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An ACT to declare Muncy Creek and its branches, in the county of
Lycoming, public highways.

SECTION I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen-
tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in

General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the Muncy same, That from and after the passing of this act, Muncy Creek, in creek and its the county of Lycoming and its branches: to wit, from the mouth &c. declared thereof up to the mouth of Beaver Creek, on the east branch, public high- and from the mouth of the north branch up the same as far as



creeks, to

Elk Lick, shall be and the same are hereby declared public highways for the passage of rafts, boats, and other vessels under limitations and restrictions hereinafter specified, and it shall and may be lawful for the inhabitants desirous of using the navigation of said waters, to remove all natural and artificial obstructions from the waters within the aforesaid described bounds, excepting dams for mills, and other water works, and to erect such slopes or locks, and to keep the same in repair at the milldams now built, as may be necessary for the passage of rafts, boats or other vessels: Provided, Such slopes or locks be so constructed as not to injure the works of said dams.

SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Owners of That any person or persons owning or possessing lands on said lands on the creek, or its branches, shall have liberty to erect any dam or banks of said dams across the same agreeably and subject to all the restrictions and provisions of an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed on the twenty-third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and three, entitled "An act to authorize any person or persons owning lands adjoining navigable streams of water, declared public highways, to erect dams upon such streams for mills and other water works."

have the power of erecting dams, &c.


of the House of Representatives, P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eight dred and ten.




An ACT to alter the time of holding the courts of quarter sessions and common pleas, in the county of Westmoreland.


E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Gen

sions and

eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Courts of That from and after the next March term, in the county of quarter sesWestmoreland, the courts of quarter sessions and common pleas, common shall commence and be holden in said county on the Mondays pleas in next preceding the courts in Somerset county, any law or laws Westmoreland county, to the contrary notwithstanding.

of the House of Representatives.
P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eight

when to be


hundred and ten.



An ACT to enable Charles Von Bonnhorst, an alien, to hold lands.

HEREAS it appears to the Legislature, that Charles Von

Bonnhorst a native of Westphalia, emigrated to the State of Pennsylvania, on the sixteenth day of July, eighteen hundred and seven, and has declared his intention of becoming a citizen of the United States: that he has since married in Philadelphia: that in right of his wife he became entitled to the one fifth part of a tract of land containing eight hundred and ten acres and sixty-three perches, situate on Toby's creek, in the county of Armstrong: that he acquired the equitable title to the other four-fifths by purchase: that in consequence of his being an alien, his title to the aforesaid land is defective: And whereas it has been further stated, that if his title to the aforesaid land is perfected, and he is allowed to purchase a seat proper for erecting water-works, he will establish manufactories for woollen-cloths and cutlery: Therefore,

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Charles V.

SECT. I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Charles Von Bonnhorst a native of Westphalia in Germany, Bonnhorst shall have and hold to himself, his heirs and assigns, the eight enabled to hundred and ten acres and sixty-three perches of land, situate hold, certain on Toby's creek, in the county of Armstrong, that he obtained real estate. partly by purchase and partly in right of his wife, in the same manner and for the same estate he would have been entitled thereto, had he been a citizen of this commonwealth, or of the United States, at the time of his purchase. SECT. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said Charles Von Bonnhorst is hereby authorized to acquire chase and by purchase, any quantity of land not exceeding fifteen hundred hold any

And to pur

quantity of and not ex- acres, in addition to the quantity already mentioned, and to ceeding 1500 have, hold and enjoy the same to himself, his heirs and assigns acres in ad- in as full a manner as he could do were he a citizen of this comdition theremonwealth, or of the United States.



of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eight

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hundred and ten.



nistrators of

An ACT to authorize the administrators of Emmor Jefferies, late of the county of Lancaster, deceased, to convey a certain lot of ground to the purchaser thereof.

