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quhat overture and securitie he wald give for redressing thingis, at leist in sic measure as the wark altogidder fell not, rather than they suld be forced to proceid to a sentence against him; Who efter advysement takin condiscendit to the pointis efter following, as his band givin thairupoun at mair lenth beiris. Imprimis, that for plantatioun of the kirk of Machar, he suld presentlie give fyue hundreth merkis of yeirlie stipend furth of the rent of the deanrie, besydis anything that the parochineris of thair fredome wald contribute; and that this fyve hundreth merkis salbe gevin but for ane interim, till the colledge estait being bettered, may beir to give a better stipend. Item, that at Michaelmes, anno м vic tuentie and ane yeiris, he sall give uther fyue hundreth merkis for plantatioun of a minister in the heid of the parochin, at the kirk of Monycabok. Item, that aganis the said Michaelmes, in anno M vic tuentie and ane yeiris, he sall repair and furnische the haill edifice of the said universitie substantiallie in table clothes and utheris necessar for the table, in thak, ruiff, lofting, dooris, windowis and wallis, with leid whair leid wes, sklaittis quhair sklaitt wes, aik quhair aik is, fir quhair fir is; and be the sight and directioun of the said Patrik bischop of Aberdene, George Currour of Fingask, Robert Jo"stoun baillie of Aberdene, Dauid Cargill maister of wark, Dauid Andersoun plumbear, George Andersoun, burgessis of Aberdene, and Alexander Annand sumtyme of Ochtirellone, or ony four of thame, quha sall visite the place in all the foirsaidis, and sall wpoun thair aithes sworne sett doun quhat quhair and in quhat degrie each thing salbe repaired; quha also or any four of thame, sall visite and cognosce the work quhen it is done, gif it be ansuerable. Item, that agane Michaelmes, in anno M vi tuentie and thrie yeiris, he sall free the colledge of all debt: and these thingis he sall bind himselff to performe under the pane of twa thousand merkis of penaltie, in caice of failzie in any of the premissis, besydis the loss of all debt alledgit restand awand to him be the colledge, quhairwitht it sall not be lauchfull to him, his airis or executouris, to charge the colledge at ony tyme heireftir, nather to seik allocatioun thairfor in thair comptis at ony tyme heirefter, in cais of failzie in the premissis, and that without prejudice of the actioun compitent to the colledge aganis him for performance of thir presentis. Quhilkis thingis that the principall may the better performe, the saidis commissioneris constitutis him or .... in his vice, for quhome he sallbe ansuerable, commoun procuratour of the said uniuersitie for the four yeiris befoir specifeit, with expres alwayis restrictioun that he sett no rightis to any persoun or persounis, or

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ratifie any but advyse and consent of the chancellar of the universitie and remanent foundit members of the same. It is also provydit that in the meintyme he mak thankfull payment to the regentis and memberis of thair stipendis allocattit to thame. And in cais it sall happin the said Mr. Dauid to deceis befoir the performance of the premissis, than and in that cais he to be frie of the penaltie of twa thousand merkis money foirsaid, gif so be he haif usit diligence in the tyme as wes possible for him to do; and, gif efter the reparatioun of the hous, it happin him to deceis befoir the twa yeris expyre, allowed him for freing the colledge of the debt forsaid of the said universitie, than and in that cais, his airis or executouris sall haif the procuratioun for the said space for that same effect, quhilk [gif] thay refuis, than the college to be frie of all they may charge it with. It is alwayis provydit that the principall salbe no forder astrictit in reparatioun of the twa turrettis on the heidis of the twa roundis, bot to repair thame witht leid efter the maist commodious and decent forme as the forsaidis overseieris sall think meitt and expedient, except we find him sic support and craftismen quha will repair thame according to the first forme. And in the meintyme for holding the estait of the said universitie in way, that teiching and discipline faill not, and for the better electioun of the memberis of the said universitie in tyme cumming, till the memberis quhilkis wer quyte abolisched and out of use may be agane erected, the saids commissioneris hes elected, and be thir presentis electis, Mr. Jon Leythe rector of the said universitie, Mr. William Forbes dean of facultie, and Thomas Nicolsoun professor of the civil law, Mr. Wm. Andersoun professor of the cannon law, Mr. Patrik Dun professor of physick, and Mr. Dauid Wedderburn grammarier. And finallie, the saidis commissioneris decernis and ordainis the saidis principall regentis and remanent foundit memberis abonespecifeit to observe keip and fulfill the haill statutis ordinances and provisiounis contenit at lenth in the said fundatioun abonewrittin, and the violatour or brekar of all or ony ane of thame to be punischit as effeiris.

