Abbildungen der Seite

of troops.


authorities, and without any charges | entre ellos, sin obstaculo por parte Conveyance or tolls whatever for their trans- de dicho gobierno ó autoridades; y portation on either of said routes: sin que se exijan ningunas cargas ó Provided, said troops and munitions derechos de pasage cualesquiera que of war are not intended to be em-sean, por su trasporte, en ninguna ployed against Central American de dichas vias de comunicacion, nations friendly to Nicaragua. And con tal que dichas tropas y munino higher or other charges or tolls ciones de guerra no se intente emshall be imposed on the conveyance plearles contra naciones Centroor transit of persons and property Americanas amigas de Nicaragua. of citizens or subjects of the United Y no se impondran otros ó mas altos States, or of any other country, impuestos sobre la conduccion 6 across the said routes of communi- transito de las personas y de las cation, than are or may be imposed propiedades de ciudadanos ó subon the persons and property of citi- ditos de los Estados Unidos ó de zens of Nicaragua. cualquier otro pais al traves de dichas vias de comunicacion, que los que han sido ó sean impuestos sobre las personas y propriedades de ciudadanos de Nicaragua. Y la republica de Nicaragua concede al administrador general de correos de los Estados Unidos, el derecho de celebrar contratos con cualesquiera individuos ó compañias para el trasporte de las malas de los Estados Unidos por dichas vias de comunicacion ó por cualesquiera otras vias al traves del istmo á su discrecion, en balijas cerradas, el contenido de las cuales no sea destinado para distribucion dentro de dicha republica, libres de la imposicion de toda taxa ó derecho por el gobierno de Nicaragua, pero libertad no debe interpretarse en el sentido de permitir á dichos individuos ó compañias en virtud de este derecho de transportar las malas, el llevar tambien pasageros ó carga.

And the republic of Nicaragua concedes the right of the Postmaster-General of the United States to enter into contracts with any individuals or companies to transport the mails of the United States along the said routes of communication, or along any other routes across the isthmus, in its discretion, in closed bags, the contents of which may not be intended for distribution within the said republic, free from the imposition of all taxes or duties by the government of Nicaragua; but this liberty is not to be construed so as to permit such individuals or companies, by virtue of this right to transport the mails, to carry also passengers or freight.


The republic of Nicaragua agrees that, should it become necessary at any time to employ military forces for the security and protection of persons and property passing over any of the routes aforesaid, it will employ the requisite force for that purpose; but upon failure to do this from any cause whatever, the government of the United States may, with the consent, or at the request of the government of Nicaragua, or of the minister thereof at Washington, or of the competent legally appointed local authorities, civil or military, employ such force for this


property on

La republica de Nicaragua con- Protection of viene en que si en cualquier tiempo persons and fuese necesario emplear fuerzas transit routes. militares para la seguridad y proteccion de las personas y propiedades que pasan sobre cualquiera de las antedichas rutas, empleara la fuerza requerida para tal proposito; pero si dejase de hacerlo por cualquiera causa, el gobierno de los Estados Unidos puede, con el consentimiento, ó á solicitud del gobierno de Nicaragua ó de su ministro en Washington, ó de las competentes autoridades locales, civiles ó militares, legalmente designadas, em

United States

may protect routes by force.

Protection by the United States may be withdrawn.

and for no other purpose; and when, | plear tal fuerza, para este, y no para
in the opinion of the government of otro objeto; y cuando la necesidad
Nicaragua, the necessity ceases, such cese, á juicio del gobierno de Nic-
force shall be immediately with- aragua, tal fuerza sera inmediata-
mente retirada.

In the exceptional case, however, of unforeseen or imminent danger to the lives or property of citizens of the United States, the forces of said republic are authorized to act for their protection without such consent having been previously obtained.

En el caso escepcional, sin embargo, de imprevisto ó inminente peligro de la vida ó propiedades de ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, las fuerzas de dicha republica estan autorizadas para darles su proteccion, sin que tal previo consentimi ento haya sido obtenido.

But no duty or power imposed Mas ningun deber ó poder imupon or conceded to the United puesto ó concedido á los Estados States by the provisions of this arti- Unidos por las estipulaciones de este cle shall be performed or exercised articulo sera ejecutado ni ejercido, except by authority and in pursu-sino es por autorizacion y de conance of laws of Congress hereafter formidad con las leyes del Congreso enacted. It heing understood that que en adelante se expidan. Siendo such laws she... not affect the protec- entendido que tales leyes no podran tion and guarantee of the neutrality afectar la proteccion y garantia de of the routes of transit, nor the ob-neutralidad de las rutas de transito, ligation to withdraw the troops ni el deber de retirar las tropas que which may be disembarked in Nic- desembarquen en Nicaragua, inınearagua directly that, in the judg-diatamente que á juicio del gobierno ment of the government of the re- de esta republica fuesen ya innecespublic, they should no longer be necessary, nor in any manner bring about new obligations on Nicaragua, nor alter her rights in virtue of the present treaty.


arias, ni en manera alguna producir, nueva obligacion para Nicaragua, ni alterar sus derechos en virtud del presente tratado.


