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ordained the visitores appoyntit by his majesties commissione wnder the great seall to meit the said secund Wednesday of Aprill instant, and to tak notice of any abuses that have creept in the said universitie and colledges, and particularlie anent the regentes therof in tyme of vacuatione, ther goeing throw the countrey and intyseing the schooleris from the one to the tother; and for seeing to mor strick exerceise of disciplin, and for setling ane aggriement betuixt the kings university and colledge [for precedencie, which the saids lords fand to belong to the kingis universitie; and uther causes conteaned in the said act, as the samyne at mair lenth proportis.

According wherunto,]

The said day, conveined with the said lord bischope the commissioners after namit, viz., Williame earle Marischall lord Keith and Altry etc., the earle of Findlater lord Deskfurd etc., Alexander lord Hackartoun, Alexander Fraser elder of Philorth, Mr. Robert Patrie of Portlethine provest of Aberdeine, and Mr. Alexander Seatone minister at Bamff: which commissioners did, all in ane wott, continew maister Alexander Forbes, wreater in Aberdeine, clerk to the said visitatione, who wes clerk befoir to the former visitationes, and had givine his oath de fideli administratione officii, so long as he should continew in that service.

The said day, it is ordered that the maisters and regentes, both of the kings colledge in Old Aberdeine, and colledge Marischall in New Aberdeine, exhort and order ther severall schollers and studentes to enter tymlie to the respective colledges yeirlie, and remaine ther constantlie wntill the due tyme of dissolveing of the colledges, according to the order prescrivit in the act of the generall visitatione made theranent.

2. The rest of this afternoon was spent in resolving wpon such actes and overturs as should be established for the peace and good of both colledges; and ther nixt meiting to be to-morrow, the 15 of Apprill instant, at ten of the clock befoir noon, in the colledge Marischall of New Aberdeine.

Att the colledge Marischall, in New Aberdeine, 15 Aprilis 1669, ante meridiem. Sessione secunda.

The said day, sederunt qui hesterno die.

This foirnoon was spent in resolving wpon the forme and draught of ane condiscendence and aggriement betuixt the masters and regentes of the tuo colledges, for setling peace and good order amongst them for the futur :

As also, wpon articles wnderwritine, which wer ordered to be extendit this afternoon; and continewed the nixt meiting till tuo of the clock in the afternoon.

Colledge Marischall in New Aberdeine, 15 Aprilis 1669, post meridiem. Sessione tertia.

Sederunt iidem qui supra.

The said day, it is ordered that no studentes and schoolers of aither of the saids colledges use or cary any weapones, such as sword, pistole, gune, dagger, or any such offensive weapones, within aither of the tounes, or betuixt or about the same.

That no regent receave ane schoolar wntill he first be presented to the principall of the colledge, who shall keep a register of his name, of the tyme of his entrie, and of his removall, the first yeir and subsequent yeires dureing his abod; and that they be comptabill to the rectorall meitings anent the observing of this act.

It is ordered and recommendit that every master be exact in causeing the studentes observe the Lords day, both in attending publict ordinances and reverend cariage therat: as also, that they haw sacred lessones, whairof, as also of the sermones, they are to tak ane accompt; and that befoir communiones the studentes be fitted and quickened by ther masters for that sacred and solemne ordinance, and the masters therin to goe befoir the studentes in good example.

It is lykwayes ordered and recommendit that cair be had for observing the lawes and statutes of the respective colledges, and that particulare inquirie be made therof at the rectorall meitingis; which are at least to be keepit twyse every yeire, viz., in December and Apprile, and ofter as ther shall be found a necessitie by the rectores.

The maisters of the kings colledge are ordered to mak choise of a rector of ther universitie, according to ther wonted custome, and that betuixt this and the first of Junii nixt to come; whairin if they faillie, it is recommendit to the lord bischope of Aberdein, as ther chancellar, to nominat and establish one.

It is also recommendit and ordered that the Latin tongue (which hath bein much in disswetud) be againe revived, and that the studentes who speak Inglish, especiallie within the colledge, be censured according to the wonted order when discipline was in vigour.

Also, it is ordered and recommendit that ane caire be takine for suppleing the vaickand professiones with all dilligence for the good of the colledges.

It is lykwayes recommendit to the maisters of both colledges to be favourable to the poore bursers as to the matter of ther and stipends. It is also seriouslie recommendit that the maisters of both colledges be sober in ther apperell.

It is lykwayes speciallie ordered that ther be no privat lawreatione in aither of the tuo colledges, without consent of the earle Marischall, rector, principall, and regentes of his colledge; and in the kings colledge no privat laureatione, without consent of the lord bischope, rector, principall, and regentes, as wes statut by ane former act in September, 1664.

All which statutes are ordered to be observit be the masters and regentes of both the saids colledges, according to ther respective chairge and interest. The said day, the draught and forme of the mutuall contract and condiscendence abone mentionat, betuixt the masters and regentes of the tuo colledges, wes presentit to the saids visitores to be considered by them, who did approve the samen, and ordered that two doubles therof might be extendit be the clerk, and hade in reddines to be submittit at ther nixt meiting; which was appoynted to be at the kings colledge in Old Aberdein the nixt morning, at nyn of the clock, being the sexteint of April instant.

