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speak in my hous on the 13 of May, quhen Innes was heir and his ladie. .. Comissioner McKenzi spok to me anent that conventicl as he cald it. I did clear and vindicat myself to him. Jhon Dumbar desird adviz, if he should tak the L. Huntlie his favour and credit to win out of prison

18. I did visit the Erl and fonnd him in great anger at Mr. James Urquhart and would not let him stay in the countree. He is forcd to retyr. Yong Cromarti cam heir and supd, his father being in Granghil. He quareld at Don. Camp. his taking assign. to his father's bands, and he spok rudlie and arogantli: That he would mak him cast of his doublet, and the lyk, if he repaird him not. This givs tokens of small good expectation of him.

19.- My son and his wyf went to Mon[aghti]. I desird Main to speak to Cromarti to interpos with the Earl of Murray for Mr. James Urquhart. I heard that it was not going weil with Argyl in his effairs. I desird to simpathiz with him.

20.--I did meit with Mr. Ja. Urquhart, and Tho. Gordon, and spok of his departur and going to Irland. He had lit freedom to meet with Cromarti but less to goe liv under him. I desir a hart to simpathiz with him in sincerity. . . 23.

Spini did visit me efternoon. He told me the Earl of Murray was offended at me. He advizd me to speak with the Earl of Murray, and to preuent troubl to myself; and to com and hear my oun minister. I must goe to God with this. But I sie a cloud as it wer readi to break out upon me and my relations and freinds. . . . I desird Spini to deal for Mr. James Urquhart to get him a litl tym's forbearanc

26.—I did visit the Earl of Murray, and took leav, he going south, and I purposing Eglsgreig. I desird him to report weil of us. He said, If we deservd it.

Juli 5.— . . . I heard of the death of my beloud friend, Sir John Cheisli, and desir to be duli affected with it and instructed by it. For it is mor then an ordinari prouidene. Thou hast noe mor use of him heir. . . . 11.—This night at midnight I receaud an advertisment from my L. Argyll, advizing me to com and see Latherdaile. I desir to spread this befor God, and to pray for counsel and direction. . . . I had som purpos to visit Leathin. I commit my way to God. Calder met me ther: he was cald to Edinr. also by my L. Argyll. But becaus I did not resolv to goe at

this tym till I receaud new advertizment, he did so also; and he and I writ our excuses. Calder took me with him to Calder this night to conferr with his Ladia anent Mr. Jhon Wilson; for she scrupld to join with him in the famili worship, becaus he was licensd to preach by the Bishop. I spok with Mr. Jhon, and found him not fully resolvd anent the question, but unsatisfied, partli with prelatick gouernment and fauouring the persons of others that did not conform, and acknouledg[ed] somthing mor of the grac of God with them and ther ministri. He cam with me and Calder to Leathin, and ther spok with Mr. Ja. Urquhart, who did think that the Ladi Calder might join with him, so he walked soberli and forbor preaching. Lord! what confusions and darknes ar we in. . . .

14.- . . . Jhon Douglas, Spine's son cam heir, and soght my assistance for getting men to Holland. Petgauni cam heir, and told me of his purpos to remov south, for declining the Earl of Murray his troubl. I said, If he had resolvd it, I would not withstand it, but I thoght he might safeli stay for a quhil. I said, The troubl is lyk to grow. noon. Tho. Gordoun and his wyf cam heir. James [Urquhart]; but I did diswad and show inconvenienc in it.

Mr. Jhon Heburn prayd at
They desird to hear Mr.

16.-I heard that ther was much prejudic against me at the south, and manie advizd me to goe ther to vindicat myself.

17.—I writ to Grant and others for men to Jhon Douglas: let not ani guilt cleav to me in this: but pardon for Thy nam.

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18. The Earle of Murray his children din'd heir. . . . I did efter dinner goe to Kind. and ordourd som help to the Bishop to transport his stuff.

19.-I cam in by Burgi, and did meit with Grang, new returnd from the South. I heard of the state and grandeur of the Duke of Latherdaile; all men creiping in to seik his favour. I desird to be instructed by it. He told me the Earle of Murray said, that if Mr. James kept Scotland, he would hav him that Latherdaile was [to] mak up freindships with all factions and parties that the Chancellor was become violent in oppressing the poor nonconformists in Fyff: that Mr. Th. Hogg and Mr. J. McKilican wer kept clos prisoners that Mr. Th. had soght leav to goe out of the countree. desird to lay thes things to hart. . .


Lady Henrietta Stewart, third daughter of James, third Earl of Murray.


21.- I heard that Alexr. Davison, who had bein put in prison by the Earle of Murray for conventicls, and refusing to hear the conformed ministers, and had relented, and on promis to hear, and to forbear conventiels, had gotten his liberti : that he had fallen unweill and distracted in mind, and was fored to be put in prison for his furi, and was troubld sore in conscience for relenting, and putting his hand to the plough (as he said), and looking back again, wishing he had sufferd death the day that he cam out of prison and left ther compani that wer in the tolbooth. I desird to consider this, and to be instructed.

28.-I did efternoon goe to Penick, and met with Mr. James Urquhart. I saw his purpos to goe from this, becaus the Earl of Murray would not suffer him to stay heir in this countrie.

Augt. 1.-I was cald to meit Calder at Aldearn. Lord! giv counsel. At Penick I met with Calder, and his brother. The L. Argyl wryt to him anent me, That he could not denie but qui bene latuit. I shall aknowledg the Lord in it, if he cal me not south.

