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the king's cowardice. He met his fate with the calm bravery which had marked his whole life.

Until now the voyage from England to America had been made by way of the Canary islands and the West Indies. In 1602, Bartholomew Gosnold conceived the idea of proceeding direct from England to Virginia, as the whole region north of Florida was called by the English. Sailing directly across the Atlantic, he reached Cape Elizabeth, on the coast of Maine, after a voyage of seven weeks. Proceeding southward along the coast he reached Cape Cod, to which he gave the name on the 15th of May, and went ashore there. He was thus the first Englishman to set foot in New England. He continued his voyage along the coast and entered Buzzard's bay. To the westernmost of the islands of this stately sound he gave the name of Elizabeth-a name which has since been applied to the entire group. Loading his ship with sassafras root, which was then highly esteemed for its medicinal virtues, Gosnold sailed for England, and arrived home safely after a voyage of less than four weeks. He gave the most favorable accounts of the region he had visited, and other adventurers were induced by his reports to undertake voyages for the purpose of trading with the natives. Among these was George Waymouth, who reached and explored the coast of Maine in 1605. On his return voyage Waymouth kidnapped five Indians and carried them to England, "to be instructed in English, and to serve as guides to some future expedition.'

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The voyages of Gosnold and Waymouth to the coast of New England were followed by those of numerous other English adventurers. In 1614, Captain John Smith, who had already distinguished himself by his services in Virginia, made a voyage to America with two ships, furnished at the expense of himself and four merchants of London. The voyage was for the purpose of trading with the natives, and was very successful. Smith took advantage of the opportunity to explore the coast from the Penobscot to Cape Cod. He prepared a map of the coast, and named the country New England-a title which was confirmed by the Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles I. After Smith's return to England, Hunt, the commander of the other vessel, succeeded in inducing twenty of the natives, with their chief Squarto, to visit his ship, and as soon as they were on board put to sea. He sold the savages as slaves in Spain. A few of them, Squanto among the number, were purchased by some kind-hearted monks, who instructed them in the Christian faith in order to send them back to their own people as missionaries of the cross. Squanto escaped to England in 1619, and there learned the language, and was afterward an interpreter between the English settlers and his people.



Formation of the London Company-Conditions of its Charter-Departure of the first Colony-Quarrels during the Voyage-Arrival in the Chesapeake Settlement of Jamestown-Formation of the Government-Character of Captain John Smith-Exploration of the James River-Newport and Smith visit Powhatan-Smith Admitted to the Government-Explores the Chickahominy-Is Captured and Sentenced to Death-Is Saved by Pocahontas-Gains the Friendship of Powhatan for the Colony-Returns to Jamestown-His Decisive Measures-Return of Newport-Smith Explores the Chesapeake Bay-The new Emigrants-Smith compels them to Labor-Smith is Wounded and compelled to return to England-Disasters to the Colony-Arrival of Sir Thomas Gates-Jamestown Abandoned-Arrival of Lord Delaware-The Return to Jamestown -A Change for the Better-New Settlements-Sir Thomas Gates arrives with Reinforcements-Capture of Pocahontas by Captain Argall-She is Baptized-Marries John Rolfe-Sir Thomas Dale's Administration-Yeardley Governor-The first Legislative Assembly-Representative Government established in America-The Colonists obtain Wives-Changes in the Government.

HE favorable reports which had been brought back to England by the voyagers to the new world had prevented the interest of Englishmen in America from entirely dying out, and some ardent spirits still believed it possible to make that continent the seat of a prosperous dominion dependent upon England. The former assistants of Raleigh, in particular, held to the convictions which their chief had entertained to the day of his death. The selfish and timid policy of King James having made it impossible for men to acquire distinction by naval exploits, as in the days of Elizabeth, the more adventurous classes lent a willing ear to the plans for colonizing America, which were discussed in various parts of the kingdom. Bartholomew Gosnold, who had explored the New England coast, was especially active in seeking to induce capitalists to send out a colony to it. Sir Ferdinand Gorges, a wealthy gentleman and Governor of Plymouth, had been greatly interested in America by the accounts of Waymouth, who had given him two of the Indians he had brought to England. These succeeded in interesting others in their plans, and the result was, that early in the reign of King James two companies were formed in England for the colonization of America. One of these was the "London

Company," composed chiefly of noblemen and merchants residing in London. The other was the "Plymouth Company," composed of "knights, gentlemen, and merchants," residing in the west of England. King James divided Virginia into two parts. To the London Company he granted "South Virginia," extending from Cape Fear, in North Carolina, to the Potomac. To the Plymouth Company he gave "North Virginia," stretching from the Hudson to Newfoundland. The region between the Potomac and the Hudson he left as a broad belt of neutral land to keep the companies from encroaching upon each other's domains. Either was at liberty to form settlements in this region within fifty miles of its own border.




