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1 January, 1685.- . . . I heard that one Baily of Jereswood had got his indytment, and was to suffer the nixt weik. I desir to be instructed by this, and to know the end of all thes trubls and commotions.

2.-I had a new proposition anent Tan. and my Elizabeth. I was spok to also anent Whthch. [Whythauch].

3.-L. Lilias resolvd to begin her jurnay the nixt weik.

5.-I mett with young Tan. at Dyk. He spoke to me anent my daughter Lis.; which I did shift and declin by al fair means. I was much pressd by him. I look to the Lord to be ridd of this snare. What can be the occasion of it, whether fra the young person, my friend, or whether from others? I have an utter aversation from it.

7. We took jurnay this day from this place with Lillias, and cam to Elgin at night; visited Dumfermlin at his hous. We took too much libertie with him and Duffus at night in drinking. Oh! I am as a beast before Thee, that I sud return to thes abominations which once I have renunc'd and seim'd to escape. This is the ill which I oft fall and relaps into.

8. I had letters from Edinburgh giving notice of som Circuit Court to be held at Elgin by a coram of the Councel, Errol, Kintor, and Sir Geo. Monro, anent irregularities. What the Lord wil bring out of this I know


14.-Ther was great appeiranc of trubl to the cuntrey. Oh! the cloud that hangs over it, over the famely and my relations. . . . I visited Duffus; saw the proclamation anent renuncing and disclaiming the murdering principls.

17.-I heard that the Bishop was requird to call in al the ministers in his diocie, with elders and beddells, to give account of irregularities.

18. Die Dom. The heretors and militia, horse and foot, wer cald to convein to attend the Committee of the Councel at Elgin. I spoke to Mr. William Falconer] anent my concerns, and found him straitnd and shey to


20.--I went eastward to provid hors for the Militia who wer to attend the Lords.

21.—I heard the Lords were come to the Boge, and wer to I went to the Bishop; spoke with him of my own affairs.

be in this day.

Let the Lord

keip me from sinful means and shifts, or trusting in them. . . . I went with the Bishop to the water syd of Spey. They wer reaceavd at Elgin with al solemnitie, and disposd into their lodgings.

22. They held Court this day. Mr. Todd preacht to them, and after that they went to the tolbooth.

24. The Lords had purposd a voluntari cess to be granted by the district. Many repind and grudgd at it, blamnd nonconformists for thes consequents.

25.-Ther was great appeirance of trubl and storm upon the cuntrey.

26. Die Dom. I staid this day at Elgin, and heard Mr. Ja. Straq". and Mr. Marshal of Invernes. I desir to consider ther doctrin and positions laid. Alas! ar not such given in wrath? Ar thes the Lord's messengers,


27.-Ther wer persons imployd to examin elders, and to take up delations, &c. I lodgd in William Brodie's hous at Elgin, and cald in for som provision. I had no favour with the Lords; found them look stern and squint to me.

28. We heard they desing sever fynns. They ordourd the calling of som from Ross and Bamfe, som Monroes, som out of Sutherland, ministers in Bamfeshire. They brought in one or two from Spey side.

29.-The adress for the cess was subscrivd by al heretors. Our nighbors and countrey men wer much violent and prejudgd, and did al they could to persuade to severiti. "Ceass from man, whos breath is in his nostrils;

wherein is he to be accounted ?"

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30. They were preparing lybels against al that wer given up. I din'd with the Lords. . . . I consulted the Advocat, Mr. R. M'Kenie. 31.-The Mr. of Forbes returnd to Brodie for som dais. He had no credit with the Lords as to me. I got my lybel. I askd leave to goe hom til Monday.

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1 February.—I am fild and possest with fears of loss, danger; bot am not afraid of sin, or snars, or temptations. There was a bond for the peace subscrivd one of thir dais, which I cannot justifie or warrant my taking. Alas! how easily am I overcom with ani thing, and broght over. A bond to live ordourly, to apprehend vagrant ministers, not to suffer them to live on our ground, and many such things as thes ar.

I continoud in this toun many dais. My wiffe cam to Toun, and appeird

before the Lords. I was cald to ansuear to my libel. I disound frequenting conventicls without my own hous. This is to declin fynns and punishment. Is there ani guilt in this befor God? albeit it had bein that I be ashamd of Thee before men, befor this adulterous and sinful generation. Oh! what is becom of al my resolutions? . . .

One of thir dais also I was fynd in two thousand pound Sterlin, or 24,000 lib. Scotts. The world has bein my idol, and the love of it, and covetusnes, the root of much evil, and the Lord justlie may punish in this. . . . I find al men estraingd; no favor from them. . . . We heard of the sicknes of the King; and som few dais after, we heard of his death. What may be the import of that the Lord knows. . . . We heard of the King's burial, the maner of his death. . . . The Mr. of Forbes also went South. . . . I heard of the appointing an new Parliament by King James the 7 ; and new members. I heard of the arreast and desing on anie money I had at [the] South.

Ther fell jarrs in betwixt me and Main. I desir to be humbld for it. I heard som suspected him of melancholy. Sal I be the mater of his exercis or troubl, or he of mine. . . . We had meitings apointed anent election of Commissioners to the Parliament. I fear a snar to my selfe in that by taking the Test.

Ther was debate anent election of Commissioners.

Moortoun cam hom

to that purpos. I declind to take any vote, because I was stil a pannel. I was minting to have some testimonie from the clergie and Bishop of my loyaltie and regularitie. Let not that be a snare to me, for I am easilie ensnard.