At the colledge of New Aberdene, the sextene day of September, anno M vic and nynetene yeiris.

The quhilk day the saidis commissioneris abonewrittin, appointed be his majestie for visitatioun of the said colledge, being conveined at the said

colledge yett and requyring entrie, and causing knok sum space at the said yett, the porter of the said colledge ansuered from a window, that he himself wes loked in and hade not the keyis, for that doctour Strachin, Gilbert Keythe sone naturall to my lord Marschell, and Mr. William Ogstoun sone lauchfull to umquhill Ogstoun had cum and loked the yettis and takin the keyis witht thame. Heirupoun at the yett of the said colledge his majesties commissioun wes publictlie red, the summoundis called, quhairby the principall and remanent memberis wer lauchfullie summoundit to compeir the saidis day and place: Compeirit personallie, Mr. Andro Aydie principall of the said colledge, schew that he wes reddie and glaid that the visitatioun suld proceid, provyding the commissioneris wald warrand him of danger from his patroun my lord Marschall, wha had inhibite him ather to compeir or ansuer, or ony wayis to acknowledge the said commissioun, as the said noble erle his missive direct to the said principall and regentis of the said colledge for that effect, and producit be the said Mr. Andro Aydie in presens of the saidis commissioneris, at mair lenth proportis; utherwayis he wald not ansuer. And siclyk compeirit personallie Mr. Adame Reid ane of the regentis offering to ansuer and abyde tryell. But it being fundin be the saidis commissioneris that the said Mr. Adame wes alreadie transported to the ministrie of the kirk of Methlik, and that the remanent memberis compeirit not, the saidis commissioneris thoght meitt and expedient to send to doctor Strachin, alledgit rector of the said colledge, and quha wes present within the toun, and yitt had not onlie not compeirit according to the summoundis, but had also debarred his hienes commissioneris frome entrie, chairging him of new againe to compeir and exhibite the keyis for visitatioun of the colledge abonespecifiet; Quha being personallie apprehendit, refuised to compeir or deluyer any keyis or open any yettis, in so far as he had (as he alledgit) a contrair commandement of his lord and maister my lord Merschell; off the quhilkis the saidis commissioneris tuik actis and instrumentis in the handis of Mr. Thomas Merser and Jo Smythe, notaris publict. And the saidis commissioneris for thair forder exoneratioun, heiring of my lord chancellar his dyet to be in Aberdene on Mononday thairefter, being the tuentie of September, quha is ane and first of the commissioun, causit summound the said doctour Strachin, as also warnit the said Mr. Andro Aydie principall apud acta, to compeir befoir his lordship and remanent commissioneris the said day. At

the quhilk tuentie day of September abonewrittin, the said noble lord and remanent commissioneris abone mentionat being assemblit at the said noble lord his ludging in Aberdene, it wes by my lord chancellar his advyse, fundin expedient by all, that yett my lord Marschell suld be desyred to give way to the said visitatioun. And to that effect lettres wer writtin, ane be my lord chancellar, ane other be the bischop of Aberdene to my lord Marschell, and sent by the hand of Mr. Andro Aydie principall forsaid, quha offered himself to carie the lettres and report ansuer. Upone the tuentie-ane day of September conveined the saidis commissioneris at the said bischop his hous in Aberdene, befoir quhome compeirit personallie the said Mr. Andro Aydie and gaif in the lettres delyuered to him, schawing that he had not sene my lord Merschell, and that my ladie had told him he might carie bak againe these lettres, for he wald not find my lord or any ansuer to thame at that tyme; and that scho understood they wer to cum befoir he come

