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apprehensions of death, and knows not if I shall see my poor famili againe : let it be in merci both to me and them.

24. I din'd with Lorn, and efter diner went to Lambeth with Cassils. We met Dr. Fraser who told us that the new sicknes did spread much, and he feard the pest; which God auert . . .

I heard E. Sandwitch had taken Algier. The Dutch wer high.

25.-Die Dom. . . . The ministers preach weil on our natural corruption and depraudnes, which I found true, and worshipd God in the acknouledgment therof. I cam hom and found bodili distemper, and was under som apprehensions of a chang by death or some other croce.

In the sens of this my soul was exercisd, befor the Lord for preparation and grace to meet and come under what he cald me to. I enquird and desird to search my own hart, whither ther was ani matter or object on earth to detain me, and I found none. I loud my son and my parent, and my famili and relations; but I can without much perplexiti trust them to God, and trust in God for them; and I have noe mor to ask wer this my last day. 1. That in death he would be my God, and efter it, as he has been all my lyf, and help me throgh death, and to conquer throgh Jesus Christ, that last enemie, and mak me ouercome the first and the second death also; and [that I] may, with thes sam eys, see God my Redeemer. I trust this bodi to him til he rais it up at the last day; and he is faithful to whom I commit my bodie and to him I commit my soul lykways, that he may, at the last day, present both the one and the other without spot at the coming of the Lord, raising up this mortal bodie, and making it lyk his, incorruptibl, and with him may meet the Lord in the clouds I die in this faith, in the confidenc and weak assuranc of it such as I may attain to. . . .

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I die praying for King Charles, that God may bless his person and gouernment, with lenth of days, peace, and aboundance of truth; and for that end God [that] may lead him in thes sound counsels that may be for the one and the other. Let al them perish that hate him. I had never the least intention against him.

I leave on God's car my deir and onli son, his wyf and familie and seed, my aged beloud mother, my child Grizel, her husband, children, and familie, my kinsmen according to the flesh, euen thes of my father's house. They ar a generation of uncircumcisd lips and an uncircumcisd hart. Oh! that God may forgiue and tak away their guilt and corruption, may forgiv and

reform them for his nam sak. He that has bein my God, let him becom ther God, and ther seid's efter them. I hav bein witnes to ther solem ingadging to thee. Lord! confirm and establish them in thy way. Ther ar mani wolves about them, and they are persecuted and hated. That God would rescu them, and be ther God, and giue them proofs off his forgiuing, deliuering mercies, as he often has don to me.

I am not mor jealous and sollicitous of ani then of my nephew; my affection has bein to him as if he had bein of my bodie. If the Lord would tak it of my hand, I would leaue him particularli on the Lord, that He would becom his God, and acquaint him with himself, and bring throgh the snars of the tym to which he is laid open, and preuent, confirm, and bless him: euen soe Lord! that Thou may hau glori of him, if Thou tak ani pleasur in him.

I doe not conclud of the tym of my death; nor can I promis my self one. day onli I find frailtie and desir to be found readie, and loosd from al my comforts, euen my sweit children, my dear parent that bore me, my yong ofspring growing up, my christian beloud freinds, my natural deir freinds, kindreds and relations, my pleasant dwelling, houses, lands, rents, walks, woods, retirment. Yea, though they wer in all protection, they ar a smal temptation to mak me linger an hour, wer it to see them once, or to tak leau of them: noe, euen here I desir to say from my hart, Oh world, adieue! I had as much as might detain me; for of all that's aboue writen I had something. Weil lou'd I my deir relations; and they me. Willing was I to be useful for them; soe wer they for me. I had as much ground of contentment in my hous, dweling, freinds, neighbours, relations, countree, as much credit among them as my hart could wish. My enemies that hated me, and for noe ill I did them, yet I doe pray for them all; and now desir to bidd all things created farweil. The offer of a world, a croun, a pleasant dwelling, to be assurd to see thes com of me mani and honourable, to be in the cheif honour and plac in the world: I would desir to say to it (if Thou cal me to Thee), Begon! I desir not to delay one hour to enjoy al thes; yet desir to submit to His will if He think fitt to keip me heir for 40 year; thogh I hope He minds good to me, stay I short or long. . .

26. I din'd with Cassils and Coll. Henderson, and Mr. Erskin. I travailed betwix; for His glori, and ther good and comfort, and seeks grac and a blessing from him.

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27. This day I had a fitt of sicknes, which lasted from 7 to 2 or 3 efternoon. I sent for Dr. Wederburn: I beg of the Lord that I may not be barren under al thes rods; nor may they return without working that effect which Thou intends by them.

I heard that good Mr. Rob. Burnet, Crimond, was remoud by death. "The righteous [are] taken away and perishing, none considering or laying it to hart, that they ar taken away from the euel to come."

31.-My sicknes by fitts kept me till Saturday; which was the greit and last fitt (as I hope), quherin the Lord exercisd me with much sicknes and pain, so that I was readie to giue ouer; nay Dr. Wedderburn feard my cace: yet as it wer by a miracle (so did the Lord ordour it and bless the means), I was heald and recouerd, and my sickness did not return, but past away at once. Shall I not bless, ador, and acknouledg the hand of the Lord in this? Yea, and shall doe, so long as I liue.

