Abbildungen der Seite

four Letters to Dr. Bentley, containing some arguments in proof
of a Deity, 328.

Night, described by Dr. Donne, ix. 37.

Nitella, her excessive nicety freely censured, v. 281.

Noir, M. le, short account of, vii. 192.

Nombre de Dios, account of Drake's expedition against it, xii. 67.
Nothing, criticism on Lord Rochester's poem on, ix. 204. Poema
J. Passeratii de Nihilo, 208.

Novelty, the strong propensity of the human mind towards it, v. 54.
Hence we grow weary of uniformity, 55.
An eminent source

of pleasing gratification, 409. The charms of it transitory, how-
ever endearing the possession, vi. 191. In writers, considered,
ix. 77.

Nouradin, the merchant of Samarcand, his dying address to his
son Almamoulin, v. 314.

Nugaculus, his mean and absurd character delineated, v. 206.
Nugent, Dr. account of his translation of the Life of Benvenuto
Cellini, ii. 194.


OBSCURITY in writing, often the effect of haste, vi. 173.
Obidah, his journey of a day, an instructive description of human
life, iv. 412.


age, its best pleasures drawn from a review of a virtuous life,
iv. 268. By what means it becomes entitled to veneration, 323.
The peculiar vices of it described, 324. The numerous infelicities
which attend it, 436. Wealth only an imaginary support of it,
436. Piety the only proper and adequate relief and best provision
against the infirmities and distresses of that season, 440. Is pe-
culiarly given to procrastination, v. 2.

Oldfield, Mrs. allows Savage 501. a year during her life, x. 296.
Celebrated in the Wanderer for her beauty, 295.

Oldisworth, with Broome and Ozell, translate the Iliad, xi. 50.
Omar (the son of Hassan), his history, vii. 401.

Opera, the Italian, an exotick and irrational entertainment, x. 143.
Opinion, is always independent, iii. 32.

Opinions, formed in solitude, liable to error, xi. 59. Causes of the
variety of, considered, iii. 233.

Oppression, domestick, the terror and distress of it, v. 48. The
difficulty of preventing it in governments, iii. 321.

Opulence, visionary, the folly of, v. 15.

Oratory, as practised by the English, considered, vii. 361.

Order for Merit instituted in Prussia, xii. 230.

Orthography, difficulties in settling it, ii. 6.

Ortogrul of Basra, his history, vii. 393. Resolves to gain riches by
silent profit, and persevering industry, 394. Does not find happi-
ness in riches, 395.

Ossian, Dr. Johnson's opinion of the authenticity of the poems of,
viii. 356.

Ostig in Sky, account of, viii. 303. Miserable state of agriculture
there, 305.

Ostriches, the Indian method of taking them, xii. 108.
Othello, observations on Shakspeare's play of, ii. 169.
Otway, Thomas, life of, ix. 223. Son of Humphry Otway, rec-
tor of Woolbeding, born at Trottin in Sussex, March 3, 1651,
223. Educated at Winchester school, and Fellow Commoner of
Christ Church 1669, 223. Commences player, in which he
fails, 223. Writes the tragedy of Alcibiades 1675, 224.
Translates "Titus and Berenice," and the Cheats of Scapin
1677, 224. Writes Friendship in Fashion in 1678, 224. Enters
into the army as cornet, but soon quits it, 225. His Don Car-
los, said to have been acted for thirty nights successively, 226.
His Orphan exhibited 1680, 226. History and Fall of Caius
Marius, in the same year, 226. The Soldier's Fortune published
1683, 226. Venice Preserved published 1685, 226. Died April
14, 1685, 227.

Overbury, Sir Thomas, account of Savage's tragedy, x. 298.
Ovid, the Epistle of Sappho to Phaon, translated by Pope, xi. 58.
Ozell, Mr. with Oldisworth and Broome, translate the Iliad, xi. 50.


PAGE, Judge, his speech to the jury on the trial of Savage, x. 308.
Savage revenges the insolence and partiality by a satire on the
judge, 315. Story of his sending to Pope respecting the filling
up a blank with his name, xi. 192.

Pain, inquiry into the distinction between it and pleasure, viii. 24.
Painting, positions respecting miniature and cupola painting, ix. 306.
The parallel of, with poetry, vii. 134. The fondness of the Eng-
lish to their own portraits, 178. Advantages of historical pic-
tures, 179. Actions not momentary cannot be properly repre-
sented in a picture, 180. Proper and improper subjects consi-
dered, 180. To be a connoisseur rather than a critick, recom-
mended, 305. On imitating nature, 317. Different schools not
to be united, 318. Observations on the Dutch and Italian styles,
318. Observations on the style of Michael Angelo, 319. More
enthusiasm recommended to painters, 319. Attending to acci-
dental discriminations, is to deviate from the line of beauty,

Pamphlets, history of their origin and progress, ii. 189.

