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"France is making way, through all the obstruction | of her revolutions and uncertainty as to her political destinies. Strangers cannot be shut out. Books, letters, opinions of all shades have their sway, and make their appeal to the ears of her inquisitive people. They themselves travel, and, as is common with men of aspiring genius, they affect the society of those from whom they can learn the most. England and America lay open their capital of mind to them. They would shoot far ahead of us in their theories of liberty, but yet stand again to inquire what it is that gives the solidity and firmness, the peace, security, and permanence, to the share of it that we enjoy ?

They will find our sound Protestant principles to be at the bottom of this, and that sincere honesty and faithfulness form the sleepers on which our structure of patriotism is reared. Some have been struck with the respect shown to the laws in our country, the power of self-government among the people, the interest taken by all in the preservation of peace and good order. There is no boastful assertion of liberty, nor restless struggle to maintain it. We are settled in its peaceful enjoyment, under a stable government, and well-defined laws. There is nothing romantic or highflown in our appreciation of our advantages. We feel our difficulties and draw. backs, which are many. A sober, hard-working people are, in our day, the people of "merry old England!" Our strong point, the salt that preserves us, is the sound piety, the practical scriptural religion that has place among us. Through these we rise from our defeats, renew our endeavours, and still press onwards. The attention of our stranger friends has been drawn sometimes of late to this trait of our nationality, as exhibited in the private walks of life. They remark the intimate union in families, the harmony and order, the respect to relative duties, observable by those who penetrate our dwellings, and share for a season our domestic hospitality. Those who have not seen religious services conducted but as a performance, with the ceremonial of time, place, and outward objects of devotion, have been caught as with a new impression, in seeing the father of a family open and read the Word of God, "that maketh wise unto salvation," among his assembled household, inviting them afterwards to prayer, and carrying them with him to the throne of grace, to acknowledge their common sins, mercies, hopes, and consolations.

We rejoice in the scope given by the freedom of the British soil, for the pent-up feelings of exiled indignant patriots to find utterance. Fervent sympathy, hearty counsel, renewed patience, reviving hope, have of late visited many a dejected spirit under our cloudy sky-while the avenues to future influence and communion on subjects whose interest does not terminate with this life, have been opened to a greater extent than ever before. Our London Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations, the marvel of this summer, will be fruitful in consequences beyond those immediately designed by its ingenious projectors. A happy conception it has been for fusing down the barriers of exclusive nationality, and drawing together, on terms of friendly communication, the active practical middle classes from all countries, from whom the wealth of nations is derived, and by whose interests their peace and prosperity are cemented and continued-and Providence, doubtless, has ulterior designs. Traffic in the world's gewgaws, and good understanding on matters of secular inte

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rest, is not to be the terminating object of this latelyformed convention of the people of many lands. We live in "the last times," and, as we have reason to believe, not far from the winding up of a grand historic era, when "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge be increased"-knowledge and science we may presume in every line; but chiefly and always converging toward the central point in the Divine economy, the manifestation of the character of God, and the establishment, through human agency, of his reign in righteousness over the family of mankind. (To be continued.)

RAGGED SCHOOLS IN GERMANY-THE RAUHE HAUS, NEAR HAMBURG. In the Numbers of this Magazine for March and May, we gave some account of the German Home Mission. We showed what its general principles were, and also what was the field of its operations. We are still far from having exhausted the subject, and accordingly proceed to give some account of the personal labours of Wichern, who may be regarded as the representative of this movement, and whose life is spent in the cause of true Christian philanthropy. Many of our readers must have heard of the Institution over which he presides,—the "RAUHE HAUS," near Hamburg,-a name which has no particular meaning, and was simply the appellation given to the locality before it became the field of this interesting moral experiment. The circumstances connected with its origin will go far to explain its general character, as well as to show from how small beginnings the greatest Christian undertakings have risen. In 1832, a society existed in Hamburg whose object was the visiting of the poorer districts of the town, the instruction of the ignorant, the comforting of the sick, the reclaiming of the outcast and profligate. One case of special destitution occurred to which relief was granted. The children were sent to school, work was provided for the other members of the family, and yet the result was, that the whole family fell back at last into the deepest degradation and profligacy. Similar cases were constantly occurring, until the conviction gained ground that assistance must be rendered in another way, and that the true method of rescuing such children from the ruin of body and soul, was the establishment of an institution for their especial behoof. Those who were engaged in the work of this society were unable to supply the necessary means for such a work. One of their meetings broke up with the resolution, that all of them should make the subject one of special prayer, and the hope was even then expressed that God would speedily vouchsafe to them some token of his goodwill. When the members of the society met each other, the common inquiry was, whether they were praying earnestly that God would crown their labours with success. Nor was their faith in his promise misplaced: for, at that very time, one of the members of the society was visited by a person almost entirely unknown to him, who, with no knowledge whatever of their plans as a society, handed him 100 dollars, with the request that it should be devoted to the poor. It was farther added, that, if possible, the money should be applied to some Christian institution; and, best of all, to one which was in the course of being established. It would be difficult to give a better example of an answer to

