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Watts, chargé d'affaires of the United States, of taking the liberty of addressing your Excellency. This desire has long been entertained by me, for the purpose of expressing my admiration of your Excellency's brilliant talents and ardent love of liberty. All America, Colombia, and myself, owe your Excellency our purest gratitude for the incomparable services you have rendered to us, by sustaining our course with a sublime enthusiasm. Accept, therefore, this sincere and cordial testimony, which I hasten to offer to your Excellency, and to the Government of the United States, who have so greatly contributed to the Emancipation of your Southern brethren.

"I have the honour to offer to your Excellency my distinguished consideration.

"Your Excellency's obedient servant,



"WASHINGTON, October 27, 1828.

"SIR,—It is very gratifying to me to be assured directly by your Excellency, that the course which the Government of the United States took, on this memorable occasion, and my humble efforts, have

excited the gratitude, and commanded the approbation of your Excellency. I am persuaded that I do not misinterpret the feelings of the people of the United States, as I certainly express my own, in saying, that the interest which was inspired in this country by the arduous struggles of South America, arose principally from the hope, that, along with its independence, would be established free institutions, insuring all the blessings of civil liberty. To the accomplishment of that object we still anxiously look. We are aware that great difficulties oppose it, among which not the least is that which arises out of the existence of a large military force, raised for the purpose of resisting the power of Spain. Standing armies, organized with the most patriotic intentions, are dangerous instruments. They devour the substance, debauch the morals, and too often destroy the liberties of the people. Nothing can be more perilous or unwise than to retain them after the necessity has ceased which led to their formation, especially if their numbers are disproportionate to the revenues of the State.

“But, notwithstanding all these difficulties, we

had fondly cherished, and still indulge the hope, that South America would add a new triumph to the cause of human liberty; and that Providence would bless her, as he had her Northern sister, with the genius of some great and virtuous man to conduct her securely through all her trials. We had even flattered ourselves that we beheld that genius in your Excellency. But I should be unworthy of the consideration with which your Excellency honours me, and deviate from the frankness which I have ever endeavoured to practise, if I did not on this occasion state, that ambitious designs have been attributed by your enemies to your Excellency, which have created in my mind great solicitude. They have cited late events in Colombia as proofs of these designs. But, slow in the withdrawal of confidence which I have once given, I have been most unwilling to credit the unfavourable accounts which have from time to time reached me. I can not allow myself to believe that your Excellency will abandon the bright and glorious path which lies plainly before you, for the bloody road passing over the liberties of the human race, on which the vulgar crowds of tyrants and military despots have

so often trodden. I will not doubt that your Excellency will, in due time, render a satisfactory explanation to Colombia and the world, of the parts of your public conduct which have excited any distrust; and that, preferring the true glory of our immortal Washington to the ignoble fame of the destroyers of liberty, you have formed the patriotic resolution of ultimately placing the freedom of Colombia upon a firm and sure foundation. That your efforts to that end may be crowned with complete success, I most fervently pray.

"I request that your Excellency will accept assurances of my sincere wishes for your happiness and prosperity.


"H. CLAY."

"Mr. Clay, which of your public speeches do you consider the most effective and powerful?" “There is a portion of the Speech on the Veto "of Mr. Tyler, on the Bank Bill, in reply to Mr.

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Rives, which produced the most electrifying "effect of any thing I ever uttered. The immediate


subject was Patriotism. Nature," added he, "had singularly favoured me by giving "me a voice peculiarly adapted to produce the


"impressions I wished in public speaking; now," said he, "its melody is changed, its music gone!" (And this was said as if in mockery, in sounds of exquisite sweetness.) The effects of his manner and utterance in the Senate, were most striking.


But when he speaks, what elocution flows,
Soft as the fleeces of descending snows;
The copious accents fall with easy art,
Melting they fall, and sink into the heart.

"I shall be happy if yourself and

accompany us to Church to-morrow. "general practice to attend."

son will

It is our

The next morning we proceeded, in Mr. Clay's carriage, to the Episcopal Church. Being some minutes before the time of service, Mrs. Clay and I conversed in gentle whispers.


Considering "all," said she, "Mr. Clay's health is singularly


good, and his spirits cheerful; for we have been "sorely afflicted; we have had eleven children, "and of six daughters, not one has been spared to us; two died in infancy, two in the first years of



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youth, and two in married life. The last, indeed,

was one that parents well might be proud of; "Mr. Clay has never recovered her loss. You "have the same number that once filled our

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