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"of Parliament, and Laws made by Men, "has a very odd Appearance. Anfw. p. 36.

"IN Theory it fignifies little what a "Man fays, he may make what Ecclefiafti"cal Utopia's he pleases, and indulge his own peculiar Judgment and Genius to the "utmoft. Reply, P. 524.


Chrift himself is King, and has left no Vicegerents who can be faid properly to fupply his Place: My Practice is all that Zeal, "Duty and Submiffion, which can refult from the fincereft Affection to King p. 11. Anfw. p. 50.



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No 19.

MONDAY June 10. 1717.

Jubal was the Father of all fuch as handle the Organ; Gen. iv. 21.



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NE would think that the "Teftimony of the Reformed. abroad, and the great En-. comiums they beltow upon "the Decency of our Church "Ceremonies, fhould be an unanswerable Argument of her Purity in Worship, and "filence any Intimation of Popery or Super"ftition that Ignorance or Calumny may, urge against Her: But it feems the greatest of our Enemies have always been. "within her own Bowels, and ftill they. "purfue their Refentments in fo unfair,

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"fo unchriftian a Manner, that you are "fenfible there is infinitely more Application requir'd to discover the infinuating Fraud "and Defign, than to overthrow the Force of their Reasons and Objections.

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"THE Burning of the French Chappel "fometime ago, if you remember, was generally imputed to a Fire intended to dry the Paint of a new Organ; and this Report, tho' abfolutely falfe, I find fo unsc handfomely improv'd by our good Friends, "the Diffenters, that publickly, not long EC fince, I heard one of their Teachers blafphemously pronounce it to be a Judgment from Heaven upon the Congregation, for Receiving that fuperftitious Engine, *that Popish Piece of Foppery, as he called "it, into their Holy Affemblies; because, "forfooth, the Service of the Heart is all, and God is no way affected with fuch Pageantry, fuch phantaftical Devotion. "THIS wicked Infinuation, I confefs, furprised me, and I had hardly, at that time, a command of Temper fufficient to prevent my expofing the Villany of "the Wretch before the Company about

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us; but confidering with what Impu"dence and Noife thofe Fellows engage in

Difputes, and from a Principle of good "Manners to the Converfation of the "Coffee-Room, I chofe rather to exprefs


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my Thoughts in this manner, which, if you pleafe, you are very welcome to communicate to the World.

"AND by way of Satisfaction to fuch "unharmonious Souls, I would have them believe, that the Governours of our Church "will always profefs that Regard to the "whole Body of Proteftants Abroad, as not to gratifie the Sullennefs of a difcontented

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Party at Home, by removing Inftrumental "Mufick from our Publick Worfhip, fince "the Organ is almoft univerfally made ufe "of in all Proteftant Churches; not only "thofe that reformed from Luther, but that "followed the Scheme of that four, melan

cholly Man, John Calvin himself; but to "make it appear, that the Church of Eng

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land has more to defend her in the Use of "the Organ, than her Agreement with the "Reformation Abroad, I fhall endeavour "to fearch into its Original Hiftory, and "fee what Authority fhe has for admitting "into her Service, this Noble, this Melo"lodious Branch of Inftrumental Mufick.

"THE firft Account we meet with of "the Organ, is in Genefis, where Jubal is "recorded to have been its firft Inventer; ແ and to juftifie our Tranflation, we must obferve, that the Septuagint exprefs it r by the Word Pfaltery, whch Tremilius, a Native Jew, who perfectly underflood the


Propriety of the Hebrew Language, tran"flated Organ in his Latin. Verfion, whofe


Opinion is followed in all our Bibles. "To preferve this Inftrument from the De"ftruction of Fire and Water, Jubal in"fcrib'd his Art upon two Pillars, the one "of Marble, the other of Brick, which L fhould fecure its Pofterity from the Rage "of those two devouring Elements; and accordingly it remained as a noble Advantage to Divine Worfhip, 'till the time "of David, who made very great Im

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provements, and compofed Hymns, and "had them fung by his Muficians to the "Sound of the Organ: And here it may "be proper to obferve, that my intro

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ducing the Example of David does not sc at all prove the Ufe of the Organ to be part of the Ceremonial Law; for it may be noted, that this Inftrument appears to be far more ancient than the Tabernacle "of the Temple of the Jews, and feems "to flow from the common Reafon of Man


kind, and to be the pure Effect of Na"tural Religion.

"THE Pfaltery or Organ was always made "ufe of in the Service of the Temple, 'till "the Time of our Saviour, and about two "hundred Years after his Refurrection, we "find Clemens of Alexandria, a Presbyter of great Piety and Learning, advising his Flock


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