colledge of Aberdein, the sex day of Januarii, 1643 yeiris, be speciall indictioun of the rector, convenit the reverend memberis following:-doctor William Guild rector of king Charles universitie, and principall of the said colledge, Mr. James Sandilandis civilist, Mr. Alexander Middiltoun subprincipall, Mr. Jhone Lundie grammarian, Mr. Alexander Gardyn, Mr. Patrick Gordoun, and Mr. George Middiltoun regentis, memberis of the said colledge; reliqui absentes, viz., D. Patrik Dun principall of colledge Marschall, with the regentis theroff, and Mr. William Moir professor of mathematikes, ther member of the said colledge Marschall warnit be Patrick Innes bedall to the universitie, at the rectouris speciall directioun.

The said day, the rector, principall, and memberis forsaidis convenit, wnderstanding that, be the fundatioun of the said universitie, the office

of chancellar of the said universitie and dignitie therof belongit and consistit in the persones of the pretendit bischopes of Aberdein, and that the name office dignitie and place of the saidis bischopes ar be the lawes of this kingdom abolished and extinct; and considering that it is verie necessar, be the said fundatioun, and for preservatioun of the liberties of the said universitie, comprehending the said kingis colledge of Aberdein and colledge Marschall, that ther be ane honorable and fit persoun elected nominat and choosine: Therfor the rector, principall, and haill members forsaidis convenit, all in on voice, efter dew and matur deliberatioun have nominat elected and chosine, and be thir presentis nominatis electis and chooses, ane noble and mightie marques, George marques of Huntlie, erle Enzie, lord Gordoun and Badzienoche, etc., to be chancellar of the said universitie, callit kyng Charles universitie and colledges theroff forsaidis, and haill appendices of the samen, and electis nominatis and choosis his lordship to the haill dignities honouris liberties and priviledges, that hes concerned or presentlie concernes the said office of chancellarie of the said universitie, conforme to the fundatioun forsaid; and ordained the samen electioun to induir during the pleasur of the said rector, principall, and members forsaidis; ordaining lykwayis thir presenttis to be insert and registrat in the universitie regester ad futuram rei memoriam, and actes and instrumentis to be extendit heirupoun in forme as effeiris,

The said day, the rector, principall, and members forsaidis have ordained the office of porter within the kingis colledge of Aberdein, wnder the sanctioun following, to be registrat in the said colledge regester, to have the strynth of ane act in tyme cumming; quherof the tennour followeth :

The office of the porter within the Kingis Colledge of Old Aberdein. 1. He shall attend the gate at all tymes, customable and ordinarie. 2. He shall ring the bells at the tymes appoynted.

3. He shall lock the colledge gat at nyne at nicht, and oppen the samen at fyve in the morning.

4. He shall sueip the scoollis and publict houses tuiss evrie weik, and keip clein the closs, the staires, and chamberis.

5. He shall attend the colledge for saving the fabrick, both in tyme of play and vacancie; and if any part therof be vrongit or brokin, he shall doe his best to try the doers therof, and give tymlie advertisment to the principall or hepdomadar regent.

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