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A Literary Register and Monthly Catalogue of Old and New Books, and Repository of Notes and Queries.

Vol. 2.


Nos. 8 & 9. ADVERTISING: $13 per page; $7, half page; and $4, quarter. SUBSCRIPTION: $1 per year, Postage free

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NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS.-The GREAT ADVANTAGES we offer to advertisers in the Bibliopolist, cannot, we think, be conceded to any other similar publication. First, our terms are low; second, we are willing to take, at the publishers' net prices, Books in exchange for ADVERTISEMENTS, The rates for advertising, mentioned above, are cash rates. Rates, in books at net prices, are as follows: One page, $16.00; half page, $9.00; quarter page, $5.00. The same arrangements will be made with dealers in secord hand books, giving us the privilege of selection. With such an arrangement as this, publishers and booksellers can pay, at a minimum cost, what would otherwise be required in cash. For a succession of insertions, the rates will be reduced. The journal is circulated among live book buyers, and those who have books to sell will present them usefully through the Bibliopolist.

This arrangement will also apply with English, French and German Publishers and Booksellers.

BACK NUMBERS.-Owing to the scarcity of some numbers in Vol. I. of the American Bibliopolist, but few complete sets can be supplied, which may be had by the anxious for $2.00 each, in numbers, or bound (in black cloth) $2.50. Separate numbers may be had for twenty-five cents.

All Advertisements, Subseriptions, and Literary communications for the AMERICAN BIBLIOPOLIST must be addressed to J. SABIN & SONS,

84 Nassau Street, New York.


THE SALE OF THE DICKENS PICTURES, &c.— The sale of pictures, drawings, and objects of art belonging to the late Mr. Charles Dickens proved to be one of the most remarkable on record. The salesroom was filled to overflowing, a very large proportion of the spectators being from the provinces, and the prices paid for the majority of the articles sold were so extravagantly high that nothing in the history of Messrs. Christie's rooms has ever equalled them. The desire to secure mementoes of the great novelist led purchasers to give twenty, thirty, and, in one or two cases, even a hundred times the intrinsic or marketable value of what, under ordinary circumstances, would be deemed a commonplace article. Below we specify a few of the lots and prices realized :


Drawings." The Britannia," the vessel in which Mr. Dickens first went to America, was bought by Lord Darnley for 105 guineas. Little Nell and her Grandfather making bouquets," by Topham, 275 guineas. "Little Nell's Home," by Cattermole, 160 guineas. "Little Nell's Grave," the companion, 180 guineas.

Pictures.-"What are the Wild Waves Saying" by James Hamilton, an American artist, by whom it was presented to Mr. Dickens, 45 guineas. "Le Garde Champetre," by Zamacois, a pupil of Messonier, bought for $700 on the occasion of Mr. Dickens' last visit to America, 240 guineas. "An Autumnal Scene," by Cropsey, an American artist, by whom the picture was presented to Mr. Dickens, 26 guineas. Webster's well-known work, "Dotheboys Hall," the brimstone and treacle scene, 510 guineas. "Pickwick and Mrs. Bardell," a small work by Leslie, in grisaille, and with which all England is familiar, 131 guineas. The principal picture in the collection was Frith's "Dolly Varden," the most "roguish, comely, bright-eyed, enticing, bewitching, captivating, maddening little puss in the world." The past history of this picture is curious, and another singular episode was added to it on Saturday. It originarlly cost Mr. Dickens £20; on Saturday it was bought by Mr. Agnew for 1000 guineas. If a sporting term may be applied to picture-buying, one can only describe the competitors for the works

as so many rival "plungers." The bids were sometimes an advance of 50 guineas at a time, and after the applause which followed Mr. Agnew's last bid of 1,000 guineas, it sounded like a piece of satire to hear a feeble voice cry out A thousand and one." When the laughter which followed this offer had subsided, Mr. Agnew disputed the right of the auctioneer to accept a bidding of less than 5 per cent.; the spectators supported Mr. Agnew; and as there was no further advance the picture was knocked down to him. A companion work, painted by the same artist for the same amount of money-" Kate Nickleby at Madame Mantilini's "-realized 200 guineas. Maclise's well-known portrait of Mr. Dickens, painted in 1839, and presented by the publishers of "Nicholas Nickleby," on the completion of that work, was bought by the Rev. Sir E. R. Joddrell, Bart., for 600 guineas, a much smaller sum than the picture was generally valued at.

