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the former rents of the samin shall be collected . . . and dispensed be the collectors and procurators of the said tua colledges as said is respective; and sall be administrat according to the rules set doune in ther severall origenall and authentik fundations: as lykways that they consider and tak notice of the stipends and provisione of the principall professors and remanent maisters of the said tua colledges; and out of the haill former rents of the said colledges and mortifications perteining in quhatsumevir maner to the said colledge, or any member of the samin, as also out of this present mortificatione of the rents of the bischoprik of Aberdene, that they appoynt set doune and determin to the said principall professors and remanent maisters of the said old colledge, and to the principall and regents of the said neu colledge, ane sufficient honest and competent yeirlie stipend; and that according to the proportione and rait of stipend appoynted to each professor maister and member of the said colledges in ther severall origenall fundations, in sua far as they shall think expedient: and that they ordene. the superplus of the rents of the said bischoprik to be imployed upone the reparatione of the edifices of the said colledges, and manteining of scollers in the samin, or uther necessar wses, as shall be thocht be thame expedient. The quhilk divisione being sua maid be the visiters forsaid shalbe ane sufficient warrand to the lords of sessione to derect lettres of horning and uther executorialls necessar, at the instance of the collectors and procurators of the said colledges for thair awin pairts as said is, without any further passing of exchequer or seills; becaus the principall mortificatione is confirmed in parliament, past in exchequer, and the great seill is appendit therto. Givin at our court at Halieruidhous the day of Januar 1641


115. Carta sub magno sigillo concessa magistro Thome Barclay professori divinitatis in eadem universitate suisque successoribus de predictis terris de Cairntraidlan sub provisionibus et conditionibus subscriptis videlicet ut professor omni tempore affuturo eligetur vir omni virtutis genere im butus et qualificatus tam respectu vite tam doctrine ubi reperiri possit sine ullo alio respectu habito ad eius generationem locum residentie vel educationis: Inquisitores vel examinatores electores et admissores dicti pro

fessoris omni tempore affuturo (quandocunque vacabitur locus) erint videlicet moderator synodi provincialis Aberdonie cum duobus commissionariis ab unoquoque presbiterio eiusdem ad hunc effectum ab iisdem presbiteriis eligendis cumque primario academie et universitatis veteris Aberdonie pro empore unacum altera persona collegiata dicte academie et universitatis a ceteris collegiatis personis eiusdem eligenda et decano facultatis theologice dicte academie et universitatis veteris Aberdonie vel uno alio virtute preditissimo eiusdem facultatis ad hunc effectum ab eadem facultate eligendo : Et ut omnes persone antedicte habeant voces decisivas et potestatem etiam deprivandi eundem professorem cum justa occasio sese contigerit: Et dicta professio incompatibilis erit cum aliquo alio officio in ecclesia scola vel republica; et si ita contigerit tunc et in eo casu locus professionis ipso facto vacabit; et immediate post vacationem dicte professionis ob quamcunque justam occasionem dictus moderator synodi provincialis Aberdonensis pro tempore infra viginti dies immediate postea sequentes congregabit cum ceteris inquisitoribus vel examinatoribus et electoribus antedictis quo vero deficiente moderator presbeterii Aberdonensis quo etiam deficiente decanus facultatis dicte academie et universitatis congregabit cum dictis inquisitoribus vel examinatoribus et electoribus intra alios viginti dies; et locus in quo congregabunt erit templum academie et universitatis nostre veteris Aberdonie; et ibidem ordinabunt proclamationem edictorum fieri per omnes partes doctrine preclaras infra dictum regnum nostrum Scotie; viri literati et virtutibus imbuti invitantur qui sese cupiunt offerre et examinationi pro eodem vacante loco subjicere ut idem locus detur digniori et aptissimo; et dicti inquisitores vel examinatores et electores antedicti inquisitionem vel examinationem et admissionem cum omni instantia et diligentia prosequentur uti Deo reddent rationem: Et articuli inquisitionis vel examinationis erunt in particularibus subsequentibus videlicet primo de scientia dicti professoris in Hebrea et Greca linguis in quibus sacre scripture prius scribebantur ; secundo ut habeat bonam et promptam latinam dictionem; tertio ut bene versatus sit in ecclesiasticis et humanis historiis in quantum conducent ad ejus professionem; quarto ut sit bene versatus in omnibus contraversiis religionis; et ad hunc effectum aliqua specialis contraversia religionis ei designetur a predictis inquisitoribus vel examinatoribus super quam exercitium dabit et positiones ac disputationes sustinebit; quinto ut bene sit in philcsophia exercitatus; sexto ut bene sit perlectus in sacris scripturis et possit solvere omnia dubia ad easdem spectantia sicut deus easdem ipse revelavit;

