Imagens da página

15. adponet: cf. 1. 9. 15 and Persius, Sat. 2. 1-2, Hunc, Macrine, diem numera meliore lapillo | qui tibi labentes apponit candidus annos. -proterva: possibly continuing the image of the heifer, but cf. 3. 11. 11. n.

17. Pholoe: cf. 1. 33. 7.-fugax: cf. Pope, 'The sprightly Sylvia trips along the green | She runs, but hopes she does not run unseen'; and inter vina fugam Cinarae maerere protervae (Epp. 1. 7. 28).

18. humero nitens: cf. 'Though my arms and shoulders | Dazzle beholders' (Rossetti, A Last Confession). Cf. 1. 2. 31. 19. pura in cloudless sky. Cf. 1. 34. 7.-renidet: 2. 18. 2; 3. 6. 12; Epode 2. 66.

20. luna mari: cf. Herrick, 105, 'More white than are the whitest creams, | Or moonlight tinselling the streames.' A hand as white as ocean foam in the moon (Tenn. Maud, 25. 2).

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22. mire: with falleret rather than with sagaces, though mire novus occurs (Sat. 2. 3. 28).

23. obscurum : i.e. obscuratum. —solutis: cf. 3. 4. 62; Epode 11. 28. Cf. long hair of boy in Juv. 15. 137.

24. So Statius, Achill. 1. 336, of Achilles hiding among the girls at Scyros, says, fallitque tuentes | ambiguus tenuique latens discrimine sexus. Cf. 1. 8. 16. Lalage is forgotten. Of this pretty picture Tyrrell (Latin Poetry, p. 199) severely says, 'The runnel is exquisitely smooth, but its shallow waters flow where they will from their natural channel and end in a puddle.'


Septimius, ready if need be to go with me to the ends of the world, may Tibur be the haven of repose for my old age, or, failing that, Tarentum, loveliest nook of earth, in the land of the olive and the vine. There, when the end comes, thou shalt drop the tear thou owest on the ashes of thy poet friend. Cf. Sellar, p. 147.

A Septimius is recommended to the good offices of Tiberius (Epist. 1. 9); and the name recurs in a letter of Augustus cited in Suetonius' life.

Imitation in Dodsley, vol. 4, p. 280.

1. Gades: i.e. the pillars of Hercules, the proverbial limit of the known world (2. 2. 11; Pind. Nem. 4. 69, and passim). Cf. 1. 34. 11, Atlanteus finis. — aditure: sc. si opus sit. Cf. 4. 3. 20, donatura. si libeat, and 2. 3. 4. n. 'Where thou goest I will go' was the conventional expression of friendship from the time of Pylades and Orestes. Cf. Cat. 11. 1, Furi et Aureli comites Catulli Sive in extremos penetrabit Indos.

2. Cantabrum: tribe of N. W. Spain attacked by Romans circa B.C. 29, rebelled and repressed by Augustus 27-25, finally subdued by Agrippa 19. Cf. 3. 8. 21; 4. 14. 41; Justin, 44. 5. 8; Flor. 4. 12. 47. These facts hardly date the ode. — iuga: the image is from oxen or horses. Cf. 2. 5. 1; 1. 33. 11; Pind. Pyth. 2. 93; Soph. Antig. 291. It has become a literary commonplace. Shaks. Henry VI. 3. 3. 1, Yield not thy neck to fortune's yoke'; Macaulay, Proph. of Capys, 22, Beneath thy yoke the Volscian | Shall veil his lofty brow'; Lucan, 1. 19, sub iuga iam Seres iam barbarus isset Araxes. Perhaps there is a hint, too, of the 'passing the enemy under the yoke,' sub iugum mittere (Caes. B. G. 1. 12).

3. Syrtes: 1. 22. 5; Verg. Aen. 4. 41, inhospita Syrtis. Maura is accurate enough for poetry.

5. Cf. 1. 7; 1. 18. 2. — Argēo: 'Apyeíw. Cf. 3. 16. 12; 3. 3. 67; 4. 6. 25. positum: Verg. Aen. 4. 211-212, urbem . . - colono: colonist, not ruris colono (1. 35. 6; 2. 14. 12).