Papilius, his account of the ingredients necessary to form a wit,

vi. 4.

Paradise Lost, designed by Milton, ix. 116. Sketch of the original
plan, 116. The uncertainty from whence he took the plan, 124.
Written only between the autumnal and vernal equinoxes, 127.
Chiefly composed in the night and the mornings, 132. A complete
copy first seen 1665, 135. Obtains a licence, and sells the copy
for 51. and 57. more at the sale of 1300 copies of each of the

first three editions, 135. First edition 1667, second 1674, third
1678, 136. Characterized, 162.

Paradise Regained, characterized, ix. 178.

Parallels, on illustrating things by, vii. 134.

Parents, observations on the bad behaviour of, vii. 167. Exempli-
fied in the story of Perdita, 168.

Parliament of England, the right of punishing its own members
asserted, viii. 68. A man attainted of felony cannot sit in parlia-
ment. 70. Proceedings on the expulsion of Mr. Wilkes consi-
dered, 71. On their declaring Mr. Luttrel elected, 72. Consi-
derations on the re-election of persons who have accepted of
places or pensions, 77. Difference between their vote and a law,
explained, 79. Progress of petitions to, 87. Favourers for a
dissolution always to be found, 90. Persons proper to be elected
representatives, 142. The power of, over the Americans, consi-
dered, 172.

Parnell, Thomas, his life by Goldsmith, x. 49. Descended from a
Cheshire family, born at Dublin, 1679, 50. Educated at Dublin
university, 50. Archdeacon of Clogher 1705, 50. Married Anne
Minchen, 50. Joins the Tories in the latter end of queen Anne's
reign, 50. Becomes too fond of the bottle, 51. Died July 1717,
in his way to Ireland, 51. Character of his works, 52. Wrote
the life of Homer prefixed to Pope's translation of the Iliad, xi.
81. His poems published by Pope in 1721, 102.
Passeratius, Jo. poema ad Erricum Memmium, ix. 208.
Passion, the ruling, theory of, xi. 130.

Passions, persons under the predominant influence of them exceed-
ingly offensive to others, iv. 66. Natural and adscititious, strong
motives of action, 314, 315. Excited by sympathy, 443.
Pastorals, generally the first productions of a poet, xi. 170.
Pastoral Poetry, the progress of, xi. 253.

Pastoral Life, a glimpse of the state of happiness in, iii. 354.
Pastor Fido, specimen of Waller's translation of, ix. 280.

Patience, the usefulness of it in alleviating the miseries of human
life, iv. 209. Motives to the exercise of patience and submission
under the severest afflictions, 212, 213.

Patriots, their conduct considered and reprobated, viii. 127. 140.
Patriot, addressed to the electors of Great Britain [1774], viii. 142.
Characterized, 143. No claim to that character from an acrimo-
nious and unremitting opposition to the Court, 143. The true
lover of his country, 145. Marks of a man not being a Patriot,


Patriotism, no man can be born a lover of his country, xi. 131.
Patrons, their avarice of praise and flattery, v. 217. Often corrupted
by avarice, and deluded by credulity, vi. 118.

Paul V. Pope, account of the quarrel between him and the Vene-
tians, xii. 7.

Paul, Father. See Sarpi.

Pauses, their influence on the harmony of poetical measures, v. 117.
Peat, account of the nature of that fuel, viii. 335.

Pedantry, the persons to whom the censures of it may be justly ap-
plied, vi. 195. The fear of it often produces it, 198.
Peevishness, a species of depravity, disgusting and offensive, v. 19.
Sometimes the effect of distemper or affliction, 20, 21. Exem-
plified in the character of Tetrica, 20, 21. Persons of this tem-
per the sources of peculiar affliction to their dependents, 261. A
due attention to the dignity of human nature a proper preservative
and remedy against this vice of narrow minds, 263.
Peirese, the fate of his MSS. vii. 260.

Pekuah, lady, is carried off by Arabs, iii. 390. The princess Ne-
kayah's sorrow for the loss of, 394. She is recovered from the
Arabs, 399. Her adventures amongst the Arabs, 401.

Pensive man, characterized, ix. 155.

Pepys Island. See Falkland's Islands.

Perdita, her story, vii. 168.

Perfection, in compositions, the effect of attention and diligence, v.
170. The methods by which the ancients attained to an eminence
therein, 171.

Periander, his opinion of the importance of restraining anger, iv.

