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21.-My wiffe went to Lethen, to speak anent Mr. Thomas Ross's] widow, and som accommodation to her.

Burrisyards cam heir and communicat with me som intention he had to sett out to the ministry. I found that the man was serius and aiming to make conscience. I found in him that which may sham and convince me. . . . He told me this had bein a burden and exercis on him for a long tym, and it appeird to him to be God's call to him to serve him in that station. He hoped ther was no corrupt carnal consideration in it. He askd my advis. . . . I mentioned the government and constitution of the Church, and his taking libertie and manumission from Bishops. He seimd to be cleir in that, and resolvd to com under no bonds or oaths. . . . I had no clearnes in this, yet told he me that Mr. J. U. had not dissuaded him to lay the thoghts asyd.

24. I heard that A. D. had bein at Kilboyak, and ther had bein a confluence.

25-Mr. James Urquhart cam heir. Alas! so ill as I have improvd the benifit of his company and other means, and now he seims to be alienat fra the hous. Ther is that among us which may scarr the Lord's servants. . . . He spok to me anent what he had said to Burrisyards. He gave him no ground of incuragment or approbation; feard a snare to him; wishd he might be hinderd and stopd.

26. I visited my sister; found her apprehensive of death and danger at this tym. She exprest her dislik of Burrisyards' way. She regreted the want of our dear Father, whos company she had not made use of. I may joyne with her in this complaint.

27.-A. D. cam from the East. He had bein away thir 3 weiks. . . . I heard that ther was manie at the East desirus to hear and to have the means. 3 June. I had letters from Edinburgh anent my uncl's condition; his apprehension of death.

6. I heard Burrisyards was returnd from the in ordour to enter on his trials to the ministry. him as is feard it will be.

Colledg, had bein graduat
Let not this be a snar to

7.-I went to Calder this day. . . . Calder's son, Hugh, was and has bein verie unweil. They apprehend danger to him. . . . Leathen was there. We spoke of our private bussines; of Cromartie's cautionrie; anent Mr. Th. Hog and Knockaudie.

10.-Young Kinsterie, Brightmonic, and others wer heir. . . . I found appeirance of a stopp in the mater of Mr. Th. Ilogg's accommodation. I desir not to be found taking anie occasion to hinder or obstruct it. Al. Hay had right to the roum, and had no will of our medling in it.

13. My sister Granghil was in labour. I desird to hold up her cace to the Lord, that He wad shew her mercie, speak his love and kindnes to her soul; that He wad spar and continu her to her famely and children. . . . I was cald to Granghil in the evining. She had sor and extrem labour. It pleasd the Lord to giv at length deliverance, and to bless with a son. I heard of som appeiranc and liklyhood of discovering of Tanachie's leudnes, adultery, &c.

15.-I was purposing to meit with Tarbett att Arderseir, and wrat to him and Hugh Dollas. . . . Mr. John McKilican was heir the last night. 16. We heard reports of a Parliament with us. The apprehensions of this ar formidabl and dreadful.

17.-Mr. Robert Forbes, Kilraok's chaplain, was heir; had com from Castl Forbes. I apprehend I may be in mistaks with them.

18.-My nevey [nephew] young Granghil was heir. I took occasion as the Lord helpd him [? me] to warn and exhort him to his duty. . . . I heard it spoke more off anent our Parliament. I was confounded with the appeirance of it. I desir to look up to the Lord for mercie, pity, compassion to his church and peopl. Let him look on her in her low estait, and disapoint the ruin that is intended by men.

21.-Granghil's son, William, was baptisd this evining.

24.-I heard that Grange had no inclination to be commissioner to the Parliament, and that Innes wad not embrace without incuradgment and invitation. . . . I found appeirance that Tanachy younger was like to be for Forres. . . . I heard the proclamation for the Parliament was read at Forres, Elgin, and other places.

25.-Spynie was with me after noon. He thoght it most unjust and improper to &c. [i.e., to exclude the Duke of York], and that religion might be secured by corn. [coronation] oath, &c. I had som thoughts of goeing south, but am not determind.

28.-Graing cam heir this fornoon; was goeing to meit with Calder, Lethen, and others at Auldearn. . . . Visited James Urquhart's wiffe, and cleird my selfe of som mistaks concerning Tho. Hog's coming to Penick, and

Mr. James['s] accommodation. . . . The Laird of Innes elder, and his ladie, and Grang wer with us al night. . . . I found that Innes might be persuaded to goe south to the Parliament had he anie incuragment.

29.-Spynie cam doun to sie old Innes. We wer speaking anent choosing Commissioners to the Parliament. . . . Whil we wer speaking the Laird of Lohloy cam from Edinburgh. I desir to reverenc God's providence in this. I had som incuragment from him, and had letters from my uncl, Robert Martin, Polwart, &c. . . . We heard of the wild fancies of som who had bein professors.

4 July.-William Fraser, son to the Mr. of Saltoun, cam heir this night from M. Huntley. I heard of him the reports concerning the ends of the Parliament's sitting. I found him quytt wrong. He went away nixt morning.

7.-Graing and Culloden younger wer heir, the last on his journay south, as Commissioner, with Calder, to the Parliament. I heard that Clava had dissented from the instructions given to their Commissioners.

11.-John Brown cam hom drunk: I desir to be affected with this, that any thing of this sort sud be in the hous. The M. Huntly had hand in this.

