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the presbitrie of Fordyce allanerlie, to be preferred thereto before all others; and faillieing of those of the sirname of Sharp, I appoint, the third place, poor boys of the tennents sons of the saids lands, . . . especiallie those of the posteritie and succession of those who have been my tennants cotters foremen or grassmen to be preferred before all others; and faillieing of such, I appoint . . . poor boys born within the said pariochines of Fordyce Inverboindie Banff Cullen and Deskfoord to be preferred in the next place; and faillieing of such, I appoint . . . the sons, and posteritie of those who have been my own domestick servants; and in the last place, if the saids twentie places shall not be filled up with poor boys of the sirnames and designations above exprest, . . . I give full power and warrand to the saids patrons. . . to present and admitt . . . such other poor boys as they themselves shall think fitt and convenient. Item, I appoint . . . the saids patrons. . . to examine and take tryall quarterly or yearly as they shall think fitt of the progress and furtherance of the said children in their learning and education; and in case they shall find any of the saids twenty children, after they have past four years in the said schooll, not to have a genius and inclination for letters, . . . I appoint the saids patrons. . . to take such boys from the schooll, and to put them to such trades as they shall think fitt; and for that effect to cause be given . . . to them ane years sallarie to help them to ane master and tradesman, and after the expiring of the said one year, the sallarie whereof is appointed to the saids boys for to be tradesmen, I appoint the said patrons . . . to fill their roums for the remanent of the nine years then to run with other poor boys of the sirnames and designations abovewritten, according to the order above prescribed . . . and I . . . make and constitute

and ilk ane of them. . . my baillies . . . whom I will and require to give heriteable state and sasine . . . of all and haill the saids lands for doing whereof, I give and commit to them. . . my very full and irrevocable power be thir presents (written be William Orem writer in Old Aberdeen) and subscryved with my hand at Reidhyth the sixteenth day of September, one thousand six hundred seventie-eight years before thir witnesses, William Barker writer in Aberdeen, Alexander Johnstoun my servitour, and John Sangster servitour to Mr. George Nicolsoun of Cluny. Wm Barker witnes. Wal. Ogilvie. John Sangster witnes. Alex Johnston witnes.

128. Acknowledgement by the principal and professors of the receipt from the said Walter Ogilvie of the said mortification, for the purpose of being put up in the college charter chest, dated at kings college 23 May 1679.

Declaration anent the legacy of Mr. George Melvil.

129. Be it knowine to all men by these present letters, us Mr. Alexander Midletone principall of the kings colledge of Aberdein, Mr. Robert Forbes canonist, Sir George Nicolsone civilist, doctor Patrick Urquhart professor of medicine, Mr. George Midletone subprincipall, Mr. Patrick Gordone humanist, Mr. Johne Buchane commone procurator and regent in the said kings colledge, and Mr. George Fraser regent ther, and alse us Mr. Robert Patersone principall of the colledge marischall of Aberdein, Mr. George Peacock Mr. John Pattone Mr. James Lorimer, and Mr. Thomas Burnet regents in the said colledge marischall, and me Mr. John Pedder commissar clerk depute of Aberdein; forsameikle as the deceist Mr. George Melvill late minister at Alford, be his latter will and testament subscryvit with his hand, of the dait the fourteint day of November M. vi sevintie-eight yeirs, left in legacie to the said kings colledge of Aberdein and to the marischall colledge of New Aberdein, equallie betuixt them, the sowmes of money efter mentioned, viz., the principall sowme of nyne hundreth merks Scotts money restand to the said deceist master George Melvill be Mr. William Johnstoune of Frosterhill, with the principall sowme of ane thowsand pund money forsaid, restand to him . . . be John and William Forbesses of Aslowne, togither with the principall sowme of two thousand nyne hundreth merks money abovewrittine, restand to him. . . be William Garioch of Archballoch and Alexander Garioch his sone, togither also with the principall sowme of sevine hundreth and eightie pund money forsaid, restand to him be the deceist Sir Johne Forbes of Wattertoune togidder with

