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vation of bodily sufferings in bed; nervous weakness, with irritability; spasmodic dyspnoea; cardiac anguish and palpitation. (Hirschel's Klinick, Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 197.)

Amyl-nitrite. Fragmentary proving. (Med. Student, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 636.)

In the proving, pulse so irregular it could not be counted. (A. M. Cushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 646.)

(A. M.

Its use in nervous diseases. Several cases of convulsions reported controlled by it. (A. M. Cushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 634.) Used with benefit in a case of eclampsia and in a case of dysmenorrhoea. Cushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 634.) Provings of. Head symptoms, chiefly, pressure, throbbing and heaviness, principally the forehead, temples and occiput; nausea and heat in stomach; pulse fast, full and hard; mouth dry; throat sore; bronchial irritation; cough; burning of ears; commotion in chest ; tumultuous action of heart and quick respiration. (Arranged by C. Wesselhoeft, N. E. M. G., vol. XI., p. 385.)

Proving of. (A. M. Cushing, N. E. M. G.,
vol. XI., p. 408.)

In nervous diseases. (A. M. Cushing, N E.
M. G., vol. XI., p. 405.)

Ammon. Caust. Liquor as a prophylactic after the bite of a mad dog.

Three persons were bitten by a mad dog. One of them did not suspect any danger, had no treatment, and died of hydrophobia after six and a half months. The two others were bandaged with charpie saturated with Liq. Amm. Caust., which was renewed on getting dry.

Ammoniac is supposed to be a specific antidote to hydrophobia, and is also recommended by Dr. Kleinschmidt ("Rundschau," 1874, No. 464) as immediate subcutaneous injection in the neighborhood of the wound. (O. de Stefano, Intern. Hom. Presse, p. 191, 1876.)

Ammonium Mur. A few points where it resembles other remedies, having the anxiety of Aconite, despondency and grief of Dig, or the irritable peevishness of Cham.; throat swollen, and stinging pains as in Apis, and many comparisons. (A. W. Woodward, M. I., vol. III., p. 278, 1876.)

Anacardium Orientale. Some of the juice

of the bean was absorbed through an abrasion of the wrist; on the following day vesicles appeared around the wound and up the arm towards the elbow. On the next


day there was considerable itching, and the face was attacked presenting the appearance of an attack of erysipelas; at the same time the scrotum became sore and inflamed without vesication.

On the eighth day the eruption had almost entirely disappeared. (Yeldam, M. H. R., vol. XX., p. 99.)

causes failure of memory. (W. Scharp, Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 26.)


Pain in stomach in two hours after each meal, relieved by the succeeding meal. (G. R. Spooner, Mass., Trans., vol. IV., p. 372.) Antimonium Crudum. Acidity of the stomach with sour eructations and vomiting." "Diarrhoea, with sour-smelling stools." Confirmed in numbers of cases. (J. K. Warren, Mass.,Trans., vol. IV., p. 231.) In a case of pregnancy. Cold milk was the only article of food that could be retained. (S. K. Warren, Mass.,Trans., vol. IV., p. 373.) Antimonium Tart. Excessive bronchial rattling. (Munroe, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 374.)

Apis Mellifica. Characteristics: Tired feeling; yawning; deep sleep; soreness pit of stomach on pressure; morning diarrhea; scanty urine; apprehensiveness in breathing, as if each breath would be the last; absence of thirst; skin hot, dry; restlessness, desire to move from place to place; cold atmosphere preferable; itching relieved by cold water; left side; worse at night. (Ŏ. S. Sanders, Mass, Trans., vol. IV., p. 665)

Striking and instructive cure with. Swelling on different parts of the body, especially on the face, and often so sudden that one could see the parts swell. Begins with small elevations resembling blisters, with continual itching, but no further pain, worse from warmth, improves visibly in the open air.

The patient received Apis on the 21st of April. On May 21st he writes "I am convinced that the disease is cured." (N. E. M. G., vol. XI.)

Especially indicated in those grave forms of scarlet fever which involve the entire nervous system; fever of a typhoid character, tongue deep red and covered with blisters which become sores and ulcers with burning; stinging pain; thick white and bloody fætid mucus discharge from nostrils. The throat swells rapidly, and becomes œdematous externally. Entire abdomen sore to

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the touch, especially over region of the bladder, urine scanty and of dirty red color,micturition frequent and painful,small quantity at a time or complete suppression.

which it produced premature confinement. (A. M. Cushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 290.)