prayer; and yet, in the statistics of Christian bene- | volence, we find many examples of help coming so unexpectedly, and yet so opportunely, as to prove that the gift came less from man than from God, and that it was given as the reward of believing prayer. This was only the pledge and earnest of greater liberality; for, shortly after, a very large sum was paid over, owing to the terms of a will made several years before, one of whose provisions was, that the money should be devoted to such an institution as the one now proposed. The whole matter was successfully concluded, when, after many vain attempts to obtain ground, a rich proprietor in the neighbourhood of Hamburg made over to them a most eligible locality on his estate as the scene of their future labours. The house itself,-the so-called Rauhe Haus,-was an unpretending cottage of one storey, with a thatched roof, in a fertile and beautiful neighbourhood, and commanded a wide expanse of view all around. Into this humble dwelling Wichern entered in November 1833, accompanied by his mother, and by three children, who were the first of those whom they sought to pluck as brands from the burning.

Since that time this building has been surrounded by a cluster of others, to the number of thirteen. Year after year some new addition was made, according as the institution prospered and grew. Nor, indeed, has it yet attained its limit,-for we believe that Wichern is still contemplating the erection of other buildings for the farther development of his noble plan. These separate buildings are severally of the most unpretending kind, and yet the history of each supplies us with an additional example of Christian zeal, as it also shows the singular completeness of detail which characterises the institution. The whole now comprises several separate residences for the boys and for the girls, a Church, the workshops of the different trades, with a considerable piece of ground for gardening, agriculture, &c. Wichern has shown remarkable skill in interesting the children in the history of the institution under whose shadow and shelter they live, and in connection with which they have received the rudiments of Christian education. As each little edifice rose up, he celebrated a kind of household festival, consisting partly of some religious service, an address to the children on the design of the building to be raised,—its solemn dedication to God, and the recording of any little incident connected with the working of the institution. All this was well fitted to impress the hearts of those who had here all the privileges of a Christian home, in exchange for the vice, and misery, and crime to which they had been early familiarized. The whole was sometimes brought to a close by an "apple-feast," which was furnished by shaking one of the large garden-trees, and permitting all and sundry to scramble for the fruit as it fell. At other times, such festivals were observed after the building was completed, and a long address in rhyme was delivered by one of the workmen; and at other times, on the anniversaries of the day when possession might be taken of the new dwellings by the successive detachments of outcast children who were brought to the institution. In many ways of this kind, Wichern seeks to improve every opportunity of reaching the consciences of his scholars, and to lead their hearts away from the blessings of their earthly benefactors to those better blessings which God gives to all his children. Many of these occasions were signally acknowledged

by God, in the spiritual results that followed, which altogether have been of the most remarkable kind. It was also usual to employ the children from the very first in giving what assistance they could,—as in clearing the ground, or bringing building materials to the spot, and the like. On these festive occasions, large assemblages came from Hamburg and the surrounding neighbourhood; and thereby, while the good of the children was directly aimed at, multitudes were interested in the work, and aided it by their alms and their prayers.

We may give a few examples of the kind of incidents which Wichern sought to improve. In July 1838, every preparation was made for one of these anniversary festivals. According to custom, that particular building whose history was commemorated, had been profusely ornamented with flowers and wreaths by one of the boys. After doing this, he went to bathe in the adjoining pond, and was drowned. The bell which summoned them to a festival, was rather the call to a funeral; and the whole household stood in tears around the water's edge until the body was found. It so happened that this youth had been utterly ignorant of divine truth till he entered the Rauhe Haus, and that few of its inmates had given more decided evidence of having undergone the great spiritual change. He was a favourite with all; and his sudden call was peculiarly fitted to make a deep impression on those who stood so closely connected with him.