HEREAS it appears that Emmor Jefferies, late of the town of Columbia, in the county of Lancaster, deceased, was seized of a moiety, or half part of a certain lot of ground in the said town of Columbia, numbered in the general plan of said town, ninety-five, and bounded by lots of John Brumfield and John Menaugh, and did in his lifetime sell and engage to convey the same to the said John Menaugh, but of which sale there is no written evidence sufficient to enable the administrators of the said deceased to make and execute a deed to the said purchaser, consistent with the existing laws of this commonwealth: Therefore,

SECTION I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That James Graham and John Cooper, administrators of the estate of Emmor The admi- Jefferies deceased, be, and they are hereby authorized and emthe estate of powered by a sufficient deed in law to convey and assure to John Emmor Jef. Menaugh, or to his heirs or assigns, all the right, title, interest, feries de- property and estate whatsoever, in law or equity which the said ceased, ena- Emmor Jefferies in his lifetime had, of in and to a moiety or half vey & assure part of a certain lot of ground in the town of Columbia, in the a certain lot county of Lancaster, numbered in the general plan of said town, of ground. ninety-five, adjoining lots of John Brumfield and the said John

bled to con

Menaugh, which said part of a lot the said Emmor Jefferies deceased, did in his lifetime sell and engage to convey to the said John Menaugh, when it shall satisfactorily appear that the purchase money thereof has been or shall be paid, which deed when duly executed by the said administrators shall be as effectual

in law to all intents and purposes as if the said Emmor Jefferies in his lifetime had executed the same.

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P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eight

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hundred and ten.



A SUPPLEMENT to an act, entitled « An Act in aid of the company for erecting a bridge over the river Delaware, at the borough of Easton."

WHEREAS the president, managers and company, for

erecting a bridge over the river Delaware, at the borough of Easton, did on the twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six, execute in due form of law, under their corporate seal, a deed pledging to the governor for the use of the commonwealth, as well the capital stock and estates of the said company, as the tolls which shall arise from the said bridge for the payment of the sum of ten thousand dollars, with lawful interest thereon in ten equal annual instalments, and did deposit the said deed in the office of the secretary of the commonwealth: And whereas the said president, managers and company, have represented that they will be able and are desirous to pay off the said sum of ten thousand dollars, and the interest thereon, before the day on which the tenth instalment aforesaid shall be due: And whereas it is reasonable that the said president, managers and company, should be enabled so to do: Therefore,

company of

SECTION I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assem- The presi bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That dent, manaif at any time hereafter the said president, managers and compa- gers and ny, shall offer to pay to the treasurer of the commonwealth, the Easton all or any of the said instaliments or part of any instalment, bridge, enabefore the respective day or days of payment according to bled to pay the deed aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the said trea- before the enstalments surer to receive the same, and for the accountant department to time limited make such acquittance or acquittances as shall be deemed a suffi- by law.



cient discharge to the said president, managers and company, for such sum or sums as shall so be paid.


of the House of Representatives. P. C. LANE, Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED the thirtieth day of January, one thousand eight

hundred and ten.




An ACT for the Election of Constables in the City of Philadelphia. SECTION I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in

General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the electors in each ward, in the city of Philadelto be chosen phia, shall annually on the third Friday of March, at such place in each ward within each ward, as the constable for the time being shall apof the city. point, elect by ballot, two persons, one of whom shall be

Judges of

to be chosen.


pointed constable for the said ward for the ensuing year, and it shall be the duty of the constable for the time being, to give public notice in two of the daily papers printed in said city, at least six days previous to such election, of the time and place, where said election is to be held; and on failure thereof, he shall pay a fine of ninety-five dollars, to be recovered as debts now are, under the one hundred dollar act.

SECT II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the voters present at the opening of the election, shall choose the election three persons who shall be judges of the said election, and who shall respectively take an oath or affirmation to perform said du ty, with uprightness and fidelity, and who shall, on the third day thereafter, make a return of the two names highest in votes to the mayor of the city, whose duty it shall be to appoint one of them.

Duty of the

rity, &c.

SECT. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Constables That each and every of the constables who may be hereafter apappointed to give secu. pointed in the several wards of the city of Philadelphia, shall, before they enter on the duties of said office, become bound in an obligation to the mayor with two securities, who are freeholders, and who shall be approved of by him jointly and severally, in the sum of two thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of the said office in trust, for the use and benefit of all and every person or persons, who may be injured or aggrieved by the neglect or improper conduct of the said constable in business appertaining to his office.

SECT. IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid,


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