Se entiende, sin embargo, que los Estados Unidos al acordar protec

It is understood, however, that the United States, in according protection to such routes of communica-cion á las referidas vias de cotion, and guaranteeing their neutral- municacion, y al garantizar su neuity and security, always intend that tralidad y seguridad, siempre tienen the protection and guarantee are la intencion de que la proteccion y granted conditionally, and may be garantia sean concedidas condicionwithdrawn if the United States almente, y puedan ser retiradas si should deem that the persons or los Estados Unidos creyesen que las company undertaking or managing personas ó la compañia que las emthe same adopt or establish such prendan ó manejen, adopten ó esregulations concerning the traffic tablescan tales regulaciones sobre el thereupon as are contrary to the trafico por ellas que sean contrarias spirit and intention of this treaty, al espiritu y á la intencion de este either by making unfair discrimina- tratado, ya por que hagan injustas tions in favor of the commerce of discriminaciones en favor del comerany country or countries over the cio de cualquiera nacion ó naciones commerce of any other country or sobre el comercio de cualquiera otra countries, or by imposing oppressive nacion ó naciones, ó por que imponexactions or unreasonable tolls upon gan exacciones opresivas ó impuesmails, passengers, vessels, goods, tos exesivos, sobre las malas, pasewares, merchandise, or other arti- geros, mercancias ú otros articulos. cles. The aforesaid protection and Las mencionadas, proteccion y gar guarantee shall not, however, be antia, no seran, sin embargo, retira

withdrawn by the United States without first giving six months' notice to the republic of Nicaragua.


das por los Estados Unidos sin dar
noticia con seis meses de anticipa-
cion á la republica de Nicaragua.


United States to

And it is further agreed and un- Y es ademas entendido y conve- Rights of citiderstood that in any grants or con- nido que en cualesquiera privilegio ó zens of the tracts which may hereafter be made contrato que puedan en lo sucesivo be preserved. or entered into by the government hacerse ó celebrarse por el gobierno of Nicaragua, having reference to de Nicaragua, y que tengan relacion the inter-oceanic routes above re- con las rutas inter-oceanicas que se ferred to, or either of them, the han mencionado, ó con alguna de elrights and privileges granted by this las, seran plenamente protejidos y treaty to the government and citi- reservados los derechos y privilezens of the United States shall be gios concedidos por esta convencion fully protected and reserved. And al gobierno y á los ciudadanos de if any such grants or contracts now los Estados Unidos. Y si al presenexist, of a valid character, it is fur- te existen contratos ó privilegios de ther understood that the guarantee un caracter valido, queda tambien and protection of the United States, entendido que la garantia y protecstipulated in Article XV of this trea-cion de los Estados Unidos estipulaty, shall be held inoperative and void das en el articulo 15 de este tratauntil the holders of such grants and do seran nulas y de ningun efecto contracts shall recognize the conces- hasta que los tenedores de tales prisions made in this treaty to the gov-vilegios ó contratos reconozcan las ernment and citizens of the United concessiones hechas en este tratado States with respect to such inter- al gobierno y á las ciudadanos de los oceanic routes, or either of them, and shall agree to observe and be governed by these concessions as fully as if they had been embraced in their original grants or contracts; after which recognition and agreement said guarantee and protection shall be in full force: provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed either to affirm or to deny the validity of the said con



Estados Unidos, con respecto á di-
chas vias interoceanicas, ó á cual-
quiera de ellas, y convengan en ob-
servar y ser guiados por estas con-
cesiones, tan completamente como
si estuviesen comprendidas en sus
privilegios ó contratos originales;
despues de aquel reconocimiento y
aceptacion, dichas garantias y pro-
teccion tendran plena fuerza, con tal
de que nada de lo contenido aqui
sea interpretado como afirmando ó
negando la validez de dichos contra-



Diez años despues de la conclusion de un ferro carril ó cualquiera otra via de comunicacion á traves

After ten years from the completion of a railroad, or any other route of communication through the territory of Nicaragua from the Atlantic del territorio de Nicaragua del to the Pacific ocean, no company oceano Atlantico al Pacifico, ninwhich may have constructed or be guna compañia que haya construida in possession of the same shall ever o que este en posesion de dicha via, divide, directly or indirectly, by the podra nunca dividir directa ó indiissue of new stock, the payment of rectamente, por medio de emision dividends or otherwise, more than de nuevas acciones, el pago de divififteen per cent per annum, or at dendos, ó de otro modo, mas de that rate, to its stockholders from quince por ciento por año, ó en tolls collected thereupon; but when- aquella proporcion, á sus accionistas ever the tolls shall be found to yield por impuestos colectados en aquella a larger profit than this, they shall | via; pero cuando se descubra que VOL. XV. TREAT. - 36


Treaty to remain in force fifteen years.

When to be ratified.

Exchange of ratification.


be reduced to the standard of fifteen estos impuestos rinden una utilidad per cent per annum.

