Abbildungen der Seite

[Act Approved February 17, 1855.]

When Su


point and

Sec. 1. Whenever reasonable assurance shall be given ent to ap to the Superintendent of Public Instruction that a number make ar. not less than fifty, or in counties containing a population of for Institute less than twelve thousand inhabitants, whenever twenty


Money for expenses,

etc., how to

and to what


five Teachers of Common Schools shall desire to assemble for the purpose of forming a Teachers' Institute, and to remain in session for a period of not less than ten working days, said Superintendent is authorized to appoint a time and place for holding such Institute, to make suitable arrangements therefor, and to give due notice thereof.

Sec. 2. For the purpose of defraying the expenses of be drawn, rooms, fires, lights, attendance, or other necessary charges, and for procuring Teachers and Lecturers for said Institute, the Auditor General shall, upon the certificate of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, that he has made arrangements for holding such Institute, draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for such sum as said Superintendent shall deem necessary for conducting such Institute, which sum shall not exceed two hundred dollars for any one Institute, and shall be paid out of the general fund. Superinten- Sec. 3. Said Superintendent, in case of inability personally to conduct any Institute, or to make the necessary sons tomake arrangements for holding the same, is authorized to appoint some suitable person or persons for that ded, That not more than eighteen hundred dollars shall be drawn from the treasury in any one year to meet the pro visions of this act.

dent may

appoint suitable per


ments for

the same.



[Act Approved February 14, 1857.]

dent author

scribe for

Journal of

Education for districts.

Sec. 1. The Superintendent of Public Instruction is au- Superinten. thorized to subscribe for one copy of the Michigan Jour-iz d to sub nal of Education, a periodical published under the direction of the Michigan State Teachers' Association, for each School District in this State, to be sent by mail, the postage being prepaid by the publisher, to the Directors of the said Districts, the price of such subscription to be sixty cents a year for each copy, and such subscription to begin with the January number of the present year.

ting to pub.

tion to be

Sec. 2. All general laws relating to public instruction Laws relawhich shall hereafter be passed in this State, and all gen-lie instruc eral notifications or instructions issuing from the Depart-p.blished in ment of Public Instruction, shall, when directed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, be published in said Journal of Education, free of charge to the State.

be delivered

Sec. 3. Upon making such subscription, the Superinten-Certificate of Superin. dent of Public Instruction shall make and deliver to the tendent to publisher of said Journal of Education, quarterly, his cer- to publisher tificate in writing, stating the number of copies so subscribed for and sent as aforesaid, and the amount due therefor at the time of making such certificate; and the Auditor General, on presentation to him of such certificate, shall draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer for the amount named in said certificate, and said Treasurer is directed to pay the amount of the said warrant to the holder thereof, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

[Act Approved February 12, 1857.]

Fifteen or more teach. ers may

form corpo.

Sec. 1. Any fifteen or more Teachers, or other persons residing in this State, who shall associate for the purpose ration. of promoting Education and Science, and improvements in published. the theory and practice of Teaching, may form themselves

Notice to be

May hold real and


into a Corporation, under such name as they may choose, providing they shall have published, in some newspaper printed at Lansing, or in the county in which such Association is to be located, for at least one month previous, a notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting for such Association, and shall file in the office of the Secretary of State a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws of said Association.

Sec. 2. Such Association may hold and possess real and personal personal property to the amount of five thousand dollars; but the funds or property thereof shall not be used for any Restrictions other purpose than the legitimate business of the Associa tion in securing the objects of its Coporation.

upon its use

Privileges and liabili

tios of corporation.

Sec. 3. Upon becoming a Corporation, as hereinbefore provided, they shall have all the powers and privileges, and be subject to all the duties of a Corporation, according to the provisions of chapter fifty-five of the Revised Statutes of this State, [Chap. 73, Compiled Laws,] so far as such provisions shall be applicable in such case, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this act.

An Act to Consolidate and Amend the Laws Relative to the Establishment of a State Normal School.

[Compiled Laws, p. 715.]

contracts of board of education

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Michigan, That all acts done and Acts and contracts made by and with the Board of Education under and by virtue of "An act to establish a State Normal confirmed. School," approved March twenty-eight, eighteen hundred 1849, p. 157. and forty-nine, and the act supplementary thereto, approved March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, be and they are hereby ratified and confirmed.

1849, p. 221.


Sec. 2. That a State Normal School be established and State Normal School, continued at Ypsilanti, in the county of Washtenaw, upon where esthe site selected by said Board of Education, the exclusive purposes of which shall be the instruction of persons, both 'male and female, in the art of teaching, and in all the various branches that pertain to a good common School education. Also to give instruction in the mechanic arts, and Its design. in the arts of husbandry and agricultural chemistry; in the fundamental laws of the United States, and in what regards the rights and duties of citizens.

direction of


provide for

Sec. 3. The said Normal School shall be under the direc- To te under tion of a Board of Education, and shall be governed and board of edsupported as herein provided. Said Board shall provide Board to for the erection of suitable buildings on the site selected erection of as soon as the title thereto is vested in them in fee, and the means in their hands for that purpose are sufficient; and they may appoint a suitable person to superintend the erection of said buildings.


Board of education, and

their ap pointment.

Ex-officio members.

Sec. 4. [Said Board of Education shall hereafter consist of six members, three of whom shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Representatives in Joint Convention. The members of said Board heretofore appointed shall hold their offices for the term for which they were designated. At the session of the Legislature for the year eighteen hundred and fifty, and annually thereafter, the vacancies occurring shall be filled as above directed by appointment, the term of which shall be three years. The Governor shall, by appointment, fill any vacancy that may occur when the Legislature is not in session; such appointment to expire at the close of the next session of the Legislature. The Lieutenant Governor, the State Treasurer,] and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall, by virtue of their office, be members of said Board, Who to be and the latter shall be their Secretary, and shall keep an and treasur exact and detailed account of their doings. He shall also communicate such reports to the Legislature as are required by this act. The State Treasurer shall, by virtue of his office, be Treasurer of said Board, and the members Board may thereof shall annually elect one of their number President. And no member of said Board of Education shall, during his continuance in office as a member of said Board, act as the agent of any publisher or publishers of School books, or School Library books, or be, or become interested in the publication or sale of any such books, as agent or other wise. And the Governor of this State is hereby authorfor school ized and required, upon satisfactory evidence being produced to him that any member of said Board is employed as such agent, or is interested in the manner aforesaid, to remove such member of said Board from office, and to appoint another member in his place to fill such vacancy.*



elect presi


Members not to be

agents, etc.,


Powers of board of education

Sec. 5. Said board of Education shall have power to appoint a Principal and Assistant to take charge of said School, and such other Teachers and officcers as may be re

*The parts of section 4, included in brackets, were virtually repealed by Section 9, Art. 13 of the State Constitution, adopted 1850. See page 158.

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