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very nearly, as nearly as man can be, allied to the purely animal. The only forces such can command are what are termed brute or physical force. The untutored aboriginals of many lands are, therefore, a very apt illustration of brute or physical force, and of this physical or material force only. But let what are termed civilized people come amongst such savages, with the soul-culture they exhibit in the fashioning and use of the electric telegraph, the steam-engine and railway, and all of the many illustrations of the mental force they command, and, to the aboriginal, on his lower, animal plane, these doings will actually appear to be nothing short of miraculous. Why? Because of his own low attainments in life. Because he lives only in the outermost, his merely animal nature. From his very imperfect standpoint, not having unfolded his interior, soulful, or mental nature, that which to him is apparently beyond the bounds of possibility, must be regarded as a miracle! Having clearly made that point we can seehow to make the next as clearly. The soulful man, whatever his attainments, cannot, as history shows, command the life and forces taining to the spirit, simply because he has them not; therefore, to him, every exhibition of spiritual life or power, is, according to Webster's definition of a miracle "an act or event beyond the ordinary laws of nature,” or, “an event contrary to the established order of things." Were it otherwise, and he occupied the spiritual plane, and enjoyed its life and potency, these acts or events would then come within the range of “ ordinary" and "established" ones, and, therefore they would be no longer viewed as miraculous. Christendom has been for many centuries furnishing the clearest of proof that she did not occupy the spiritual plane of life and power, and that is evidenced by virtue of the very fact, that she has quietly and meekly settled down to belief in miracles. By so doing she has, so far as her pretentious standing is concerned, signed her own death-warrant.


The entrance into the kingdom of heaven is within the possibilities of all possessing and employing this spiritual power. Isolated persons have passed its portals all adown the ages, and, in doing so, have abundantly illustrated and verified all that for which we herein contend, viz.: that, to the true spiritual man, those things which others may account as miracles, are only the most natural employment of potencies, as common to, and inseparable from, the highest life of man, as are the lower ones to those who contentedly and energetically occupy those inferior planes. None are in the ethical condition called for distinction's sake "the kingdom. of heaven," who are not in the conscious possession of that life, and its attendant powers. That condition is inseparable from an expression of universal love, in contradistinction to love of world, or sect, or family. It is a state of calm contentment and peace, and of never-failing joy. Those in it cannot feel concern about themselves, or any that belong to them; no: they positively cannot do it, because they never fail to realize that whatever happens is just that which is the very best for them under the conditions producing it. Selfishness could no more live in those actually within this "kingdom-of-heaven" condition, than the physical body could live in fire.

Men cheat themselves continually and egregiously into the belief that they are subjects of the reign of heaven, in the special and distinctive sense with which the term is employed in the sacred Scriptures, when they are incapable of showing anything of the special life, power, or virtue appertaining to that state. And when such boldly come forward, and assume to be what manifestly they are not, only they do not know it, they

are presuming as much as a colored man would be who dogmatically affirmed that he was a white man. Those who have been born of God, and consequently into spiritual life and power, do not need to clamor about it, for they cannot hide it from their fellows; they speak as the spirit gives them utterance; and regularly, and quite as a matter of course, employ in some way the abounding life, energy, and power of the spirit. If they are truly filled with the spirit of God, the demonstrations of that spirit will appear in their lives, so that it must be seen and admitted by all save the perverse and the prejudiced. At all events, they will enjoy and employ a life, and its attendant forces, which will enable them to do what the soulful man accounts as miracles, and if he does not acknowledge the works as of God, his only alternative is attributing them to "black-magic," or to infernal agency.

Christendom has erred in not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. She does not, of course, see herself in such a predicament; but she shows herself to be there by her quiet asseveration that the powers of the spirit are miraculous. In every way she declares herself to be soulful, and to lack the spirit; and yet, when thus charged with marked deficiency, she will proudly and loftily resent it. All her denials, however, are not as one feather's weight in the scale of evidence against the preponderance of testimony on the opposite side, with which testimony her history is everywhere interlarded. By her words she must be either justified or condemned. She declares all the doings of Christ and of his apostles to be miraculous; and she does this because she lacks experience in, or knowledge of, the lives that produced them. Thus she legibly has written her own condemnation, and all that she may find now to say for herself in palliation of her mistakes will avail her nothing. Out of her own mouth stands she condemned as a wanting and wicked servant. Fortunately she may at this-her eleventh hour-open her eyes, grasp what she has blindly missed, and so escape her doom.



