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sioners shall have sight of such of the principalls as they have; and as to any that are registrat in the commissars books, they may have the extracts thereof, or inspectione of the principalls, as they think fitt.

And to the second, third, and fourt queries, they answer that the samen will be all cleared by sight of the principalls or extracts therof.

Item to the fyft, being only a poynt of fact, to inquyre all persones concerned how these mortificationes are imployed; they answer the colledges may doe the samen be themselves.

Att the bishops ludging in Old Aberdein, the sevinteint day of November M vi sevintie-six, post meridiem.

Sederunt, the earle of Marischall, the lord bishop, Mr. Alexander Rose, Mr. James Gordone, Mr. Patrick Sibbald, and Mr. George Meldrum. The said day, the commissionat persones above named did report that, according to the order and commission granted yisterday to them, they had mett and conferred with the magistrats of Aberdeen anent the particulars recommended to them, and that upon some considerations the saids magistrats declared that they could not convenientlie produce these mortificationes desyred, at that very tyme; but that afterwards, upon advertisment from the commissioners, they should have them in readines. Wherupon the saids commissioners did appoynt ane meeting to the effect forsaid att Aberdeen in the earle Marischalls ludging to-morrow, where the earle Marischall, Mr. Alexander Rose, Mr. James Gordone, and Mr. Patrick Sibbald, should be present; and have appoynted Mr. George Nicolsone of Cluny civilist, and Mr. Andro Massie subprincipall of the kings colledge, as also doctor James Leslie principall of the colledge Marischall, and Mr. Robert Patersone one of the regents therof, to attend that meeting as they shall be called.

As lykwayes the said day, it is ordered that wpon Wednesday the thirteent day of November nixt, at nyne of the clock in the morning, ther be ane meeting at the bishops ludging in Old Aberdeen, wher the earle Marischall and bishope, or aither of them, with two at least of the other visitors above named, are to be present to the effect foirsaid; and if ther be need of any further meetings for that purpose, the nixt insueing dyet shall be then appoynted by them.

The said day, it is appoynted that, at the nixt meeting of the visitatione, (which is appoynted to be the first Twisday of Aprile nixt at the said bishops ludging), both colledges be in reddines to give ane account of ther respective procurators and colledges accounts, according to the rentalls given in be them.

The said day, as to the laird of Drum his mortificatione, the commissioners ordered that the samen be secured upon land be resignatione and infeftment to follow therupon; which the commissioners did recomend to Mr. Robert Irvine of Beilsyde, agent for the laird of Drum, (being present for the tyme by providence), for acquanting him therwith; and which the laird of Drum declared to Mr. James Gordone and Mr. George Meldrum at Fintrey that he wes content to doe.

The nixt meeting is appoynted att the earle Marischalls ludging to-morrow, at nyne of the clock in the morning.

Att the earle Marischalls ludging in Aberdeen, the eighteint day of
November M vi seventie-six, ante meridiem.

Sederunt, the earle Marischall, Mr. Alexander Rose, Mr. James Gordon, and Mr. Patrick Sibbald.

The said day, the provest and baillies of Aberdeen having mett and conferred with the saids commissioners anent the giving inspectione of the saids mortificationes, they did produce the towns register wherin the saids mortificationes wer at leinth insert and contained; and not having then tyme to revise the same at full leinth, it was appoynted be the saids commissioners and magistrats of Aberdeen, all with ane consent, that Mr. Alexander Robertsone toune clerk of Aberdein, and Alexander Bruce clerk depute therof, or aither of them, and Mr. Alexander Forbes clerk to the visitatione of the colledges, shall meit at ther own conveniencie, and draw up ane perfect note and minut of all the mortificationes in the tounes hands, wherin the colledges are concerned in the particulars abovewritten, and to present the samen to the commissioners at their meeting, the said thretteint day of December nixt, or at the nixt meiting therafter, to be considered be them.

Att the bishops ludging in Old Aberdein, the sixteint of May M vie seventie-seven.

The commissioners, upon certain interveening occasions, not having conveniencie to meit upon the said thretteint day of December last M vi seventie-six, according to the appoyntment of ther former meitting, the eighteint of November last, and being conveened this day upon advertisement given to the assessors; sederunt, the earle Marischall, the bishop of Aberdeen, Mr. Alexander Rose minister at Monymusk, Mr. Patrick Sibbald at Aberdeen, Mr. George Meldrum at Fintry, ministers.

The said day, it is ordered that Mr. Robert Forbes collector for the vacant stipends give in the account of his intromissione therwith, to the effect it may be seen and considered what he hath receaved and delyvered, and how divyded betwixt the colledges, according to ther condescendance.