Onlie let it be in mercie ; and this is the token that it is in mercie, quhen al is broght to Thee: my health, bodie, spirit, recouerie ar forthcoming not to myself, but to the Lord and him onli; for for quhat other end should I liue, or desir to liue? Mr. Lighton did visit me, and gau me this lesson. Lord! seal it on my hart.

1 September.-Cassils did visit and comfort me oft by his presenc and exhortations. Let the Lord requit him! He took journey to Scotland. My hart was much cast down for Scotland's cace, under the euels that ar lyk to com upon it. I heard that Mr. Wood and the ministers of St. Andrews wer much distasted with Mr. Sharp. I heard soe much of this, that it would seem to alienat me from such a subtil, unsound person, and the ways of such.

4.—I writ to Midltoun anent my friends, by Mr. Mouat, and I prayd for a blessing, but with submission to His will to use quhat instrument or means he pleasd. I was instant with the Lord on the matter of my poor brethren, and my remoual from this place, and that I might goe from London praising God; and I beleeue I shall soe, com of al quhat wil.

He was the fourth son of Alexander Burnet of Leys, in Aberdeenshire, and was admitted Advocate in 1642. Having opposed the Covenant, although brother-in-law to Johnstone of Warriston, 'he spent some years in

exile. After the Restoration he was raised to the bench, and took his seat as Lord Crimond, 1st June, 1661; but died within three month, on the 24th August. He was the father of Bishop Burnet.

I heard that the Lord had remoud Mr. Lenard the L. Lorn's . . .;a and I desird to be instructed by it. 1. That a youth is remoud in the flour of his age. That's a warning to me indeed, and shews our frailtie. That man might hau been as certain of his lyfe as ani man. I met him walking on the street supl and healthful: he was yong, ingenious, setting up, and yet witherd in a moment, and is not. Soe uncertain is my lyf vereli.

2. What this speaks to Lorn, teach him; to me it would seim to rebuk his curiositie about thes trifls that ar below him: and the Lord would tak his mynd of the lyk, by his giuing him something els to doe: so he does humbl him by it. But let al be in mercie, and not this to be the presag of anie anger, or to bring on wors: but let it be in mercie.

6.—I visited Lorn, and with the night air found my health distemperd. I heard that the E. of E. Twedal of som words, and that it was ordourd he should goe to the castell of Edinburgh for som d This

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This sam day Latherdaill fell sick: I saw in what cace we — lamented it befor the Lord. This day Lorn's buisines was mentioned, and som hop gatherd. Let the Lord perfect quhat he has begun. Seaforth gav in a petition which reflected on Crafourd. This lykuys has appearance to produc mor emulation, and trouble, and faction. Lord turn it to good! For weak, low, and freindles ar they.


I heard of the D. of York, or as Crafourd for —— 7.-Calder took phisick. I kept within doors. I reaceaud letters from Spini anent E. Morton's Signatur Pension, and withal I desird in simpliciti to seek his good: but I am feard of snares Lord ridd me, and mak my path straight, and purifi my affections, mind, and conscience to do the acceptabl wil of God!

I read much of the Turk's Alcoran, but saw nothing to stagger me, or to seduc. I was confirmd in the truth of that religion which I profess, in the Bibl; and that it and noe other is the Word of God; and that Jesus is the

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Messiah, and the object of my faith. Noe other doctrin or profession agrees with the Prophets, Moses, and the Old Testament; and the Old and the New agree together.

That I saw thes deluded Pagans and Infidels mention the nam of God, press duties of prayer, faith, chariti, and the lyk, did put me to it to seik from God in Christ to be instructed mor fulli in the way of his servic, and to discern betwix ther prayer and worship and ours, both in regard of the object, subject, principl, rise, end of the duti, efficient, and rule. The Lord's giuing up soe great a part of the world to follow this fals prophet is a misterie, quherin the justic and soueraintie of God is to be adord. But we must not stumbl at ther success, and prosperiti, and spreading.

9.-I took som mor phisick, and was exercising my hart under the cace of the Kirk of God, and the poor - I heard that the King discharged the monthli fast in London. The ministers in Irland that would not conform, all put out. I had ane foolish imagination that Craford and Latherdaill had a mind and I was exercisd about it, as if it had been real. Yet the Lord helpd me to seik [with] som sinceriti that he would auert it, and I would count it a merci; and let me return without

a snare.

I saw my Lord Crafourd and heard from him al things seem dark, yea, veri dark.

I did see the E. of Midltoun: my heart was redi to murmur that others wer- a I spok to him of Morton's buisines, and of my familie.

He told me Mr. Douglas had said that thogh he would be noe Bishop, he could liue under Bishops: and al in Scotland wer quiet. Mani wil be readi to stumbl at this, that he soe easilie submits to, acknouledges, and yields to them. a 1649, ther purging, and that they would tak none to be soldiers that had bein sogers in 1648. This was ther sin, superstition, and darknes; one of the spots that they haue to be humbld for. So of setling off men; Mr. Andro Cants indiscreet and imprudent zeal and freedome. Alac! I could not refus or deny but ther was too much of this true; yet his affections wer right, and I hope he was and is accepted, and infirmities blotted out through Jesus Christ.

I had been earnest with Sir Jh. Straquhan to dine with me, but he cam

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