6. utinam: A melancholy utinam of my own,' in Sir T. Browne's phrase. Cf. 1. 35. 38. senectae: the dative is warmer. For sentiment, cf. Martial, 4. 25. 7, vos eritis nostrae requies portusque senectae.

7. sit: cf. 1. 2. 5. n. —modus is felt first absolutely and then with the genitives. — lasso maris: cf. fessi rerum (Verg. Aen. 1. 178); peregrino labore fessi (Cat. 31. 8); odio maris atque viarum (Epp. 1. 11. 6). άλíкμптоs. Cf. Anth. Pal. 9. 7. 5.

9-12. Tibur and Tarentum similarly coupled Epp. 1. 7. 45.


9. unde sc. Tibure. - Parcae . . . iniquae: the unkindness of destiny. Cf. 2. 4. 10. n., and for iniquae, 2. 4. 16. — prohibent: 1. 27. 4.

10. pellitis: covered with skins to protect their fine fleece, ne lana inquinetur (Varro, R. R. 2. 2. 18). Hence the breed sometimes called tectae oves. Cf. Plin. N. H. 8. 189. For quality of

their wool, cf. Martial, 2. 43. 3; 5. 37. 2; 8. 28. 4. ovibus: dat. with dulce. Galaesi: the river near Tarentum (Verg. G. 4. 126). The region was praised already by Archilochus as Kaλos and ἐφίμερος .

11. petam: subj. perhaps, putting conclusion as wish.

12. Phalantho: the Spartan Phalanthus was said to have founded Tarentum circa B. c. 707. Cf. Paus. 10. 10. 6; Strabo, 6. 278. For syntax, cf. 3. 29. 27, regnata Cyro Bactra, and Verg. Aen. 6. 794.

14. angulus: with terrarum. Cf. angulus iste, of his Sabine farm (Epp. 1. 14. 23). Sainte-Beuve wrote on the margin of his Horace, "Heureux Horace! quel n'a pas été son destin! quoi! parce qu'il a une fois exprimé en quelques vers charmants son bonheur champêtre et décrit son coin de terre préféré, voilà que les vers faits à plaisir pour lui seul et pour l'ami auquel il les adressait, se sont depuis emparés de toutes les mémoires, et s'y sont si bien logés qu'on n'en concoit plus d'autres, et qu'on ne trouve que ceux-là dès qu'il s'agit pour chacun de célébrer sa propre retraite chérie." ―ridēt: note quantity. - Hymetto: 'Tμnttiov μéri (Suidas) was proverbial (Otto, p. 169). Cf. And still his honied wealth Hymettus yields.' For the comparatio compendiaria, cf. 2. 14. 28.


15. decedunt: personifies. -viridi: cf. 'Thine olive green as when Minerva smiled' (Byron); 'it is gray-green' (Ruskin); γλαυκόχροος (Pindar).

16. Venafro: dat. (1. 1. 15. n.). Cf. Varro, R. R. 1. 2. 6, quod vinum (conferam) Falerno? quod oleum Venafro? Cf. 3. 5. 55 ; Sat. 2. 4. 69.

17-18. Cf. 'Smooth life had flock and shepherd in old time, | Long springs and tepid winters on the banks | Of delicate Galaesus' (Words. Prelude).

17. tepidas: cf. Epist. 1. 10. 15, est ubi plus tepeant hiemes? Pers. Sat. 6. 6, mihi nunc Ligus ora | intepet.

18. Iuppiter: cf. Epode 16. 56. — Aulon: apparently a vale (channel, auλáv), but cf. Verg. Aen. 3. 553 (C?) Aulonisque arces. amicus: i.e. dilectus. Cf. 1. 26. 1. Bentley reads apricus, Heinsius amictus, i.e. clad with fertile vines. But for fertilis = giver of fertility, cf. Ov. Met. 5. 642, dea fertilis. Cf. also Martial,

13. 125, and Statius, Silv. 2. 2. 4, qua Bromio dilectus ager, collesque per altos | uritur et prelis non invidet uva Falernis.

22. arces: heights (cf. 1. 2. 3), but with a hint of the Epicurean sapientum templa serena (Lucret. 2. 8). Cf. Wordsworth, 'Students with their pensive citadels.' - calentem: cf. Verg. Aen. 6. 212-228; Munro on Lucret. 3. 906-907; Stat. Silv. 2. 1. 2, et adhuc vivente favilla.