Apis 1st dil. is specific when the urine is Aqua Marina. Causes constant hawking and

scanty and light colored; no thirst present and often ædema of the eyelids; also when the skin is very smooth, red and shining, and urine scanty (Dr. Hale). It has been successfully used in retrocession of scarlatina with violent fever, excessive heat, congestion, and violent delirium or stupor. (Thos. Nichol, Hom. W., vol. XI., p. 9, 114.)

-In Scarlatina, comparison with Bell. (Hom W., vol. XI., p. 116.)


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In Scarlatina, comparison with Rhus. (Hom.
W., vol., XI., p. 117.)

In Scarlatina, comparison with Arsenicum.
(Hom W., vol. XI., p. 118.)

In Non-Malarial Intermittent Fever. Chill at 3 P. M., running down back and spreading over whole person. "Hands seem to be dead." Chilliness aggravated by warmth; in an hour was followed by violent burning heat with headache but little or no thirst; sweat little marked, and at times dry heat alternated with sweat or appeared instead of it; no change in liver or spleen; Apis mel. 5th dec. one grain every hour. In three days patient was cured and continued well. (Thos. Nichol, A. O., 1876, p. 469.)

On the clinical action of. Soreness at pit of stomach, suppressed or scanty urine, micturition frequent and painful, absence of thirst though the tongue be red and dry, a warm room is objectionable, intolerable itching relieved by the application of cold water. (O. S. Sanders, N. E. M. G., vol. XI., p. 456.)

Cerebral irritation. Sharp, piercing cry during sleep and on waking; slow, difficult sighing respiration; retention of urine; small brown stools, of the odor of copper. (S. Swan, Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 93.) Curative in a case of acute hydrocephalus. Urine scanty, high colored; nightly aggravation. (W. F. Hathaway, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 231.)

Apium Virus. Death from the sting of a honey-bee. (Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 207.) Intoxication from a bee-sting (?). (H. M., June, 1876.)

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raising of phlegm white and tough like cotton. (C. Wesselhoeft, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 31.)

Argentum Nitricum, Four cases of chronic poisoning. (Dr. Mossa, Zeitsch. f. Hom. Klinik, 1876, p. 41.)

Its effect on the nervous system. (H. B. Fellows, M. I., vol. IV., p. 170, 1876.) Craving for sweet things; apathy; irritable in the morning: itching of the scalp; eyes gluing together at night; itching of the nose; gums easily bleeding; tongue coated white, red edge and tip, dry; offensive breath; appetite strong but quickly satisfied; complete loss of appetite; sour belching; nausea; cramps in bowels; flatulence; stools green mixed with mucus; scalding urine with frequent urging; restless sleep; starting, screaming and convulsive movements. After sleeping an hour or more waked up with head intensely hot, rest of body of nearly normal temperature; cough dry; soreness of whole body; child cries on being moved. (L. M. Kenyon, Trans. N. Y. S., 1876-77, p. 93.)

Arnica Montana. A proving. (E. W. Berridge, M. I., vol. IV., p. 573, 1876.)

After a convulsion during pregnancy in a case in which there was albumen in the urine, nearly complete paralysis of the left side followed. On Guernsey's key-note, "Symptoms of paralysis of the left side," Arnica200 was given with complete recov ery. (A. M. Cushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 230.)

Curative in cholera-morbus when the discharges smell precisely like rotton eggs." (A. M. Cushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 230.)

for morbid singing. (R. R. Gregg, Trans. N. Y. S., 1876–277, p. 125.)