Periodical Essays, the difficulties of carrying them on, vii. 1. The
advantages of writing in, 7. New ones under the same disadvan-
tages as new plays, 9.

Perseverance, its resistless force and excellence, iv. 279. In intel-
lectual pursuits necessary to eminence in learning and judgment,
v. 419. The advantages of, iii. 341.

Persians, their contempt for men who violated the laws of secrecy,
iv. 81.

Persian Tales, translated by Ambrose Philips, xi. 250.

Persius, his opinion of learning, iii. 199.

Pertinax, his skill in disputation, v. 152.

Petitions, their progress, viii. 87. By whom generally supported,


Petrarch, his fame filled the world with amorous ditties, ix. 6.
Peevishness, the fatal effects of, v. 261.

Philips, Ambrose, his life, xi. 249. Educated at St. John's College,
Cambridge, 249. Published his Pastorals before 1708, 249. A
zealous Whig, 249. Translates the Persian Tales for Tonson,
250. Writes the Distressed Mother, and translates Racine's An-
dromache, 250. The Epilogue to Andromache written by Bud-
gel, 251. The melevolence between him and Pope, 254. Com-
missioner of the lottery 1717, and made justice of the peace, 255.
Writes the Briton, a Tragedy, 1721, and also Humphrey duke of
Gloucester, 256. Undertakes a periodical publication, called the
Free Thinker, 256. Appointed secretary to Boulter, primate of
Ireland, 256. Chosen to represent the county of Armagh, 257.
Secretary to the lord chancellor, and judge of the prerogative court,
257. Returns to London 1748, and died 1749, 258.
racter, 208. His works characterized, 258.
Philips, Claude, an itinerant musician, lines on, i. 152.

His cha-

Philips, John, his life, ix. 294. Born at Bampton, Oxfordshire,
Dec. 30, 1676, 294. Son of Dr. Stephen Philips, archdeacon of
Salop, 294. Educated at Winchester, where he distinguished
himself by the superiority of his exercises, 294. Became ac-
quainted with the poets very early, 295. Entered at Oxford,
1694, 295. Intended for the study of physick, and studied par-
ticularly Natural History, 295. Wrote his Splendid Shilling,
1703, 295. Blenheim, 1705. Cider, 1706. Began his Last
Day, 296. Died Feb. 15, 1708, and buried in Hereford Cathe-
dral, 296. His epitaph at Hereford, 297. A monument erected
to his memory in Westminster Abbey, by Sir Simon Harcourt,
with the inscription by Dr. Atterbury, 297. His character, 298.
Character of his works, 299. A copyer of the style of Milton,
299. Account of him by Edmund Smith, 302. Account of his
family and brothers, 304. Character of his works, 305. Note
on Smith's account of him, 310.

Philips, John and Edward (nephews of Milton), some account of
them, ii. 85.

Philips, Mrs. her opinion of some of the writings of lord Roscom-
mon, ix. 221. Her Pompey brought on the Irish stage, 221.
Philomides, his reflections on the excellence and utility of good hu-
mour, v. 7.

Philotryphus, his character, iv. 255.

Physick, mathematicks recommended in the science of physick, by
Boerhaave, xii. 26.

Physicians, a pleasing character of, x. 55. Proceedings on a plan
for attending the poor gratis, 55. In a great city the mere play-
thing of fortune, xi. 358. Have the second claim of benefit to
mankind, xii. 22.

Picus Mirandula, his epitaph, ii. 273.

Pilgrimages, inquired into, iii. 332.

Pindar, observations on the poetry of, ix. 51. His odes discovered
to be regular by Congreve, x. 201. West's translation charac-
terized, xi. 261.

Piozzi, Mrs. select letters of Dr. Johnson from the collection of, xii.

Pitt, Christopher, his life, xi. 217. Son of a physician at Bland-
ford, born 1699, 217. Entered a scholar at Winchester College,
1714, removed to New College, 1719, 217. Translates Lucan
before he was twenty years of age, 217. Presented to the rec-
tory of Pinpern, Dorsetshire, 218. Translates Vida's Art of
Poetry, 218. Translates the Æneid, 218. Died 1748, and his
epitaph, 220.

Plagiarism, not to be charged upon authours merely for similarity of
sentiment, iii. 214. A charge often unjustly urged to the preju-
dice of some authours, vi. 14. Some instances of the truth of this
remark with regard to some of the classic writers, 14.
Plantations, considerations on, viii. 364.

Plays, acted in the universities before kings and queens, ii. 89.
Player, requisites to form a good one, ix. 224.

Pleasing others, the art of it a pleasing acquisition, v. 209. Its ex-

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