et generaliter ut possit omnibus inquisitoribus seu examinatoribus in omnibus punctis requisitis in tali professore satisfacere; et ut sit in fide integer et ut possit sana doctrina repugnantes convincere: Locus autem professionis erit academia nostra veteris Aberdonie in qua incorporabitur ; et locus domicilii professoris erit domus et habitaculum mortificatum a magistro Joanne Forbes de Cors: professor omni tempore admissionis tenebitur sustinere antedictum domicilium in omnibus punctis suis propriis sumptibus et expensis sicuti appretiabitur illi tempore sui introitus; et ad hunc effectum statuitur ut dictum domicilium visitetur per moderatorem presbiterii Aberdonensis ministrum veteris Aberdonensis et primarium dicte academie et universitatis unoquoque biennio ut nullo afficiatur detrimento; et secundum eorum visitationem professor tenebitur et astringetur restituere idem ad eundem statum in quo repertum fuit si ullo afficiatur detrimento; et hoc sub pena deprivationis: Professor docebit spatio hore dimidio eiusdem in vocali suo sermone alterum dimidium hore dictitando et hoc bis in unoquoque hepdomode videlicet die Martis et die veneris ante merediem annuatim; incipiens primo die Martis mensis Octobris et usque ad ultimum diem Martis mensis Julii persistens; et intra quadrennium docebit totum theologie positivum corpus et gravissimas maximique momenti contraversias inter ecclesias reformatas et papisticam seu Romanam et inter easdem ecclesiam reformatam et Lutherianos; et deteget et refutabit errores Arminianorum et in scripta dabit theologie studiosis ad finem uniuscuiusque contraversie sum-» mam eiusdem; et quodcunque expediens arbitrabitur a dictis inquisitoribus vel examinatoribus electoribus et admissoribus; Et faciet ut discipuli sui hepdomodatim habeant privata exercitia de aliqua religionis contraversia et sacra scriptura et mensales in eadem disputationes quorum et ad que ipse erit preses et auditor; Professor tempore admissionis juramento fidelitatis nobis sese obstringet; et solemne dabit juramentum curaturum et vigilaturum erga discipulos suos ut sancte vivant et in cognitione crescant; professor subjicietur censure uniuscuiusque synodi provincialis Aberdonensis; et providetur per tenorem presentis carte nostre quod nullum annuum redditum lie an vel annat habebit sed solum stipendium totidem terminorum et annorum. pro quibus actualiter curam gerit et servit; idem tempore vacationis antedicte professionis loci redditus terrarum predictarum eidem mortificatarum levabitur et intromittetur per ministrum veteris Aberdonie et moderatorem presbiterii Aberdonensis pro tempore qui pro eodem redditu provinciali sinodo Aberdonensi respondere tenebuntur et cum avisamento dicti sinodi

alicui pio usui convertetur et applicabitur: Scripta et evidentia dictarum terrarum et mortificatio earundem custodientur et servabuntur in cista cartaria predicte academie et universitatis veteris Aberdonensis ibidem remanente et omnibus quorum interest prout de jure congruit patefiant; et antedicta academia seu universitas eadem scripta et evidentias exhibituras astringentur et tenebuntur ita ut in professoris presentis et futuri non sit nec erit potestate disponere nec dilapidare dictum redditum pro eo et suis successoribus mortificatum prout autentica instrumenta desuper suscepta in manibus magistri Roberti Petri notarii publici latius proportant . . . Reddendo... nobis et successoribus nostris eorum quotidianas preces ad deum pro salute et prosperitate nostra posteritatis nostre et successorum nostrorum imperpetuum. Data Edinburgi 12 Marcii 1642.