Other incidents which Wichern sought to improve were in connection with the opening of the building for the girls. At that very time notice was given them, that unless they were prepared to buy the ground attached to the institution, it could no longer be rented to them as it had been. Their treasury was empty; and yet the ground was of vast service to them, both in the way of supplying food to the house, and also of training the inmates in the work of gardening and field labour. What happened Intimation was sent to Wichern that a Christian lady, who had died, had left the very sum that was needed to make the purchase, and thereby enabled them to live on in peace and plenty. Such things, indeed, were often occurring, and gave good opportunity to prove to the children that a higher than earthly Hand was supplying their wants. Shortly afterwards came the great fire of Hamburg, which laid a large quarter of the town in ashes. The awful sight was well seen from the Rauhe Haus-as for three days the destructive element blazed on every side. The doors of this benevolent institution were thrown open to multitudes of the houseless fugitives. The children who had been rescued from far greater danger, were practically taught the lesson of gratitude to their benefactors, and of sympathy for those who had not such mercies as they had. Wichern repeatedly referred to the eyents of that terrible week in 1842; and it is easy to see how full of moral lessons it was to all, and especially to the children of his charge. One result of it was, that six children of parents who had lost every thing by the fire, were added to the institution; and then also new means were placed at their disposal for extending its blessings more widely. The accommodation for the girls had hitherto been of a very insufficient kind, and great joy was expressed among them when the new building was ready for their reception. On the day of this domestic festival, the girls were all tidily attired, to form a procession from the old to the new dwell

ing. Wichern addressed them in a touching spirit, on the change about to take place. He recalled to the memory of his youthful audience the many blessed hours they had spent in their old, mosscovered dwelling; and how truly many of them had there, for the first time, been told of that house which is not made with hands, but which is eternal in the heavens. Tears streamed down their cheeks; and they took their departure, singing an appropriate hymn-each one led by the hand of some of the visitors who were present on the occasion. Such were the incidents which were always improved for the spiritual profit of those committed to his care.

But it is time for us to look more closely at the internal arrangements of the establishment. As it now stands, the organization of the Rauhe Haus is exceedingly complete-so much so, that, as has been remarked, days are required to understand the relations of its several circles, from the least to the greatest. No little skill is needed to superintend the many arrangements that are requisite to give elasticity and life to the whole. The remarkable circumstance is, that the inmates of the place do not constitute a miscellaneous assemblage, without order or plan. The principle of individualizing is carried out to a great extent, and gives both its variety and its interest to the whole. When children are brought to the institution, those who bring them are required to sign a document, declaring that they will not interfere with the education they are to receive-nor call them away-nor force themselves into the place where they are, without the permission of the superintendent. The great majority of those who are taken in are the children of worthless and profligate parents, and have themselves generally been guilty of some crime; yet the past part of their lives is never mentioned by way of reproach against them; and to blot out the remembrance of it as much as possible, they receive a new name when they are enrolled. Those who have recently come, enter the Noviciate; of these, there are two for the boys and one for the girls. After a sufficient time has elapsed to evince what their character is, they are admitted into one or another of the families who occupy the separate dwellings already referred to. The design of this division is to separate those of like character as much as possible; because they soonest come to understand each other, and to encourage each other in iniquity. These families are five in number. Each one has a superintendent and assistants, who dwell in the same building, and one of whom is always present. The following is the order of each day's proceedings:-At five o'clock, all the inmates of the house are awaked, and the superintendent, whether male or female, offers up the morning prayer; after which the boys are taken to bathe in the adjoining pond; an hour's teaching follows; and then the whole house assembles in the church for their religious service, to which we shall presently refer. When breakfast is finished, all assemble in the front of the workshops. They then divide themselves -some of their number going to labour as tailors, shoemakers, bookbinders, &c.; while others go to the field, or to the garden, or to the buildings which may be in progress. At mid-day they are all again assembled in their several families, under their respective superintendents. After dinner, a half-hour is allowed for play on the open space before each house. Attached to each building is the garden, where each boy and girl has a separate plot to cultivate. Work is again proceeded with till half-past four, which is the