the sowme of two thousand four hundreth merks, restand to him . . . be the deceist George Burnet and George Sibbald burgessis of Aberdein, togither sicklyke with the sowme of ane thowsand merks, restand to him be Alexander Straquhan of Glenkindie, togither with the principall sowme of fyve hundreth and fiftie merks, restand to him be James Gordone of Seatoune, with the principall sowme of thrie hundreth merks, restand to him be

my lord Forbes, and ane hundreth merks of what wes restand to him be Mr. Robert Hervie of Mameulay, all upon band and all equally to the saids two colledges; which sowmes.. the said deceist Mr. George Melvill appoynted to be stocked in sufficient and responsall mens hands, be the unanimous consent of the saids two colledges, and of Mr. Alexander Lister student of divinitie in Aberdein, executor testamentar nominat and confermit to the said umquhill Mr. George Melvill, and the annuel rent therof to be imployed yeirlie for the mantinance of ane equall number of bursars at the saids two colledges, and ilk bursars mantinance to be yeirlie fourtie punds Scots money... as also be the said testament it is . . . declarit that the said deceist Mr. George Melvill left the sowme of ane thowsand punds Scotts money of the forsaid sowme of two thowsand nyne hundreth merks restand be the saids William and Alexander Garioches to the hospitall in Old Aberdein . . . and seeing ther was ane appryseing at the instance of the said deceist . . . for the sowme of nyne hundreth merks . . . restand be the said umquhill Mr. William Johnstone . . . so that the said debt became heritable; and alse the said sowme of ane thowsand punds restand... be the saids John and William Forbesses of Aslowne wes restand be virtue of ane heritable band; as also the said principall sowme of two thousand nyne hundreth merks conteinit in the forsaid band granted be the saids William and Alexander Gariochs . . . wes also restand upon heritable band; wherthrow the saids thrie debts. . . fell and apperteined to James Chrystie in Westercheyne, air served and retoured to the said deceist Mr. George Melvill; upon which consideratioune we the saids masters and members of the saids tuo colledges were necessitat to setle and agrie with the said James Chrystie, as air forsaid, anent the saids debts, and to pay to him the soume of ane thousand punds Scotts money for granting the rights... of the same, wherupon he did grant to ws . . . ane assignatione . . . to the said apprysing . . . againes the said umquhill Mr. William Johnston, and alse did grant to the saids John and William Forbesses of Aslowne at our desyre ane discharge of the said . . . heritable band granted be them to the said umquhill Mr. George Melvill. and sicklyke the said James Chrystie as air forsaid, with consent of William Chrystie his brother, did grant to ws the saids masters and members . . and to me the said John Pedder master of the said hospitall of Old Aberdein. . . ane dispositione and assignatione to the forsaid heritable bond of tuo thowsand and nyne hundreth merks . . . restand be the said William

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and Alexander Garioches . . . Thairfoir witt ye ws the saids principalls masters and members of the saids two colledges, and master of the forsaid hospital above named . . . to have exonered quyt-clamed and simpliciter discharged the said James Chrystie, air served and retoured to the said deceist . . . and the said Mr. Alexander Lister executor nominat and confirmed to him . . . of all actione . . . whatsomever . . . competent to us and our successors againes them, for the legacies above mentioned ... in any maner of way. . . In witnes quherof (writtine be Mr. Alex Thomsone writter in Aberdein) we have subscryuit thir presents with our hands, at the said king's colledge of Aberdein and burgh of Aberdein, the last and dayes of May and Junij M.VI fourscoir two yeirs, befoir thir witnesses John Ross janitour of the said king's colledge, William Gordon janitour of the said colledge marischall, John Gellan student in the said colledge marischall, and Charles Divvie writer in Aberdein.

130. Rental of the kings college, both victual and money, from Michaelmass 1685 till Michaelmass 1686 yeares.

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Rental of bear extends to sixteen chalders nine bolls one firlot three pecks and one lipy.

[Mich. 1717 Two hundred sixty nine bolls 1 firlot 3 pecks 1 haddish.]

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