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other fifth applied to establish cheap || hoped for ever to retain, and which libraries, adapted for the lower or- one little week had, alas! destroyed. ders within the city and liberties of Gilman, in a harsh voice, told her he London and Westminster. The sa- had no time for foolery; he must regacious friend who advised this be-turn to head-quarters with the utquest has convinced me, that if the rule and direction of low-priced pamphlets belonged to one individual, he might sway the public mind to good or evil; and the regulation of instruments so powerful should not be left to chance, but ordered and controuled by the piety and wisdom of leading members of the community."

Gilman's politeness with difficulty constrained him to forbear interrupting Mr. Jessop. He seized the first pause, to inquire if Mr. Ormond's will restricted his daughter in case she became a widow. Mr. Jessop replied by reading from the duplicate: "If Madalena Ormond becomes a widow, her whole fortune shall revert to her own disposal. One rash marriage seldom fails to provide caveats to prevent a second folly."

most expedition. This excuse for abruptly leaving Mr. Jessop proved true. They travelled post to headquarters, and Gilman waited on the commanding officer just as he received the route to Portsmouth for immediate embarkation. On the journey, Gilman apologized to his wife for the irascibility he had shewn, and obtained from her a considerable sum Mr. Jessop gave her, as due of her usual allowance for pocket-money. At his return to their lodgings, he apprized her of the orders to embark; but mitigated her distress, by a proposal for accompanying him to Portsmouth, where, perhaps, they might be weeks detained by adverse winds, and even the embarkation countermanded.

Alighting at an inn on their way, Mrs. Gilman recognised Lady MelGilman blustered; but Mr. Jessop bourne's coach. Lady Jemima Melcoolly reminded him, that the para- bourne observed her from a window, graph was read in answer to his own hurried down stairs, and warmly emqueries; and as this mild explanation braced her in the lobby; but her laseemed but to encourage the stormy dyship changed countenance when passions of the benedict, Mr. Jessop Madalena introduced Captain Gilshewed him, that a sober citizen, with-man as her husband. However, she out going further than the Exchange conducted both to Lady Melbourne, or Temple-Bar to learn how the equi-and they were invited by her ladypoise between individual dignity and ship to dine with her. While they respect to others should be adjusted, retired to dress, the countess and was fully competent to assert his man- her daughter expressed to each other hood, though unaided by the phra- their regrets for Madalena's impruseology or graces of high fashion. dent marriage, and Lady Melbourne Madalena, in sorrowful alarm, inter- said she was too young and too volaposed; but saw with secret anguish tile to have an establishment of her that the ceremony of marriage had own during Gilman's absence. Her taken from her the power of moving unreasonable fastidious dislike of her by a look, or a few words, her arbi- father's worthy city friends would trary spouse-a power she had fondly expose her to the triumphant artifice

of unsafe acquaintances; her beauty, || suitable for half her reputed age. In showy attainments she was not deficient; and Mrs. Gilman hoped she could contribute in remedying the glaring defects in her moral and men

brilliant manners, and desire for admiration must add to the danger: she would be an agreeable guest at Melbourne Priory, and a residence there might preserve her from en-tal education, as Lady Melbourne snarers. Lady Jemima assented with joy, and the reappearance of Mr. and Mrs. Gilman put a period to the subject of conversation.

and her daughter had conferred on herself an inestimable benefit of the same tendency.

The regiment was ordered to Naples, and Gilman seemed to rejoice that in a warmer climate his Madalena's constitution might be renovated. In her presence, but without consulting her, he asked Miss Jervas to accompany them to Italy. The climate of Naples was speedily beneficial to Mrs. Gilman's health; yet, soon after she was able to mix in society, a new and bitter sorrow preyed on her

The influence and example of the ladies at Melbourne Priory led Mrs. Gilman to perceive the improprieties and risks attending giddy vivacity, and anxious thoughts about Gilman helped to dispose her for rational consideration. Each day brought a more salutary development of her excellent dispositions and fine understanding; and when Gilman returned from Egypt, deprived of sight by the oph-spirits. She saw proofs on proofs thalmia, she became eyes to the blind; a guide, a support, and agent in business for the helpless; assuaging his impatience, and exerting her varied attainments to amuse his fretful despondency. He recovered the visu-young creature from utter ruin, and

al faculty; but the birth of a stillborn son brought Mrs. Gilman to the verge of the grave. Before her recovery, Gilman purchased the majority of his regiment, and Mrs. Gilman had the pain of observing, that his medical skill was no longer at her service. He left her to the care of physicians and nurses, while he and his cousin, Miss Jervas, rode out together on favourable days, or played chess and read novels, if rain confined them within doors. Miss Jervas was said to be fourteen when she came to visit Mrs. Gilman. Her tall, well-formed figure might be the growth of more years, but her childish simplicity, sportive restlessness, and intemperate gaiety were more Vol. III. No. XV.

