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fuggefted the neceflity of a powerful army on the fide
of America. They took notice, that the inhabitants of
of their fea-ports, had removed, and were remov-
ing their families and effects, to avoid destruction from
the fhips of war; and exprefied their confidence in the
wifdom and ability of the continent to fupport them,
fo far as it fhould appear neceffary for the common
cause of the American colonies.

The committee of fafety wrote to the governor and company of Connecticut, moft earneftly preffing them to fend immediately three or four thousand men, that fo an important poft might be fecured, which otherwise the enemy would be likely to poffefs themselves of, as foon as their reinforcement arrived. The troops were defired to be forwarded in companies as faft as they could be got ready. They fent alfo to Rhode Island, and urged their marching a body of troops to affist on the like occafion. They proceeded to refolve, "That the public good requires that government in full form ought to be taken up immediately." Advice was received, that a number of tranfports with troops were just arrived at Bofton from England.

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Gage has, by the late tranfactions, and many other means, utterly difqualified himself from ferving this colony as a governor, or in any other capacity; and that therefore no obedience is in future due to him; but that on the contrary, he ought to be confidered and guarded againft, as an unnatural and inveterate enemy to the country."

The committee of fafety ordered the commanding offices of ten neighbouring towns, to march one


half of the militia, and all the minute men under their command, forthwith to Roxbury, that fo the Bri tih troops might not come and poffefs themselves of that poft. Before it was properly strengthened, general Gage entertained fuch defign. General Thomas who commands there, gained information of what was intended, on the day it was to be executed. His whole force confifted only of feven hundred men. The post comprehended a large broad high hill. A road leads to the top of it, vifible in fome parts, to perfons at the entrance into Bofton; it paffes over the hill and defcends into a hollow, from whence you can turn off, and paffing circuitoufly enter again upon the faid road. The general took advantage of this circumftance; and continued marching his feven hundred men round and round the hill, by which he multiplied their appearance, to any one who was reconnoitring them at Bofton. The drels of the militia was extremely various, and confifted of their common clothing, which prevented the dif covery of a deception, that might otherwife have been foon detected, had they worn a uniform and poffeffed regimental enfigns. This warlike impofition moft probably prevented general Gage's attacking and carrying the poft, by the poffeffion of which he would have had it in his power to direct his march to any part of the country he pleased. The colonels of the feveral regiments were ordered to repair immediately to Cambridge, with the men they had inlifted; and part of the cannon and stores to be removed to fome diftance for fecurity; and breast works to be erected at different places, to prevent the enemy's paffing into the country from Bofton neck, and to annoy them if they croffed the river

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and advanced through Charlestown, or if they attempted going by water to Medford. The Maffachusetts congrefs concluded on difarming the difaffected inhabitants; and that no perfon fhould move with his effects out of the colony, unless leave was granted.

They refolved upon a letter to the eastern tribe of Indians, to fecure their friendship, and engage them on the fide of the colonies, and propofed to raise a company of them to ferve in the war. Four days after, the committee of safety voted, that captain John Lane have inlifting papers for raifing fuch company. The provincials reprobate in the bittereft terms, the idea of the Indians being employed by the ministry against themfelves; fo that there is a feeming inconfiftency in their attempting to engage them against the British troops. But let it be remembered, that the Indians will probably take part with the one fide or the other; for through a reftlefs warlike temper, they are not in common difposed to obferve a neutrality; and that there is a wide difference between employing them against armed foldiers, and letting them loose upon defenceless fettlers, men, women and children.

Skirmishes were occafioned at different times and places, by the attempts of each party to carry off stock from the small islands, with which the bay of Bofton is agreeably interfperfed, and afforded the mixt fpectacle of fhips boats and men engaged by land and water. These small engagements were not trifling in their confequences. The advantage was generally on the fide of the Americans, which elated their fpirits. They alfo learnt from them to face danger, and to run hazards; and it is by being habi


fuated to these, that probably the greatest quantum of courage is acquired. Frequent fkirmishes are good preparatives, by which to qualify raw foldiers to fight as veterans in set battles.

Two floops, and an armed fchooner with foldiers, 21. failed to Grape Ifland to get hay. The provincials followed them as foon as the tide admitted, drove them off by their approach, burnt all the hay, about eighty ton, and brought off the cattle from the island.

A committee having been appointed to inquire what 24. was the ftock of powder in certain towns, reported, that in thirty-nine towns in Suffolk, Effex, Middlefex, Plymouth and Worcester, there were 671 barrels. The rest of the towns in the colony had none worth mentioning. How painful a circumftance, the fmall quantity of powder, to thofe Americans, who have any idea of the great confumption which war occafions! The want of it had been fenfibly felt for fome time; and therefore, beside the adoption of other meafures, orders were given for the importation of that, and other military stores; but it must be long before they can be procured in this way, fhould they come fafe.

The Cerberus arrived at Bofton with the three gene- 25. rals, Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne. They were so affured in their own mistaken apprehenfions, that there would be no occafion to draw the fword in fupport of minifterial measures, that they had prepared to amuse themselves with fishing and other diverfions, inftead of expecting to be engaged in military service. They were aftonished at the fituation of affairs, and when in company with generals Gage and Haldiman, afked how the fortie happened. General Haldiman answered, "I knew

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knew nothing about it, till the barber came in to shave me, and faid, that the troops were gone out and that they had been fighting. I did not choofe that he fhould know I got my information from him. I therefore called my footman, and fent him out upon a frivolous errand, well knowing, that if there was any truth in what the barber reported, he would bring me word of it, which he did. In this way I became acquainted with what had happened." The newly arrived generals declared their furprife in the fignificant looks which followed this relation from the fecond in command.

May About fix hundred of the Maffachusetts and New 27. Hampfhire forces were employed to bring off the stock from Hog Inland and Noddles Ifland, which lie contiguous: the intervening paffage is fordable at certain times of the tide. A party went on and fired the hay and barn on Noddles Ifland, on which a number of marines croffed from Bofton; and, upon the provincials retreating to Hog Ifland, were decoyed down to the water fide, when a hot action commenced, which did not close with the day. The king's troops amounted to fome hundreds, and were fupported by an armed fchooner of four fix pounders and twelve fwivels, an armed floop, and the barges all fixed with fwivels. The provincials were commanded by general Putnam. Dr. Warren's zeal and courage would not admit of his remaining at a diftance: upon hearing what was going forward, he repaired to the fpot to encourage the men. They had two pieces of artillery, which were well ferved, and did confiderable execution. The night was very dark, but the action continued all through it. Toward morning the fchooner got aground upon Winni

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