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by removing of any scholler or scholleres from one of the saides colledges to the uther without due ordor; Therfor the saides persones, subprincipall and regents abone namit, of both the saids colledges, with speciall advyce and consent abone writtin, be thir presents bind and obleidge them, hinc inde, to utheris in maner following, to witt, that ther shall be no transitus of the students that are once entered to the one colledge into the uther colledge, wntill they be graduat maisteres of airts, except in the caices following, viz.: if the parent or neirest freind (who hath the disposall of the student as legall tutor, curator, or administrator to him), remove his residence from the one toune to the other, or from the cuntrie to aither of the tounes, in that caice, it shall be lawfull for the maisteres of the colledge in the toune wher the said parent or freind comes to reside to receave the forsaid student or students. Secundlie, if a scholler entered to the one colledge shall have the opportunitie of ane burss or some uther subsistance in the uther colledge equivalent in value to ane burss, which he had not in the colledge unto quhich he first entered, it shall be laufull for the maisteres of the uther colledge to receave him; the veritie of both these caices being sufficientlie instructed to the saides judges befor the transitus, and the saides judges, or ther deputs having ther power, granting ane subscryved ordor wnder ther hands to the maister who shall receave the said student or students, for his warrand. Lykas it is heirby declaired be both the saides pairties that the saides judges and aither of them hes and shall have power to substitute deputs, ane or mae, for judging and decyding (in ther absence) in the materes abone writtin as occasione offeres; declairing any determinatione to be maide theranent be the saides deputs to be als valid as if the samen war done be the saides judges them selffis respectiue. Bot it is alwayes provydit that if the said student or students (evin in these caices) shall be found to have removed from the colledge unto quhich they first entered, upon the accompt of discipline exercised or to be exercised amongest them, or not having satisfied for ther maisteres paines or uther colledge dues or damages quhich can be justlie laid to ther charge, it shall not be laufull for the maisteres of the uther colledge to receave them wntill they report ane sufficient testimoniall from the maisteres of that colledge wnto quhich they war first entered. Thridlie, if by reasone of some exterordinarie cause that may fall out, it be alledgit by the maisteres of aither colledge that ther appeires a pressing necessitie for the transitus of any student or students from the one colledge to the uther, by and attour the caices abone men

tionat, it shall not be laufull for the maisteres of the colledge in quhich he was not befor to receave him, wntill the mater be first cognosced by the judges befor named, and they give ther order theranent in maner abone writtin; and if any of the maisteres of aither of the tuo colledges shall contraveine in any of the premisses, the maister transgressing is and shall be lyable in payment, lykas he be thir presentis bindis and obleisses him to pay the soume of ane hundreth punds Scotis money, toties quoties, for everie scholler he shall receave, and that to the procurator of the colledge compleaning, to be imployed for the publict use of the samen, and that by and attour the restitutione of the said scholler or scholleris. And it is lykwayes agried and condescendit upon betuixt the saids subprincipall and regents of both the saids colledges, with consent abone writtin, that ther be no overleaping of classes in aither of the saids colledges, and in particular, it shall not be laufull for any master in aither of the samen colledges in tyme coming to receave or admitt any student to the second class who hath not beine in the first class aither with them selffis respectiue or in some uther colledge, quhich they are to instruct by ane sufficient testimoniall; And if the maisteris of aither colledge failyie heirin, the maister transgressing is and shall be lyable in payment, lykas be thir presents they bind and obleidge them to content and pay the lyke soume of ane hundreth pounds Scotis money, toties quoties, for ilk scholler that shall be so receaved, and that to the procurator of the colledge compleaning, for the publict use therof in maner abone writtin. And lastlie, it is condiscendit and agried upon betuixt the saidis pairties, that in caice ther be any debait betuixt the saides colledges concerning any students entrie to the first class, then and in that caice, the mater is heirby referred to the forsaidis judges and ther deputs, wherupon they are to determine within ane moneth; and wntill they determine therin, quhich is within ane moneth after they have notice therof, the said student or students are to be suspendit from aither of the saides colledges. And for the mair securitie both the saides pairties are content and consent that thir presents be insert and regestrat in the bookes of counsell and sessione, shireff or commissar court bookes of Aberdene, to have the strenth of ane decreit of any of the judges therof, that lettres of horning one fyfteine dayes and uthers in forme as effeires may pas heirupon, and for regestrating heirof constituts conjunctlie and severallie