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At the kingis college in the universitie of Auld Aberdene the twentie day of November, the yeir of God ane thowsand sex hundreth twentie and thrie yeris, in presens of ane reuerend father in God Patrik bischope of Aberdene, assistit with sir Thomas Burnet of Leyis knycht, maister James Elphingstoun of Bairns, Mr. Robert Gordone of Straloche, Mr. Wm. Forbes of Cragyvar, Alexander Annand sumtyme of Ochterellon, Mr. Jhone Forbes doctour of divinitie, Mr. Wm. Dwne doctour of medicen, Mr. Williame Forbes minister of Philorthe, maister Alex. Scrogie minister of Macheir, Mr. Patrik Guthrie minister of Kinbethak and supprincipall sumtyme of the said college, maister James Sandelandis commissar of Aberdene and rectour of the said universitie, Robert Jhonestone baillie and

burges of Aberdene, Dauid and George Andersones burgesses of the said bruche all assemblit for visetatioun of the said college, compirit Mr. Dauid Raitt as lauchfullie summondit to the said day for the effect underwrettine, that is to say, that forsamekill as upoune ane former wisitatioune, haldin be wertew of his majesties commissioun at the said college the fourteine day of September, in the zeir of God ane thousand sex hundreth and nynetene yeiris, the said Mr. Dauid Raitt, for the reassonis mair amplie sett doune in his obligatioun maid to the said Patrick bischope of Aberdene and his successoris to the rector deane of facultie cannonist ciuilist mediciner supprincipall regentis grammarier and remanent fundat memberis of the said uniuersitie present and thair successouris, did bind and oblegis him his airis executouris assignayis and successouris to his landis and rentis and intrometteris with his gudis and geir quhatsumeuer, to performe deyuaris and sindrie poyntis contenit in the said band, and specialie amongst wtheris, that he sould repair aud furnes the haill edefeis of the said uniuersite substantiallie in tabill clothis and wther necessaris for the tabill, and in thaik ruiff loftingis duiris vindowis wallis, with leid quhair leid was, sklaittis quhair sklaitt was, aik quhair aik was, fir quhair fir was, lyme quhair lyme was, heuine steane quhair heuine steane was; and that be the sicht and directioune of the said Patrik bischope of Aberdene, Thomas Burnet of Leyis, Wm. Forbes of Tolquhonne, Mr. Williame Forbes of Cragyvar, Mr. Robert Gordone of Straloche, George Currour of Fingask, Alexander Annand sumtyme of Ochterellune, Robert Jhonestoune baillie of New Aberdeine, Dauid Cargill, Dauid and George Andersounes burgessis of Aberdene, or onie four of thame quha sould vissit the place in all the forsaidis, and upoun thair aithis suorne sett doune quhat quhair and in quhat degrie eche thingis sould be reparit, quha also or onie four of thame sould wissit and cognosce the wark quhen it was donn, gif it war ansuerabill, as in the said Mr. Dauid Raittis band of the dait at the college of Auld Abirdene, the fyiftene day of November, the yeir of God ane thousand sex hundreth and nyntene yeris, and registratt in the boockis of counsall the last day of November in the said yeir at mair leynthe is contenit. Lyckas, accordinglie at the said kingis college the thretteine day of Junii the yeir of God ane thousand sex hundrethe and tuentie yeris, compeirit in presens of the said reuerend father, maister Williame Forbes of Cragyvar, George Currour of Fingask, Robert Jhonestoune baillie of Aberdene, Dauid Cargill, Dauid and George Andersounes burgessis of the said brucht, and ac

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