116. Charter and disposition by John Forbes of Corss of all and whole the part then possest by him of the house, being the south-west and north-west sides of the chaplains chambers, lyand within the chanrie of Auld Aberdein, comprehending the pendit chalmer abowe the gryt yait, and the nixt chalmer, quherin ther is ane kitchine, and the nixt chalmer therto, quhilk presentlie serveth him for ane hall, and nixt therto the west tour of the saids chaplanes chalmers . . . togither with the adjoining old buildingis of two chalmers and the old gryt hall, with ane old pendit kitchin at the end of the said old hall, togidder also with the adjoining gardyne; granted in favor of Mr. William Douglas, present professor of theology . . . and his successors, professors of theology in the said university; dated 1644.

day of

117. At Leyis the sext day of October M.VI fourtie-aucht yeiris, and at the kingis colledge of Auld Aberdene the tuelt day of October the yeir of God abouewrittin, it is contractit. . . betwix the pairties following, to witt, the richt worschipfull Sir Thomas Burnett of Leyis knicht barronet, heretabill proprietar of the croftis landis and utheris underwrittin on the ane pairt, and the rycht reverend doctor William Guild principall of the said colledge, Mr. James Sandilandis civilist and commoun procuratour of the



samen and remanent professoris maisteris and memberis therof undersubscryveris on the uther pairt, in maner . . . eftir following; that is to say, forsamekill as the said Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyis . . . for the glorie of God, the weil and utilitie of the churche and commounwelth, the advancement of learning in the northerne pairtis of this kingdome, the supplie and help of some poor ones that can not be abill to mantene thameselves at colledges, and out of the speciall love favour and respect that he carreis to the said kingis colledge of Auld Aberdene, hes mortifeit . . . in maner undirwrittin, and upon the conditiounes efter specefeit, provydit thrie burseris of philosophie to be educat brocht up and manteinit everie ane of thame for the space of four yeiris at the said kingis colledge, as the rest of the burseris of philosophie presentlie in the said colledge alreddie foundit ar educat and manteinit . . . upone the speciall . . . conditioune that the nominatioun and presentatioun of the saidis thrie burseris sall appertene... to the said Sir Thomas Burnet all the dayis of his lyftyme, and efter his deceiss to his airis maill and successouris, lairdis of Leyis, with power onlie to the said Sir Thomas and his forsaidis to nominat and present to the principall maisteris and memberis of the said colledge of quhat sort and qualitie it sall pleis thame, now and in all tyme cumming; and how oft any of the saids places sall be vacant eftir the ending. . . of any of the saidis thrie burseris thair quadriennial course, or be deceiss of any of thame, or be the leiving and deserting of the said colledge befoir the ending of the said four yeiris, or any uther maner of way, . . . that the onlie presentatioun as said is sall appertene to the said Sir Thomas and his forsaidis; and the said maisteris and memberis of the said colledge sall not refuse any quhom the said Sir Thomas and his forsaidis sall present. . . to the saidis thrie places, they being lauchtfullie vacant as said is. And gif it sall fall out that in any tyme cumming the maisteris and memberis of the said colledge sall prejudge and wrong the said Sir Thomas of his presentatioun, and sall . . . not accept quhom they sall present, . . . in that caice it is speciallie aggreit and provydit . . . that this present mortificatioun with the dispositioun and resignatioun eftir specefeit sall be null,. . . and the said Sir Thomas and his forsaidis sall have regress to the landis and utheris eftir specifeit. It is alwyse . . . aggreit upone betwix the saidis pairties that the said Sir Thomas and his forsaidis sall be holdin to present ... at Michaelmes, quhen the rest of the burseris ar presentit, ... and gif he or his foirsaidis sall failzie in not observing the due

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