ther procuratores, promittentes de rato. In witnes quherof both the saides pairties and consenteres abone namit haue subscryvit thir presents (wryttin

be the said maister Alexander Forbes clerk to the said visitatione, day yeir and place foirsaid, befor thir witnesses respectiue, the said Mr. Alexander Forbes, Mr. Alexander Mowat servitor to the said lord bischope of Aberdeine, George Strattone economus to the said kings colledge in Old Aberdeine, Patrick Hervie sone to Mr. James Hervie of Mamewley, Colvin Mackenzie sone to Colvill Mackenzie of Kincraig, and Peter Sherar nottar publict wryttar in Aberdene.

Al. Alexander regent.

Robert Bruce regent.
Tho: Gray regent.

Ro. Patersone regent.

J. Leslie Principall consentis.
Marischall consents and excepts.

Pat. Sandilands subprincipall.

Mr. Rot. Forbes regent.

An. Massie regent.

W. Johnestoune regent.

Mr. A. Middletone Principall consentis. Pat. BP. of Aberdeen consents and accepts.

Commissio regia visitationis, 1675.

Carolus Dei gratia Scotie Anglie Francie et Hibernie rex fideique defensor omnibus probis hominibus ad quos presentes litere pervenerint salutem Sciatis quandoquidem nos e regali nostra cura semper conati sumus pietatem virtutem literaturam in hoc antiquo regno nostro Scotie propitia favoris aura collustrare et promovere, et animo nostro revolventes universitates et academias esse seminaria et nutricia earundem a quarum recta gubernatione tranquillitas et proprietas tum ecclesie tum reipublice summopere pendent, et quod nos commissiones diversis temporibus pro invisendis universitatibus et academiis juxta laude dignum exemplum illustrissimorum nostrorum predecessorum in simili casu emisimus, quequidem commissiones ex multitudine aliorum negotiorum delegatos huic provincie obeunde a dicto servitio divertentium justos et necessarios fines talium visitationum hactenus non assecute sunt; et non dubitantes quod si gubernatio et regulatio dictorum publicorum seminariorum literature et religionis demandaretur personis jus habentibus et officio aliquo in eisdem fungentibus quin uberiori cum efficacia et deliberatione inviserentur et inspicerentur: Igitur nos nominavimus et auctoritate nostra munimus reverendum in Christo patrem Patricium episcopum Abredonensem cancellarium Caroline universitatis et predilectum nostrum consanguineum

