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colledge table, and efter receiveing of the keyes of the geats at nyne a clock at night, to visit all the chambers in the colledge, with the publick censure to observe the absents, to inquyre if prayer and reading a pairt of the scripture be gone about, and to injoyne their students caireing for the fabrick from their fyre and candle; and the same in the morning; and to preceid in the publick disputs betuixt ten and tuelf on the Saturday, in the comone schooll. And as to the instructione of the schollars in the principles of christianitie, and the books taught for sacred lessones, by order of the former visitatione, upon the Lord's day in the efternoone; all masters convein their severall classes at fyve a clock, and continue to sex, examineing their sacred lessones; and if anie tyme remaine efter the lessone is examined, to take accompt of the sermone of the day. The books that are taught for sacred lessones are, Westminster confessione of faith, Thomas Vincent his catechisme, the whole dutie of man, Pooll's dialogues, Grotius de veritate religionis christiane. And as to the keeping of the kirk betuixt the second and third bell; all the masters and students convein in the publick schoolls, and efter cittatione of the cattallogue all goe to the kirk, each master befor his owen class. Theirefter Mr. John Moir civilist, doctor Patrick Urquhart mediciner, Mr. George Fraser subprincipall, Mr. Patrick Gordone humanist, Mr. William Black and Mr. Alexander Fraser regents in the said kings colledge, being called, on efter ane other, and interrogate seperatlie out with the presence of ane another, whether or not they would subscrive the confessione of faith, and swear and take the oath of alledgeance to their majesties king William and queen Marie, and subscrive the certificate and assureance ordained to be taken be act of parliament in Julij nyntie yeir; and if they would declair that they doe submitt to the church government as now established by law, they all and everie on of them seperatlie, and outwith the presence of one aneother, as said is, ansuered that they were readie and willing swa to doe. Wherupon the saids lords did administrat to each of them the oath of alleadgeance and assureance, both which, with the confessione of faith, they instantlie subscrived; and declaired they were willing to submitt to the church government as now established by law. And theirefter the lords of the committie did adjourne their meitting till three a clock in the efternoon, and ordanit all pairties to attend the said tyme. Marischall . . . And as to the foundationes, mortificationes, and revenewes of both the saids colledges, with the money appointed for buying of bookes to the libraryes; it wes the


judgement of the saids lords that the same would take so long tyme to be considdered and weill understood by them, that their present urgent occasione, with the earle Marischalls indispositione, could not permitt them to stay together such ane space; and theirfor it wes their humble opinione that the lords of the generall visitatione should recomend the full prosecutione theirof to them, to call such persones to their assistance as they think fitt, as may more convenientlie attend the same and make report theirof; which the lords of committie judges to be necessar, and are hopfull may tend much for the good of both colledges. And in regaird the lords of the committie understand that their are some of the masters of the saids two colledges who are present keepers of the libraries theirof; and that the saids biblethecaries are appointed to appear befoir the said generall visitatione, the first day of November nixt; and considdering that their appearance befor the generall visitores the said tyme may be verie inconvenient, being the tyme of the downe sitting of the saids two colledges: theirfor it is the opinion of the said committie that the visitatione of these bibliothecarij be remitt lykewayes to the committee abone wreiten, to be appointed for considdering the revenewes of the said colledge, and that the generall visitatione may dispence with their compeirance at that tyme. Marischall preses. Extractum per me

Tho. Hay.

ing masters and regents trans

ported from the above tryall.

Edinburgh the fourth day of February M vio and nyntie-five yeares.

Anent exeeim- The commission of parliament appointed for visiting universities, colledges, and schooles, doe hereby enact and declare that no master or regent, who hereafter shall be transported from one colledge to another, shall be subject or lyable to undergoe the tryall appointed by an former act of the commission, dated the twenty-seventh day of September M vic and nyntie yeares, notwithstanding therof. [Extracted, etc.]

Anent the foun dations and mor

tifications of the severall universities and colledges.

Edinburgh the fourth day of February, M vic and nyntie-five yeares.

The commission of parliament appointed for visiting universities colledges and schooles doe hereby appoint and ordaine the professores, mas‐

ters, and other overseers of the haill severall universities and colledges within this kingdom, to transmitt ane accompt to the clerk of the commission of their severall foundations and mortifications made and left to them, and what sallaries the severall masters and professores have allowed them, and how the rents and revenews of the saids universities and colledges are presently managed and employed; and ordains the university of St. Andrews particularly to send ane accompt of the half monthly cess given to that university by the parliament, and how the samen has been employed, and appoints the forsaid accompts to be sent betwixt and the first Munday of Aprill nixt.

examination of

The commission appoints and enacts, as to the seventh article, that, at the Anent a strict time of laureation, the students be straitly examined in presence of the mas- the students. ters and regents publictly; and that non receave the degree of master of arts but such as shall be found sufficiently qualified by the faculty of the colledge; and alse, that non receave degree who are vitious and guilty of immoralitie, whill they satisfie the masters as to their amendment of life.

to be admitted.