time for the evening religious service. Thereafter given in all the elementary branches by regular work and instruction are combined. Instruction is preparing for the ministry, and by Wichern himself, teachers, the two head superintendents, students in presence of the whole school. Singing enlivens heartily joined in by all, whether masters or pupils. the whole procedure of the establishment, and is course, in part different. They are occupied with Tho arrangements followed as to the girls are, of Wichern's mother and wife, who both heartily cothe household affairs, and are superintended by operate with him in his labours of love. Besides these general regulations, the superintendents keep undergo a weekly examination, and thereby the case minute journals of the doings of each day. These friendly feeling has ever existed between Wichern of each separate child is fully understood. The most and those who share in these labours; and the whole circle. Much, indeed, has taken place to encourage appearance of the place is truly that of a large family them in their labours. Many have been truly made partakers of the new name and the new heart; and but few indeed have fallen back into gross sin.

to which a special interest attaches-the Church There are two of the buildings in the Rauhe Haus and the Workshop. As the institution increased, great inconvenience was found in conducting the religious services in one of the buildings which was devoted to with the erection of a separate building called the other purposes; and, in 1839, the managers proceeded Betsaal. Contributions again poured in upon them in their hour of need, and in this instance they unexpectedly received help from America. A special ceremony took place at the laying of the foundationstone. No stone of sufficient size could be found wayside which was selected. On it were inscribed within the grounds-but at last one was found by the the words " JESUS CHRIST THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOR EVER." Excellent use was made of the the stone which was despised by the builders being circumstance to explain the passage which speaks of made the head-stone of the corner. As in other cases, great help was given by the boys themselves in the advancement of the work.

unpretending, but well adapted for the purpose of the The internal arrangements are very simple and building. The most remarkable thing is the service, which is conducted when the whole institution assembles. It supplies a good example of that spiritual life which Wichern has blended with all his plans. The inmates are arranged according to the circumstance of their having received or not that rite of English Church. Those who have been confirmed confirmation, which prevails in the German as in the occupy the outer seats, those who have not been confirmed occupy in regular order the five seats in front. Each seat is superintended by its respective monitors, ants, to whom the arrangements of the religious serwho are again directed by one of Wichern's assistvices are committed.

These services have very great interest and variety from the special allusions which they contain to different events in the lives of the children, the history of Let us briefly give some of the details. The daily the Institution, or the calendar of the German Church. service begins with singing-after which three of the boys read three texts for the day, containing a doctrine, a promise, and a prayer. After prayer, one of the girls reads part of the small Catechism by Luther,

which is gone through once a-week. Thereafter one of the boys reads the passage from the Bible which has been selected in his special "family" as the lesson of the week. The same course is followed with regard to the other families-and thereby a special knowledge is acquired by each with regard to the lessons that are being taught to the rest. The second part of the service is a practical address by the master, from a portion of the Bible. A book of Scripture is generally gone through-and the passage spoken from is read aloud by all at the close. The third part of the service consists in celebrating the birthdays of the children on their anniversaries. Each child on entering the institution receives a little book inscribed with an appropriate text, to which special attention is then called. The same course is followed on the anniversary of their baptism, and of their admission to the institution. The design of these arrangements is to keep such events constantly before the mind, and to impress on the children the great spiritual lessons connected with them. In addition to these, there are occasionally occurring the anniversaries of particular events connected with the history of the Rauhe Haus, like those which we have referred to. These serve well to kindle the hearts of the children into gratitude for the deliverance wrought out for them in being rescued from destruction, and in being made to partake of such special kindness at the hands of their benefactors. At the beginning and close of a month, special reference is made to kindred institutions, and prayer offered up for those connected with them. In addition to all this, the ordinary feasts of the German Church are regularly observed, such as Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost. It must be evident that every thing is done by such arrangements to interest the children in the religious services in which they daily engage, and we cannot wonder that much spiritual fruit has been brought forth where so much of the good seed has been sown. We know not a better example than that supplied here of what Christian education is-by which we do not mean the making the lessons of religion stand coldly apart from every thing else, nor the regarding them as one thing to be taught among many-but rather the pervading the whole economy of the school with Christian doctrines, and motives, and duties.