I went east to have visited D. Gordon. Spey was great. I cam on Saturday to Kinedor; staid sermon there; and cam hom at night. I was purposd to have taken jurnay south, bot hearing the Parliament was adjournd til 23 April, I staid som dais.


Abercrombie, Alexander, of Glassach,
married to a daughter of Brodie's,
351; death of his child Robert, 398;
birth of his son Alexander, 406, 407,
411, 439, 460, 483.

Abercrombie, John, of Glassach, father
of the preceding, 406, 407.
Aberdeen, Bishop of. See Mitchell,
Dr. David.

Aberdeen, Commission of Privy Council
sit at, upon Conventicles, 354, 368,

Aberdeen, Ministers of, against the
Test, 461.

Aberdeen, Sectaries in, 313; Papists
and Quakers at, 336, 409.
Aberdeen, Synod of, Breach between
the Protesters and Resolutioners at,

Aberdeen, (Sir George Gordon of

Haddo,) first Earl of, made Presi-
dent, 463; Lord Chancellor of Scot-
land, 469, 477, 490, 496-499. See

Abjuration Oath, taken by nearly all
the members of the Scottish Parlia-
ment in 1663, 306.

Aboyne, Charles Gordon, first Earl of,
231, 234, 244; great drinking match
between him and the Earl of Seaforth,
341, 374, 384.


Auchinbreck. See Campbell, Sir
Duncan, of Auchinbreck.

Auchmedden. See Baird, Sir James,
of Auchmedden.

Adam, Patrick, 498.

Adair, Mr. William, minister of Ayr,
singing of the doxology in his church
censured, 367, 394.

Advocate, Lord.

See Fletcher, Sir
John; M'Kenzie, Sir George; Nis-
bet, Sir John.

Aikinway. See Leslie, William, of

Airly, James Ogilvy, second Earl of,

Aiton, Alexander, of Inchdarnie, 489,
491, 494; contract of marriage be-
tween his daughter Margaret and
Alexander Brodie of Lethen, 495,
496; his purpose of marrying Eliza-
beth, daughter of James Brodie of
Brodie, 496, 500, 505.

Alcoran, Mahomet's, 211.
Allegiance, Oath of, 255, 257.

Allein, Mr. Joseph, reference to his
works, 346.

Allerton, Earl of, 231.

Altyr. See Cumming, Robert, of Altyr.
Alves, William, 82.

Ambrose, Isaac, an English Calvinistic
Divine, 70-72, 77.

America. See New England.
Anabaptists, The, their sentiments as
to Church Officers, 19; would have
no magistracy, 20, 22; their perse-
cution of godly men and ministers in
Ireland, 29, 245.

Anderson, Mr. Gilbert, minister of Cal-

der, his death, 170.

Anderson, Mr. Hugh, successively
minister of Ellon and Cromartie, 123,

169, 174, 181, 370, 372, 399, 402,
403, 412, 418, 433.
Anderson, John, 124, 317.
Andover, Lord, 240.

Angus, Archibald, Earl of, his death,

Antwerp, taken by the King of France,

Aradoul or Arradoull. See Gordon,

Alexander, of Arradoull.
Arbuthnot, Viscount of, his death, 163.
Ardmadie. See Campbell, Lord Neil.
Aretius, Benedictus, 451.
Argyle, Archibald Campbell, eighth

Earl and first Marquess of, marriage
of his daughter Lady Mary with
George, sixth Earl of Caithness, 127,
136; differences in his family, 142,
147, 150; blamed for remembering
and resenting injuries, 147, 148, 150-
152; met with disgraces in London,
188, 223; reference to his execution,
251; evil determined against his
family, 242; his second son Lord
Neil Campbell of Ardmadie, 498-

Argyle, Archibald, (Lord Lorn after-
wards) ninth Earl of, son of the pre-
ceding, 16, 142; his fine, 144; blamed
for unsubmissiveness to his father,
147, 150, 151; restored to his honour
and estate, 194, 208, 211, 213, 216,
218, 221, 224, 225, 230, 231, 235,
236; is sick, 238, 241, 244; his low
condition, 247, 248; a thick cloud on
his affairs, 249-266; committed a
close prisoner, 267; reprieved, 275,

302; arraigned, 307; letter from, to
the Earl of Murray, in behalf of Bro-
die, 352, 356, 360, 361; has got some
advantage in his business, 364; his
trouble from the M'Leans, 366; his
application to Brodie for the loan of
money, 369; no good debtor, 369,
374, 378; desires Brodie to come to
Stirling, 380, 382-386; his affairs
not going well, 388; calls Calder to
Edinburgh, 388. 390; his intended
duel with Athol, 391; his straits, 400,
402, 405; made a cessation of arms
with M'Donald, 407, 409; fight be-
tween him and M'Donald, 413, 415,
430, 443, 446, 447; out of his places,
463; quite out of favour, 464; sense
in which he took the Test, ib; com-
mitted to the Castle, ib; his hazar-
dous condition, 465, 490.
Argyle, Archibald, (Lord Lorn, after-
wards) tenth Earl and first Duke of,
his marriage with Lady Elizabeth
Talmash, daughter of the Duchess of
Lauderdale, 393, 398; he and his
Lady at variance, 402.

Argyle, Marchioness of, (Lady Mar-

garet Douglas), 147; her death, 398.
Argyle, (Lady Lorn afterwards) Coun-
tess of, Lady Mary Stuart, eldest
daughter of James, fifth Earl of Mur-
ray, wife of Archibald ninth Earl of
Argyle, 151, 237.

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