The London Company was the first to settle the country assigned it. A liberal charter was granted the company: the lands in the new world were to be held by it on the simple conditions of homage and the payment to the crown of one-fifth of the gold and silver and one-fifteenth of the copper that should be discovered. A general council, residing in England, was to have authority over the whole province, and the members of this council were to be appointed and removed by the king at his good pleasure. Each separate colony was to be under the control of a colonial council residing within its own limits, and the king retained the right to direct the appointment or removal of the members of these councils at his pleasure. The king also reserved the supreme legislative authority over the colonies, and framed for their government a code of laws "an exercise of royal legislation which has been pronounced in itself illegal." The colonists were placed by this code under the rule of the superior and local councils we have named, in the choice of which they had no voice. The religion of the Church of England was established as that of the colony, and conformity to it was secured by severe penalties. Death was the punishment for murder, manslaughter, adultery, dangerous seditions and tumults. In all cases not affecting life and limb offenders might be tried by a magistrate, but for capital offences trial by jury was secured. In the former cases the punishment of the offender was at the discretion of the president and council. The Indians were to be treated with kindness, and efforts were to be made for their conversion to Christianity. For five years at least the affairs of the colonists were to be conducted in a joint stock. The right to impose future legislation upon the province was reserved by the king. Such was the form of


government first prescribed for Virginia by England, in which, as Bancroft truly says, there was "not an element of popular liberty." "To the emigrants themselves it conceded not one elective franchise, not one of the rights of self-government. They were to be subjected to the 'ordinances of a commercial corporation, of which they could not be members; to the dominion of a domestic council, in appointing which they had no voice; to the control of a superior council in England, which had no sympathy with their rights; and finally, to the arbitrary legislation of the sovereign."

Under this charter the London Company prepared to send out a colony to Virginia. It was to be a commercial settlement, and the emigrants were composed altogether of men. One hundred and five persons, exclusive of the crews of the vessels, joined the expedition. Of these not twenty were farmers or mechanics. The remainder were "gentlemen," or men who had ruined themselves at home by idleness and dissipation. A fleet of three small ships, under command of Captain Newport, was assembled, and on the 19th of December, 1606, sailed for America.

The emigrants sailed without having perfected any organization. The king had foolishly placed the names of those who were to constitute the government in a sealed box, which the adventurers were ordered not to open until they had selected a site for their settlement and were ready to form a government. This was most unfortunate, for during the long voyage dissensions arose, and there was no one in the expedition who possessed the authority requisite for controlling the unruly spirits. These quarrels grew more intense with the lapse of time, and when the shores of Virginia were reached the seeds of many of the evils from which the colony afterwards suffered severely had been thoroughly sown. There were among the number several who were well qualified to direct the affairs of the expedition, but they were without the proper authority to do So, and there was no such thing as voluntary submission to be scen among the adventurers. The merits of the deserving merely excited the jealousy of their companions, and the great master spirit of the enterprise found from the first his disinterested efforts for the good of the expedition met by a jealous and determined opposition.

Newport was not acquainted with the direct route, and made the old passage by way of the Canaries and the West Indies. He thus consumed the whole of the winter, and while searching for the island of Roanoke, the scene of Raleigh's colony, his fleet was driven northward by a severe storm, and forced to take refuge in the Chesapeake bay on the 26th of April, 1607. He named the headlands of this bay Cape Henry and Cape Charles, in honor of the two sons of James I., and because of the

comfortable anchorage which he obtained in the splendid roadstead which enters the bay opposite its mouth, he gave to the northern point the name of Point Comfort, which it has since borne. Passing this, a noble river was discovered coming from the westward, and was named the James, in honor of the English king. The country was explored with energy, and though one small tribe of Indians was found to be hostile, a treaty of peace and friendship was made with another at Hampton. The fleet ascended the river, and explored it for fifty miles. A pleasant peninsula, on the left bank of the stream, was selected as the site of the colony, and on the 13th of May, 1607, the settlement was definitely begun, and was named Jamestown, in honor of the king.

The leading spirit of the enterprise was John Smith, one of the truest heroes of history, who has been deservedly called "the father of Virginia." He was still a young man, being but thirty years of age, but he was old in experience and knightly deeds. While yet a youth he had served in Holland in the ranks of the army of freedom, and had travelled through France, Egypt, and Italy. Burning to distinguish himself, he had repaired to Hungary, and had won a brilliant reputation by his exploits in the ranks of the Christian army engaged in the defence of that country against the Mohammedans. He repeatedly defeated the chosen champions of the Turks in single combat, but being at length captured was sent to Constantinople and sold as a slave. The wife of his master, pitying his misfortunes, sent him to a relative in the Crimea, with a request to treat him with kindness, but contrary to her wishes he was subjected to the greatest harshness. Rendered desperate by this experience, he rose against his task-master, slew him, and seizing his horse, escaped to the border of the Russian territory, where he was kindly received. He wandered across the country to Transylvania, and rejoined his old companions in arms. Then filled with a longing to see his "own sweet country" once more, he returned to England. He arrived just as the plans for the colonization of Virginia were being matured. He readily engaged in the expedition organized by the London Company, and exerted himself in a marked degree to make it a success. He was in all respects the most capable man in the whole colony, for his natural abilities were fully equal to his experience. He had studied human nature under many forms in many lands, and in adversity and danger had learned patience and fortitude. His calm, cool courage, his resolute will, and his intuitive perception of the necessities of a new settlement, were destined to make him the main stay of the colony of Virginia, but as yet these high qualities had only excited the malicious envy of his associates, and


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