Another of the buildings we spoke of was the place where the work of the different trades is carried on. Wichern makes the motto of the institution "ORA ET LABORA"-and the closest connection subsists between religious services and daily occupations. By this union, he seeks to train up those committed to his charge for a life of active exertion here, and a life of happiness hereafter. The two buildings stand side by side, as if to teach them that we live under the law of labour, and under the higher law of prayer. He himself says, that the difference consists in this-that labour separates men into different groups the further the division of labour goes, but that prayer unites them again into one holy family in the Lord. This Arbeitshaus was erected in 1836. From the very first, something was done to train the boys to habits of industry, whilst they received the lessons of education, and the higher lessons of religion. One of the first efforts of this kind was the making of wooden shoes like those worn in the north of Germany. A large poplar tree in the garden was cut down, and all proceeded to the task with boyish glee. It was soon discovered that many items of expense in the institution could be saved by

the labour of the boys, and hence different trades followed, until now the place is a busy hive of industry. All the more common occupations are carried on-such as those of tailors, shoemakers, bakers, masons, gardeners, &c. The girls also are as regularly employed in washing, cooking, serving, &c. Last of all, a most important addition has been made by a printing and bookbinding establishment. The expense of this was defrayed by some friends of the Rauhe Haus, and work was begun in January 1842. The first thing that was put to the press was the 23d Psalm. The press is of vast service in publishing the different reports which are being constantly issued, as well as supplying the materials of instruction for the school. One publication printed in the place deserves especial notice, entitled, "Die fliegende Blätter des Rauhen Hauses." These registers contain full accounts of the proceedings of this institution as well as of similar institutions in other lands, and their design is to awaken a more general interest in the whole work of the German Home Mission, as explained in previous Numbers of this Magazine. An agency has also been attached to the institution in Hamburg for the sale of the productions which issue from the press. Many small publications are being printed, fitted especially for those in the position of the children who attend the Rauhe Haus.

One department of the Rauhe Haus we have not yet noticed, namely, the Brüder-Anstalt, which is occupied with the training of young men for the different departments of Christian labour-as in sick institutions, in prisons, in the work of colporteurs, city missionaries, missionaries to emigrants, and the like. Up to last year, above 70 of this class had passed through Wichern's hands, and we believe that about 30 are generally resident with him. His institution has thus the double character of a ragged school, and also of a normal school for training those who devote their lives to such a work. They are generally men taken from the working-classes, who pursue their several callings at the same time that they are receiving instruction for their higher avocations. Wichern superintends their mental and moral training, and directs them in their whole labours among the children. He devotes special attention to the work of grounding them in the principles of home missionary labour, and has abundant opportunity to illustrate these practically in their whole intercourse with the several pupils.

His own language is, that "the whole institution— the Brüder-Anstalt would fall to pieces if it were thought that he was merely to instruct them in the practical part of education. The truth is, that we live and labour together for the sake of the children, and that our just calling is to love the children in the love of Christ-to watch over them now that that love may become more strong, whatever their future occupation may be."

We must draw to a close by noticing what the general results of the labours of the Rauhe Haus have been. The entire number of inmates is about 120. Multitudes of children have passed through the institution, and no better proof can be given of the good it has done than the fact, that many of them have revisited it-that those who may be employed in Hamburg often spend their Sabbaths there-and that those whose lot is cast in some distant place have sent it some lasting memorial of their gratitude. Many look back to it as the place

where they were first taught to hate sin and to love the Redeemer, and by its blessed influence they are now enabled to maintain, in their several spheres, a life and a conversation becoming the gospel. Above 80 teachers have been sent forth to labour in different parts of the vineyard-carrying with them the spirit and the plans of the noble-hearted founder of the Rauhe Haus. Some of these are labouring among the outcasts in the large towns of the continent-some have followed their countrymen to the banks of the Ohio and the Mississippi, and some have gone to the heathen of the South Seas and of Hindostan, to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation. It is impossible to survey this whole work without feeling, that however humble a sphere of Christian activity be, it yet supplies abundant scope for the exercise of the highest talents and energy, and Christian worth. Of this, the life and labours of Wichern supply a precious example. We give all honour to men like Sheriff Watson, the Earl of Shaftesbury, and Dr Guthrie, whose names are associated with this cause of Christian philanthropy at home; but we must not forget, that as far back as 1833, a Ragged School was established in Germany, and that it has the honour of more fully developing the principles and illustrating the practice of such schools than any in Great Britain.

well feel that his task is indeed an arduous one, demanding for its right and successful accomplishment powers, acquirements, and graces of no common kind and degree. It may be useful to prosecute for a little the view thus suggested.