comitem Marischalli etc. pro suo interesse in nova academia Abredonensi vocare qui sibi opem conferat, magistrum Alexandrum Rosse rectorem de Monymusk, magistrum Jacobum Gordonum rectorem de Banchory, magistrum Patricium Sibbald ministrum apud Aberdein, magistrum Georgium Meldrum ministrum verbi Dei apud ecclesiam de Fintray et magistrum Davidem Lyell ministrum apud Montross (quorum quilibet tres cum dicto cancellario et comite absolvant certum numerum ly quorum) coire et congregare Abredonie decimo quarto mensis Aprilis in hoc instanti anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo quinto (juxta calculum Scoticanum) et deinceps quocunque alio tempore seu loco a dicto cancellario illius universitatis prefigendo, quos tanquam nostros commissionarios in hac parte cum auxilio antedicto predictam universitatem Abredonensem invisere jubemus, plena potestate iis facta de presente statu et conditione dicte universitatis et diversarum academiarum eiusdem inquirere ac coram iis citare et accersere diversos primarios professores et preceptores earundem et de eorum diligentia et moribus in officiis indagare et si sunt conformes legibus hujus regni nostri et gubernationi et ordini ecclesie, et penitus inspicere et inquirere in proventuum libellos aliter rentalia reditus et administrationem eorundem inque leges privilegia immunitates onera fabricas et bibliothecas diversarum academiarum quinetiam respectivas fundationes mortificationes et dotationes iis vel earum alicui olim vel nuper factas invisere et cognoscere et explorare corruptelas enormitates et aberrationes a priscis salutaribus legibus ordinis et discipline, et specialiter factionem et factiosas personas societates quibus intersunt molestia afficientes; potestate similiter iis facta reos sive preceptores sive scholasticos condigna censura notare et efficacia remedia quibus tales enormitates et indecora in posterum precaveantur providere, et efficacem inire rationem qua prisca et laude digna statuta universitatis resuscitentur et in praxin redigantur, utque idonei et utiles methodi docendi et instituendi juvenes a diversis professoribus et preceptoribus observentur: quin etiam plenam potestatem et auctoritatem facimus iis omnes controversias et lites hactenus ortas vel ex quocunque pretextu fundamento et causa inter preceptores vel societates oriundas decidere et determinare, necnon corrigere vel tollere abrogare cuncta acta priorum visitationum que juri vel recte gubernationi universitatis prejudicasse compertum habuerint, ac etiam resarcire et persanare omnia errata abusus et enormitates et transgressores et delinquentes condigna censura notare et cuncta alia prestare que ad officium universitatibus vel academiis invisendis

delegatorum de jure seu regni nostri consuetudine pertinere dignoscuntur, non minore juris libertate et amplitudine in omnibus respectibus quam quicunque alii nostri vel preclarissimorum nostrorum predecessorum commissionarii fecerunt vel in simili casu facere potuissent, cum plena potestate et auctoritate iis in cunctis procedere more antedicto dictam universitatem Abredonensem invisendi intuitu. Quin etiam mandamus dictis commissionariis correspondere et uniformitatem observare in diversis universitatibus et academiis in disciplina ordine et methodo docendi in quantum expediens judicabunt, et specialiter ne studentes qui relinquunt unam academiam admittantur foveantur vel doceantur et instaurentur in quacunque aliarum academiarum absque testimoniis preceptorum academie quam eos relinquere contigerit. Declaramus porro omnes priores commissiones a nobis. concessas pro invisendis universitatibus et academiis in dicto antiquo regno nostro Scotie esse vacuas et irritas ad omnes intentiones et negotia. Et quemadmodum nos paratissimi sumus regalem nostram auctoritatem interponere ad promovendum verum jus dicte universitatis et academie, ita nos mandamus antedictis nostris commissionariis in hac parte rationem reddere nobis eorum diligentie ante primam diem mensis Novembris anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo quinto ut regalis nostra voluntas in hoc negotio cunctis ulterius pateat et innotescat. Denique volumus hanc presentem nostram commissionem vigere et vim habere semper donec eadem a nobis abrogetur. In cuius rei testimonium presentibus magnum sigillum nostrum appendi precepimus apud aulam nostram de Whythall vigesimo septimo die mensis Januarii anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagesimo quinto et anno regni nostri vigesimo sexto. Per signaturam manu S.D.N. Regis suprascriptam.

Actis of visitatione of the colledges of Aberdeen, begun the 14th of
Apryle 1675.

At the Kingis Colledge of Aberdene, 14° Aprilis, 1675. The said day, conveened ane right reverend father in God, Patrik be the mercie of God bishop of Aberdene, maister James Gordoune minister at Banchorie Deavnick, Mr. David Sibbald minister at Aberdene, Mr. Dauid Lyall minister at Montroise, Mr. George Meldrum minister at Fintray, Mr. Alexander Ross being absent; and, efter incalling the name of God, the

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