The said day, ther was delyvered be Mr. Alexander Forbes, clerk to this visitatione, to doctor James Lesly principall of the Marischall colledge, in presence of the commissioners and at ther order, ane double of the minut of all the mortificationes wherin the colledges are concerned, extracted out of the townes registers of Aberdeen, to the effect that he may revise and consider the same, and give ane account at the nixt meeting how the samyn are imployed according to the will of the mortifiers.

The said day, the saids Mr. James Gordone, Mr. Patrick Sibbald, and Mr. George Meldrum, or anie two of them, are ordered to meit for revising the colledges accompts, with power to them to adjoyne to themselves any wthers who may best consider of these accounts, and to meit therupon betwixt and the last day of May instant, or at the best conveniencie theirafter, and to report to the commissioners what they find therintill at their nixt meeting, which is appoynted to be the third Twisday of September


The said day, it is appoynted that both the colledges registers anent the students entries and removeall be given in be the respective principalls to the fornamed auditors of the colledges accounts to be considered be them; and that the auditors report to the commissioners at ther said nixt meeting what they find therin, that the deficients may be considered accordinglie.

The said day, the said doctor James Leslie gave in his accounts to the saids commissioners since his entrie to be principall of the Marischall col

ledge (which wes at Michaelmes M vic sixtie-ane) to this present year M vic seventie-seven, which wer delivered to the clerk; and withall the said doctor Leslie desyred libertie of the commissioners to speak; which being granted, he humblie represented and regrated to the commissioners, in presence of the two rectors, masters, and members of both colledges, that notwithstanding diverse laudable acts for establishing good order in both colledges, formerlie established by the present commissioners of late, yit the disorders in both colledges wer still increasing, and more visible this year then formerlie, and that both colledges did never dissolve ther students so long befor the due tyme as this year; and declared that he did disown and hate these disorders, and should ever doe so, and desyred that further course might be taken for redress therof; and withall protested that he should not be looked upon as ane allower, or censured for any such disorders that should creep into the colledges in tyme coming; and therupon asked and took instruments in the clerks hands in presence of the saids commissioners with the rectors, masters, and members of both colledges that wer present.

The said day, the masters and members of the kings colledge undertook to give in ther accounts to the lord bishop once befor the last of May in


The said day, it is ordered that both colledges meit among themselves to condescend, be advyce of ther respective rectors, upon some particular schem to be taught after the finishing of ther respective courses.

The said day, the nixt meeting is appoynted to be the third Twisday of September nixt.

Notes and minutes of Visitation, 1680.

Att Old Aberdeine, the nynteint day of October M vio and eightie yeares. The said day, in ordour to ane commissione direct by our soveraigne lord the kings most excellent majestie for visitatione of the colledges of Old and New Aberdeine, conveened for the visitatione of the Kings colledge sir Alexander Seatoune of Pitmeddene, George Skeine of Fintrae provest of Aberdeine, Alexander Banerman of Elsick, Mr. Patrick Sibbald parson of St. Nicolas, Mr. Robert Bruce prebend of Deer, Mr. Robert Reid minister at Banchrie. Quhilk commissione does appoint anie fyue of the commissioners with the preses to be ane quorum.

The bishope of Aberdeine being preses.

The erle of Kintore did send his excuse for his necessarie absence.

The commissione being publictlie read, the meeting did proceed to inquire of the present state and conditione of the said Kings colledge, and did call before them Mr. Alexander Midletoune present principall of the said colledge; and haueing examined him upon the points of the foundatione relateing to his office and his deportment conforme, did finde that hee since hee hade recovered his healthe hath, and asserts he will, continew in preacheing of theologicall lessones weeklie, and hade done his dewtie in other things.

As to the Canonists place; ther beeing none yet at present in that office, the same is referrit to furder consideratione.

Item, the meetting did call befor them Mr. George Nicolsone of Cluny advocat, now Civilist in the said Kings colledge, did inact and ordaine that the Civilist shall give attendance and teach his lessone at least once in the weeke, dureing the sitting of the colledge; and if, becaus of the meannes of the salarie due to the civilist, the said Mr. George or any other person refused to give attendance and teache conforme to the foundatione, declaired the place to be vacant and the salarie to be imployed upon annuel rent, for makeing up of ane additional stocke to one who should imbrace that office therefter; and to give his ansuer the next meeting; and discharged all acts made at rectorall meettings for exempting him fra his charge.

The meeting did find that Dr. Urquhart medicus hath discharged his duetie als near as hee could to the foundatione.

The subprincipall, Mr. George Midletoune, found to haue obserued his


Mr. Patrick Gordoun humanist found to hawe done his dewtie conforme to the foundatione.

The meetting adjourned till the 21 instant at 3 efternoone.

Old Aberdeine, 21 October 1680, post meridiem.

Bishope of Aberdene preses.

Conveened lord Pitmeddene, provest of Aberdeine, laird of Elsicke, Mr. Alexander Pattoune of Kinadie, Mr. Patrick Sibbald, Mr. Robert Reid, Mr. Robert Bruce.

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