that Gilman was more successful in misleading, than she could be in guiding, the unprincipled Miss Jervas to amend her foibles. Though she endeavoured to save the infatuated

her husband from a criminal entanglement, she uniformly disdained and avoided the prying inquisitiveness of jealousy, nor did one upbraiding look or word provoke Gilman's unkindness. The British troops were ordered to Sicily; and, in a strange place, Madalena suffered contumely and insult in every shape that could assail a wife, who in private scrupulously guarded against contention, and in public studied to throw a veil of decorum over the profligacy, which all her gentle vigilance, all her enduring sweetness could not prevent. Not to think of her wrongs was impossible; but how to think of them, and how to act, she stedfastly submitted to the unappealable in


junctions of duty. She did not deem || to ascendency in military councils.

More than one artist entreated leave to take from his face and person the most perfect models of manly beauty; and in most questions regarding warlike, erudite, or scientific affairs, the opinion of Colonel Gilman was quot

Major Gilman's crime an exoneration from conjugal forbearance; but she considered also what was due to herself; and assigning as the cause for seclusion a recurrence of some of the ailments she suffered in England, she averted the degradation of ap-ed as ulterior authority. But the pearing in public with a girl who had large and splendid space he filled in forfeited all right to unblemished so- the public eye was at home changed ciety. Major Gilman often applied to a gloomy paramo, frigid, barren, to her for the money she saved in and tempestuous. retirement, and never was refused the accommodation; yet her heart was wrung to think that the expenditure would be grossly vicious.


Lady Melbourne employed her interest for promotion to the husband of her favourite, which, with his valour and conduct at the battle of Maida, procured him the rank of lieutenant-colonel. His intellectual superiority, his finished education, insinuating address, and professional renown, made him acceptable in the highest and best informed circles. The plaudits of news-writers in England spread his fame as an officer, and echoed the voice of Sicilian nobles, who extolled his graces, and prided themselves in being reputed his intimates. The ladies sung verses in his praise; and the populace almost worshipped a hero, whose affability, with elegant ease, descended to the very lowest that approached him. Speaking their language with fluency, Colonel Gilman often gained from the too much despised labourer or mendicant intelligence which directed his judgment, and entitled him

The delightful creature in gay parties is not always the most pleasant and endearing master of a family. Colonel Gilman was a tyrant to the best of wives, who raised him to affluence; he was the seducer of a weak-minded, puerile relation; a gambler; the slave of convivial excess, and of all the vices that follow inebriety. The pure heart of Madalena revolted at the most sacred affinity to an audacious libertine, and she dared not ask herself, if she still loved the man she must cease to esteem; but the consciousness of repentance for her ill-advised marriage superseded all further inquiry into her feelings, and she shuddered at the conviction, that the character of her husband was repugnant to all she held dear and venerable in rectitude and religion. In her twentieth year, with all the advantages of beauty and fortune, one rash step had made life to her comfortless and desolate; and her afflictions were of a nature that forbade complaint, or the relief afforded by sympathy. (To be continued,)

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WHEN Lieutenant-General de Pen- || had received near Breslau, belonged navaire of the Prussian army, who to the regiment of cuirassiers, he died in 1759 of a wound which he had occasion, while in quarters, to

form an acquaintance with a goblin John (shewing the black spots on pair. The following authenticated his arms). Look here, sir! Here are statement of this adventure is the proofs that I have not been dreammore remarkable, as it proves that ing, but that I have really been tacspirits cannot whollydivest themselves kled by the goblin. of earthly propensities.

Major. Pooh! nonsense! If there

Early one morning Major de Pen-be such a thing as a ghost, it cannot navaire rang his bell for his valet. gripe one-a ghost has not flesh and It was a considerable time before he bone-if it can gripe, it must have a answered the summons, and when body too. he did appear, he looked like a man in a high fever. Being asked why he had staid so long, and not come at the first call, he replied, that a Kobold had almost worried him to death. This goblin, according to his account, had, the preceding evening, when he had gone into the garret to fetch a saddle, appeared to him, first large, then small, and with eyes like flames of fire: it had seized him with such violence as if it would have torn him piecemeal, a fact which the black spots on his arms sufficiently attested. He added, that he had indeed tried to defend himself, but against so formidable à being resistance was equally dangerous and unavailing.