14. I went to Kineddar, did som litl in bussines ther, and returnd hom at night, wher I found the Lord Strathnaver and his lady, by whom I heard somewhat of elections as Commissioners of several men of corrupt principles and practices.

18.-We wer leading the rest of the petts. Ther was a great sturr and confusion among them in the night by beating one another. O that the gospel wer getting roum and place amongst men, and the fear of God! that wad suppress al riot and unrulines.

19.-I had letters from Edinburgh dissuading me to com south anent my privat bussiness; and albeit I had som inclination to goe, if I could have effectuat anything anent Holand debt, Cromartie's cautionrie, and with Boin and others of whom I had bussines, I desir to reverence God in his providence in laying anie impediment and stop in my way.

25.-I was giving som timber to Ja. Fordice. I observd much falshood and deceit among men. . . . Ther was several tries cutt and markd, which I had not given. I heard that young Cowbin was gone south last night. 28. I went to visit the Ladie Grange. I heard that Grt. [Grant] had

favor of D. Y. [Duke of York]. Let it not be a snare.

Ther was litl news

pleasd to be with

cam from Edinburgh. We heard M. H. was not weil held from the Parliament. I cam in by Forres, was pressd by old B[ailie] Jo. Brody, and took a drink or two more than was fitt. Oh! when sal I be made to hate evrie evil way? I desird to be ashamd for this, and to be humbld. I cam hom lait indisposd for anie spiritual exercise or duty, in public or privat. I cald for Lethen to com down, but he cam not til the nixt day.

30.-The young goodwiffe of Both was brought to bedd of a daughter, Katren.

8 August.-I had letters from Jos[eph] this morning; had som account of bussines, and a kind of call to goe south anent the Holland debt, Cromartie's cautionrie, and anent my affairs with Boin and Cowbinn. I cannot say that my uncl's call was possitive and express; left it to my own selfe to siek counsal from God.

9.—I had no cleirnes anent my journay.

10. I had much to discuraig and alienat from setting out.

12.-I aimd to seik the Lord's face for grace, pity, counsal, at this tym. Albeit I set out this day, it is with no other purpos or resolution but to return, if the Lord think fitt to lay anie impediment in my way."

24 September.-Die Dom. I read Dickson on the 5 Ps.; heard A. D on 6 Eph.: "Praying with al maner of supplication in the Spirit."

25.-Spynic cam heir in the morning. I gave him account of what I had done att south, and of my purpos to return there this winter. I heard that there was like to be a change of the magistrats in Forres, becaus of the Test and their councel. I heard that many ministers would not tak it.

26-Oh for the frame of my hart! I suspect it not to be right with God. I suspect it of much unsoundnes, deceit. Oh that I cud gett it put in a mediator's hand, the great phisician's hand, who cam to seik and save that which is lost! . . . Granghil and Lethen, and others, wer heir with me. If thes who are acquaint with me knew what wer within me they

Here is a blank of several pages in the Diary, in which the author apparently intended to register notes of his journey to Edinburgh, his stay there, and his return to

the north, but which was never done. The next entry is dated September 24, after he had come home.

would abhor my company, and correspondenc with me. O that the Lord wad be pleasd to purg out this dross and scum, . . and that I might be

made a vessel meit for the Master's use!

27.-I took som inspection of the woods and matters about the town. Let not my hart be glued to them, or tak pleas", or promis it selfe anie thing from them. I was cald to goe to Griship to meit betwixt Granghil and Easterbinn. I have reason to be affraid of the danger and snars from ill company. Let the Lord help me to fear always. Old Tanachy was ther, and others. I found maters not like to set betwixt them. On my return hom I found young Glassach heir. I regrait to sie so much ill in his way. My uncl, Ja. Innes, was heir; told me his straits and purposes. I perceive he has som expectation of help from me. I look to the Lord for direction and counsel. . . . I had som purposes of goeing south this winter, but dare not entertain them. Let my steps be orderd according to His word. Let Him give light and directions. Ther is Cromartie's cautionrie, and my action with Cowbin, my cleiring som things with my uncle, my children's condition, education, disposition; al of thes I putt over on the Lord, and desirs to wait for light and counsal from Him.

29.I went west to Kilroak, Clava, but did not sie the younger of Clava. I cam to Calder at night. . . . I heard the Bishop had bein at the meitings, persuading the ministers to take the test, and showing ther was nothing in it which anie loyal person could object against.

30.-I cam in the morning to Lethen; visited Mr. Tho. Hog ther. Jas. Fraser was at Moynes, unweil of the ague. How saverie ar they who have grace and acquaintance with God, and communion with Him!

4 October. I went eastward this day, and my wiffe went east also. We visited Burgie's Ladi at Forres, who seimd to be on her jurnay towards her last end. I desir to tak warning and instruction from this exampl. O that I wer learning to die evry day! I was overcom with the passion and bitternes of my own spirit by the way with my wiffe. Sal I not be ashamd and humbld for al this passion and unmortifiednes? Oh what madnes to give such way to my own spirit and lusts! Thes blinds me, and misleads me. It was concerning compts and rests to servants and others, and the taking south the children. I am as a beast before God; so brutish and ignorant. Let the Lord pity and forgive, and cleans, and purg out all my dross and scum!

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