Mr. Ja. Urquhart took journey from this towards Irland. Whateuer darknes I be under, I desir to be affected duli with this, to part with him and to be separated from him, and that the land cannot bear such. Let the Lord bring back the banishd, and loos the prisoners in his oun due tym, and teach me how to walk and be affected in the meantym; principl, the judgment, and mind aright. . . . Mr. Al Dumbar went along with Mr. James. Alace! I did not consider his straits, what they might be, and I was wanting.

2.-Grang and Colloden cam heir efternoon. I heard off the oppressions don to him by Al Chisolm, and by the Frasers of Belladrum. I see much of oppression and injustic in the land, and non to releev the opprest, nor is ther ani zealous for justice or for truth, nor valiant for them.

6.-Grang cam heir, and told me what cace Colloden was in by ill neighbours, that neither his oun or his children's lyf was in saftie, nor ther lands, goods, or tenents. He was compast about with many enemies and difficulties.

10.-I spok to Mr. James['s] wyf of her matters and her children. I mov'd to tak her son Jhon to com to the hous, and tak his diet.

11.-The Bishop cam in to visit, and tak leaue in his goeing to Orkney. I made noe professions to him, nor requests. He desired me to look to my

self, for it was lyk I might be cald for. I said, I should never declin to giv account of all my conversations and actions; I had not don anithing that I should be ashamed of; nor, God willing, should I doe; and if I wer put to trials, I hoped the Lord would be with me, and strengthen me, to mak an honest confession, and bear a testimoni to the truth. He told me, that Tarbet was in favor with the Duk: the Duk was goeing to Hamiltoun: that Bishop Aitkins was waiting on the Counsel and the commission for Church effairs; who had reneud al ther acts against Conventiels.

20. Mr. Jhon M'Culikan's wyf cam heir from the south, and told me, that her husband and Mr. T. Hogg wer in health, but had mani inconveniences in ther restraint: that the Lord Cardross was fynd again, and put in prison for baptizing a child with a nonconform minister, and a new fyn imposd. I desird to consider this aright.


22.-Tarbet cam heir late from the south. He told me the duel which Argyl had designd with Athol: Lord! pitie, for this is noe good token: . . . The design of giuing som indulgence to Presbiterians within ther oun parishes, soe they abstained from feild conventicls: Som stird up men to arms, and against the King's authoriti. I professd myself against all risings and tumults, and that I would acquies in such concessions. he might hav gotten Mr. Jhon M'Culican confind to Ila or Kintyr. 25.-1 heard from my brother, and receav'd the instructions for the governors of shyrs, and I desir to spread them befor God: The severe acts against thes that hear not the conform ministers, and against privat baptism, and marriages, and meiting with thes that ar intercommund: The escheits, fynns, prisons, and other punishments, and debarring from the benefit of justice, either pursuing or defending.

Sept. 1.-Mr. James Urquhart's wyf cam heir. I heard he was gon to Irland: That ther was great divisions and bitter differences amongst the godlie, even provocations of sones and daughters. I desir to be exercisd with this. He wryt to me, that ther was noe token to expect good from the postur and fram of ther spirits ther. Portending much evel. He would hav purgd, and we would not be purgd. . . . He desird me to tak a lift of the burthen of the valley of vision.

5. I heard that ther was much stir about James Fraser of Brey, and that he was thoght to inclin to Arminianism in som things: that my brethren Petgaunie and Main wer lyk to goe out of the countre for eschewing

the E. of Murray's prosecution. I desird to consider this, and be instructed.

7.—The Ladi Newmora cam in the evening, but would not stay, having sent befor her to Leathin. She told me she had som hop of Mr. J. M'Culican's releas, but non as yet of Mr. Th. Hogg's that ther was appearanc of the M. of Athol's son's mariag might goe back yet with the Dutches daughter: no appearance of indulgenc, poperi spreading, diuisions in our state: that she had gotten her desir in enjoying the blessing of the gospel since she went south, and it was death to be deprivid of it: that ther was much thirsting for the Word amongst them, Mr. Welch his communions, and others: Mr. Kirstairs had preachd oft, and in , and in Edinburgh also.


10.-Yong Culloden cam from the south, and din'd with me. He told me how violentlie the Earl of Murray defended Al Chisolm's deeds: The outfall betuix the Earl of Murray and the President anent the convoying the Ladi Hattoun: Sir Geo. MkEnzi admitted advocat: All the Officers of State to enjoy ther offices ad lene placitum of the King: The effairs of Germani, and Holland, and Spain going hard, and the French prevailing. 18.-Petgauni and his wyf wer heir. He told me of his purpos to remov south becaus of the troubls that wer feard, and to enjoy the benefit of preaching. I was somthing avers from it. Park cam heir late from the south. He told me the appearanc of som indulgenc, and mor liberti to Presbyterians, to hav the prisoners releasd, mor liberti to preach in houses, and som other articls.

22.-I read somthing of Brae his tractat of universal redemption, and was shaken, and saw my darkness, and my shallouness, that could not tak up thes questions, nor did I conceiv of them clearli.

Oct. 1.-Tarbet cam heir in his journey south. I spok to him anent the Indulgence, anent the Chancellor, anent Cromartie's cationri. He is on the rising. Lord! ordour it for Thy glori, the Churche's good, and his oun soul's.

21-Die Dom. I did com to Fordice to sermon, and heard Mr. Blair. I had som conflict least I should offend honest men by hearing; and on the other part, I was loth to be singular, and to separat from the congregation, and the publick meetings and occasions of publick worship.


Probably the wife of Hugh Monroe of Newmore.

b Short-hand in MS.

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