The most spirited competition during the sale was for Mr. Dickens' favorite raven, the "Grip" of "Barnaby Rudge." The first bid of 25 guineas for an indifferently stuffed black crow, in a common glazed case, was thought a bold offer, but in less than half a minute a dozen or more competitors had run the figure up to 60 guineas. The price, however, continued to advance, and first one opponent and then another were shaken off, till at 75 guineas there were only two competitors in the field. "Eighty, and knock it down," cried the bolder of them, thinking so large an advance would not be challenged, but "eighty-one" speedily followed, and for full five minutes the spectators watched the duel. One of the spectators bid by two, three or five guineas at a time, the other quickly followed, tortoise fashion, with his single guinea, but in the end he succumbed to 120 guineas, at which enormous figure the historic bird was bought by Mr. Nottage of Tulse Hill.

The last set of articles offered for sale was the Pickwick ladles, half a dozen small silver toddy spoons, each having a gilt figure handle representing some character in " Pickwick." The ladles were presented to Mr. Dickens by Messrs. Chapman & Hall on the completion of that work. Four of the six were bought by Mr. Agnew, and the prices may be

taken as some criterion of the relative popularity of Mr. Dickens' subjects. While Sam Weller fetched £64, Mr. Winkle only realiz ́ed £23, and Mr. Jingle was sold for £30. But the highest price for these small ladles was given by Mr. A. Halliday, for the figure of Pickwick, £69. The last of the lot was bought by Mr. Dickens' son for £34 guineas. Though it was not in the catalogue, the auctioneer then discovered that the morocco case for the ladles was for sale. After a spirited bidding, it was bought by Mr. Permain for three guineas. The sale realized £9,410.London Times,

OUT OF THE DIN OF BATTLE who would think of gathering a French tribute to Charles Dickens! Yet we read that when the 3rd Regiment of Voltiguers of the Imperial Guard marched out of Paris they were followed by their dog" Piquevuique.'

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IN A VERY SCARCE BOOK-Hall's Parochial History of Cornwell, published at Exeter in in 1750, mention is made of Killigrew, the celebrated Master of the Revels, temp. Charles II., though he never was formally installed Court Jester. The following anecdote will show, at all events, that he deserved the appointment, even though he did not get it: When Louis XIV. showed him his pictures at Paris the King pointed out to him a picture of the Crucifixion between two portraits.

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That on the right," added his Majesty, "is the Pope, and that on the left is myself." "I humbly thank your Majesty," replied the wit, "for the information; for though I have often heard that our Lord was crucified between two thieves, I never knew who they were till now."

BOOK-MAKING.-The Abbé de Marolles was so fond of book-making, that he published the names of all his friends, and all their acquaintances in a catalogue at his own expense. This gentlemen said to one of his companions, "My verses cost me very little." "They cost you as much as they are worth," replied

his friend.

SHERIDAN HAD A HARD MATTER to get in to Brookes's Club, owing to the aristocratic prejudices of old Selwyn, the gambler, who blackballed him at every ballot. Selwyn was not going to be elbowed by the son of an actor and the grandson of a schoolmaster. Charles James Fox, who was bent on getting his

brilliant friend into the club, discovered the hidden enemy by marking the balls. Sheridan then arranged a pleasant plot. The next ballot-evening Sheridan and the Prince of Wales, "the first gentleman of Europe," arrived at Brookes's arm in arm, and going into the strangers' room sent a waiter up for Selwyn. When Selwyn came Sheridan began a long rambling political story, which lasted nearly half an hour. Presently a waiter entered the room on some pretext, and stroked his chin as a signal that Sheridan was elected. Sheridan then got up, and made some natural excuse for a few minutes' absence, and left the Prince to finish the story, "the catastrophe of which," as he told Selwyn on leaving, "he would find very remarkable." Sheridan ran up stairs, and was received at the club-room door by Fox, who formally introduced him to the members. The Prince went on with the story for a time, then broke down, and, laughing at the figure he cut, asked Selwyn, as Sherry did not seem to comeback, to go up stairs and let Fox finish the recital. On entering the club-room Sheridan rose, thanked Selwyn for his suffrage, and offered to finish the story. "Your story! it's all a lie from beginning to end!" screamed Selwyn sitting down to whist gloomily, amidst shouts of laughter.