Thus far the major, who was a Frenchman by birth, had listened quietly; but, with a smile, he now began in his broken German, the ludicrous effect of which cannot of course be communicated to any translation: "Harkee, Jean, thou art an addle-headed fellow: thy brains are full of Kobolds, or thou art a downright liar. I have never yet met with any goblins in my quarters. Thou must have been in thy cups yesterday, and then dreamt all this stupid


John. Begging your pardon, sir, I was as sober as your honour always is. Major. Ha! rogue, hold thy tongue! I do get fuddled too now and then. But proceed with thy story.

John could not comprehend this reasoning: at any rate he was less disposed to believe it than his senses, which had too painfully convinced him of the existence of a griping goblin. He appealed moreover to the testimony of the coachman, that the garrets of the house were actually haunted. The latter, a courageous fellow, who would not have hesitated at the command of his master to grapple old Beelzebub himself, declared, that it was impossible to question the fact of the house being haunted by a goblin, which could at pleasure make itself large or small; adding, that he knew it, but was not afraid of it, since it had never seized and griped him as it had done his fellow-servant.

At this confirmation the major stormed furiously against his cowardly and superstitious rascals, and swore that " he would not suffer a Kobold which could make itself large or small to remain in his house, but would send it packing to h-ll." He was the more seriously bent on fulfilling this intention, as he learned, to his no small vexation, that the story of his house being haunted had already spread throughout the whole town, and, as is generally the case, had received many wonderful additions..

Accordingly, at an hour when the goblin was accustomed to play its

dimensions, but not till the impatient major had cried, "If you not make yourself grand, I pepper you soundly!"-Of course the next experiment was the making petit-and these alternate orders were repeated without intermission. ""Tis a truly co

pranks, the resolute major, without saying a word to any one, but provided with a brace of loaded pistols, repaired to the haunted spot, and actually found what he hoped to encounter. A fearful figure, in white, was cowering in a dark corner behind a chimney. Our hero could distinct-mical ghost!" said the major to himly discern only just enough to be satisfied that it was not a human being; because, though seated, it was taller than the flugleman of his company. "Haha!" said he, "this must certainly be Monsieur Kobold! Come forward, Monsieur Kobold!"

self, laughing:-" it can make itself grand and petit-let's now drill it a bit."

During this exercise the officer fancied that he could perceive another goblin-like shape in the obscure corner, "Halt!" he all at once exThe spectre did not think fit to claimed: "where Monsieur Kobold obey the injunction, but the major, is, there must surely be Madame to give weight to his command, de- Koboldine too." The major guess clared, that unless the figure instant- ed perfectly right. The Koboldine, ly complied, he would certainly fire. enveloped in a white sheet, was likeNo sooner had the goblin received wise obliged to come forward, and as the second summons coupled with she too understood the art of mak this menace, than, struck by the ma- ing herself large and small, she had jor's resolute air, it sprung forth from to go through the same course of its dark retreat, and endeavoured to discipline as her mate. It was one escape its disturber by flight. The of the maid-servants who had assumcry of "Halt! or I'll fire!" soon, ed this disguise, to favour certain prihowever, arrested its steps." Now, vate interviews with the major's coachharkee, Monsieur Kobold,make your-man, the natural consequence of which self grand!" The gigantic figure was, that in due time she presented accordingly increased its prodigious" the world with a little Kobold.


MEN of business commonly ima-, graphers, by means of compass and gine that the studious know nothing the stars, find the pathways through of life: they regard us as a species the great world with more ease than of nightingales, who are out of their your men of business with their speelement unless in solitude and dark- cial map can find the high-roads. I must own that I was long Provided with a stock of philosophiof this opinion myself; and it was a cal knowledge, I contrived, notwithreal consolation to me to discover, standing my youth, to avoid all the that after all I was not so excessively snares of sharpers, and to withstand learned. I have been thoroughly the allurements of pleasure. Many cured of this notion, however, since of my countrymen who boast of their I have been at Paris. I have con- knowledge of the world have not vinced myself, that we general geo-" been so fortunate.

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