Kings colledge in Old Aberdein, 16 Aprill, 1669, ante meridiem.
Sessione quarta.

Sederunt omnes qui supra, except the lord Hakertoun.

The said day, it is ordered by the visitores that the studentes of the kings colledge beheave themselves civillie and respectfullie towards the maisters of the colledge Marischall, in evry respect as towards ther own maisters; and right so that the schollers of the Marischall colledge beheave themselves civillie and respectfullie towards the maisters of the kings colledge in evry respect as towards ther owne maisters, and the delinquentes to be censured by the maisters of ther owne colledge.

The said day, the doubles of the contract and condiscendence betwixt the maisters and regentes of both colledges, was presented by the clerk, reneued and writine in mundis, and being publiclie redd and collationed, the

samen was ordered to be subscrived be the saids regentes and maisters of both colledges; and being subscrived, that one subscrivit double therof be deliverit to the earle Marischall for the interest of his lordschips colledge, and ane uther subscrivit double to the lord bischope for the interest of the kingis colledge. Lykas the said contract was then presentlie subscrivit be the principall and regentes of the kingis colledge, as also be the lord bischope consenter as chancellar therof for his entres. And orderit that the samen should be sent instantlie to the toun of Aberdein to be subscrivit be the principall and regentes of the Marischall colledge, and be the said earle Marischall himselfe for his lordschips interest therin, and as patron therof; which was accordingly done; and after compleit subscriptione, ordained to be presentit to the commissioners at ther nixt meiting in the afternoon; which they appoyntit to be at tuo of the clock afternoon, at the said kings colledge.

Kings colledge in Old Aberdein, 16 April, post meridiem. Sessione quinta.

Sederunt iidem qui ante meridiem.

The said day, both doubles of the said contract and condiscendence betuixt the maisters and regentes of the saids tuo colledges was presentit againe, dulie subscrivit be all pairties and persones therin contenit, and was therafter redd and unanimouslie approvine be the saids commissioners, nemine opponente, in the haill heads circumstances and conditiones therin contenit; and they ordaine the samen to stand in full vigour force and strength to the effect therin exprest, wntill the nixt generall visitatione of colledges and in all tyme therafter, ay and whill the same be discharged by some futur act. And then instantlie, conforme to the said former ordinance, one subscrivit double therof was deliverit to the earle Marischall, and ane other subscrivit double to the lord bischope, to be keept and useit be them to the effect abone writtin. And in lik maner the saids commissioners ordaines that the said contract be authenticklie insert in the records of the visitationes of the saids colledges, to be furthcomeand to all pairties concerned as the samen shall be requirit. And morover ordaines that evry intrant regent heirafter to aither of the saids colledges shall be obleidged, befoir ther entrie, to give band and assurance to observe and abyd at the

haill obleissmentes and circumstances therin contenit, as the present regentes ar therby tyed.

Off the whilk contract the tenor followes in these wordis :

[Contract and articles of agriement betuixt the maisteres of the tua colledges of Aberdene, 1669.]

At Old and New Aberdeines respectiue, the sexteine day off Apryle, the yeir of God M. vie and thriescore nyne yeires, it is agried and condiscendit upon betuixt the pairties after named; they are to say, maister Patrick Sandilands subprincipall, maister Robert Forbes, maister Androw Massie, and maister Williame Johnestoune, regents of the kings colledge in Old Aberdeine, with consent of maister Alexander Midltoune, principall of the said kings colledge; and als with advyce and consent of ane right reverend father in God, Patrick bischope of Aberdeine, chancellar of the samen colledge as judge to the effect wnder wryttin, on the ane pairt, and Mr. Alexander Alexander, maister Robert Bruce, Mr. Thomas Gray, and maister Robert Patersone, regentes of the colledge Marischall in New Aberdeine, with advyce and consent of maister James Leslie, doctor of medicine, principall of the said colledge Marishall, and als of ane noble and potent earle Williame earle Marishall lord Keyth and Altrie, etc., patrone therof as judge also to the effect after specifcit, on the uther pairt, in maner forme and effect as after followes, that is to say: Forsameikle as the most honorabill lords of his majesties privie councill, by ther act of the dait the aughteint day of Februarie last by past, M. vie and thrie score nyne yeires, for the causes therin conteined did appoynt ane visitatione of the said kings colledge and universitie in Old Aberdeine, and the said colledge Marishall in New Aberdeine; and ordeined therby the visitores formerlie appoynted by his majesties commissione wnder the great seall to meit at Aberdeine the second Wedinsday of Appryll instant, and tack notice of the abuses that have creipt in the saides universitie and colledge, and particularlie the regents therof, (in tyme of vackatione), ther goeing throw the cuntrie and intysing the scholleres from the one colledge to the uther, as the said act of the dait abone writtin at mair lenth proportis; Ansuerable wherwnto the foirnamed maisteres of the saids universitie and colledge, with consent respectiue abone writtin, being most willing and desyrous to keipe and interteine ane paceable and kyndlie correspondance amongest them selffis, and for preventing of any disordor that heirafter may fall out betuixt them

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