THE brief notice in the June Esoteric under the above caption has been the means of awakening wide-spread interest among those of our friends who desire to see esoteric literature more popularly circulated.

Our aim is to secure some reliable party in each state thoroughly competent to establish and conduct in a successful manner, sub-agencies in each county of the territory, over which he may have control. These county agencies may be again divided, until at last we may see every principal city and town in the United States provided with an Esoteric Agency. This however, is an after-consideration, the main.point at present being to create state agencies, by putting thoroughly competent and reliable men at the head of the movement, in each state and territory from Maine to California. The slight effort thus far made in this direction shows us, beyond doubt, that we must look to this method for the more general and popular appreciation which our magazine and book publications are destined to excite. We believe that success, not only in the point of circulating books which cannot fail to elevate all who desire spiritual and moral growth, but also financial success awaits the wide-awake man who enlists his efforts in this work. We propose in all cases, to give our agents as complete protection as any publishing house in America can give those who are working in

like capacities for them. Encroachment upon territory will not be allowed, and every effort will be used to forward the interests of those who work for us, and to supply them with goods on terms which shall allow them a liberal margin of profit.

The conditions required are few and simple. We wish satisfactory references, and shall require each General Agent to purchase at least one hundred dollars worth of books, at discounts to be arranged by private correspondence.

Immediate communication is desired with all parties interested in the above briefly-outlined plan.

In the hands of a capable man, a state agency for our publications should be a very remunerative affair, for, by careful appointment of sub-agents and private canvassers, he should be able to do a large business. Especially is this true in view of the fact that, when under our protection, he will meet with little competition, since the occult literary field is not crowded as is the case with other kinds of literature.

We trust that those who are in earnest in this work will let us hear from them at once, lest, through delay, they find their state already apportioned to others.

The sale of occult literature is rapidly increasing, and our offer will furnish a valuable opening for many earnest men and women.

Address early communications to President Esoteric Publishing Co., 478 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass.


"NAKED Eye Astronomy" from press of other matter, is crowded out of this issue. The subject will be resumed in August number.

We have a few copies of the tables giving the Moon's positions for 1890 and 1891 which will be forwarded post-paid at ten cents per copy. These tables can be inserted in the first and second editions of "Solar Biology," thus making the old books as complete and useful as the latest edition.

OWING to a mistake of the compositors in setting up the article "Uses of Solar Biology," a misconception of the subject would be likely to be formed in the mind of readers, which would prevent a clear understanding of the science.


On page 514 of June Esoteric, where the correspondence is shown between the signs of the zodiac, and different departments of the human body, the sign S Leo), is given as governing the circulatory system, then the article should read; "my (Virgo), corresponding to the digestive system, and the solar plexus;" then follows (Libra), and the rest of the signs in their order. This connection brings my (Virgo), in its proper place, as the representative of the solar plexus, instead of (Leo), as given in the last number of the magazine.

Since the publication of the article so much fresh interest has been excited that a request has been made for a series of articles treating the subject more in detail. In compliance with this request such a series will be given, commencing with the (Leo) number, and viewing the subject from different stand-points with occasional delineations of persons who are well-known, from their dates of birth, thereby proving the value and utility of the science. Questions will be answered, and persons interested will confer a favor by sending day of month, year, as well as place and hour (if possible) of birth of prominent men and women.

A letter recently received from a subscriber in Connecticut evidences the longing for light which is so prevalent among the people. After asking several pertinent questions the writer closes with these words; "Will you please enlighten me? These few lines are sent to you, for light upon what may be an important subject." The questions referred to will be answered by Miss A. G. Payson in the next number.


A Magazine of Advanced and Practical Esoteric Thought.

Copyrighted, 1889.


[No. 2.

JULY 22 TO August 22.




We all remember to have been attracted by certain tones, and repelled by others, and that, even with the same persons, there are times when their speech is pleasing, apart from the words or ideas expressed, while at other times, the same words or ideas would sound harsh.

