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Act of Parliament ratifying and approving the haill former privileges of the said college and rents thereof.

104. In the parliament haldin at Edinburgh the twinty-aught day of June the year of God one thousand six hundred and seventeen years our sovereine lord with the advyce and consent of the Estaits of this present Parliament remembring and calling to mynd the manifold acts of parliament maide by his majestie and his highnes' predicessoris of worthy memorie in favouris of the auld universitys within this realme whilkis are the seminarys of the kirk and policie within the samyn; and his majestie being moved with fervint zeal of the propagation and advancement of the religion and with an earnist love of the incres of policie and having therewith an special regaird to the education and upbringing of the youth and specially within the north parts of this realme quhairof our said sovereine lord his colledge and university of Auld Aberdeen has been special instructoris; And understanding that the same was of auld founded be King James the Ferd of worthie memorie and giftit be him and certain otheris his majestie's subjects with the kirks and landis following mortifet and unit thairto viz. the personage and vicarage of Aberbuthnot the personages and vicarages of Glenmuik and Glengardin the personage and vicarage of Slayns the personage and vicarage of Snaw the personage and vicarage of Auchindor the vicarage of Tulleenessile the half town and lands of Drumlugus the towns and lands of Adiel Balmakettill Collynes and Andeit Berriehill Mundurno certyne crofts lyand in the territorie of New Aberdeen an annualrent of twinty poundis yeirly out of the barony of Balhelvie nineteen merkis out of the King's waters of Banf and twelve poundis [sex] shilling aught pennies yeirly furth of the lands of Ord Montbray Blairshynnoch and certain otheris adjacent landis in Boyne annualrent of five pounds out of the lands of Udoche an annualrent of four poundis yeirly furth of the lands of Pettie the lands of the hospital of Saint Germanes with the haill fruits rents and duties belonging thairto quhairever the samyn bees or lyes within this realme the landis whereupon the said colledge is foundit with the yairds and croftis of the samyn with the manses yairds and croftis. of the canonist civilist mediciner and grammarian with certain otheris chaplanries lands and annual rentis specified and contained in the auld foundation of the said colledge charters and donations of the samyn As likewise

that our said soverein lord having respect that the meinis of the said rent was not habile to interteine the members of the said university as the same was first foundit; thairfoir he himself of his majesty's princelie liberalitie love and affection quhilk he had to learning and incres of verteu and letters within this realme gave and disponit to his said university the kirks teynds landis and annualrents after-specifyd viz. all and haile the parsonage and vicarage of Saint Machars called the deanry of the cathedral kirk of Aberdene with the haile lands teinds fruits rents emoluments and dewties pertaining and belonging thairto all and haile the parsonage and vicarage of Methlick Furvie Petterkirk called Spittell or the sub-chantory of Aberdeene with the haile manses gleibs lands rents and dewties of the saids kirks respective all lyand within the dioceis of St. Andros and Aberdene togidder also with all and sundry kirks-lands teinds annualrents feu-farms manses gleibs houses biggings yairds and others fruits rents and emoluments quhilk pertanit to the friers Carmiletes of Banff the chaplanries of Westhall and Folloroull the chaplainry of St. Magdalene with all and sundry kirk-lands teinds annualrents feu-farms manses gleibs houses biggings yards and all other fruits rents emoluments and duties quhatsomever whilks appertained to the said chaplanrys or to the auld chaplains of the said university togidder with all other lands biggings provents teinds annualrents feu-farms manses gleibs tittles richts jurisdiction and others whatsomever pertaining and addebtit to the said colledge maisters regents bursars and members thairof either given be our said sovereine lord his predecessoris or be himself quhidder it be and with the consent of his majestie's regents his hienes' council or any other or be the bishop of Aberdene of guid memorie or be any others grantit and given at ony time of before or whatsomever the said colledge possesses has possessed or onyways might posses as in his majestie's donation gift and disposition thairof at mair length is contained; and his hienes now still continuing the said guid affection love of learning and vertuous education of the youth and being willing be all means possibil as far as lyes in his majestie's power to promove vertue advance the said colledge and corroborate the richts and tittles thairof sua that the same may the mair and mair flourish in learning discipline and good manners thairfoir his hieness with advyse and consent of the said estaits and haile body of this present parliament ratifies allows approves and confirms the forsaids haile foundations and donations giftit and grantit to the said colledge with the auld privileges immunities exemp