The commission enacts and appoints that no person in time coming be Anent the age admitted an professor or regent in any university or colledge within this of the regents kingdome, to have the government of students, unles they be at least of the age of twenty-one yeares compleat.

of meeting, and

The commission enacts and appoints that the masters and regents of all Anent the time the universities within this kingdome doe begin the teaching of their course the dismissing for the subsequent year upon the first lawfull day of November yearly; and of the colledges. to continue teaching till the last day of June therafter, except the regent of the magistrand class, who is to continue teaching till the first day of May yearly; but prejudice nevertheles to the colledge, who are in use to conveen sooner, that they conveen conforme to the former custome, but not to begin the work of the following year till the first of November.

The commission enacts and appoints that no student shall be hereafter admitted into any colledge who [shall] have been any former yeares studying d in an other colledge, unless he produce sufficient testificats of his good behaviour, signed be the principall or regent of the colledge where he last studied; and which testificats they shall be oblidged to grant when requyred, unles they can give very pregnant reasones for their refuseing; and if the masters, being requyred, shall refuse to grant the saids testificats without just cause, then it shall be leisume to any colledge, to which the student applyes, to receave him without oblidgeing him to produce the said testificat,

dents, their tes


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The commission enacts and appoints that no student having finished his course in one colledge shall be allowed to take his degrees in another colledge, without the consent of the masters of these colledges where he finished his studies; and which consent the masters who administrats the degree shall be oblidged to keep for their warrand.

The commission statuts and appoints that the severall classes within the colledges, when they first enter and conveen, be all publictly examined in the comon hall in presence of the principall and haill regents of the colledge, who shall be oblidged to conveen for the saids examinationes; and, farder, ordaines that the haill students shall be oblidged to enter to their respective classes yearly befor the said publict examinationes; with certification, if they failzie to enter in due time, they shall not be thereafter admitted without an excuse that shall satisfie the master; and if the excuse be admitted, the students shall undergoe the same publict examination as if he had entered in due time; and sicklike the commission appoints that the haill classes be also publictly examined in the end of the year befor they be dismissed, and that none desert their class while the saids examinationes be over, without ane licence from their masters; and befor the said licence be granted, the students shall undergoe the said publict examination; certifying such as goe away befor the saids examinations and without licence, they shall not be promoted to an higher class the nixt year.

The commission appoints that all bursers be strictly examined, and that such as doe not duly attend and make good proficiency in their studies be turned out of their burseries; and that non be receaved bursers unles they bring sufficient testificats of their good behaviour from the presbitry, minister, or kirk session of the parish wher they dwell, and produce the samen befor ther admission.

The commission statutes and appoints, that every year the regents of the severall classes be oblidged to teach their students some rudiments of the mathematicks with their courses.

Anent the re

port of the committee to be sent

Edinburgh, the fourth day of February, M vie nyntie-five yeares.

The commission of parliament appointed for visitation of universities to the severall colledges and schooles having heard the report of the comittee of their number, who wer appointed to prepare overtures and acts for the better

universities and colledges.

regulating the colledges, read over in presence of the commission, they doc appoint their clerk to send to every university and colledge within this kingdome, a full double of the acts and overtures contained in the report prepared by the said comittee, to the effect they may consider and deliberat upon the same, and send their respective opinions theranent to the said commission of parliament, betwixt and the first Munday of Aprile nixt to come; att which time the commission will take the said report to their consideration, with the opiniones of the severall colledges theranent, and reduce such of them into acts as they shall think fitt and expedient.

Edinburgh, the fourteinth day of May, M vie nyntie-five yeares.

of the colledges

The commission of parliament, appoynted for visitation of universities Anent a meeting colledges and schooles doe hereby enact and ordaine that the haill uni- the last Wedensversities and colledges within this kingdome doe send two of their number day of July. from every colledge to Edinburgh, the last Weddensday of July nixt to come, well and sufficiently instructed, to meet with the said commission of parliament, and to advise and consult with them anent an uniforme course of philosophie, to be heirafter taught in all the colledges, and anent anything else relating to the universities and colledges of this kingdome; and appoints the clerk to give timeous intimation of this act to the severall universities and colledges, that they may give due obedience hereunto, as they will be answearable.

Edinburgh, the fifteinth day of May, M vis nyntie-five yeares.

The which day, the commission of parliament appointed for visiting universities colledges and schooles taking to their consideration the acts and overtures formerly prepared by an comittee of ther number, with an ordinance of the commission appointing the saids overtures to be transmitted to the severall universities and colledges within this kingdome, for ther opinion theranent, together with the reports from the principalls, professores, and masters of the saids respective universities and colledges, anent the saids overtures.

The commission superceeds to make any act or statut for fixing the

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