The two high contracting parties,
desiring to make this treaty as dur-
able as possible, agree that this
treaty shall remain in full force for
the term of fifteen years from the
day of the exchange of the ratifica-
tions; and either party shall have
the right to notify the other of its
intention to terminate, alter, or re-
form this treaty, at least twelve
months before the expiration of the
fifteen years; if no such notice be
given, then this treaty shall continue
binding beyond the said time, and
until twelve months shall have elap-
sed from the day on which one
of the parties shall notify the other
of its intention to alter, reform, or
abrogate this treaty.


The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications exchanged at the city of Managua, within one year, or sooner if possible.

mayor que esta, se reducira à la regla fija de quince por ciento por



Las dos altas partes contratantes, deseosas de hacer este tratado tan duradero como sea posible, convienen en que este tratado permanesca en plena fuerza por el termino de quince años contados desde el dia del cange de las ratificaciones; y cada una de las partes tendra el derecho de notificar á la otra de su intencion de terminar, alterar ó reformar este tratado por lo menos doce meses antes de la expiracion de los quince años; si no se diese esta noticia, entonces este tratado quedara obligatorio despues del trascurso de este tiempo, y hasta que hayan pasado doce meses desde el dia en que una de las partes notifique á la otra su intencion de alterar, reformar ó abrogar este tratado.


El presente tratado será ratificado y las ratificaciones cangeadas en la ciudad de Managua, dentro de un año, ó antes si fuese posible.

In faith whereof the respective En testimonio de lo cual, los resplenipotentiaries have signed the pectivos plenipotenciarios han firsame, and affixed thereto their re-mado el mismo y le han puesto sus spective seals. sellos respectivos.

Done at the city of Managua, this
twenty-first day of June, in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hun-
dred and sixty-seven.


Hecho en la ciudad de Managua el veintiuno de Junio del año del Señor, de mil ochocientos sesenta y



And whereas the said treaty has been duly ratified on both parts, and the respective ratifications of the same were exchanged at the city of Granada, on the twentieth day of June last:

Now, therefore, be it known that I, ANDREW JOHNSON, President of the United States of America, have caused the said treaty to be made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States and the citizens thereof.

In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the city of Washington, this thirteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight, and of the independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. ANDREW JOHNSON.


By the President:


Acting Secretary of State.

Postal Convention between the United States of America and the Colonial
Government of Hong Kong, China.

ARTICLES of agreement between the Post-Office Department of the United August 10, 1867. States and the General Post Office at Hong Kong.

For the purpose of establishing and regulating the interchange of Contracting mails between the United States and Hong Kong and dependent Chinese parties

ports, by means of the direct line of United States mail packets plying between San Francisco and Hong Kong, via Yokohama in Japan, it is agreed between the Post Office Department of the United States and the Post Office Department of Hong Kong:


ARTICLE I. The post offices of New York and San Francisco shall Offices of exbe the United States offices of exchange, and the General Post Office at lished. change estabHong Kong the office of exchange of the colony of Hong Kong for all mails transmitted under this arrangement.

ARTICLE II. There shall be an exchange of correspondence between Correspondthe United States of America and the colony of Hong Kong, by means of ence to be exchanged. United States mail packets, plying between San Francisco and Hong Kong, comprising letters, newspapers, and prices current originating and posted in the United States, and addressed to and deliverable in Hong Kong and those Chinese ports with which the Hong Kong post office has postal relations, including the ports of Canton, Amoy, Swatow, and Foochow, and, vice versa, of correspondence originating and posted in Hong Kong and the Chinese ports above designated, and addressed to and deliverable in the United States.

Rates of post

age upon letters,

No postal ac

ARTICLE III. The postage to be levied and collected at the office of mailing in the United States, upon letters, newspapers, and prices current, newspapers, &c. destined for Hong Hong and the above designated Chinese ports, with which Hong Kong has postal connections, shall be ten cents per single rate of half an ounce or under on letters, and two cents each on newspapers and prices current; and the postage to be levied and collected at Hong Kong and dependent Chinese ports, on correspondence originating in those ports and destined to the United States, shall be eight cents per single rate of half an ounce or under on letters, and two cents on each newspaper or price current. No postal accounts shall be kept between the respective postal departments upon the correspondence exchanged be- counts to be kept. tween them under this arrangement, but each department shall deliver the correspondence which it receives from the other free of all postage charge, that is to say, the Hong Kong post department agrees to deliver without charge all letters, newspapers, and prices current, brought by the United States mail packets, addressed to Hong Kong, and, also, to forward without charge all such letters, newspapers, &c., as are addressed to the Chinese ports above named, south of Shanghae; and the United States postal department, on its side, agrees to deliver without charge all letters, newspapers, &c., originating in Hong Kong, or the ports mentioned, and forwarded by said packets addressed to and deliverable in the United States. All letters, newspapers, &c., despatched by either office to the other, under this arrangement, shall be plainly stamped with the words "paid all," in red ink, on the right-hand upper corner of the face of the address, and shall also bear the stamp of the mailing exchange office on their face, and that of the receiving exchange office on their back.

ARTICLE IV. The postal department of the United States and of Hong Kong shall each return to the other, monthly, or as frequently as



Letters, &c. to stamped paid all."

Letters, &c.

not delivered to

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