We should always use a tinet, made from the root, as a certain fly infests the flowers, and is responsible for the symptoms of erysipelas, tetanus, etc. (Č. B. Knerr, M. I., vol. IV., p. 104, 1874.) furnishes symptoms similar to traumatic fever and septicæmia. If Arnica30 be applied externally to wounds when there is profuse suppurations as occurring after injuries; every three or four hours, and the same internally, after two hours the patient will have relief of pains, and in the subsequent days the suppuration will be reduced; but it will improve much faster if the 1st deci

mal is used, and in twenty-four hours the suppuration will be completely reduced; it is also a fact that if the Arnica is discontinued this favorable impression soon disappears, and the wound will again gape and suppuration return. The action of Arnica in all wounds is this: not only does the migration of the white blood corpuscles and mortification of the injured parts cease, but the intercellular liquid is drained under a steady delivery of the water to the blood vessels and lymphatics, and as a result the swelling disappears, the borders of the wound unite and are agglutinated, and loss of substance is replaced by granulations; for these reasons give pregnant women Arnica3rd each day for fourteen days previous to confinement also after labor, with Arnica injections, thus preventing puerperal fever, protracted lochia and rolling of the flaps where the cervix was fissured; a too long continued use of Arnica externally generates erythema and blistering. (v. Grauvogl, M. I., vol. III., p. 261, 1876.)

Arsenicum Album, Pathogenetic and curative effects of. (A. Charge, Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 1.)

Confirmed symptoms of. Palpitation on lying down cured by Arsen 5m. (A. M. Čushing, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 229.) - Its use in incipient phthisis, with cases. Continued pain under left clavicle; emaciation; bloody expectoration; drinks provoked coughing. (G. T. Forbes, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 371.)

and its compounds. B. J. of H., Jan. 1876, p. 193, July, 1876, p. 209, Oct., 1876, p. 241 (Appendix.)

in skin diseases. "To sum up the general indications, we may say that Ars, is the remedy in diseases resulting from a disordered and defective nutrition; the skin being of a pale waxy color, more or less thickened by infiltration; eruption of small pustules or of vesicles, burning rather than itching, drying up speedily into yellowish crusts, which, on falling, are replaced by a fresh crop of pustules." (C. T. Campbell, C. M. A., Nov., 1876, p. 328.)

-in scaly skin eruptions. Its action is apparently twofold, neurotic and hæmatic. Its affinity for the tissues composing the large nerve centers affords an adequate explanation of the various neurotic symptoms produced by it and will account for its beneficial effects in the treatment of what are apparently purely neurotic skin affections.

If, in cases whose symptoms otherwise correspond to the recorded symptoms of

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has an annoying sensation as though they would fly all to pieces; this symptom is found more frequently in women. (H. A. Whitfield, M. I., vol. III., p. 204, 1876.)

Baptisia and Gelsemium. Comparison of. (H. V. Miller, H. M., July, 1876.)

Baryta Carb. Sore throat from the least cold; throat often suppurates; swollen glands

after scarlet fever. (J. G. Malcom, M. I., vol. III., p. 279, 1876.)

Belladonna. Two cases of congenital hydro

cephalus cured with Bell, 200. A young
lady taken suddenly "without any cause,
with restlessness and a desire to throw her-
self from the window. Color of face
heightened; eyes exceedingly bright and
Bell. 200, one
animated; pulse normal.
dose cured. Religious insanity in young
man cured by Bell. 200 and Coff. 200. Case
of delirium occurring during measles; child
aged six. No sleep for three nights; pa-
tient had to be restrained by force; spasms,
etc. Bell. 200 produced sleep in half-an
hour, and alleviated all symptoms. Is im-
portant remedy in first stage of cerebro-
spinal meningitis. Lilienthal advises it in

sunstroke where there is congestion of brain, with whizzing in ears, distensive headache, dyspnoea, with anguish and constipation as if from inertia of intestines. Case of hydrophobia reported. Woman had repeated coition with husband who had been bitten by a mad dog. Husband died of hydrophobia. Six years after woman was attacked with sore throat, inability to swallow, burning pain in stomach, difficulty in breathing; wild and haggard; rapid weak pulse, dilated pupils, nervous and hurried manner. Bell, for three days; patient worse; after that Lach, and Cedron, patient worse; then Bell. 3. Sixth night patient had first night's sleep.

Child,seven months old, with inflammation of brain; in two hours after Bell. 200 was given, child slept, and in 48 hours was well. In similar case by Raue, Bell. 45 caused improvement in four hours.

Bell. 2000, cured nervous sick headache in hour and a half. Bell. 200 cured similar case where headache had lasted, with intermissions of two or three wecks, for a year or more. Similar case cured by one dose of Bell. 4 m (F.)