OBITUARY.-We regret to record the death of Mr. Andrew Merwin, the active auctioneer of the firm of Bangs, Merwin & Co. Mr.

Merwin had been a book auctioneer for over twenty years. His long experience, added to a natural ability and aptness for the business, rendered him the most acute and accomplished expert of the New York book We shall speak further of Mr. Merwin in a future number of the BIBLIOPO



THE AMERICAN CHEMIST.-We invite the attention of such of our subscribers who are interested in scientific matters, and especially manufacturers and others kikely to profit by a record of the latest revelations and dis

coveries, to an advertisement of the American Chemist in the present number of the BIBLIOPOLIST. As the ouly journal of its kind in the country, and conducted by capable men, who desire that its instruction may result in the most economical utilization of material, it should command the subscription of every manufacturer to whom chemical knowledge may be an aid.



HE adornment and decoration of ancient books was not exclusively confined to their bindings proper. Rich and costly volumes were frequently protected by an extra case or covering, frequently of a character scarcely less sumptuous than that of the cover which it was to protect. The Book of Hours of Charlemagne, now in the Louvre, was found originally encased in a little silver gilt box, upon which was engraved, in relief, a representation of the Mysteries of the passion. Some valuable books were enveloped in a sort of pocket or "chemise." The "Heures de St. Louis," now in the Musée des Souverains, still exists. protected by its "chemise" of red sandal wood.



The "Catenati," or books which were chained in churches and libraries, were generally Bibles and Missals, in wooden binding and heavily ornamented with metallic corners. bindings, embellished by the goldsmith's and lapidary's arts, were not so chained; they were of a private character, and not so exposed to the depredations of the joint disciples of Biblio and cleptomania. Nevertheless the books were of sufficient value to make this safeguard of iron very desirable. This would seem a reflection upon the pious of the middle ages, but may be that some other purpose was subserved in keeping such bulky volumes in fixed positions. Volumes frequently turn up, indeed we have possessed several, which still retained the of chain attached to the ring, which was formerly slipped over an iron rod running along the top of a desk. Up to the seventeenth century the books in the University of Leyden were so chained, the shelf and reading desk being combined. Owing to the ponderous properties of an ancient folio it was a matter of greater convenience to change position than to have the book conveyed to the reader. The corners, plates, clasps and nails rendered the volumes so heavy that in order to enable the reader to turn the leaves of more than one, with facility, the books were occasionally placed upon revolving desks, having space for many open folios at the same time; probably some locomotive turn-table arrangement, or monitor's turret, out of which volleyed and thundered ye ancient fathers.

Richly ornamented books were generally the property of a monastic institution or some titled or wealthy individual, and the church being the centre and chief influence of literary productions, we find that, with the occasional exception of classical subjects, the ornamentation of bindings of early books took a decidedly religious caste of character. The crucifix frequently occurred, relieved upon the sides of the volume, and representations of the Virgin, the infant Christ, adoration of the Magi, and images of like character formed the prevailing subjects of ornamentation. Occasionally, inside a thick binding of boards, next to the leaves, there was an excavation or sort of cupboard containing a silver crucifix, guarded by a metal door,*

*It is not often that there is occasion to quote that slippery and fallacious writer, ycleped S. Palmer, alias G. Psalmanazar; but herein we may disport ourselves with six of his lines as applicable to the subject in question. "I shall here mention something (says Palmer) concerning their [that is, the ancient,] way of bookbinding, an account of which we find in Scaliger, (Scaligeriana, p. 173, Hag. edit.) who tells us that his grandmother had a printed Psalter, the cover of which was two inches thick; in the inside was a kind of cupboard, wherein was a small silver crucifix, and behind it the name of Berenica Cordronia de la Scala. General Hist. of Printing, p. 96. The reader may consult another anecdote or two about Scaliger's knowledge of early printed books, in vol. 1, p. 351, 353 (of the Bib. Decameron). Of these ancient bibliopegistical specimens of cupboard preserved crucifixes, I do not remember to have seen more than one specimen.—Dibdin.

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