tions jurisdictions freedoms and liberties of the samyn in all and sundry the said heids poynts articles clauses and circumstances thairof quhatsomever after the form and tenor of the samyn and wills grants and declares that the said university sall enjoy the samyn intromit with and uplift the haill lands teynds fruits rents annualrents chaplanries and others quhatsomever above specifit pertaining and belonging thereto and alsua all other privileges immunitys freedoms and exemptions quhilk ony time the said colledge and university or ony other colledge and university within this realme bruiks and enjoys or has bruikit and enjoyit in ony time bygone. And because the deanry and sub-chantory of Aberdene with the parsonage of Methlick are now unit anexit and incorporat to the said university and that the principall of the said colledge has divers yeirs bygone served the cure at the said kirk of St. Machar pertaining to the said deanry and has exercised the said office and his majesty being naways willing that the said chaptour be hurt impaired or frustrate of ony of the auld members and privileges thairof; Therfoir his highness with advyse aforesaid statutes and ordains that the principall of the said college sall in all time coming be deane of Aberdene and that the sub-principall sall be sub-chantor of Aberdene and that an qualified regent of the said colledge sall sit in the said chaptour and have voit as person of Methlick whilk regent sall be electit and nominat furth of the number of the saids regents be the present bishop of Aberdene and his successouris; provyding always that the said college mak an sufficient stipend and provisioun to the minister actually serving the cure at the said kirk and ordains an act of parliament to be extendit heirupon in maist dew and ample forme (Salvo jure cujuslibet). Extractum de libro Act. Parl. etc. Georgius Hay cls. Registri .

Obligation by George Bruce to resign the civilist's croft in favor of the civilist of the college.

105. Be it kend till all men be thir present lettres me George Bruce saidler burges of Abirdene for certane gratitudis and guidis done to me be the richt honorabill maister Thomas Nicolsone of Cokburnspeth advocat commissar of Abirdene and civilist of the kingis colledge of Auld Abirdene.. be the tennour heirof faithfullie bindis and obleissis me my airis and assignayes... to subscryve and deliver to the said maister Thomas Nicolsone

and his successoris civilistis of the said universitie sufficient procuratories of resignatioune . . . for resigning off all and haill that croft of land callit the civilists croft with the barne biggit thairupone and pertinentis belonging thairto lyand in the east territorie of the said colledge betuix the lands of Spittall perteining to William Keith at the south the kingis common gait at the wast the Civillhous and yaird sumtyme perteining to Johne Reid skinner and to me now at the north and the saids lands of Spittall at the eist in the handis off the said Thomas Nicolsone and his successoris civilistis of the said universitie or in the handis of the principall subprincipall canonist mediciner grammarian commone procuratour and remanent fundit memberis of the said universitie . . . my undoutit superioris of the said croft. . . ad perpetuam remanentiam to the effect the propertie thairof may be consolidat with thair superioritie of the samen. . . In witnes quhairof I haif subscriuit thir presentis with my hand as followis written be Mr. Alex Reid writter in Abirdene at Auld Abirdene the

day of

the zeir of God ane thousand sex hundreth twantie-four zeiris befor thir witnesses George Mersser advocat in Abirdene Thomas Mersser his sone and the said Mr. Alex' Reid.

George Bruce.

106. Instrumentum quo Joannes Tabbart in Knock de Strathyla nepos et heres Georgii Tabbart in Rothimay constituit procuratores ad resignandas terras seu croftas predictas (ut ante No. 82.) in favorem dicti collegii. 8 Februarii 1625.

107. Contract between William Forbes of Cragievar, on the one part, and Patrick bishop of Aberdeen, and the moderators of the presbyteries within the diocese of Aberdeen, on the other part, whereby on the narrative that the saids bishop and moderators had mortified the sum of 10,000 merks Scots to the professor of divinity of the said college (who shall be admitted by the saids bishop and commissioners of presbyteries) the said William Forbes in consideration of the said sum of 10,000 merks dispones to them the lands of Cairnedradlane, mill, mill lands, multures &c. and salmon fishing on the Don, lying in the parish of Kinnellar, burdened with the yearly

payment of 6 punds 13s. 4d.; and grants also the teind sheaves of the saids lands. The contract also contains a clause of reversion and is dated 20 January 1626 .

108. Carta super eodem contractu

super eodem contractu. 20 Januarii 1626 .

Disposition of the Loch hills.

109. Be it kend till all men be thir present lettres me Mr. Robert Gardyne sumtyme shireff deputt of Inuerness sone and air to umquhill Mr. Thomas Gardyne of Blairtoune my father: Forsamekill as I myselff and the richt worschipfull schir Alexander Gordonne of Cluny knicht to my behowe and utilitie hawe instantlie . . . receawed fra Mr. Wm Leslie subprincipall and commoun procuratour of the keingis colledge of Auld Aberdeine for himselff and in name and behalff of the remanent maisteris and memberis of the said colledge certaine soumes of money . . . thairfor to hawe sauld ... to the principall ciuilist canonist mediciner supprincipall grammarian and remanent maisteris and memberis of the said college present and to come and to their successoures . . . all and haill the landis or croft of land callit the Loch hilles with the loche and mareishe thairof neer adiacent and perteining thareto with the haill boundis mercheis priveleges. . . lyand wpoune the west syid of the citie of Auld Aberdene within the parochine of and the shireffdome of Aberdene . . . In witness quharof I and the saids schir Alexander Gordoune . . . hawe subscrivit thir presentis witht thar handis writtin be Thomas Gordoune notar publict at the kingis colledge of Abirdene the twantie-twa day of October M. vie threttie-ane zeiris befor the witnessis Alex Lillie commissar clerk deput of Aberdene and Thomas Lillie his sone and Mr. Alex' Reid colledge clerk.

Ro. Gairdyn

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