23. debita: cf. Shaks. Julius Caes. 5. 3, Friends, I owe more tears To this dead man than you shall see me pay': Cowper, Loss of Royal George, And mingle with the cup | The tear that England owes.'

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24. vatis cf. 4. 6. 44; 1. 31. 2. n.


Welcome home at last, dear old companion of my tent and table, Pompeius! Together we made the campaign of Philippi, when I lost my shield. Then Mercury snatched me away in a Homeric cloud, while the withdrawing wave swept thee back again to war. Come then and share the cask I have kept for thee! I cannot drink too deep to thy home-coming.

Pompeius is unknown. The ode tells its own story.

1. tempus in ultimum: extremest peril. Cf. Cat. 64. 151, 169, supremo in tempore.

2. deducte . . . duce: note verbal play. Brutus was captain of the war in the campaign of Philippi, B.C. 43–42.

3. quis no answer is needed, but the Jove of 1. 17 is meant not without complimentary allusion to the clemency of his vicegerent on earth (1. 12. 51), Augustus, who says of himself, Mon. Ancyr. 1. 14, Victor omnibus superstitibus civibus pepercit. Cf. Verg. Ecl. 1. 19.-redonavit: cf. 3. 3. 33, where force of re is different.

Quiritem: (the plural only, in normal prose) (1) burgher in antithesis to miles; (2) to full citizenship, i.e. not capite deminutus (3. 5. 42. n.). Cf. 'Apyeîos åvǹp avõis (Aeschyl. Eum. 727). 4. Italo: cf. 2. 13. 18; 3. 30. 13; 4. 4. 42; 4. 15. 13.

5. Pompei: dissyllabic. Cf. Epp. 1. 7. 91. - prime: earliest, or perhaps, in the enthusiasm of the hour, first and foremost. So

Catullus (9.1) is not thinking of Calvus when he welcomes Veranius back from Spain, Verani omnibus e meis amicis | antistans.

6. morantem: cf. The better part now of the lingering day] They travell'd had '(F. Q. 1. 6. 34).

7. fregi: cf. Tenn. In Mem. 79, And break the livelong summer day | With banquet in the distant woods.'

8. malobathro: see lexicon. Construe with nitentes. — Syrio: Antioch was the emporium of Oriental trade. Cf. 1. 31. 12; 2. 11. 16, Assyria; Cat. 6. 8, sertis ac Syrio fragrans olivo; Tibull. 3. 6. 63.

9. et celerem fugam: recurs 2. 13. 17.

10. sensi: emphatic, they must take it in sense that feel it.' Cf. 3. 27. 22; 3. 5. 36; 4. 4. 25; 4. 6. 3.-relicta . . . parmula: Alcaeus (fr. 32, Herod. 5. 95), Anacreon (fr. 26), and Archilochus (fr. 6). The jest to an ancient lay in the contrast between the awful severity of Spartan feeling towards the piyaonis [return with this or on it,' said the Spartan mother] and the ingenuous avowal of Archilochus, 'Some Thracian strutteth with my shield,| For, being somewhat flurried, | I left it by a wayside bush, | As from the field I hurried; | A right good targe, but I got off, | The deuce may take the shield; | I'll get another just as good | When next I go afield.' The kind of folk that have no horror of a joke will decline to discuss Horace's courage in this connection. Cf. De Quincey's amusing diatribe, Works, Masson, Vol. XI., p. 121.

10-11. The headlong rout, the loss of the shield, and the downfall of those who were so bold before the battle, are so many indirect compliments to the prowess of Augustus. Horace is ' reconstructed' and can afford to laugh at the 'terrible whipping we got.'-fracta virtus: cf. Cic. ad Fam. 7. 3. 3, integri . . fractos.

12. solum: simply, were overthrown, or bit the dust. Cf. Il. 2. 418. To take it as an allusion to the pitiful supplications of the defeated (Caes. B. C. 3. 98) would make Horace indeed the 'valetsouled varlet of Venusia' of Swinburne.

13. Mercurius: the guardian of poets, 2. 17. 29.

14. sustulit aere: mock-heroic imitation of Iliad, 20. 444; 3. 381. Cf. Verg. Aen. 1. 411.


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