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THIS picture, and the three following pictures were shown upon a screen before a hundred toys and girls of high-school age. Nine per cent recorded themsel es most attracted to this schoolhouse because of its "dignity," "beauty," "grandeur," "magnificence." etc. Pictures through the courtesy of the School Board Journal.


NINE per cent would wish to attend school here because the building has "sublimity," "cathedralness," "splendor," besides all of the qualities ascribed to the preceding building.


WHEN this picture came on the screen it was greeted with cries "no, no". The most frequent characterizations on the ballots were "factory," "dismal," "dreary," "uninteresting".



IGHTY-TWO out of the hundred chose this schoolhouse as the one they had rather attend. Their characterizations were: "homey," "interesting," "jolly," "cute," and "unmonotonous."

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