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By W. E. B.

"Seek ye out of the book of the Lord and read."-Isaiah xxxiv: 16.

(Re-revised Edition)


Chicago : New York: Toronto
Fleming H. Revell Company

London and Edinburgh

Copyright, 1898, 1908, by

New York: 158 Fifth Avenue
Chicago: 123 No. Wabash Avenue
Toronto: 25 Richmond St., W.
London: 21 Paternoster Square
Edinburgh: 100 Princes Street

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Montrose, Penna.

Cop. The book, "Jesus is Coming." by W. E. B., was the

first book that made the coming of Jesus Christ a liv.
ing reality to me. I had already become convinced
that our Lord's coming would be before the millennium,
having reached that conclusion in studying the works
of the Danish theologian, Martensen, but it was merely
a theological conception until I read the book "Jesus
is Coming." It was this that first brought me to definite con.
victions and made the doctrine not only clear, but very pre.
cious. It is one of the books that has had a decidedly form.
ative influence on my life and teaching. I always recommend
it to those who are beginning the study of the subject.
I hope that it may be as much blessed to others as it has
been to me.


Evangelist and Hon. Supt. Moody Bible Institute.

Winona Lake, Indiana.

A number of years ago I had placed in my hands the little book, "Jesus is Coming," by W. E. B. Prior to that time I had no defined method of Bible study, and I confess with shame that I had very little passion for Bible reading and for the winning of souls.

This book completely revolutionized my thinking, gave me a new conception of Christ and a new understanding of what it meant to work for Him. I most cordially commend it to Christian workers everywhere.


Evangelist and Corresponding Secretary

The General Assembly Committee on Evangelistic Work,

See Additional Testimonials on Page 246


Preface to the Third Revision.

We dedicate this book to those who "love our Lord's appearing." It has been our prayerful desire to furnish, in abbreviated form, a hand book that might serve as a convenient reference in the study of this truth, and as an aid in the presentation of it to others.

We gratefully acknowledge the blessing of God, which has rested upon it so that it has passed through many editions and also been issued in twelve foreign languages. We have no desire for controversy, but have only sought to testify our convictions regarding the scriptural importance of this subject, and to aid candid inquirers in obtaining "like precious faith with us." After continued, earnest and prayerful study, we are more than ever confirmed in the faith that Christ's coming will be pre-millennial, and this all important point we would emphasize, if possible, with the zeal and earnestness manifested by the early disciples, who repeatedly taught us to look for Jesus. Phil. 3:20; Tit. 2:13; Heb. 9:28; 2 Pet. 3:14.

We would not be dogmatic concerning the order of events which cluster about our Lord's return and, should any hold views different from what we have set forth as the result of our study, we will cordially strike hands with them if we may unite upon the great fact that His return will be premillennial and that the time of it is uncertain and imminent (Matt. 24:42); and further that this hope ("Blessed Hope," Tit. 2:13) begets a purifying separating power in the heart, winning us unto holiness, love and service.

"And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

"Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it." 1 Thes. 5:23-24.

For the kind criticism and helpful suggestions of brethren dearly beloved-we express our sincere thanks, and we humbly pray for the continued blessing of "the Coming One." W. E. B.

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