The attempt to write an introduction to any portion of the New Testament implies an accurate acquaintance, not only with the language in which it was written, but also with the manners and customs of the people, and all the peculiarities of their condition at that special period. Without such knowledge, the attempt would be absolutely preposterous. Scholarship, both extensive and accurate, is therefore quite indispensable for the production of such a work; and that, too, not the mere knowledge of words and idiomatic forms of expression, which constitute the body of a language, but a clear perception of those minute turns and shades of meaning which are its life and spirit. Even this is not enough; for though it might produce a very good grammatical inquirer, it would not enable its possessor to understand and explain either references to manners and customs, or historical allusions, which are often necessary to a full conception of the text. Such an acquaintance with these matters as might almost enable the writer to transfer himself to Jerusalem, or Athens, or Corinth, or Ephesus, or Rome, and to reproduce their characteristics as if present and alive,

DAVIDSON'S INTRODUCTION TO THE NEW is, if not indispensable, at least highly necessary for


THE third and concluding volume of this learned and elaborate work has recently appeared; and considering the important and extensive subject which the author has had to investigate, it is not without reason that he expresses his "devout thankfulness to God that he has been able to complete his arduous task." That the task was indeed an arduous one, must be evident to every person who has even but a partial acquaintance with the numerous and difficult questions included within the scope of what are termed Introductions to the Sacred Scriptures. Such topics, for example, as the following fall to be discussed, as introduction to almost any given epistle:-Authorship of the epistle-Its canonical authority-The persons or church to whom it was addressed-The time and place of writing-State of the parties addressed-Object which the writer had in viewAgreement of the contents with the specified purpose of the writer-Its original language-Its integrity and genuineness - Its authenticity. Other topics may come under observation in the case of peculiar writings; but every person must perceive that any thing like a full discussion of such as we have enumerated, cannot fail to involve matters of the utmost importance to every reader of the Sacred Scriptures. There is not, in short, a single topic on which Scripture can be either assailed or defended, which opponents can darken and misrepresent, or defendants can illustrate and vindicate,-that may not legitimately be investigated under the general title of "Introduction." In such a work, therefore, all the arguments of infidel and rationalist writers may be brought under review, and treated according to the judgment and discretion of the writer; and any man who ventures to undertake such a work, may

* An Introduction to the New Testament; containing an Examination of the most important Questions relating to the Authority, Interpretation, and Integrity of the Canonical Books, with reference to the latest Inquiries. By Samuel Davidson, D.D. Volume III-The First Epistle to Timothy, to the Revelation.

the writer of an introduction, the design of which is to place us in the best position for understanding an epistle written to, or even from, any of these places. Few, indeed, are the scholars, either in this or in any other country, who can thus conceive and reproduce the past. But a still higher qualification is necessary. When we think closely on the subject of the epistles, in particular, we can scarcely fail to perceive, that having, in the first instance, a special aim in view, and being designed to convey instruction expressly adapted to the state of heart, thought, and habit in those to whom they were addressed, and coloured by the mental peculiarities of those by whom they were written, they cannot be fully understood and explained without a very intimate and profound perception of all that was peculiar, both in those to whom they were addressed, and in those by whom they were written. To comprehend fully the Epistle to the Romans, for example, it would be necessary to become, on the one hand, a member of the church at Rome, and, on the other, the apostle Paul. Or, in those epistles which refer to the incipient Gnosticism of certain churches, to understand and introduce them fully and correctly, it would be necessary to feel all the insidious tendencies of Gnostic opinions, and the clear, strong, searching power of the counteracting divine truths produced for their refutation. A man unacquainted with Gnosticism could not write a suitable introduction to an epistle addressed to people tainted with that early heresy. A man unable to soar into the lofty spiritualities of the apostle's reasoning, would be as incompetent to the task. be able, therefore, intelligently to understand the position, feelings, opinions, beliefs, and character, both of the writer of the epistle, and of those to whom it was written, would appear to be a qualification absolutely indispensable for any man who aspires to the achievement of writing a suitable introduction. Thus viewed, we know of but one suitable introduction to any portion of the Sacred Scriptures, namely, the Epistle to the Hebrews, which is an in


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