Triploplia cured by one dose of Bell, 3m. Chronic epistaxis cured, one dose Bell, 20o. Intermittent neuralgia continuing for three months every day, and then leaving till next year, cured by two doses of Bell. 3.

Bell. 200 cured in three days facial erysipelas in a patient who was subject to such attacks A case of malignant laryngitis was cared in 20 hours by teaspoonful doses every half hour of a solution of one drop of Bell. to a pint of water. Bell. 200 cured in "a week or ten days" a case of pertussis of "two weeks or longer" duration. Man contracted pneumonia while on a debauch; a prominent symptom was paroxysms of sneezing, these were relieved, and pneumonia cured by Bell. 15, in water. Bell. 200 is "specific curative" in gastralgia with pains extending to the spine (P. P. Wells.) Acute colicky pains in lower part of abdomen for a week; Bell. 3, one dose cured.

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Bell. 30, followed by Apis 5, cured a case of ovaritis following delivery. Bell, 200 cured leucorrhoea, yellow, thick, profuse and acrid, with characteristic head symptoms. Woman after an abortion had prolapsus uteri; parts hot and congested; and backache" as if it would break; Bell. 1400, one dose, cured (Cowperthwaite.) Dysmenorrhea with attacks of hysteria cured by Bell. 30 followed by Sulph. 30 and Puls. 30. Bell. 30 dilated a rigid os uteri in two hours, when labor had been protracted for three days in consequence of it.

Puerperal convulsions cured by Bell. .

Convulsions during labor; spasm lasted five minutes, followed by deep coma. Bell, 200, no spasm for an hour, child born in two hours, only one more severe spasm. Phlegmasia alba dolens cured in few days by Bell, 30 Patient has been suffering for

several weeks. Bell, 200 warded off another case of threatened phlegmasia.

Rheumatism for fifteen years. Bell. stopped all pain in four days; a return in four months was promptly cured by same drug and dose.

Torticollis in two months old babe ; right side. Bell, cured in two weeks. Chorea, "Every muscle of both upper and lower extremities and of face and neck were when she was awake in involuntary motion." Bell. 200 cured in six weeks. Tetanus, traumatic, cured in three days by Bell, 30. Woman, æt. 32, when a child fell into a puddle while perspiring, had immediate spasms, since then curvature of spine and paralysis of extremities, with loss of memory. Bell. three doses, at an interval of a week, improved memory and enabled her to walk about; her child was cured of a paralysis of right side, by one dose Bell. 156.

In an epidemic of scarlatina Bell: 30 to 4000 proved sufficient in all cases where the delirium, restlessness, etc., characteristic of this drug were prominent. Many other and various complaints have yielded readily to Bell, in different potencies high and low where the cerebral congestion and other well-known indications for the drug showed themselves. (Lecture by T. S. Hoyne, A. O., 1876, p. 497.)

Poisoning by the berries. (D. A. Colton,
M. I., vol. IV., p. 314, 1876.)

1st. Given to a child for whooping cough,
was followed by phantassis and excitement.
(Dr. Sorge, A. H. Z., 92, p. 149.)

Acts upon the cerebral arteries, producing
inflammation. Secondary action is upon the
throat, eyes, &c (W. Scharp, Bib. Hom.,
vol. VIII., p. 26.)

For globulur pulse. (R. R. Gregg, Trans.
N. Y. S., 1876–7, p. 128.)

In acute articular rheumatism, with red-
ness of the affected joints. (Yeldham, M.
H. R., vol. XX., p. 224.)

Pathologically indicated in metritis. (Matheson, M. H. R., vol. XX., p. 239.) Benzoin Odiferum. A proving. (J. S. Wright, M. I., vol. IV., p. 575, 1876.) Berberis vulg. Pains felt all over the

body emanating from the region of the back, sticking, pricking, lancinating, jerking, flying about, now here, now there. (J. G Malcom, M. I., vol. III., p. 279, 1876.)

Bismuth sub-nitrate. Ill-humor, discontented, hot flushes, red face, white tongue; stomach will not retain water; pain and burning after eating; ineffectual desire for stool. Solitude unbearable but strong aversion to strangers. Children cry when left alone, or to be held. (O. S. Sanders, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p. 503.) Bromide of Camphor vs. Strychnia. Abstract. (M. I., vol. IV, p. 575. 1876.) Brooklime. Notice of, quoted from King's Dispensatory and Culpepper. (A. O., p. 77, 1876.) Borax. Characteristic Indication. "Dread to go down stairs. (T. F. Allen, Trans. N. Y. S., 1876-7, p. 43.)