When we consider that the very tones in which we speak are filled with powers for good or evil in their action upon ourselves and others; when we remember that the emotional effect of the tone-quality of our own voices leaves indelible impressions upon our very structure, and upon the mental and moral integrity of those who hear us; when we remember that every evil in our action and thought is expressed in our intonations, and that these affect our body, heart and mind, as much as the bodies, hearts and minds of those who hear us speak, we will not only be careful of every word we utter, but we will be careful that they shall be spoken in tones capable of leaving only good effects upon ourselves and others.

When we remember the persuasive power of the voices of those who are great and good, and are animated by a noble purpose; and when we meditate upon the power which this gives them to work effectively for the good of others, we are brought to strongly feel the need of the ability to use these forces for our own more effective work among men and women. And when we remember that these overtones of the human voice produce in the hearer emotional and mental states corresponding to those of the speaker, and prepare the way in the mind of the pupil either for the reception or rejection of your instructions, we are led to feel the great importance of a practical knowledge of tones, and of their relation to emotions, in order that our voices may be our best letters of introduction and recommendation, and that our tones may assist us in persuading people to do as we wish them to do.

It is obvious that a knowledge of the intonations and tone qualities of voices will enable us to physically diagnose defects of mind and body, moral obliquities and tendencies, and to determine by short observation, the most immediate, real soul-needs of a pupil.

According as the harmonics of the voice are in excess or deficiency, as


compared to the normal voice, can it be determined what emotions are inharmoniously developed.


The amplitude-ratios of the harmonics will enable us to determine the mental and moral weaknesses most immediately operative against the success and welfare of their possessor. These moral abnormalities of character find expression more extensive than in mere tone-qualities; they extend to the rhythm of the speech, accentuation, cadence, and all those qualities of voice and gesture constituting all the different varieties between perfect and imperfect delivery, and all these factors enter into an estimation of the character of the pupil. The delivery may be a broken, hesitating jumping collection of short, unfinished sentences spoken in pure tones; it may be a series of long sentences, and definitely rounded periods, spoken in words deficient in vocal intonation; it may have unnaturally placed or improper accents; its fault may be a too rapid or too slow manner of speech, or it may be an otherwise perfect delivery marred by some metallic harshness in the tone which will enable the examiner to determine the immediate moral needs of the pupil.

It may be that an intense and definite conviction regarding philosophical matters will remove the weakness in one pupil; in another there must be a long culture to bring about a sincerity in the mind and heart, before the circumflex inflections indicative of this weakness, can be removed from the speech. If the tones are expressive of hate, there must be a long course of culture developing love for everything that exists.

If there be lack of sweetness and gentleness in the speech, do not expect to remove it by an elocutionary drill; you must teach the soul to feel and sympathize with a suffering world, by a long course of practical work among the people. Do not expect to remove the lip contortions and word accentuations indicative of lying by formula for practice. There must be a course of study of Nature's laws and methods, experimentally carried on, until there is developed a mental and moral integrity, and then the voice will indicate the character. The majestic, orotund utterances of an orator are born of the sublimity of his own feelings, they can never come from the lips of the unimpassioned declaimer.

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The lullaby soothes the child best when it comes from a restful heart and spirit. The tones in the voice of anger produce a feeling of fear in the breast of the victim, and, to eradicate from the voice the harmonics born of an angry disposition, the speaker must feel the effects of love, and assiduously cultivate the emotions of kindness and pity.

It is unnecessary to include in this list the numerous shades of anger, revenge, hate, disdain, insincerity, irritability, cunning, distrust, perfidy, etc., capable of expressing themselves in the human voice, and of throwing their poisonous effects upon all who hear their vocal expression. There are no moral weaknesses, no criminal impulses, no mental deficiencies the existence of which the human voice does not betray. On the other hand, there are no noble impulses, no merits or kindnesses, whose praises are not sung by the voice.

The presence of those harmonics indicative of weakness and sin are as guide-posts enabling us to direct the moral education of their possessor. The G.....R methods are briefly as follows. The moral obliquity, and mental weakness having been diagnosed, the pupil proceeds to rectify the underlying mental and emotional conditions.

It would be entirely useless to teach the proper form of speech and

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