Brandy and Salt. Fatal hæmoptysis induced by use of. (E. W. Berridge, A. O., p. 16, 1876.


Cactus grand. Symptom of. Especially the constrictive sensation so generally characteristic. Most useful in certain rheumatic and nervous affections of the heart. neuralgic pains in the cardia, causing him to weep and cry loudly. Compare Bell., which has pains up to neck, with or without palpitation, worse when lying on left side, and from walking, from taking cold, and better lying on right side; paroxysmal. Digit. follows well when patient is irritable, taciturn, fails to remember; dropsy of feet and legs; urine scanty, hot, high-colored, sometimes almost suppressed; tumultuous action of heart, slow, irregular pulse; skin cold, clammy. Eup. perf., pain, soreness, and weight behind sternum and in cardiac region, worse from slightest motion, and from turning the body. Zinc, head feels as if it had a cap on it; palpitation; tearing pains. See also Lach. Arnica, Nux. v., Spigelia,

Cactus has caused and cured severe pain and pressure on the top of the head. Compare Op., Coral rub., Tod., Carb, veg., &c.

Cactus has desire to urinate, after attempting to do so for a long time, water passes abundantly; constriction of neck of bladder. Frequent and profuse urination (an uncommon symptom. Compare Bell., Bism, Oleander, Rheum, Scilla, Tarax.)

Cactus, like Caust., has menses ceasing at night. Cactus causes spasmodic constriction in uterus or vagina, often from least touch, gradually extending upwards; menses with pains causing her to cry aloud and weep. Murex has dryness and constriction of uterus, worse during profuse menses; violent sexual excitement from the least touch of the parts. Kali Carb. may be useful in constriction of vagina where the old school use the bougie.

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Cactus cures bronchitis with mucus day and night; oppressed breathing on going up stairs; cannot lie horizontally in bed.. Comp. Ipecac, Ant., Tart., and Tabacum. (H. M., June, 1876.)

Calc. Carb. Cough worse lying down; cold, damp feet; dyspnoea on going up stairs; distended abdomen; light hair; blue eyes; stools white; leucorrhoea white, milky, not thick; patient afraid of going crazy, or that people will think she is crazy. (Wm. A. Hawley. Trans. N. Y. S., 1876-7, p. 24.)

Eight cases of goitre cured by the internal use of Calcarea.

An account of the numerous remedies used by the ancients in epilepsy, and the importance of Calcarea in this disease. (A. Imbert Gourbeyre, B. J. of H., July, 1876, p. 401.)

Two cases of scrofulous debility in infants.
Diarrhoea, vomiting and great thirst for
cold water. Remittent fever. (D. G.
Woodvine, Mass. Trans., vol. IV., p.

In doses of 30th dilution three hours,
restores the much needed sleep to patients
suffering from typhus, typhoid, acute rheu-
matism, &c., by calming nervous excite-
ment. Has same effect in convulsions of
teething children. (H. Goullon, Jr., A. O.,
1876, p. 191.)

Calcarea iod. For the intense pains of chronic rheumatism. (Hirschel's Klinik, Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 197.)

The medicine for the pernicious manifestations of scrofula, viz.

1. Chronic hypertrophy of the tonsils. 2. Scrofulous Ophthalmia-pale children, intense photophobia, corrosive tears, spasms of the lids, cornea affected, fluent coryza 3. Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane.

4 Otitis Interna. (H. Goullon, Jr., Bib. Hom., vol. VIII., p. 144.)

Calcarea Phosphorica. Practical observa

tion upon.

1. Employed Cale, Phos, in a case of tubercular phthisis, which to all appearances was in the last stage. At the middle of the right lung heard a gurgling, cavernous murmur, clearly indicating a cavity; respiration short, accelerated; fever every afternoon; no appetite; was losing flesh rapidly; burning of feet and hands; cough very troublesome. Gave Acon. for the fever, and when that disappeared Calc. Phos, every hour. At the same time advised baths of tepid water, saturated with salt, and electricity. A perfect convales

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